I remember a time when seasonal holidays meant running to two families, attempting to nail in all the visits you can.
These days, it’s a little simpler in our household. With both my parents gone and without in laws, our traditions are slowly changing and growing into our own.
So what does a gal and her son do for an Easter weekend with no required agenda? Nothing! And plenty. 🙂
We gardened
We had one day of sunshine, so it was time to charge for the front door with gardening clippers in hand and get ready for the big power wash that’s to come. The deal I cut with myself is to get the majority of the cleanup done first so I can keep the driveway clean for at least a little bit after power washing, so a clippin’ diggin’ and rakin’ we went.
I LOVE gardening. Plants don’t negotiate, they’re content with whatever. And it’s a task generally done on a nicer day. Even my indoor animals find me to be a part of it.
We had a picnic
For our Easter feast, I made a big pot of homemade chicken veggie/noodle whatever I had on hand soup. But on such a nice day, I couldn’t stand the thought of missing that warm sunshine on our faces, so I had my son choose any spot he wished to set up our sleeping bags to have a picnic.
He chose the park that’s behind our fence so it felt a little more adventurous. Aren’t we wild? 🙂
He even got clever for our table and hauled out a few cedar planks. Way to junk it up, my boy! 🙂
Our soups are like runny stews… we like it chunkay. 🙂
If you want the recipe, let me know. It couldn’t be easier to make!
We went for a river wander
We are sooooo very blessed to live walking distance from the river. And it was such a pleasant surprise to find how low the river was. This means we could wander to our heart’s content along the beds.
My new mantra is to walk daily so this is a fun place to land.
We skipped stones and poked the sand with sticks and just enjoyed the beauty until dusk. Peaceful and spectacular.
We indulged
Rather than Easter gifts and such, we picked up a few chocolates to hide for Easter morning and went out later in the day instead. I’m currently hooked on Starbucks’ Cinnamon Dolce Lattes and just discovered the no fat version online tonite! I had my last fattening one today because I’d rather go low fat than not at all.
For you see, I’m on a mission to get into optimal health. I’m also looking into juicers. Any tips?
And took in the theater flick Rio. Cute!
The scenes looked so much like Hawaii making me a bit homesick for my favorite escape. It’s been about 13 years since I’ve been there and I want to take my son one day. Quite honestly, I’d be willing to go anywhere where there’s a palm tree right about now!
This duo had a nice Easter. But yup, I missed my parents and there’s one thing I will do in honor of them next Easter. I’ve never made it before but it’s time.
My mom always made a Mennonite Easter bread called paska. It’s a sweet bread that you spread with icing. And it is AMAZING.
My awesome neighbor Corinne did bring us a delicious loaf before Easter which we DEVOURED before I could grab my camera. However I missed having a piece on Easter day. That’s the one thing that makes me smile and think of the love my mom put into this special holiday. So it’s time I carry the torch for our own little family and carry forth the tradition. Me. Bake bread. Wish me luck!! I have a year to figure it out. 🙂
We also took in a lovely Sunday morning church service even though I was reluctant to go. You see, I don’t like crying in church and last year the Pastor really dove in heavy about the crucifixion. I was a wreck and we left early. Let’s just say I will never be able to watch The Passion of the Christ. I think it was the whole dying thing and my mom had just passed on so I couldn’t deal. I’m glad I took a chance this year. It was light and made you feel like a million bucks walking out. Kudos, Pastor!
The icing on the cake? It was a baptismal service and my 11 year old son apparently wants to get baptized in the worst way. I asked him why and he really went deep into the meaning of it all. I was a little startled just how much he was getting out of the adult church services! Made me a little teary eyed to say the least.
I hope you had a lovely Easter, no matter what your own circumstances were. Holidays can be difficult, but it’s my belief we can make even the simplest things extra special.
We did. 🙂
How did you spend your Easter?
What’s your favorite tradition?
Sounds like you had an awesome Easter Sunday. Our oldest (my stepson) moved out last Sunday and it was weird but great at the same time to have him “come over” for Easter brunch. It is a part of life I know…the babies of the families become the senior members and our children grow up and do their own thing. And I totally get you about the Passion of the Christ. I used to cry at the Hallmark Easter version of the crucifixion…I KNOW I’d never be able to handle that movie. Our pastor was great and light this Sunday too, so yay!
Hugs to both of you and kudos for new traditions,
What a beautiful picnic !I love the pretty little cheeses lol.
I still cry about the Crucifixion…it is an amazing act of love and sacrifice!!
