Drill handled one board toolbox HERE
Today upon coming home from work, it was pretty much like any other day. I walked towards the front door, tripped over the newspapers, mindlessly threw them into the recycle bin and proceeded inside.
Once the door clicked shut, I gasped. Repening it in a real hurry and scrambling through the bin, the big search began for THEE paper. Where is it???? Was this the one?!
AHHH! It was! That’s ME!!
Today’s post chimes in so well with yesterday’s How to build a Dream Job While You Work A Dayjob post don’t you think? You just never know what’s around the corner, so always be armed and ready… with toolbox knowledge! 🙂
It was seriously such an easy decision. When I was contacted to speak at the Fraser Valley Women’s Expo in Chilliwack, (after I geeked out just a little) I knew immediately what to chat about. Focusing on all the elements I love, we are building an antique toolbox revolution at the Expo!
My love for creative toolboxes runs deep. They are easy to build, they look old, are so versatile, and can be used year around.
But there’s a bigger reason I desire these toolboxes to come to life in a big way.
I really want first time builders born after this Expo. It’s high time word gets out that every gal needs a good cordless drill, palm sander and miter saw in her life, so she can achieve skills she never dreamed possible.
I know what you’re thinking.
“Uh… that’s a tad dramatic. It’s only a toolbox.”
Maybe so! But know what happened after the Milner Spring Show last year when I had a demo table of these sweet things on the go?
Reader Paulette purchased a toolbox kit and after watching my demo, she was able to put it together at home and shot me a picture. YES!
Not long after that, she shot me another picture… of her new (ahem) POTTING BENCH.
The tool box was her first build. Ever.
So you see, there’s no such thing as ‘just a toolbox’. The smallest of things can be the beginning of something much bigger. For anyone.
Including me.
I might even call you up to work the drill… 🙂
We couldn’t persuade you to come a little closer to me in Ontario, could we?? Would LOVE to see you in action! 🙂
I’d totally absolutely come to Ontario if Ontario wanted me! I’ve flown much further…. Ontario, call me. 🙂
…or how about the VIX in Nanaimo? We’d love to see you!
How fun. Wish I could be there. Congratulations.
Well how exciting is that! You go girl! It always amazes me when women are impressed that a “woman” can built or fix a toilet. I have thought several times about having workshops to help women learn basic skills, and not intimidated by power tools and lumber. Humm………
Fantastic – Love those planters. Now I’ve got one for you how about a Funky Junk mailbox?? Love the Pallet desk set up – light is fantastic!
As always simply great! -Carole at GardenUp green
I really love the look of the homemade tool boxes! I might have to try making one for our patio.
I just love you and your blog. Your day job may not be where you want to be, but the day job you really have is how much you inspire all of us who read your blog daily. Thank you so much.
I came upon your website yesterday and read your post on day job, I love it it inspired me to keep going, I just started a home staging business and I am writing my first blog [or attempting to] it feels like a lot of hard work
and your story just hit home, it gave me that little boost to keep going, I hope some day I make it like you have.
Thank you!
PS… I am a tool lady also, when my friends were asking for jewelry and spa certificates, I was asking for a miter saw and nail gun.
You have no idea how much fun I am having waking to your blog so full of inspiration; or maybe you do! I love the toolbox and wonder how for much do you sell the supply bundles?
DANG IT…it is supposed to read ‘for how much’
Congrats on your continuing success Donna, you have become an inspurration to sooo many of us out here in the cyber world. God has given you a gift and I am so glad you are sharing it with us:)
Way to go, Donna!!! Wish I was close enough to watch you. I love you site and need help getting started!!!!
Oh yes, come to Ontario! I’d be there!
Congratulations on the Expo, you are going to have so much fun! And so will the women that join you there.
Debbie 🙂
Donna – you’re going to be at the same Expo as Kathy Van Gogh!!!! If you know her, you know she’s a riot, so creative, full of energy, and gracious with her time and help. If you see her, tell her hi from Kay Perret(purr-AY) although you guys up in Canada would know how to pronounce it properly 🙂
Good luck at the Expo!! Have been a subscriber forever. Your blog and your story inspire me daily.
Hmmmm, it’s only three hours up there. Maybe my husband and I need a road trip that weekend…
Hi Donna : I was so surprised to read about my potting bench on your blog. I am surprised you remembered! I am still proud of that thing! I had always wanted one but never got one due to the cost. I made it out of reclaimed wood from tearing our old deck apart which made it even more special to me.
Will you be at the Expo only on Saturday? I will be coming to make the other tool box this time.
See you then.
Oh my goodness.. there you are! I can’t remember if you ever sent me a potting bench picture! I’m adding your name into the post NOW. 🙂 Thanks for writing!
I’ll just be demoing at the Expo within a 45 min timeframe (I don’t have a booth) but may bring more kits along if I can make them in time! 🙂
I’m so glad to see how this has all progressed for you! How about a step stool next?
Here’s the link if your blog will let me post it:
Wow, you just starred at Michael’s, and now this!
You go Girl! So proud of you!
I would never say “it’s only a toolbox”. What it is is a great place to start, to get the feel for the craft. I thrive on being able to do projects myself. Everyone has to start somewhere, but it’s not always to find an opportunity. You are providing a wonderful option.
You are such a constant source of inspiration–have fun girl!
Could I buy those wooden shoes I saw on one of your posts?? Please email me at address shown. Love your stuff and junk!! ; )
Hi, Donna!!!!
Ohhh, I wish I could come!!!! I am working at the shop this Saturday!
I want to be a builder like you!!!!! Hopefully there will be more opportunities???
Have FUN!!!!!
Thanks Claudine! We’ll hopefully get to meet sometime soon!