Mad about decorating with Poinsettias! (in my own home)

My kitten has her eye on something. And that’s those pretty red poinsettias at the bottom of the stairs.

But I did lots more than just place them there. They landed everywhere. 🙂

Please come visit that post HERE to see the place all decked out… with poinsettias!

All parts to this series are HERE

Part 1 – an ultimate lunch at Little White House in Langley

Part 2 – a poinsettia greenhouse  tour with video

Part 3 – We decorate Tamara’s barn store 

Part 4 – Mad about decorating with poinsettias! (on my sponsor blog)


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15 thoughts on “Mad about decorating with Poinsettias! (in my own home)

  1. I love poinsettias! These are so pretty and the way you’ve placed them is beautiful! What is painted on your steps? They look really neat! I always enjoy your posts so much – thank you for sharing! Hugs, Leena

  2. There is just something about poinsettias that says Christmas! If they wouldn’t get knocked over, I’d have them going all up and down my entry stairway, but they’d get drastic temp. changes there too. I love how you have yours in a corner of the stairs! So pretty in that pot!!

  3. Beautiful Donna. They dont do too well here because of our weather. I always buy them for
    my mom and dad’s grave for Christmas.
    Love the way you decorate with them.

  4. Your postings have inspired me! I’ve never bought poinsettias b/c I didn’t really have room for them. Now that we have a new house, I was thrilled to buy some beautiful poinsettias for the first time and they are so gorgeous! I’m brainstorming new containers so I can ditch the red foil soon. But either way they are so festive! Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. Beautiful poinsettias! Be careful, very toxic to cats and dogs if they chew on them, don’t think you want a trip to the animal ER anytime soon.

    Love your blog, great inspiration!

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