Why I use mainly screws for building


I had to nod in total agreement when I read a certain comment in the survey.  Someone mentioned that since I use mainly screws for building, my stuff was pretty do-able. She was so right! I do use screws for most everything. One big reason is because they don’t take a lot of man power to build with. I […]

How to fix a palm sander

how to fix a palm sander

Are you ever lost in the mumbo jumbo world of tool talk? Don’t know what to buy or get nor even WHY? I so get it. I’m still learning daily… here’s proof. I had what I regarded as a very nice, not so cheap orbital palm sander. It worked to perfection for the longest time. […]

Building an antique toolbox revolution at the Expo


Drill handled one board toolbox HERE Today upon coming home from work, it was pretty much like any other day. I walked towards the front door, tripped over the newspapers, mindlessly threw them into the recycle bin and proceeded inside.  Once the door clicked shut, I gasped. Repening it in a real hurry and scrambling […]