7 – The day Miss Mustard Seed was my neighbour


Part 6 is HERE We are here! We are ready to roll! The BIG Lucketts day has finally arrived! And look who was setting up next door to the Hometalk booth… I’ve only heard about Marian / Miss Mustard Seed’s Lucketts world via her blog, so it was quite something to actually see her doing her […]

Emotions gone wild… over a contest linkup!


It’s Mother’s Day and we’re celebrating my son’s birthday as well. Add the fact that I’m packing two suitcases so my son and I both continue on new adventures in a couple days, there’s kinda lots going on, in a good way. So when I read a post by Miss Mustard Seed on the stresses […]

Win a trip to Lucketts and The Design House!


How often do you mosey into an antiques place, wishing you knew what to do with a certain find? I mean, it’s one thing to find something cool you like and just haul it home, but it’s another to put it to work if you really don’t know what to use it for. That happens […]

The countdown, random stuff and a party


With every good pending trip, the big countdown is on! So this week will pretty much be a ‘getting ready for Lucketts‘ kinda week. I’ve dusted off my suitcases and ran into town today, stocking up on stuff I’ve run out of. (why does it take a trip to spur us on to restock?! I’ve […]

Hometalk gets Funky Junked at Lucketts!

Hometalk gets Funky Junked at Lucketts

“Me?!” “Yes… YOU!” No way… not again! YES, again! Hold onto your junk, Virginia… a Canadian junker is comin’ to your town! You read that right. Jaw droppin’ crazy awesome!!! I’m once again on the move to take in a show stopping vintage show and I couldn’t be more pleased to visit Oh goodness… I […]