The ultimate girl’s day out with Tamara – Part 1, an ultimate lunch

Not long ago, I met a new friend in Fort Langley, BC. While our meet up was actually business related, I didn’t expect to ADORE this gal and spend our day quite like this!

Decorators, brace yourself! I’m going to verbalize the inspiration as we go along.

Meet Tamara, who runs Darvonda Nurseries, a family run poinsettia wholesale business located in beautiful Langley, BC. Tamara invited me over to her place to tour the workings of her poinsettia operation.

Tamara’s blog, The GreenHouse Diaries is HERE. She’s one funny and amazing gal!

However, first up was lunch. So I’m treating you to a stunning picture heavy post that deserves it’s own space.

We had lunch at Little White House, located in historic Fort Langley, BC. This is a true blue heritage home that houses an ‘elegant rustic restaurant’ and glam store, all in one.

First order of the day was a lunch deemed ‘high tea’. There’s two of everything and it is the most exquisite homemade finger food styled lunch I’ve ever had.

I know. Trust me, I know.

We both chuckled over the optional champagne. We decided on coffee instead until Tamara heard champagne was a high rarity for me. She promptly turned that around and treated us to this cute little bottle that held exactly two glasses, one for each of us.

It was wonderful!

(tastefully stenciled walls)

Cheers to glam lunches and girls talkin’ dreams!

We had a great time getting to know each other. But I’ll admit I requested a moment of silence more than once while I sank my teeth into those amazing morsels…

(massive and elegant mirror, HUGE juxtaposition between styles)

This is where we sat. Rustic? Meet Glamour.

(stencils different, framing window, window frames black to bring in floors)

(lamps on some tables)

Gorgeous wall which included two barn doors.

Tamara is a busy gal. I caught her on film a few times doing something like this… LOVE this shot!

No worries, I cut out on her first. I needed to keep picking up my camera so we made a great tag team. 🙂

Ready? It only gets better.

The restaurant had differently themed eating areas. When Tamara asked me which one I liked best, you can BET I screamed “THIS ONE!”

I adore how the ceiling was removed only to leave it vaulted. My next home will have a vaulted ceiling. I just love the height.

(painted plywood floors, elegant style with rustic execution)

Painted plywood floors. It couldn’t be easier! Stain, tape your lines, paint, lift tape, done. I love this 3 tone method and would LOVE to implement this in my downstairs office one day overtop the cement… oh yes. This too shall be mine one day.

Here’s the formal eating area, complete with mirrored tables. Every square inch was stunning.

And there was so much more to The White House other than the amazing food.

Let’s take a walk…

…. through the store. Each room in the home was decked out in gorgeous gift items and home decor. Soooo many ideas you DIY gals and shoppers alike will LOVE.

Do take your time with each photo, taking in every single object. There’s a wealth of inspiration here.

(ceiling beams marry the floors and woodwork)

BUSTED. heehee!

Then again, I was looking through the camera again wasn’t I… yeah well…

(linen styled bed, head to toe)

(mirrors along ledge further brighten dark areas, white window hugged by dark mouldings)

I fell head over heels in LOVE with the architectural woodwork of this entire home. All windows, framework and mouldings are original and can easily be copied. I’d love to try my hand at recreating that beefy window frame.

Note the bird cage styled mirror.. it was so cool.

(iron scroll work in windows – if it’s a security thing, it sure looks great!)

I grew up with a living room window just like this and didn’t appreciate it for 1 minute when at home. What was I thinking!!!

(birdhouse and outdoor gable theme = perfection)

The bed was magnificently themed. And that ledge above the wainscotting is such a wonderful setting for mirrors.

(height of headboard works well with scale of bed)

I love this room. And I love the fact that it had two mismatched chandeliers. Quirky elegance.

(surprising yellow pieces in an otherwise all white room)

How fun was it to shop together!

(typography fabric)

I need that fabric! And a sewer.

Tamara fell in love with these cutlery prints on canvas. I suggested we make some with real cutlery and frame it out with a nice beefy rustic wood frame. That’s when the workshop talk fired up!

Would you attend a workshop in a really cool barn styled store making something like this with your own two hands using power tools, then going for a swanky lunch at this place, then head out for a little junkin’ as a group? I sure would!

These reminded me of a crochet game. Hmmm… maybe…

(colored sheet music paper flower wreath on card stock or glued on something thicker)

(white Christmas tree further illuminates a room with few windows)

(bulletin board OVER grain sack print, days of the week labelled chalkboard hooks)

(tufted headboard on more than one wall)

(quirky lamp with receipt shade)

It’s physically painful, isn’t it?

