The Birdie Hotel – addition to the birdhouse garden

I made a little addition to my bird house garden today. I call this one, The Birdie Hotel.

Thanks to friends Geraldine and Hank, I’m now the proud owner of that old rustic ladder! Cool! And naturally, I ran home and put it right to work within minutes. Thanks guys! I love it! And so will the birds.

I love evening sun photos.

It was just such a beautiful day out today, I couldn’t resist snapping a couple shots of the mountain view out back. My property is fortunate to be backed onto a city owned park, so my yard appears much larger than it is. It’s a great place to kick a soccerball if you desire abit more space. There is a little creek that runs along the taller grass.

This willow sits right behind my house. It’s truely as glorious as it looks. A single rope swing with a loop for one’s foot is attached to a branch. I’d so love it if it had a seat swing for the not so adventurous. (that would be me!)

Here’s hoping you enjoyed sunshine in your neighbourhood today too!


Kimba at A Soft Place To Land is having a Garden Party – June 15 2009 edition! Go check out other gardens in the making!

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Categories: Gardening

22 thoughts on “The Birdie Hotel – addition to the birdhouse garden

  1. Birdie Hotel looks fabulous. I have a suggestion for it. You know for sometime when you have NOTHING ELSE to do? I think putting little dowels on the side to look like little birdie stairs going to to the next level would be cute. Staggering from left to right sides.

  2. Oh my what a delightful weeping willow. I hope at some time in my life to have a weeping willow in my yard.

    Love your bird hotel too. Great idea.

  3. Love the birdhouse garden. And lucky you to have such a view. We have a willow tree in our front yard. It is beautiful, but it grows quite rapidly, so we are always having to give it a hair cut. lol. No swing though.

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