Is an iPhone 6 + really worth it?

Is an iPhone 6 plus really worth it? A comparison to smaller iPhones, on

We were still in Disney for Christmas. But in between the luscious dole whips and the frenzy of The California Screamer, my son blurted out, “Mom, I can’t wait to go home!”

Still chomping on my churro, (or was it Mickey Mouse pretzel) my brow pulled a puzzled why now…

“Say what?! Why? I mean, look where we ARE!”

I need not have worried. It was a fleeting think out loud moment.

“Because I get your old phone!”

Ah. Yes. He’s right. My boy gets the cell phone hand me downs for certain. And that’s a big deal to him of course.

I honestly knew the day the 6+s came out, I had to have one. I’d been spending more time on the phone for net things and my eyes were starting to strain. The mere thought of a larger screen to play work on was really enticing!

Size comparison to 6+, and 5 / Is an iPhone 6 + really worth it? on

So once home from holidays, we head into town.

We walked towards the counter, and chatted it up with the salesman. He was telling me lots of big things I don’t remember, but what I do remember is…

“Come on. I wanna see that thing on the side of your head as a phone. IT’S SO BIG!”

Laughing, he dialed a number, and complied. Truth be told… it looked kinda silly and I laughed back.

He assured me by the time I got home, I would regard the size as ‘normal.’

I had already made up my mind anyway. I picked out the one with the biggest storage (because my old phone always nagged me it was running out of room), and you bet it came home with me. Silly book look against the head and all.

Edit to add: (Purse below is a thrift store find from a few years back… sorry about that! 🙂 )

Ways to carry an iPhone 6+ / Is an iPhone 6 + really worth it? on

How do you carry that thing?!

Now, the phone IS big in the sense of size. So rather than stuffing it in a pocket, this one now needs a purse.

Men don’t have it quite that easy. The guy at the store said guys put the 6+ in their pockets all the time. Which is a really BAD move. They all came back. The new phones are made of thin metal and can’t be bent at all.

Should you get insurance?

So for that reason alone, I purchased the insurance at about $8 a month with a $200 deductible, in which it can be replaced twice a year.

How much IS this thing?

And that was after I purchased a 3 year phone contract at $100 a month, with 6 gigs of data.

I know. Nothing… and I mean nothing is cheap about this phone.

But what is, when it’s brand new technology?

I just mumbled to myself as I signed my life away, “This is a business transaction. I NEEEEEEED this for my work…

And prayed I’d be so deliriously happy about my decision I’d forget how expensive it was. 🙂

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Well, I am happy. As in… SO happy! I adore the size of the screen, the features, the quality, everything!

A week later, I took my son into town. Quickly tucking the phone inside a big jacket pocket, I made my way around the truck when I heard SPLAT.

How fragile are they really?

The phone promptly slipped out and landed glass down on the cement. With the silly fancy dancy wallet cover swung WIDE open.

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Barely a week old… and it was crushed to smithereens. Luckily I had a sticky clear cover over the glass which I believe saved me.

I ended up using the phone in its cracked glory for a good 2-3 weeks while insurance kicked in. Trouble was, they didn’t have mine in stock because it was so new. The model with high data was selling out before they were even available. Ugh.

But it finally arrived. Insurance was amazing. I paid online, and they shipped it out. All that’s left is for me to ship the bad one back again, in which they offered a postage paid bubble wrapped envelope.

Now I’m gonna be honest… I’ve dropped my NEW one twice already inside the house. Glass face down. I can’t believe it hasn’t broken again yet, and I cannot believe how having the wrong case has turned me into a dropaholic!

I’ve had the Otterboxes forever with my smaller phones and have dropped them countless times on cement without even a crack.

My case is seriously an issue. It’s too smooth and sleek and with the cover flipping open… well, just don’t get a wallet type.

These phone are MUCH thinner than the old. And they need a suit of armour to compensate.

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Consider other carrying options

Knowing now how important it is to have that crazy phone guarded with my life, by fluke I found a way around that.

The case above is from my point and shoot camera, that was purchased for our Disney trip. It was around $45, so not cheap, but what I loved about it was that the two sides acted like a wallet, and the middle is where your camera would go.

