Playing with spring during spring break

You didn’t think I could REALLY stay away an entire week, did you? 🙂

I have a big ‘ol confession. I was pretty stressed out last week. After a short couple days just putzing around at my own speed, I feel nearly brand new once again. So before you shake your finger at me reminding me I’m suppose to be playing, I promise you, this was fun. 🙂

I’m an outdoors kinda girl big time, so when Saturday broke out into unexpected beautiful sunshine,  we dashed outdoors to a yardful of branches and leaves strewn every which way.

This is our first attempt with yard work this year. I didn’t clean up properly last fall so our hands were rather full.

I love a good outdoor DIY before. 🙂

But all the cleanup to be done didn’t hold me back from seeing the beauty attempting to emerge from the fray.

Even the weathered hydrangeas held a certain charm. 

Love their whisper thin paper like appearance.

 Next up outdoors?

Creating this of course! It’ll be ready next week. (heh…)

Seriously, power washing everything in sight is next. Maybe even while wearing Pj’s… (see above if you missed it)

I find yard work totally therapeutic. The plants just do as you say, they don’t have to negotiate every move and the only complaint they give you is if they die quietly. 🙂  Just being outdoors in the silence with the odd outdoor white noise in the sunshine is so enjoyable. Totally the best stress free medicine I could ever find.

Oh, right! Wanna see what else I’m getting ready for?

You’re going to see a very cool parade start up on Monday April 4th, with the first stop being right here at Funky Junk! 4 homes a day all week long! But don’t worry, all the blogs will lead you to the next one in line so you won’t miss a thing.

The parade ends with a link party over at Poppies at Play of your own home tour! So get those photo shoots done up and join in.

Click HERE for all the info.

Ok. Time to get back to play once again. I actually started two projects so I’ll have some brand new stuff to share with you soon!

Like outdoor posts? Click the button above for the master list.

Have you started your outdoor yard clean up yet? Or are ya still buried under snow? 🙂
Any cool plans for the yard this year?

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29 thoughts on “Playing with spring during spring break

  1. ahwww………….awesome Donna !! the best part ??? the smiles you and Cody have as you are working in the yard !! 🙂 enjoy every minute!

  2. Last year I mentioned growing flowers from seeds as the way to get pretty plants for a bargain. I took it one step farther and only planted edible flowers in my annual mix, it is so much fun to throw nasturtiums in your salad! (I have quite a few non-edible perennial flowers, I have to admit) And for a great, bargain plant border idea – buy a pack(s) of multi-hued mesclun leaf lettuce mix – and you will have an edible border. You can thin it out slowly so that it remains picturesque.

  3. for ONCE I got my yard mostly cleaned up in the fall…it’s so awesome( more time to play)and of course I have plans:) one is to paint my swing( can’t decide on white or a pale pink)….

  4. Now that I’ve seen the whiskey barrell planter, the grapevine chair and the garden hoe with the two hole in it. like yours…(I have all)…I now feel I’m a junker…lol… Mel’s Cabin is inspired!

  5. I love working outside and the weather has been perfect for it,alas I’m not feeling up to yard work right now. I gently hinted to the man of the house to gitter started…he didn’t take the hint. I’ll soon be well and I’ll gitter done (sigh). Your yard is really pretty. I love the twig chair.

  6. We’ve been working in our yard off and on for a few months now… things are starting to come along.
    I LOVE YOUR CHARACTER BUILDING…it is one of my favorite projects that you’ve worked on …again and again,
    I love seeing how it has transformed and how it has transformed you!

    ~ i like playing outside too, Pat

  7. Geez, you might just inspire me, lol. I, too, got an old shed for my backyard last summer that I have to turn from a sow’s ear to a silk purse. So do you know what that stuff is growing on the roof of the little cottage to be? Teapotrose

  8. I have a few sprouts coming up where I live but nothing like what you have in your yard..Your yard is beautiful and I can’t wait to see what the 2 projects you have started could be..Have a great week..

  9. Well, my newly wed husband has grown irises almost his whole life. So, I think an iris garden is in the plans 🙂

    Donna – I LOVE the little shed!
    Too darling!

    Pssst – Giveaway at our blog.
    Iffen ya want to enter.

  10. After a looong winter in my little neck of the woods, I am just itching to get out there! I haven’t ever been an outdoors kinda gal, but I am trying to change that. Last year we put up a chicken wire ‘fence’ by our walkway up to the house and planted peas to grow up it and used all the flower beds for food. I hope to expand on that this year. I think I will feel more comfortable outside because my little boy will be turning 4 and hopefully less inclined to dart out onto the busy street that is just metres from our lawn.

  11. I love a good garden clean-up, we are knee deep over here…your little garden cottage is so wonderful, just love it….julie

  12. Yard work is absolutely therapy in the best form, especially on a beautiful day! BTW at my house we all spend a lot of time in our PJ’s. My 9 yr old daughters best friend, who lives down the road, always brings hers too when she comes to play for a while ( so she can fit in with the family). I highly recommend that you pressure wash in your pajamas LOL!It is just hard to get stressed out while wearing PJ’s!!!

  13. I have been doing the same here. Trying to get some sod down to cover all the dirt and sand from the plumbers. Making flower beds. It’s exhausting but I love it too. It’s best to do it now before it gets too hot. Still a lot left here to do. Pressure washing will begin once all the pollen stops!

    I love that shed and would love to have it in my yard. Sigh, so pretty.

  14. I have done the front garden and in this new house we have only deck and a hot tub in the back. A huge change from our last home of 20 years where we had a huge beautiful lush high maintenance double lot, fish pond, 3 patios etc etc etc (and a front garden too. I finished weeding our new front beds in about 15 minutes!!! Holy cow…this is going to be an awesome Summer! I am looking forward to creating the pots on the patio!

  15. Yes Saturday was so lovely we took to the yard for a much needed clean. I have a habit of having my husband transplant um…most of my bushes. I can never seem to be happy from one year to the next were they are situated. My yard is a work in progress as I have a black thumb (everything dies) maybe its all the transplanting going on?

  16. I was so excited for spring….my crocus and snowdrops are full force and the daffs are growing by the second. SO excited to get out there and get my hands dirty. Then WHAM! ( wake me up before you go-go) Happy Spring and four inches of snow scheduled for tonight. Oh well, waited long enough! I have a folder filled with little vine covered houses just like that one, would love to build one some day…maybe this year!

  17. Hey Donna –
    When are you going to sit down and tell the story of your cow sign I so dearly love and hope you “will” to me someday…? I’ve been waiting so long!

  18. Now my shed looks nothing like your cutie…I’m so jealous!!! Yes…some big plans are going to happen…after 15 years and NO BLOOMING of my Azalea busshes…these things are going bye bye and a new flower bed will be born…can’t wait!!!


  19. Oh Yay it is officially spring now isn’t it?!!? I couldn’t tell because it won’t stop here with the thunderstorms and rain! These photos make me long for my dream cottage/farmhouse on the coast with the big huge garden (even though nothing would be a live and beautiful as it is here because I don’t have a green thumb.. at all)… One day though!

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