Warming up a fall entry with an industrial farmhouse reclaimed wood shelf

Warming up a fall entry with an industrial farmhouse reclaimed wood shelf as a mini writing station. | funkyjunkinteriors.net

While Hurricane Matthew made it’s way down south, (so horrific, my prayers were with all those affected!) we had our own little storm over the past few days. I don’t remember seeing it rain this hard in a very long time!

Being kept indoors all weekend, I now see it was a blessing. I had an emergency tooth issue earlier in the week, resulting in a lost root canal. Then a cold hit. Mix that with the rain, I’ve done little else but have a fabulous excuse to flick on the TV, and take a lot of naps.

So when the sun came out on Sunday, BAM! It was like, my energy was back, and I wanted to do something for fall. NOW. Before I had a chance to feel crappy again.

The only 2016 fall thing I’ve attempted thus far is the lime and purple fall hydrangea mantel, which by the way, looks as perfect as the day it was done. The hydrangeas dried to perfection!

BUT… being our Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, few stores were open. Which meant, no pumpkin or flower shopping for me. Pout.

So I pep talked myself. 

“Come on now… you know the drill. You are use to creating from nothing. So go do fall… for nothing!”

Like I had a choice… so the challenge was on.

Garden themed crate entry table made with Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Garden themed entry HERE

After I brought out a ton of buckets for around the front door, I decided… no. I need flowers and pumpkins there. 🙂

And moved on.

That’s when I stopped in the entry.

I love the entry as is, but this little garden crate styled desk looked a tad summery to me. I could have added fall leaves, and nearly did… but I just desired more of a change.

But I didn’t wish to lose the desk feature though… so I snooped around.

Revamping a summer entry into fall with rustic baskets and reclaimed wood | funkyjunkinteriors.net
“Warmth… think warmth.” I coaxed myself.

Pulling some rustic baskets and reclaimed wood together, a fresh, new, cozy look was on its way.

And this is where I start house cleaning. Thank you blog! This entire room got vacuumed, and wiped down because the dirt would show up in pictures.

Gathering reclaimed wood from a broken down fence | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Remember my story of the fence wood lottery win? I am getting a TON of use out of this wood.

So friends, if a fence is about to go down in your area, don’t let it get away.

Creating an industrial farmhouse shelf with reclaimed wood and random vintage hooks for a fall entry | funkyjunkinteriors.net
This fall entry with an industrial farmhouse reclaimed wood shelf ended up being perfect for a mini writing station! It had the warm woodsy touch I was after, took very little room, and was super easy to put together.

And yup… free! Points for me!

Confession… this is part of another project you will see later this week. But I just HAD to revamp it for this project.

And so goes my theory of why I build with screws, with yet another 2nd generation’ kinda project.

How I built this rustic shelf 

You’ll need: (contains some Amazon affiliate links)

reclaimed wood

pipes (I used 3/4″ pipe fittings)

miter saw

cordless drill and screws

palm sander


random hooks

And just for fun, I had to include these hooks I found. Oh my… I want!

 How to:

1. Gather up two planks… one slightly deeper (front to back) than the other.

(the top shelf needs to be deeper, due to the lower pipe fittings attached to the lower board. This pushes the top pipe fittings a little further out)

2. Cut planks the same length. Lightly sand.

3. Dry fit pipes as shown to ensure everything works.

4. Attach hooks where desired. 

How to install a industrial farmhouse shelf with reclaimed wood and random vintage hooks for a fall entry | funkyjunkinteriors.net
5. Install one screw into the hooked board. Add a level on top, then rotate until perfect. Secure with more screws.

(if you are going straight into drywall, you may want to use wall anchors prior)

How to install a industrial farmhouse shelf with reclaimed wood and random vintage hooks for a fall entry | funkyjunkinteriors.net
6. Install the lower part of the pipe shelf, with the help of a level along the top.

Easiest to attach fittings with one screw on each side, until you know it’s level.

Wasn’t that easy?!

Industrial farmhouse reclaimed wood shelf and ladder with baskets and crates storage for a fall entry | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Yes! A million times yes! I immediately fell in love. 

The shelf provides minimal writing station gear, plus more hanging opportunities for keys and such.

The rest of the entry got a few more baskets too. The storage ladder was gutted, and outfitted with winter and work gloves, and dirty yard working shoes, hidden inside the bottom crate.

I personally love that it looks empty from this view. No need to see the clutter, just the pretty baskets and crates.

Old signs for hanging coats for a fall entry made with Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils | funkyjunkinteriors.net
To warm and pretty things up, the (right) other side of the entry wall got a long basket to hide more dirty yard shoes. (to clean the basket prior, I took it outside and hosed it off)

And (left) a basket and little barrel holds freshly clipped tree branches and grape vines.

Don’t you LOVE that blanket looking shall? It’s from the Gap in Canada, and was 50% off. I’m completely smitten with it, and get nice comments every time I wear it with jeans and my dark grey sketchers.

HERE is a blanket shall  (Amazon affiliate link) I love too.

As for the Skechers, I have THESE which I live in, but I ADORE THESE! Must find. Ohhhh my. (Amazon affiliate links)

The doily purse is new too, and was from Warehouse One in Canada. THIS one is close. (Amazon affiliate link)

Me giving fashion advice. Who have I turned into?!

