The little twiggy rustic Christmas tree that was perfect for us

My son and I rarely agree on a Christmas tree.

He wants the kind that have been pruned and prodded and sang to all season, in hopes of having the most spectacular perfectly shaped tree in the land.

The kind where you need 10 boxes of lights, and is so dense, you need to put as many inside the tree as you do on the outside.

Bullet proof! Bounce proof even. The kind where you need 2 neighbours to help you lug it into the house. Like our tree last year. 

I loved it! It had a side of quirk to it too which made me happy. But we went a different route this year.

A twiggy little Christmas tree with a story on
Meet Miss Twiggy. Because my preference is a natural rustic Charlie Brown kinda tree. 🙂

Rather than a traditional big huge tree farm with the hay rides and hot apple cider beside the firepit, we shopped local.

I desired a natural looking tree that you may find during a forest walk. Unpruned. A little unruly. And bare. Charlie Brownish if you will.

So we visited a local place I had never been to. And while I missed all the hub bub of the larger places, I’m so glad we went this route.

The kind gent followed me into the field when he didn’t have to, offered to saw the tree when he didn’t need to, and offered to carry it for me when I could carry it myself. It was that light.

And then, with an apologetic heart, he gave me a deal, because his selection was low.

I turned to him and said otherwise. “There’s no need to apologize. The first tree I saw in your field was the one I fell in love with. And with so many others, I’m glad I saw this first because that made my decision easy. Thank YOU for having the kind of tree I was looking for this year! And something I can manage myself!”

I am so in LOVE with a tree like this, you have no idea.

A twiggy little Christmas tree with a story on

A twiggy little Christmas tree with a story on
When I started decorating it with mini lights and all things woodsy ( kindling stars, wood slice garland, plain wood slices and button garland), I had to laugh. Every light shone as brightly as if you had put on 5. I had to relearn how to wrap the lights around each branch so the cords wouldn’t show very much.

And boy is this thing bright at night! With so little density, she outshines our best reading lamp.

A twiggy little Christmas tree with a story on
And I think it goes without saying, we don’t have any issues with the tree blocking the sun…. 😀

I’m telling you, this tree is perfect!

And chimes in with the spirit of Christmas in a whole new way.

Twine wrapped sock stretcher stocking / A twiggy little Christmas tree with a story on
This little tree represents how our expectations can lead us wrong. We may find the most perfect little treasure in the least expected places.

A twiggy little Christmas tree with a story on

(tree is from Mayfair Signs on Majuba Hill in Chilliwack, BC Canada… cannot find it online)

Thank-you for being so kind to us Mr. Mayfair, and for the most perfect little tree we’ve ever had!

p.s. I’m taking my son to Disney for Christmas, so he got over the twiggy tree pretty quick! 🙂

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23 thoughts on “The little twiggy rustic Christmas tree that was perfect for us

  1. I love your Charlie Brown tree! I have a couple in our house along with the main tree that was grown on a farm. We got it at Lowe’s. I wish they wouldn’t cut them so perfectly triangle. I like the long branches that hang out so the balls can swing freely. The Charlie Brown trees are just small cedar trees. The kind that sticks you and makes you itch. I wish I knew of some place where we could just go walk the woods and cut one down. We did that when I was little. Enjoy your trip to Disney! Merry Christmas!!

  2. It is adorable. That is the kind of tree I would have if I had one. I hope that you and your son have a super great time at Disneyland. Merry Christmas!

  3. I do know what you mean, Donna. I love your tree, too! It’s so funny, we’ve always gotten a traditional Frasier Fir 6-8 foot tree every year, and after we got one this year I started seeing trees like yours on certain blogs and I was sad that I didn’t get one, too:) My family would probably have a cow, so it would have to be our “second” tree I think. This year they did let me get a white tree (so new for me) as our second tree so maybe there’s hope after all. Happy holidays and have a wonderful time at Disney.
    Charm Bracelet Diva {at Home}

  4. Loving all your projects this year Donna… especially love the vintage hanger window display 🙂 Merry Christmas and thanks for all your awesome inspiration!

  5. Merry Christmas Donna and to your Son! I so adore your Christmas tree and your beautiful home. I know you will have a blast at Disney! May you Holidays be filled with moments that make beautiful memories!

  6. I love this tree – reminds me of the trees we had as a kid. We went to our Nana’s land for many years where my dad always cut down from the woods what we called the “Charlie Brown Tree” because they were sparse. We always made them look beautiful though just as you have. I Love this and these trees are great because you can get really creative. Also love those window shutters.
    I bet they help keep your home warm in the winter.


  7. Love it!
    That is exactly what I am looking for but have yet to find for a tree.
    God bless you as you celebrate our Saviors birth!

  8. This is the kind of tree I want next year. I’m not doing a tree this year because I’m moving. It looks great! Why does it look great? Because it’s simple and you can tell a lot of love went into decorating it. Merry Christmas to you!

  9. I LOVE this tree, is there a word stronger than love? Cause that is what I am feeling for this tree! I think this is the PERFECT tree, absolutely gorgeous, I really can not gush enough over this tree, and how the ornaments shine on it.

  10. Dense trees hide half of the ornaments, so yes, I too love this little tree. Hubby has allergies, so we have a faux tree, but much love goes into decorating it. On a different note-have you ever done a blog on those amazing folding window coverings? My heart skipped a big ‘ol beat( don’t tell my cardiologist, tho). I need to replace our curtains and am so happy I saw this first. Merry Christmas to you and your son. Say hello to Mickey and the gang.

  11. That tree is perfectly you, beautiful! Thank you so much for all of the link parties throughout the year and helping me grow my blog! Have a joyous and merry Christmas and a wonderful, happy New Year!

  12. I absolutely ADORE your tree! What a beauty you found. There is so much beauty in simple, that I think people forget all the time. Bigger isn’t always better. And it’s totally manageable. You can even see your wonderful ornaments better. That’s a five star tree in my eyes! Merry Christmas!

  13. This is the exact kind of tree my grandparents always had. It saw majestically in front of their huge picture window with those big, old-fashion lights, a few well=placed ornaments, and dripping in tinsel. I always thought it to be the loveliest tree, each and every year.

  14. I love dense trees but I love this one too, Donna. It’s totally sweet and shows your pretty ornaments so well. I just hope it will survive the kitties :). Haven’t they tried to climb up on it?
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  15. I’m so happy for you to have found such a beautiful specimen! I’ve lamented for years about the lack of natural growth trees available in the tree farms and lots. And, sadly, all we get growing in our southern woodlands are pines and cedars – neither of which will hold an ornament. I end up creating my own open branched tree by purchasing then removing 50-75% of the growth; but they never look anything like your wispy beauty. Lucky you!!!

  16. This year I hope to put up an old wooden ladder (not safe to stand on), my hubby and family will have a fit. But I want something different and packages will fit under it! I really like your tree.

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