Rusty junk gear and funnel Christmas candle centrepiece with vignettes

Learn how to arrange this rusty junk gear and funnel Christmas candle centrepiece using industrial gears, oil funnel and reclaimed wood! Click to visit full tutorial.

Rusty junk gear and funnel Christmas candle centrepiece with vignettes

Learn how to arrange this rusty junk gear and funnel Christmas candle centrepiece using industrial gears, oil funnel and reclaimed wood! Click to visit full tutorial.

It’s been great being home again! My work has finally finished up until the new year, so today started off slow and easy, with computer and coffee.

So I was playing on the blog (maybe for too long??) when my son asked me if it was ok to write on an old ‘shirt.  “Sure!” I replied. Moments later he walked into the room with the shirt reading, “I’M HUNGRY.”

While he’s indeed a fine cook, the ploy to pay attention to HIM won, so we I stopped to eat. 🙂

Then it was time to finish up a little Christmas decorating.

Grain sacks with evergreen branches garland hanging from a door pull as Christmas or winter decorating.

Christmas decorating ideas


I received a really lovely gift from friend April from Thoughtful Escapes ….. She created these adorable little bags out of paint stained drop cloths in 3 different sizes. LOVE!

Washers and ribbon add the bling. Aren’t they sweet? Thank-you April!

Grain sacks with evergreen branches garland hanging from a door pull as Christmas or winter decorating.

Grain sacks with evergreen branches garland hanging from a door pull as Christmas or winter decorating.So I put them to work today. I just added a fresh sprig of greens, pinned them together and hung them up on the gate screens.

Mini antique spool with burlap ribbon and apples with cranberries Christmas vignette.

How cool was this spool find? Just a really simple little something that sits on a trunk in the room. Gotta love those apples and cranberries for just the right touch of red!

Christmas vignette with apples, evergreen branches inside plant pots on an antique soil sifter. Perfect for tv remotes!

I brought back the white coffee table my son deems ‘the lego table’ for Christmas entertaining. A drying screen keeps all the remotes handy and offered a fun place for a vignette with a serving bowl for treats.

Christmas vignette with apples, evergreen branches inside plant pots on an antique soil sifter. Perfect for tv remotes!

Christmas vignette with apples, evergreen branches inside plant pots on an antique soil sifter. Perfect for tv remotes!

Fresh cranberries are nesting inside the clay pots, and the works received a light dusting of snow spray. Well, except for the apples. I’ve been on a displaying apple kick lately, but it’s not sitting well with my son as it’s apparently depleting his intake stock. Here’s proof.

my hungry son helping me Christmas decorate...

‘Raaar’ back atcha for eating my display! 🙂

But here’s my fav idea…

Rusty junk gear and funnel Christmas candle centrepiece


Learn how to arrange this rusty junk gear and funnel Christmas candle centrepiece using industrial gears, oil funnel and reclaimed wood! Click to visit full tutorial.

Learn how to arrange this rusty junk gear and funnel Christmas candle centrepiece using industrial gears, oil funnel and reclaimed wood! Click to visit full tutorial.

This rusty junk gear and funnel Christmas candle centrepiece was arranged specifically for the metal kitchen island.

A funnel, rusty industrial gears, candles, apples and cranberries placed on a few salvaged boards acting as a table runner offer something unique and really quick to whip up!

Learn how to arrange this rusty junk gear and funnel Christmas candle centrepiece using industrial gears, oil funnel and reclaimed wood! Click to visit full tutorial.

Learn how to arrange this rusty junk gear and funnel Christmas candle centrepiece using industrial gears, oil funnel and reclaimed wood! Click to visit full tutorial.



  1. Place reclaimed wood into position acting as a table runner.
  2. Position the main components next, such as funnel and rusty gears.
  3. Cut fresh evergreen branches and insert them between the gears and funnel.
  4. Add fresh fruit for a touch of colour. I used apples.
  5. Lightly spray with faux snow for a wintery effect!

I love how this rusty junk gear and funnel Christmas candle centrepiece turned out! 

The added snow is just spray that’s super easy to wipe up, but it was rather fun to leave it for the photoshoot!  I’ll just leave it until…

my hungry son helping me Christmas decorate...

… seriously?!?

(all Christmas 2011 posts to date are HERE)

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33 thoughts on “Rusty junk gear and funnel Christmas candle centrepiece with vignettes

  1. simple objects ~ funnel, gears, fresh greenery, drop cloth bags {love those} ~ all combined for a fantastic centerpiece. makes me ready for the holidays to hurry up & end ~ only because I’m ready to dig through an estate sale and find these things. it’s the only bad things about the holidays, the lack of sales 😉

  2. I’ll say it again, and I’m sure again and again, but you kick serious buttocks! Your creativity is amazing. So simple and yet, I’d never think of it. I can try like a steer, but somehow my mind just won’t let the creative juices flow. After all your inspiration, I’m going to make it a mission to look at things differently. 🙂

  3. I love it Donna! I just found a drying box and put it in the shop for sale, well it’s coming home with me now!
    Why do these kids have to eat everyday?

    DONNA, that poor boy is hungry and he must have a point since he IS eating the displays. I was just thinking at least he would have apples to eat and the next pic was him eating one. LOL.
    Love all of your vignettes, so dang junky and neat. Love your little bags too, really cute.
    Tell Cody to ask Santa for a cook so he will
    have something to eat when he wants it. Maybe Santa will see his note on the counter and feel sorry for him.If he gets one let me know….I will ask too!

  5. I love your junk! Really, you are so inventive and use things that I wouldn’t even glance at normally. Have you seen that pin on Pinterest: Hang-gry (han*gree)adj ~ A state of anger caused by lack of food; hunger causing a negative change in emotional state?
    That’s my nine year old at least twice a day! Can’t make it over 2 hours without a MEAL! Your posts lately reminded me of that!
    Merry Christmas!!!

  6. Your son’s a riot. Love your displays, of course. I thought of you Donna, when my husband and I pulled a bunch of metal oddities out of the basement of an old estate. I’m planning to do a little display with some of it.

  7. Love your son’s clever shirt, he sure has inherited your creative style. The little bags are adorable, so simple and elegant.
    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

  8. You’re so inspiring, Donna. I love the simplicity of how you merchandise. But the scale, texture and colors are all spot-on. You just might be winning me over to the funky side 😉

    Have a fantastic Christmas! I’m so honored to have ‘met’ you this year.

  9. I raised five boys, so I understand boys, your son is cute. Love all you have done, I never thought junk could look so great until I started following you. Thanks.

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