Old signs for hanging coats for a fall entry made with Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Since the messages on the old signs were all season, they didn’t need to be changed out. Still love them!

You can find the Farmers’ Market and National Coffee stencils HERE.

garden themed crate desk in an entry using Garden and Potting Shed, from Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils | funkyjunkinteriors.net
The summer version

Fall entry with old signs for hanging coats, ladder and basket storage, and industrial farmhouse reclaimed wood shelf | funkyjunkinteriors.net
(click picture to enlarge)

… aaaand fall! Warm, bright, and functional.

And so clean.


Completely pumpkin and flower free too…

But I secretly can’t wait to go shopping for some regardless. 🙂

Are you missing out on pumpkins and flowers too? Let’s go together…

Disclosure: this post contains Amazon Affiliate links, and links back to my own stencil store, for your own shopping adventure convenience.

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Categories: All Cool Projects, DIY, Fall, Full Rooms, Junk Drawer, Old Sign Stencils, Organizing, Reclaimed wood projects, Seasonal, Signs
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21 thoughts on “Warming up a fall entry with an industrial farmhouse reclaimed wood shelf

  1. Donna, it is so funny that we only clean portions of the house when we have to photograph! I am so guilty of the same practice. Any only because it takes less time to clean than to sit there and edit the dirt out of the photo! Blogger problems..haha!

    • Bhaha.. I’ve always said, “Thank goodness for blog posts!” Otherwise I’d never clean. 🙂

      And yeah, I learned the hard way myself. I had to redo an entire shoot because I forgot to dust a hand rail… egads.

  2. Love this, such a fun creative entry and that shelf is perfection. Loving hardware and metal lately. Enjoyed your newsletter this morning and looking forward to that new stencil design later this week. I’m opening a little farm market on the farm this will be a fun way for me to clean out some of these projects I make that I really don’t need.

  3. Yep, love the blanket shawl and purse. The grey color somehow, magically seems to blend in with and pick up the color of the ladder, the lettering on the market sign, and yes, even your shoes underneath! How do you do it! LOL! Seriously, it looks really nice. And yes, I’ve yet to get pumpkins. I’m interested in getting some white ones. Don’t know how hard they’ll be to find. Have a wonderful, creative day!

    • Well Joanne, the matching may have something to do with me not wearing anything other than black, grey, white and jeans! 🙂 I’m starting to match my house.

      And then I got a charcoal bike…

      Now I want a charcoal truck! But I have a black one right now, so I’m still good. LOL

      Staging photos for blog posts involves using clothes that compliment the surroundings. I left my dirty plaid paint filled garden jackets in the closet. haha

  4. Love, love the new FALL look and so useful. You are so talented and have a great eye for design/layout. I will be looking for those Sketchers (look comfty for everyday running around).

    I have my pumpkins out…need to get some potted Mums yet. In Michigan, the leaves are just starting to turn.

    • Eloise, if Skechers are new to you, fair warning. I purchased my first pair before heading to Disney. After my return, I tossed out all my other shoes and got 4 more!

      They are around $100 in Canada, so the Amazon prices are a steal!

  5. The Bobs Skechers you like “delight” is the model …. are also available through ApparelSave go to Google, find apparelsave, open womens shoes, down to Slippers, enter size & see what they have. my size is 7.5 and I see they are 23. plus about $18 C shipping. buy two pair and save half on shipping. I use this site frequently and have had great success buying shoes for little money. Ann Lee S

  6. I love your entry, so inviting, and the light in your house is so wonderful. I swear sometimes I think I live in a bat cave when I look at light filled houses like yours. Then I see what you have done in your entry and I know what is coming, I will start tearing apart my entry and changing everything. haha and it still will not be bright like yours and have the beautiful uniqueness like yours, but I keep trying. Thanks Donna for inspiring me (I think).

    • Patty, I’m going to do a blog post on what my photos look like before editing. I promise. Some secrets must be broken here, if my home makes you feel like your home isn’t adequate!

      I have my camera set carefully on a tripod, with the auto timer, with the slowest shutter possible. This allows a ton of light into my pictures without turning on lights. After that, I tweak the photos to death in Lightroom.

      So! The truth will come out. I’m putting it on my list.

      Most of my home is a dark cave this time of year. I waited until the sun swung to that side of the house before I started snapping. That makes all the difference in the world. It just needs to be a nice day. And I’m pretty sure, your home looks brighter and more cheerful on a sunny day too! 🙂

      One other thing… after I painted the main wall white white, it was indeed brighter and I fell in love with the space even more. Maybe try incorporating more white into your darker areas for a little lift?

      • I think you are right about the white walls, just last week I decided to paint some of my walls a bright white and I think that will make a big difference.
        I also need to get rid of heavy drapes in ling and dining rooms, that help a lot.
        I always listen to your advice and suggestions and most every time it works out beautifully, so keep m coming, please haha. Thanks so much Donna.

    • Or be like me, and walk into the hot, soapy water bucket, dumping it all over the floor so you are forced to clean more than just the photographed area. True story. But boy this floor is shiny now…

  7. Your entry way looks gorgeous and so welcoming, Donna. I love the ladder with the baskets and crates. It’s beautiful and practical. Your signs are always an eye-catcher and the new shelf turned out perfect too.
    Happy fall to you! 🙂

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