It worked FABULOUS for Disney, offering hands free touring. An acceptable fanny pack, if you will. 🙂

If I’m going out shopping or for a quick jaunt, I strap this thing around me and off I go. It’s so light and small, you barely know it’s there.

I was able to get both camera AND the iPhone 5 inside the camera compartment when at Disney. But these days, it’s phone or camera.

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How do you know if a 6+ is for you?

You’re online a lot but can’t always be near a computer.

You have a hard time viewing the smaller screens.

You edit photos for Instagram on the phone.

You own mac computers. It’s truly a seamless operation between the two.

You download the bHome app (read about that HERE) and you become addicted… 🙂

Other things to consider:

Being so new on the market, some apps won’t to being optimized for the new iPhone 6+ right away, so they may look a little strange, as in, features too big and reduced resolution.

(pssst… bHome App went through the necessary revisions so you are good to go there!) 🙂

If you use your iPad for browsing the net, you may be just as well with a 6 or smaller. 

The 6 will still fit in a pocket. Well, a biggish pocket. 🙂

Below 6+ wil be cheaper all around, data plans, and the phone itself.

And let’s face it… if you just want a cell phone for a PHONE, you know you don’t need this.

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But to be perfectly honest, I’m glad I went for it.

If your work requires you to be on the net, I really don’t feel you’ll regret it. I’ve yet to own a mac product I didn’t absolutely love. I’ve always allowed myself to go big or go home when it comes to electronics.

After all… I don’t spend much (if at all) on ‘my home decor (pallet wood) projects‘ 🙂

So… I’m curious! What kind of phone do you have? What do you love / not love about it?

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Categories: Blog, Blogging Tips, Business, Career building, Junk Drawer, Social Media

48 thoughts on “Is an iPhone 6 + really worth it?

  1. I’m thinking of getting the 6plus but having completely decided. I still have my 4 working fine(with insurance I’ve never used. I like the big screen but still can’t decide because of the size with my pocket. I usually keep it there. Mt ipad(only 2 yrs. old )stopped working completely.Thry told me at the store they can probably fix it if it’s a software problem. Otherwise they will give me a little something for it. I dtill thinking about the phone even when I get a new ipad. Thanks for the info I enjoy reading your blog.

  2. I’m a huge fan of mine. I work in CAD drafting, and I like that I can read my redlines on that big screen.

    I do recommend the Otter Box.

    I’m a great big dork and wear mine on my hip (I did modify the holster – those dang things never stay put – always popping off my belt)

    It’s a great phone!

  3. My daughter got one before Christmas and has broken the screen 2x. With Apple care it cost her $80 to fix it. She hates the phone so I’m giving up my 5s and taking hers. I will love having a larger phone.
    On another note…… Love the Original tanning leather cross body bag and would like to know where I can purchase one.

  4. I have had every iteration of the iPhone and the 6+ is worth every dime. I’m not hard on my phones, and for the last 3 I’ve purchased a clear Luvvitt case from Amazon for about $10. It allows the color phone you’ve chosen to show through, and provides a nice grip. The case wraps around the front and protects the phone if you have a tendency to lay your phone face down. I originally purchased the iPhone 6, but decided to try the 6+ and loved it. (My son got the 6 – win for both of us.) The 6+ is perfect for checking on my favorite blogs using my bHome app. Love that app!

  5. I LOVE my six+! I’m out in the barn most of the time so I have a heavy duty case that clips on my waist band, belt or pocket. I also have the tempered glass face protector not the film like I had with my original iPhone.
    One thing I learned with my first iPhone is not to buy the insurance from your carrier, buy Apple Care from Apple instead. It costs $100 and you’re covered for everything, even stupidity, such as going swimming with your phone in your pocket,

    • Oh really!!! So good to know, JoAnne! How long is that $100 good for? I’m at $8 a month so that works out to just over that for a year….

      And which case do you have? I’ve never seen a tempered glass front before, just plastic. Love the sound of that!

  6. I use Republic Wireless because the prospect of paying a fortune for a phone AND having an expensive contract causes me physical pain. I pay $25/month for unlimited talk, text, and data, and my phone, one that runs on Android, was less than $200. It works beautifully.