(a wreath in each window, sitting on sill, above window detailing, TALL curtains off window area)

Sweet… a clock faced knob.

(boa Christmas trees)

Little White House was a truly wonderful place to treat ourselves to something special. Tamara, thanks again for the incredible time! It truly was a lunch to remember.

But this was only the start of our ultimate girl’s day out. Stay tuned for Parts 2, 3, and 4. NO ultimate day can only get away with one post… 🙂

Part 2 – A very colourful tour


Part 3 – We decorate a barn store


Part 4 – Decorating my own home

Join Tamara’s Great Poinsettia Decorating Challenge linkup for a chance to win a  fab $50 dinner!

Do you have a special place nearby that is hard to forget? Do tell!

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Categories: Inspiration, Shopping

49 thoughts on “The ultimate girl’s day out with Tamara – Part 1, an ultimate lunch

  1. I could die truly happy in a place like that! I am in love with the tufted wingback headboard and matching bench!!!!!!! So many amazingly wonderful items… I am a DIY’r and did go crazy (in a good way) lookin at all those pictures. Thank you so much for sharing!
    Also, your camera takes beautiful pictures… Can I ask what kind of camera is it? I have a newer blog and am looking to uphrase my camera.


  2. WOW! Now those pictures are ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!! Seriously, it was such a FUN time out. You are just such a great gal and I’m looking forward to that FUNKY JUNKY meets DARVONDA all day workshop! Champagne all around ladies……sign up TODAY 🙂

  3. I love this post! I love love love the Little White House. I’m having my wedding there next September in their garden. It is the sweetest place with the most charming, elegant and romantic ambience. Your photos capture the feel very well 🙂

  4. My jaw dropped when I saw that white architectural salvage headboard bed with the birdhouse at the top. That is beautiful as is the rest of the place. What a fun day! Can’t wait to see what else developed from there.

  5. WOW. Beautiful photos. Beautiful stuff. A friendship in the making as well as a business adventure. Congratulations. Thinks are on the rise for you and I’m so glad you are letting us come along for the ride. Have a great week.

  6. Oh my gosh I so want to go there! Too bad it’s so far away. I’m sure there’s got to be a place like this out in my neck of the woods. I’ve been hunting down all the cute little shops I can find. It’s quite an adventure!

  7. That is the coolest place! I wanna eat lunch there and go to the workshop, and go junkin with yall! If I weren’t so darn far away……(heart of dixie)

  8. Oh man! Painful, you ask? You’re killing me with all this…and there’s more for you to show us??? I so want that wood floor for my garden shed – at the very least!

  9. Thanks for all the great posts. Just a quick question: Did I miss the final installment for Janette’s kitchen? I can’t seem to find the finished product post.

    Thanks again!

  10. You have my head spinning right now. Great food, friendship, and the best eye candy! Love everything here, but that painted plywood floor is awesome. Thanks for sharing your day.

  11. My heart is bursting with happiness that you and Tamara met and had such a fabulous time. I’m so happy for you Donna, what a lovely day you had together!! I felt bad that my day had to be cut short with her but she was delightful and I would have enjoyed getting to spend more time with her too! That house? I DIE.

  12. AWESOME…Those rooms are to die for..I loved it all and your lunch was unbelievable..I bet ya had the best time..Looking forward to your other posts..

  13. Holy Cow!! I could stare at these photos all day! I’m loving the boa trees & 3 wreaths on the sill. So relaxing & gorgeous!


  14. Dear Donna,
    As always you hit it out of the park. Your photography is really becoming quite amazing! I just wanted to send a quick Thank you to you. I am new to blogging and I have learned so much from your site! I appreciate all the tips that you share to helps us newbies make our sites as beautiful and amazing as yours! Thanks again.
    P.S if you check out my blog when you have a chance (ha ha ha) let me know of any improvements that I could make. Thanks

  15. If you have a bird family also there has to be a nest box in the bird cage netting
    ,twelve inch by twelve inch in size,in order both parents and all the babies to fit properly. It is possible if there is not enough space that parents could pluck their babies

  16. That is an absolutely beautiful place. Glad to see I’m not the only one who checks out the things I like. So much fun to dine in a setting so in tune with you personally. I love it!!!

  17. Oh my, yes, it is physically painful! Absolutely love the architectural beauty of this place and the combo of the dark wood with the cream colors. I will be making a ledge somewhere in my house very soon. I love the mirrors!

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