When New York visits Oh Canada

Farmhouse bedroom with horse gate headboard and ladder side table with Miriam of Hometalk, via FunkyJunkInteriors

So, what happens when you get delightful visitors all the way from New York for just a few mere hours?

When New York visits Oh Canada, you invite them over of course! And ham it up for the camera. 

We chose the bedroom with it’s funky ladder sidetable and pipe handled tray because this room offers the best lighting. And because Miriam just really looked good in it. 🙂

Farmhouse bedroom with horse gate headboard and ladder side table with Miriam of Hometalk, via FunkyJunkInteriors

Miriam, from Hometalk is a work colleague and friend of mine. When I heard she was stepping into Vancouver, BC for ‘a moment’, well, that didn’t work as is for me! She had no idea how close I was from from the US border, so we made a short visit happen.

Turns out my two tuxedo kids were just as excited as I!

But goodness guys… did I clean before they came. And pressure washed and cleaned and gutted and gardened and cleaned some more. I don’t recognize the place. It’s fabulous. 🙂

Donna of Funky Junk and Miriam of Hometalk chat it up via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

During our visit we made some small talk on all things pretend just to get in a shot of us  blog business. Yup. BIG business talk going on here. Can you see the big pie in the sky ideas rising above our brainstorming heads?

“Ok, let’s try again. I closed my eyes the last time.”

“Look up next time! Your eyes were open but you were looking down.”

“Ok!  Hurry up shutter, my teeth are drying out…”

Ca…… lick.

Quality time in Oh Canada right here folks!

Edited to add: I did forget the part about Miriam gasping and pointing at everything in sight. It wasn’t so much that my home is outstanding or anything. It was about seeing the features you’ve only seen online, in real life for the first time. 

I smiled the entire time, because I understood it. When I went to Miss Mustard Seed’s home a ways back, I felt the same way. It was like walking onto a well watched movie set in person. Pretty cool. 

Miriam building a reclaimed wood toolbox
Anyone that comes here gets a quick lesson in building something. It appears to be somewhat mandatory. I wanted Miriam to take a little reclaimed wood toolbox home so we set about making that happen.

Let me put it this way. If you are a non builder coming in, your title changes going out. And you might even wear a plaid jacket while you do it. I have a selection to choose from.

Miriam building a reclaimed wood toolbox
Well done! All wrapped up and ready to send back to New York! A+ graduate!

Miriam and Chaim on a canal bridge in British Columbia, Canada via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
So Chaim? He’s amazing. He knows exactly where to go and what to see in my area much better than I’ll ever begin to know. But I think I got him with this quick canal stop.

SCREEECH. Me darting to their car…

“So… real quick? If you stand on that bridge over there, it would make a GREAT shot of you two! I know nothing’s in bloom, but I promise, it’ll be a cool shot!”

They’re probably still scratching their heads at my slam on the breaks method of planning. But whadda shot, huh?!

High tea at The Little Whitehouse in Langley, BC via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
And then it was time to take them to The Little White House in Fort Langley for high tea. 

Chaim was the wise one and bypassed the tea part for coffee, and am I ever glad he did! It was the most amazing brew I’ve ever had to date.

High tea at The Little Whitehouse in Langley, BC via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

High tea is basically bite sized things you may normally eat full size. It’s absolutely wonderful and special, especially in these surroundings of barnwood and chandeliers (see it HERE).

And then far too quickly, my friends had to continue their Canadian journey elsewhere. 

Birch trees along the river in Langley, British Columbia via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

 I wasn’t quite ready for the fun to end, so I drove to a little park overlooking the river. It was drizzly out, but amazingly quiet and beautiful. And a perfect moment to reflect on a very fun day.

It’s so amazing how the connections we have online lead to real friendships. Remember the day when we’d say with a smirk ‘my online friends’ through conversation? Our online friendships are truly real, and I’m so grateful I had a moment to appreciate one.. make that two of mine. From New York!

There’s kind of a reason I’m making a big deal out of New York. I mean, other than the fact that someone I talk to all the time finally came for a real visit in my home!!

If you’ve ever had a deep travel kinda conversation with me, New York is indeed on my bucket list. I’ve read about it and watched it on the tube far too many times to not be curious. I really really REALLY want to experience it one day. When I was a kid, I was on the Canadian side overlooking the New York side. And it drove me crazy then.

So until I can get there one day, I can remember the wonderful visit I had with my friends from New York!

Donna and her black New York hat via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
I have the memories and the hat to prove it.

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19 thoughts on “When New York visits Oh Canada

  1. Hi Donna, wonderful story about your New York guests. I was born and raised in Brooklyn and during those formulative years, I couldn’t wait to leave and explore the rest of the country. Now a mere 90 minutes but a lifetime away from the Big Apple, I yearn for its’ presence, its’ pulse, and its’ invigoration. The city, the boroughs, the rivers, ocean, mountains, and countryside offer an exuberant vitality I’m unable to explain, but a life experience unlike any other…. Carpe diem!

  2. Thanks Donna!!! Love the demos of the bedroom and using your cool photos to “prove it”. Just wonderful and thoroughly enjoyable… like the rest of your blog! 🙂

  3. What a wonderful opportunity for you! Getting to meet Miriam in person, in your home must have been terrific! I can’t wait to hear what you cooked up during your brainstorming. It looks like you all had a great time.
    New York is on my bucket list too, and it’s only 1/2 a day drive away for me. My husband keeps saying yes, but we’ve yet to find the time.
    Debbie 🙂

  4. Fabulous! and my favourite part? The Little White House in Fort Langley!!!!!!!! I used to go there all the time when I lived in North Langley – thanks for the trip down memory lane!


  5. awww what a nice post and i am glad you got to have fun ,i call my onliners my imaginary friends lol xx

  6. So, I subscribe to your newsletter and enjoy seeing your posts every day. Needless to say, I gasped in delight when I saw this one! What a wonderful recap of our precious hours together. This was a dream come true for me – I feel so lucky to have spent this time with you …
    Btw, you left out the part about me shrieking in excitement at everything I saw in your house. It was like meeting celebrities: “the STAIRS! the PALLET WALKWAY! the SHED!” Haha. Thank you for making our visit so amazing and memorable. Next –let’s take NY together! xo
    P.S. Chaim is your new biggest fan.

  7. Donna, I always enjoy your posts~ The landscape photos are amazing on this particular post! I understand completely about our online friends and the joy to meet/visit with them in person. I also understand about dreaming of a place you long to visit; mine is the UK:D

    Blessings on your continued journeys~

  8. What a fun share, Donna!! I was lucky enough to meet both of you at Lucketts last year, so when I see fun posts like this, it’s even more enjoyable! I love that our online passion has allowed us to cross paths with such incredible people we would have otherwise never known! Looks like you two had a ball 🙂

  9. I love your house and your hospitality but I LOVE seeing the kitties. I have calico cats and two pit bulls. The pits are afraid of the older cat but love the kitten.

  10. Love the horsegate headboard. It inspired me and I couldn’t find one so I built one.
    What I cannot figure out — – how did you securely hang yours? It’s heavy but not too heavy.
    Love the room! Thanks so much!

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