  7. Like you, I had my reservations about using the “phablet” (phone tablet size), but now I can’t imagine using anything smaller. Everything about it is great. I really like how much longer the battery lasts without having to recharge. I have to share a new term I learned yesterday at church about people who do not know when to turn off their iPhones – or any other handheld device – they were referred to as “iHoles”. I just cracked up. Happy Monday!

    • 😀 I can honestly stay, when we frequent a restaurant, we put our phones away. My son is really big on that thank goodness!

      It was discouraging to see so many stare at screens and no longer talk.

  8. We purchased our iPhone 6s in Nov. and haven’t looked back. We decided on the 6s as the 6+ seemed too large to hold comfortably. ( I almost dropped the display model in the store.) We don’t use ours for business, however, and would probably think differently if we did. We use our iPads for serfing the Net so the smaller phone is great for us. We too have been happy with Apple and their customer service and received a very nice trade in for our Apple 4s’s @103.00 each! The initial outlay seems like a lot, but all things considered we are satisfied customers.

    • Ha! I nearly dropped it too! Alot of that had to do with how sleek and small it is. A cover with grip is really the answer there. I just got a new one today so I’ll show it soon. I think I nailed a good one… crossing fingers!

  9. Hey Donna…good informative post…love the honesty too.I have been struggling with decision of getting a new phone for months. now we are moving to Mexico and I really won’t be able to use it much except when in the states, so I guess it worked itself out ok. But I sure would like a much bigger phone even with pay as you go.Happy regards to you and your son. I bet Disney land was a blast for you, I am glad you are doing so many nurturing things with him. It is so sad once they get their own wings and those days are gone. Huggers.

  10. I just upgraded to an iPhone 5 LOL. I was nervous about the 6. I commented to let you know a Verizon commercial is playing while I read your blog post! Did you know that? That’s different 🙂 Oh…and I love your blog!

  11. Speaking of the “big book against the head club”. I used to giggle when my husband got his first Blackberry. I thought he looked like he was talking into a calculator!

  12. Thanks for the help on an iPhone 6 I can’t wait also where did you get your bag the brown one love it or the brand name thanks again …

  13. I am sooooo glad to hear that you had no problem with your insurance, I’ve been hearing lots of horror stories about phone insurance lately. I know that $8/month might seem like not such a bit deal, but in relation to car insurance or house insurance etc. it’s quite a bit to pay. And then there is a $200 deductible? On most car and house insurance the deductible is in the $300-$500 range. Anyway, I’ll stop harshin’ on your mellow here…you love the phone…you need it for work…you are happy with it and that’s all that really matters! My daughter loves hers, too! I’ll have to share your tips on how to carry it around safely with her which I’m sure she will appreciate…she’s a bit of a butterfingers, like her mommy! 🙂

  14. I’ve looked at all the ads and nothing has been clicked. It’s a background sound and it’s a little garbled. I hear it every time I visit your blog. I just noticed today it was Verizon. It comes on for about 30 secs and then stops. Usually about 3-4 minutes and it starts again. I wish I could be of more help. I’ll listen tomorrow and see if it is still Verizon or something else.

  15. Okay…I hung around a few more minutes and heard a dog teeth ad about chewing something to remove tartar and plaque. You probably think I’m a loon LOL.

    • Oh gosh… how glamorous is that! haha No, I completely believe you. Ads can be tricky and those creep in for a reason… they aren’t allowed so they come in through some weird back door.

      Reporting it regardless! Thank-you! If you ever see anything, I’d LOVE a screen shot of it. So appreciated!

  16. You’re a better woman than I, Gunga Din. A couple of weeks ago my husband and I pulled into a parking lot to go shopping. To my right was a woman in a car with one of those phones up to her face talking. It looked like she was about to eat the darn thing. I couldn’t stop laughing at the sight (after we walked away from the car). It was then and there I decided I would never own a phone that large. What next? An iPhone the size of an iPad???? Sorry, can’t do it. I’ll wait for the iChip-in-the-head, iEar clip, iPhone contacts, or whatever SciFi iteration is in the pipeline.

  17. We upgraded to the 5s for free last year and I am completely happy, I was concerned about new product without the bugs worked out and then to pay so much for it we turned in our I 4s and got $400. To spend at verison our phones were perfect. Also we got the glass cover for the screens love that. Where we live for Internet we use a jet pac so now we have 30 gigs of data per month.