On Easter I made a scrumptious ham dinner and we relaxed all day. Loved it. Had a wonderful visit from our lovely neighbor who brought us an Easter basket filled with candy and eggs. So sweet!!
I also went to movie on Sat. and saw Water for Elephants. My grandkids saw Rio too. Water for Elephants is wonderful!!
Happy Easter
Wow What a beautiful day! I’m a little jealous that you got to do what ever you wanted to on such a beautiful day. We finally had a day of sunshine in NY! (or at least a few hours in the middle of the day)
Have a great week!
What a lovely Easter you had with your son. You had a special, relaxing day together.
‘The Passion’ gets to me every time I see it. It is so intense, sorrowful, horrible, yet full of grace, truth and promise.
There is just the two of us and I fixed our traditional roasted lamb for our celebratory meal, served with grey poupon mustard, mint jelly, mashed potatoes, and green peas, also a glass of Merlot wine. For dessert I fixed a new recipe, Chocolate Ricotta dessert. We look forward to this meal every year. Easter is my favorite holiday for what it means.
Love and hugs to you and your son, Donna. Have a great week.
I’m going to look up that bread recipe.
We finally had warmth and sunshine so DH & I spent time outside raking in yard and chatting with neighbors…our meal was light as our Children and Grands were home last week for the typical Ham Dinner…~~HUGS to you for a blessed day~~
What a wonderful way to spend the holiday! Your day was much more peaceful than mine – throwing together the kids’ baskets, finishing up rolled paper crosses for our church guests, dashing to church, rushing home after church to prepare the ham and house for 15 people, and then playing hostess. I was dog tired by 9 pm! Maybe next year I will adopt YOUR tradition.
Nice to see you enjoy it! May your blessings continue throughout the year!
Donna ~
Your Easter sounds so special just like Easter should be ~
Oh my gosh, your yard is pretty much beyond beautiful!!!
It is like you are on vacation at home 🙂
What an amazing day….especially your son!!!! when I watched the Passion, I cried so hard in the theater, just sobbed out loud. That He should die in such a way to save a sinner like me is beyond my comprehension.
A perfect Easter weekend…so glad you had a wonderful time…Love it!
I’m glad you had such a special Easter weekend and were able to move forward and make new memories. The Paska bread looks and sounds yummy and I know you will enjoy making it next year, if not before. 🙂 Have a super week! Blessings, Pamela
Oh, I had forgotten about Paska until I saw your post! I grew up in a largly Mennonite town and they used to sell it at the local restaurant. It is yummy. Glad you had a relaxing, fun weekend!
Hi, Donna!
I absolutely LOVE your blog and have been stalking it for several weeks now. 🙂 Such great inspiration and creativity flowin’ from this hot spot! I even started my own, but it is slow goin’ at this point! I wanted to tell you that my husband and I have been on the path to optimal health since last year. We have four children, 12, 10, 7 and 5. We changed brands to Shaklee and the difference we have experienced is phenomenal! They are the No.1 Natural Nutrition Co. in the U.S. and their products PROVE it! Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that if you are looking for optimal health, Shaklee is the way to go! I also know that the Vitamix 5200 Juicer is AMAZING! The best out there.
Blessings to you! 🙂
Looks like a dreamy and lovely weekend!
I loved reading about your week-end and poring over your beautiful photography.
It looks like you had a great day! I love all of the pictures. The river walk looks like so much fun!
I’m glad you had a Happy Easter!
What a great post! Sounds like you really had a wonderful Easter.
What a wonderful Easter Sunday!!!
Your photos are breathtaking, as usual. I’m glad to hear you found the best side of Easter instead of the sad part. Easter is difficult for me, also, since it was a BIG DEAL with my Mamaw and Papaw, but we made it through one more. Happy Monday!
A perfect Easter! One I am sure your son will treasure as the years pass. The back of our property ends at a river and also walk daily.
Your Friend,
Sounds like a p
Oops. Sounds like a perfect weekend. I love the relationship you have with your son.
What a lovely time together! Truly special in so many ways!!! Thank you for sharing it with us!! And ya’ll got some SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have a very special son! We had a great Easter also! ….about the juicer….I bought a Jack Lalane…my goodness…it shows an orange on the box….but READ THE FINE PRINT///you have to PEEL the orange before juicing….I don’t use mine much….I stop at Crawford’s farm and buy fresh veg weekly….snack on 100 calories and stay away from McD Frappaadictions….Happy Spring Lyndaoflakeland.blogspot.com
Sounds like you had a wonderful day! All of the pics are beautiful, your yard is so nice!
