A surprise rustic shed snow day

A rustic shed snow day | funkyjunkinteriors.netI’ve mentioned no less than a bazillion times how much I love snow.

It’s very seldom we have a white Christmas on Canada’s west coast. And I’m not entirely sure we will this year.

But, what are the chances of right before leaving on a tropical getaway, we are BLASTED with a blizzard?


It’s honestly been my worst fear, getting socked in with snow while trying to get to the airport. While I drive a 4×4, that doesn’t mean I wish to use the features to get from point A to B!

No. I’d rather be sitting on my comfy sofa with two kitties on my lap vs trying to stay on the road during a white out, thankyouverymuch.

And then I took a chance.

And now this.


Trees infused with fresh fallen snow | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Normally I’d be freaked out of my own skin having to drive this stuff into the big city. But for some reason, I wasn’t. Well… until the wind started howling the next day, which can cause white outs…

Must. Erase. That. Vision. It. Will. Be. FINE! (meh)

Regardless, on snow day, all was calm. I ran outside, grabbing my little fabulous point and shoot Canon Gx7, and snapped the beauty up during its prime!

How fun would it be to look back on these photos from a white, sandy beach, I mused? 

It may even make me want to return!

Snow day on the patio stairway

Rustic shed caught in the snow | funkyjunkinteriors.net

Bike in the garden buried in snow | funkyjunkinteriors.net

Rustic shed in the snow, trimmed with twiggy grapevines | funkyjunkinteriors.net

Twiggy grapevines iced with new fallen snow | funkyjunkinteriors.net
If you were to ask me to decorate my backyard for the winter, I couldn’t possibly top this long fence line of twiggy grapevines iced with snow.

Isn’t nature amazing?

Fresh fallen snow in the back yard | funkyjunkinteriors.net
My fav thing about the back yard is that it faces a city owned green space, backed by a trickling creek. It’s like an extension of your yard without the expense nor upkeep. Pretty special.

Fresh fallen snow in the back yard | funkyjunkinteriors.net
I mean… the view…

Rustic shed caught in the snow | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Potting shed sign caught in the snow | funkyjunkinteriors.net
The potting shed is now closed… except for snowball fights.

Hmm… new sign opportunity? 🙂

rustic barn window caught in the snow | funkyjunkinteriors.net

rusty lantern hanging from a rustic shed caught in the snow | funkyjunkinteriors.net
A rustic shed caught in the snow - with old barn window, fenceboards, and vintage signs and licence plates | funkyjunkinteriors.netAnd for those that always say they want to live in my shed, you’d have to share it with all the firewood stacked inside!

Yep, this is where the stash resides. The shed has gone through a few repurposes, being a green house first, now a firewood shed / pretend potting shed.

icicles on the truck, while caught in the snow
Brrr… doesn’t this look chilly?

A snowy neighbourhood road with tall pine tree
My little neighbourhood is also pretty special. I didn’t get out first thing to shovel the driveway. Suddenly I heard scrape-scrape-scrape… 4 strong and generous guys were working it!

Feeling so blessed!

My home caught in the snow

So… do I truly mind the snow at this point?

Bring it on!

AFTER I get home… 🙂

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Categories: Christmas, Junk Drawer, Photo Shoots, Photography, Seasonal, Winter
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15 thoughts on “A surprise rustic shed snow day

  1. Wow, you got some snow alright! I love snow. Sure is tricky to drive in. Your rusted lantern covered in snow is lovely. You and your camera take beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing the beauty.

  2. Ok those photos are beautiful! This Florida girl is slightly jealous as we have 80 degree days this week!
    Enjoy your holiday getaway!

  3. I loved that shed in the summer and it still looks awesome in the winter. Yes we here in Ontario are used to the snow but judging from your pics there might be just as much in BC. Beautiful scenery…

  4. As always I just love the shots of your shed. Living in Ga. I miss the snow. I get to TN. though in the winter and sometimes I hit it right and there is snow. I grew up in snow. I was the one shoveling the neighborhood. Keep up the great work with the Pictures.. Still think you should sell some of your goodies… Think about it.

  5. What a wonderful holiday gift from nature just befoer you leave for the tropics! We got snow too the last two weeks which is very unusual for us. (We get lots of rain.) Since you are further north is snow usual for you? Hope you have a great time on your vacation.

  6. Ooh, SNOW. We were supposed to get about an inch last weekend and people acted like there was a blizzard coming, just so we could have a white Christmas. Ah, hope springs eternal in the southern great plains.

    But these pictures! I love the one of your neighborhood with the tire ruts in the snow and a big evergreen in the neighbor’s yard (that’s the kind of tree that needs big C9 lights on it). You have some great December snow–it’s pretty for photos and to trudge around in, but not so deep it immobilizes everything. Thanks for sharing the wintery goodness!

  7. ?Aloha….thank you for sharing your snow pictures. Love your shed in all seasons! Enjoy Maui and don’t forget about Maui pies…..so good! Looking forward to your posts and photos. Thank you….have fun!

  8. Ha! I’ve no use for snow anymore. Having grown up in Manitoba and spending a few years in Saskatchewan, I was quite happy to move to warm southern Ontario. Last winter was almost completely snow less (yeah!!) which I remember quite well since I’d had foot surgery in late November and was non-weight bearing on crutches for 4 long months. Even with no snow or ice, I managed to fall a few times on the crutches and tear tendons and ligaments on the foot with a cast up to my knee.

    Unfortunately, Mother Nature is not smiling on us this year and we have snow now. Being southern Ontario, it will disappear again some day soon. Good thing because yesterday I was told I need more surgery on the same foot and the surgeon is rushing to get me in on January 10th because he says my foot can’t wait. I’d like to wait until the warmer weather was here so I could sit outside and enjoy my own view but doc won’t go for it.

    So please take lots of photos of luscious outdoor views in Hawaii to share with homebound me. That’s a treat I’m looking forward to already. I’ve already cued the doing of waves in my head!! ?☉

    Have a fabulous relaxing time and a Merry Christmas!

  9. I like seeing animal prints in the snow. I live in southeastern North Carolina now, so if we get snow, it’s a bit of a dusting. We lived in Ohio before, and we experienced all the goodness of watching the snow make everything so pretty. Then there was the shoveling and driving in it. Right now, I am missing the heavy snows from Ohio, but I will look at pictures. It’s chilly out there, but no snow has been predicted. Best wishes. Fonda

  10. Gorgeous! I love it all, but I think you’re missing the boat, Donna. Many of these photos, cropped just right, but especially those of the shed and lantern, etc., would make beautiful post cards or calendar photos. One. More. Income. Stream. Possibility. Or do you already do that? Lol
    Thanks for sharing, and I love the moment by moment premise. My thoughts, exactly.
    Happy New Year!

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