Why I use mainly screws for building

White picket toolbox on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
I had to nod in total agreement when I read a certain comment in the survey. 

Someone mentioned that since I use mainly screws for building, my stuff was pretty do-able.

She was so right! I do use screws for most everything. One big reason is because they don’t take a lot of man power to build with.

I suppose I could bring out the air gun. There’s certainly a place for that tool. 

But since my building style is so rustic, I like seeing the little extra hardware showing here and there.

But there’s one other BIG MAIN reason I mainly use screws for all my building.

Why I use mainly screws for building on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
When I don’t need a white picket toolbox or reclaimed wood JOY letters any longer…

Why I use mainly screws for building on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
I simply unscrew the works…

Why I use mainly screws for building on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
…and I have new wood and more screws for other things I do need! 🙂

All part of the big purge for the Heap of Change challenge. I seem to be shuffling lots of stuff but not purging enough. I need to work harder in that area.

Anyway, I’ve taken lots of projects apart over the years.

Pallet wood coffee table on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
This pallet coffee table we enjoyed for many months, morphed into…

Hydrangeas on a front entry table on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
… parts of this quirky front entry table, (which will also be coming apart shortly)

Crate side table with a tray top on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
and parts of this crate side table.

pallet wood farm table styled office desk on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
I actually built this farm table styled desk with taking it apart in mind, should I ever desire to move it. There’s no way you could lug this thing out. It’s too heavy, and way too big for the doorway and hallway. Besides, it’ll collapse in minutes.

reclaimed wood yardstick coffee coasters on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
reclaimed wood yardstick coffee coasters on FunkyJunkInteriors.net

Using screws is so very easy, especially if you predrill holes.

Predrilling also reduces wood splitting apart. But I mainly do it for the ease of installing pieces together. 

I love having more than one drill for this very reason. Changing the bits back and forth can get a little tedious if it’s a lengthly build.

You can read about my fav must have power tools HERE. (ebay link)

Makita all in one drill bit set
Since we’re talking tools, my fav drill bit kit in the whole wide world is this Makita all in one set. It’s just nice to tote around everything you need wherever you decide to build.

No need to stay with one brand though, these bits interchange with most any drill.

The exact same set isn’t sold any longer, but I’ll be picking up one like the above when in the market for another set. (affiliate link)

One day I’ll do a post on my favourite types of screws I gravitate towards. I don’t think I’ve ever talked about that. Hmm… maybe I’ll even take you right inside my fav local hardware store and show you what I like picking up there.

I hope the owners don’t mind saying “cheese..” 🙂

What’s your method of madness for building stuff? Any preference?

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Categories: How To Build, What To Get

15 thoughts on “Why I use mainly screws for building

  1. Thanks Donna, I have been frustrated in the past waiting for my husband to cut something for me, etcetera. Even tho we prob have the tools in the garage somewhere he is definitely not a tool guy and I’ve done him a disservice to expect him to be one. I am recently retired and I think I am going to set ups my eon tool station in the garage. And maybe buy some of my own tools so I know where they are when I need to use them! I do have a dremel drill set with some basic bits but that’s all so far. Any suggestions on an electic screwdriver? At one time my brother told me to make sure I got one that had enough tourche.Not sure I spelled that right :). Denise

    • Hi Denise! I’m not sure what you mean by electric screwdriver, but I’d suggest a cordless drill for sure! My first current choice would be a lighter weight Makita, just make sure you select those with Lithium batteries. And get the set of two… it’s cheaper than buying two separately and they do things in a slightly different way. Love my current new Bosch too, but I do find them a little heavier and bulkier to hold than need be. Women’s hands are just different, so bigger may be more powerful, but not always better in our case. 🙂

  2. Not to mention screws are so much more forgiving should you make a mistake!! I have a brad nailer which I love, but I’ve learned to be careful about the projects I use it on because the nails are beast to get apart and out of the wood.

  3. You see? You see?! This post is exactly the kind of information that keeps me lovin’ you! I can’t wait to see more about this subject. BTW< I'm glad the survey idea seemed to work.

  4. Well I build with screws as well. I was “trained” by a guy who makes fine furniture and everything he builds is screwed together and breaks down easily. The exception to that is trim work. That is glued and done with a finish nailer.

  5. Wow! I didn’t know that you took some of your projects apart and made other things. Never thought about doing that! My husband is the wood worker around here. He loves it! I’m the crafter/sewer (is that a word) I don’t call myself a seamstress. That sounds like someone who makes clothes. I can and do, but not much. I have asked him to help me learn how to use his tools. He is so patient with me! I’ll have to pick a project and give it a try.

  6. I do that too!!! I take apart a lot of my projects and toss the wood and pieces back into the pile… what I don’t sell gets taken apart!

  7. I wanna a drill!!! and learn to use it!!!
    my husband is quiet the wood crafter but of fine furniture!! I like primitive and crewdly(sp??) made/built like yours!!!
    just for fun,

  8. Well now…I’m so glad you shared this! I have often said that my home isn’t big enough for all the ideas I have for it and then different styles I have as well. Thus my reason for extended the fun into the garage and yard. But, what a great idea…to have the option to take something apart and create something else new. That is a fabulous idea for making some more space for something new. Thanks!

  9. Donna – I’m with you on using screws to build/attach things. My absolute favorite screws to use are drywall screws. Those suckers are rugged and sturdy all by themselves and they will grip and securely hold almost anything. I buy them by the box and have almost every size length they make. They’re a nice dull black color and if you want to paint over them, they take paint well.

  10. I kept my horses at a pasture with a barn where it was put together with nothing but screws. she said her grandfather said it would hold up longer. it’s true. always use screws.

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