~blessings to you!
What a wonderful day you had..The Easter bread sound delicious..Have a great week..
What a beautiful day you spend with your little bunny. Absolutely I would love the recipe for your soup, it looks fabulous. I like it chunky too. Would you share the recipe for the bread too. I’ve not heard of that tradition. But I am always up for a new one, especially if it involves food.
What joyous news about your son and his wishes to be baptized. Our children amaze us don’t they…they’re such little sponges. God bless his heart.
Juicers? I have the Jack LaLayne and yes I will boldly go forth and admit that I bought it from the infomercial. The only time I’ve ever done that and haven’t done it since. But I love my juicer! It is fabulous! Next I want a dehydrator.
Darlin’ girl, you will always miss your mom and dad…that’s because you loved them so. It is natural and the way it is supposed to be. If love wasn’t there, there would be no missing. I am olden, as you know, and I still miss mine very much.
You have started a great tradition with your son and not too far in the future, he will marry and have your grandkids. Then, they will all come to your home to celebrate, just like you did with your mom. So, best get started baking that bread so you’ll have it down pat by then. :))) Bread really isn’t that hard to make…and I can’t wait to try this Easter bread. It sounds sooo good.
xo bj
Enjoyed hearing about your Easter. This was our first Easter without some of our loved ones-father-in-law, brother, and grandmother. I’m glad you were able to find joy in your day.
On the way home from our family’s annual Easter gathering we had a surprise. We spotted a tornado and snapped some shots with the camera we had earlier used to record the Easter egg hunt! We enjoyed the rain that came with the storms, we have had terrible fires in West Texas and needed rain badly.
Thanks for sharing your day with us.
I am glad your Easter was lovely. I look at the pictures of your son and think that one day my little one will be bigger…*Tear* Makes me cherish each memory even more.
Your soup looked delicious! I would love the recipe if you have the time 🙂
Donna I just found your blog and I really am enjoying it. Sounds like you had a
wonderful weekend making memories for your son.
Your soup looks delish and yes I would like the receipe.
No big Easter traditions here. Just Easter breakfast between the two of us. With freshly baked French croissants, fresh orange juice and the clunking of the eggs (I lost as usual).
Sounds like you are building your own set of traditions here. I love it when it is all about the simple and meaningful instead of the hoopla.
The clean up was a great job to tackle and so great that your son is such a big helper!
The yard looks fantastic and so does that picnic the two, or should I say, three of you had! 🙂
Yummy soup…looks fantastic Donna.
Sounds like church was very beautiful too and so sweet that your son desires to hear more and to be baptized..that is absolutely wonderful!!
That Easter bread looks so de-lish too!
Hawaii? Thats a place I have always thought Id want to visit!
Oh and Donna while we were at the cottage at Easter time I saw your beautiful table in the Romantic Homes magazine..so proud of you!!
You go girl!!!!
All I could think of at that moment was..I know this sweet girl!!!! 🙂
Have a great week dear friend xoxo
Deborah xo
Donna ~
Sounds and looks lovely. I’ve never heard of Paska… I bet you are able to make a pretty good loaf. You’ll have to let us know how it turns out.
all the pictures seem to reel me in…so glad you had some sunshine–and SONshine! It is hard to talk and hear about the Crucifixion…if only we were all affected in that way, everyday. But oh Donna — the Resurrection, that is what we HOPE FOR!
I’m so Happy that ‘C’ is coming to understand this for himself. That does make a momma happy.
Blessings sweet friend~ Pat
What an awesome and relaxing way to spend your Easter day:) And also…what a wonderful young man you are raising…what a lucky lady that will get him. I missed my parents also. My Mom passed away a year ago yesterday so all day Easter all I could think of was the memories of her that I have of her last day. I miss her so very much.
Enjoyed your blog today as always…you make me feel happy and as if I am part of your family. Thanks for being here! I think you are awesome!
Donna..what a wonderful Easter!! You are such a great Mom. Loved the pictures of Cody and yall’s picnic. Hugs to you both 🙂
Hi Donna, I reckon you got it just right, spending the Easter weekend living simply, enjoying your son and getting out into God’s Creation! Best way to celebrate the life He gave for us is to LIVE IT! You absolutely inspire me…you know, there are palm trees ‘down under’ if you ever feel like a trip to Australia, look us up!
Blessings, Shani