‘Twas a day before Christmas…
… and all through the place…
… everything was in order, to a decorator’s taste.
A photoshoot going so smooth, even my camera took a yawn.
When suddenly behind me…
… my son smacked THIS thing on. (ACK!)
Funny boy proceeded to follow me, surely to jest!
As if it wasn’t bad enough, that this 20-yr-old-yellowed-white-thing’s here to nest?!?
Oh no, even the 20-yr-old-yellowed-white-thing’s sprouted a tree.
Then proceeded to jump over to the fridge with other kiddie art company. (that elf is creepy)
Egads! It won’t stop! It’s followed me here!
Missy’s Pillow, please forgive me! I think it’s staying I fear!
I’m giving up the fight.
I guess this is to say,
Merry Christmas can be said,
in more than one way.
There’s loads of time for perfection,
In all that we do,
Just remember to chill,
And enjoy the season through.
It’s time to laugh with the kidlets,
And enjoy everyone.
The best things don’t cost money,
The free offers joy by the ton.
May your season be HO HO, joyful and bright!
And here’s to a wonderful Christmas,
… despite crazy green things popping up in sight…
(double ACK!)
~ All the best! ~
Pssst… the super tasteful trees hang out HERE.
Hey blogging friend,
I have loved all your Christmas posts, hope you have a very merry one tomorrow.
That was fun! You are off the chart creative!
Merry Christmas and the Happiest New Year from upstate New York!
(psst – I was looking for your mailing address to send you something after I watched your video opening the nifty pillow from another creative genius BUT, I couldn’t find one! I’m sappy like that and just wanted you to have a pile of goodies underneath the tree! – because YOU give so much)
I enjoy reading your blog. And can’t wait to paint my younger son’s room! Thanks for the inspiration and stepping out of the box! I’m learning to do that a little now!
Too cute. The elf is creepy though. Have a lovely Christmas and keep creating! Pam
I too make room for paper chains, macaroni necklaces and reindeer faces made from the tracing of a foot.
May the peace of the season be yours.
Merry Christmas!
Fun post… it’s a great reminder that today and tomorrow are about to happen ready or not….just have some fun.
Merry Christmas!
Love this…the teacher in me loves the creative story and display of little kid art!! Merry Christmas and I am thrilled to have found your blog! Great ideas and wonderful inspiration!
love the ‘twisty’ humor & rhymes!
Merry Christmas! Yes…Christmas is coming whether the decorations are finished or not…and they aren’t here, well…at least what I WANTED to do!
Merry Christmas to you! Can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve in the coming year.
So enjoyed that and all your blog posts. Thank you so much for sharing all your creative talent.
May you and your son have a wonderful Christmas and fantastic New Year!
Cuteness Donna!
Merry Christmas dear friend. May it be bright and funky and full of rusty goodness 🙂
And a very Merry Christmas back to all of you! Your participation and visits to my ‘lil blog has meant the world to me and has opened up a whole new dimension to my quiet life here in the Canadian mountains.
Incidently, this green tree thing was quite by accident, as is most things I post about. I truly was taking a photo shoot and my son was glued to my hip, plunking the tree here and there and everywhere in my way. So, I gave up the good fight and we collaborated and went silly. Just for you. 🙂
Does everything go as planned in your homestead? Never does it here. And for good reason I say. Life takes us down different turns so we can enjoy more interesting scenery. Life, as it comes, is good, and always for a reason!
Merry Christmas, friends!
Funky Junk Donna
Funny stuff! Your little guy has quite a sense of humor.
That’s boys for ya! Merry Christmas and hope you last to New Years all in one piece!
how cute is that! Merry Christmas my friend!!!
Them’s some great rhymin’ words, Donna! 🙂 Merry Christmas you guys!
Merry Christmas y’all!
Oh, you are so funny! Sometimes you just have to go with it. I love that your son wanted to participate in your photo shoot! Have a merry Christmas, friend! You deserve it. Hugs from Tennessee,