The backyard garden gets junkified


I have a new favorite place to sit in the backyard. Not too fancy nor fussy, and just the right amount of cute. And junk. 🙂 The flower box crate got planted and junkified in front of the character building. I chose a more vibrant red this year for the geraniums so they’d pop moreso […]

Musical junk wheelbarrows in the garden


I’ve been debating on passing on plants in the yard this summer. The weather just hasn’t cooperated and I was thinking how easy it would be to NOT put the pool up and NOT plant anything that required care. Maybe this was the summer to go camping more after all… All fine and dandy until […]

The LONG list of outdoor DIY projects


Yesterday was the first day it hadn’t rained in MONTHS. I head outdoors because quite frankly, staying inside while the sun shone wasn’t going to happen. That above photo is part of my birdhouse garden and looks lush and lovely. But believe you me, it’s indeed cropped left right and center. Augh. I haven’t even […]

Playing with spring during spring break


You didn’t think I could REALLY stay away an entire week, did you? 🙂 I have a big ‘ol confession. I was pretty stressed out last week. After a short couple days just putzing around at my own speed, I feel nearly brand new once again. So before you shake your finger at me reminding […]