SNS link party #122 – featuring Picture Perfect full room reveals #2

Saturday Nite Special link party featuring Picture Perfect room reveals!

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Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #120, the multi themed DIY link party! 

* Home Decor / Gardening

 * Crafts, / Sewing / Recipes / Printables / Blog tips

* Theme of the week

Every Fri 7pm  to Sunday 11 pm Pacific.

Well, it’s been a whirlwind of reveals this past week.

I unexpectedly changed from working on my photo studio and boy’s room to…

working on my own bedroom. An old horse gate became my headboard

and a few pallet boards became a closet wall of sorts. So fun! 

Many of you asked for wider viewed shots. Truth is, I’ve been sneaky… the rest just wasn’t done. 🙂

This wall needed some enhancing.

And this is what transpired today. It’s going to be a light and bright feature wall to add some additional character. Can you guess what I’m doing? 🙂

So, looks like I didn’t make the final deadline once again, but there’s always next time, right?

So how are you making out with your full room reveals?
How about a peek at your progress? 
Show us whatcha got in this weekend’s 3rd themed linkup!

Picture Perfect changes:

Let’s change things up a little bit come next PP. 

Rooms that are COMPLETE only will be highlighted in PP next month.  

For progress updates, you can enter them in the Home Decor section of SNS anytime!

 This weekend smaller updates are welcome because I didn’t give you a heads up.  

In the future, let’s leave PP a special place for completed rooms in all their full glory! They’re hard work and deserve special treatment IMO! So work hard so you can be featured, ok??

Upcoming themes

March  30th – Picture Perfect room reveals

Voting poll below!

Some related posts you may enjoy:

Master theme linkup list – add yours any time!

SNS Rockstars (you!) on Pinterest

How to link up to a link party


~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

 1. DIY home projects only pretty please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog.

2. Please link back to the party (text or button) within your post. See BUTTONS under main blog header.

3. Only projects new to SNS please. The themed linkup is an exception.

4. By linking up here, you’re cool with me featuring you on the blog,  Pinterest, or FJI Facebook with no additional permission required.

Other events currently running

Join us on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter this weekend for party highlights!


reader folks may have to hop on the blog in order to vote on the poll shown below:

<a href=””>Which themed linkups would you like to see in SNS? (vote for ALL that you like – highest rated one by Sun 11pm is next week!)</a>

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Categories: Uncategorized

32 thoughts on “SNS link party #122 – featuring Picture Perfect full room reveals #2

  1. Hey Donna! Just checkin’ in and letting you know that I do keep up w/you and all your great stuff. I haven’t said hi in a while but wanted you to know that I always visit (even if it’s just in my email browers). Which, come to think of it, kinda stinks huh? I mean, I love email subscribers but if they don’t click over, then no brownie points. Sheesh. Aw, well. It’s Friday nite and I’m just chillin’, saying hi to my bloggie friend 🙂

  2. Hi, I made a mistake when linking up and placed a link in the wrong category, then put it in the correct one, and entered a different one in the first category. So now I have three links. Two of them are the same blog post. Opps, don’t be mad at me. I’m trying my best, but I am on the east coast, and enter the info after taking my sleeping pill,
    IT’S THREE HOURS LATER HERE!!!!! I am old and go to bed early. OY!!!
    I don’t even know if I am making any sense at all. Hope you like my blog, .cuz I love it. ps I am a loyal follower!!!! does kissing up help?

  3. Thanks for hosting. I look forward to checking out the other posts that linked up as well. Great redo with the wooden board wall and great pieces of metal for hooks. Looking forward to seeing where you are going with the 2×2’s.

  4. I didn’t have anything to post this week, but I sure have enjoyed looking at the room reveals so far. I’m still working on my kitchen, but don’t have an update yet. 🙂 I am relating to you…there are several projects in the works and need to focus so I can finish SOMEthing. I like your pallet wall; looks like a boutique right there in your room.

  5. Donna,

    Thank you so much for hosting this amazing party week after week. Your readers are just so wonderful and continue to visit me throughout the week … leaving such complimentary comments too!

    Love your bedroom changes. And love that dresser with the numbers (I’m a bit of a number junky) …

    And I too am working on my teen son’s room this past month (okay, this project started back in the summer) but I’m in the final throes so should have a proper reveal in time for next month’s Picture Perfect party. I did hook up my “work in progress” post today though …



  6. Yo! Today, I linked up my Cheap, Organic Face Wash recipe. It ends up costing less than $.01 per use and is super easy to make! I hope you enjoy! Have a great weekend!

  7. Thanks for hosting Donna. I’ve been in the(very long) process of redoing some of the rooms in my house and things like this help keep me focused so I can share my progress. One down, quite a few to go:-)

    Enjoy your weekend!


  8. You naughty, sneaky little girl….who’d thunk it!!! We would have never known. Makes me feel
    better, I thought boy she sure works fast and has such a busy scedule too. :)Hope you and Cody have a good weekend.

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