  18. I guess I am probably in a minority group. I don’t carry a cell phone since I don’t want to pay for it. I borrowed my daughter’s at&t phone while we rebuilt our house after a house fire. It was nice to be able to get a hold of contractors, etc, but for every day use, I just prefer to keep my money in my pocket. I wish you much success with your new phone. Love your site.

    • Hi Carol-love your comment about not carrying a phone! Way to go. I have a flip phone but have came to now finding secret places to use it so as to not be seen and embarrassed. I am also keeping my $$ in my pocket. But I do secretly wish I could be cool to! 🙂 I bet everyone can guess my age now……

  19. I have the regular 6. I love it, except it’s too big to use with only one hand. I do the double tap thing to reduce the screen size, and all, but it’s still hard to multi task with.

  20. Went from my original 3 to the 6 plus and I love it!! Have the unlimited data plan so I use it a lot like a mini tablet when no wifi is available! Yes it feels a little awkward to talk on but 90 % of usage is away from my ear! Lol
    Love your blog and all the ideas I get from you! Your blog truly inspires me to create a garden space true to my heart and makes me smile when I wander its paths! Kep up the awesome job!!

  21. Just traded my original 3 for the 6 plus and I love it!! Yes it’s a little awkward to use but 90 percent of my usage is away from my ear! The larger screen is so nice and it takes some pretty amazing pics!!
    Just want to say I’m a big fan of your blog,thanks for all the great ideas! You have inspired me to create a garden space true to my heart and one that makes me smile every time i wander its paths!!

  22. I love my iPhone 6! My 4s was frying and much to my dismay I had to get a new phone. I dreaded getting the new “big” phone .. why would they make it so big .. and the even bigger one .. what? Well once I got home with it and got it up and running I was in heaven! I can’t even imagine how I lived with such a small phone! It doesn’t seem big at all until I see someone with the “older” version and I now wonder how they can get along with out a new phone! I am so sold 🙂 It fits in my small purse and pocket. I got the case that Apple recommended and I am very happy with it. It is rubber feeling, mostly see through, made by tech21. I have dropped my phone .. no problems. I still like my camera just for the powerful zoom. When the iPhone has a 20x zoom I’m camera free 🙂 I love your blog Donna 🙂

    • I just picked up a Tech21 wallet style rubbery case with the tempered glass… in love with it! I’m going to think of a way to customize the cover, then I’ll share it. You KNOW that had to come next, yes? hahah

  23. I just got the iphone 6 and love it! Upgraded from the smaller and still wonderful iphone 5. I know how much I drop my phone so I don’t even walk out of the store without my otter box cover! I opted for the bright bubble gum pink cover with screen cover. My mom and sister like the thinner feel so I got them a sleeker cover and the tempered glass cover that I purchased as an extra 15 bucks. Don the funny man and expert glass cover installer put in on for me and installed in it in about 2 seconds… (I don’t suggest installing yourself, bubbles and finger prints on the sticky side will drive you crazy bonkers) Oh and both options are virtually finger print resistant (on the outside.. unlike the plastic screen films.) The otter box screen is also fingerprint resistant so I feel like this phone stays much cleaner.
    I vote iphone 6 upgrade for those of us with slightly aging eyes, better virtual experience and bigger buttons for typing resulting in less mistakes and likiness of bad autotext messages.

    • I’m so glad to have learned about the tempered glass from this post! I’ll show what I ended up getting as a cover soon… and I so agree with you on letting the pros install the glass screens. Oh my… it’s perfection!

  24. Ok, I’m one of those that holds out upgrading but after reading this post, an IPhone 6 is what I need! I downloaded the bHome app on my IPhone 4 (or maybe it’s a 5), and it’s so small I can’t see everything. (Yes, I’m not young anymore!). Wow your q&a’s answered a lot of my questions and we don’t currently have a computer at home, so it would be worth the investment to get an IPhone 6. Thanks for this post, I’m printing it to show my husband (he’s not young anymore either!).

  25. I’ve got the 6+, love it, don’t care how it looks next to my head because when I’m sitting waiting for an appointment or whatever, I can search and scroll on that thing without needing binoculars to see it. It’s the next best thing to being there in a phone.

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