A visit to Cultus Lake
It’s said that running away from things doesn’t solve anything. True enough, however sometimes it’s just nice to forget all that we have to solve for just a short time. I believe it’s called a vacation…
I’ve been having somewhat of a problem lately with not only too much on my plate yet again, but too many undone projects all calling me at once. The feeling makes my head spin and I’m trying to be kinder to myself. My house and garage are once again a total chaotic mess. Plus a bored kiddo in the house wasn’t helping. So it was time to run away for a spell to enjoy life!
We, plus my son’s friend, just went camping for 3 nights at a local lakefront campsite only 15 min away from us. It appears the vacation spots I’m most drawn to involve a body of water, so this last one was an absolute feast for my eyes and soul.
Photos: Cultus Lake, BC Canada ~ Aug 2010
Photos of Cultus Lake
“Sparkling Water”
Pretty hard to worry about not having washed the floors for a bit too long when you’re sitting here after a wonderful bike ride along a lakeside path.
“Lakeside Coffee”
Or completely forgetting you didn’t make your bed at home while having your morning view in this spot.
“Boating Haze”
I most certainly forgot about my unmowed lawn I left in our quake to get outta town when this pretty skyline was found.
A visit to Cultus Lake certainly does that to you.
“The Majestic Pit Stop”
Giant piles of laundry sat waiting for me as I appreciated larger than life bark rising high above the world.
“Sky Show”
And just when you think the world can’t get prettier right before your very eyes, it does. Much prettier than what my chaotic garage looks like.
“The Swim”
Waves washing ashore didn’t even hint at all the watering my garden required.
Cultus Lake Cottages
And here’s a little patio that was much more tidy than my own.
I was passing by these million dollar lakefront cottages when the 1 story artsy cutie pie caught my eye the most. Click on the picture to drink up more details! It’s quite delightful.
Even the chairs were left to weather naturally.
And here’s one for the DIY crowd.
An adorable rustic frame created out of found driftwood lovingly collected over time. WE can do THIS!
How about this quirky little log bench? There were many log benches to be found, but this one was the most unique with the asymmetrical back rest. Funky quirky even. 🙂
A water ski fence
And how about a DIY water ski fence?
This was located within the campsite itself. Someone had hidden their parking area with water skis. I thought it was VERY clever and perfectly themed. Wouldn’t this hide my RV driveway full of weeds ever so nicely?!? 🙂
This spot was my fav so far this year. I love a lake walking distance from my cup of coffee in the AM.
And then reality had to hit. I came home to whatever mess I had left. How considerate for all of it to just… wait for me…
At least a visit to Cultus Lake helped me to forget for a spell…
Where do you go to get away from it all for a spell?
Other related posts you may enjoy:
Take the tour of our stay in this lake front Cultus Lake cottage! With video.
Visit other Cultus Lake posts HERE
And many of our other camping adventures HERE
WOW what a stunning spot and what beuatiful photos you took! I love the waterskis, so bright and colourful 🙂
Good on you for taking time out (even though you feel like you might be even more behind when you get home!)
xx Karen
the pictures are so beautiful! thanks for the mini vacation! Me? Unfortunately, I would have done all the work and then left. Sad, huh? Happy that you could get away.
Oh my!! I wish you would have told me you were leaving to spend some time in this gorgeous place. I would have had my bag packed so quickly…Ha! Fabulous photos!!! Loved them all! That frame is TDF and I loved the quirky bench!!
I run away for sure…mostly with a cafe mocha in one hand and the remote in the other!!!!!
Thank you for sharing that amazing beauty! What a wonderful time you must have had! I am with you, I would have been drawn to the quirky things also : ) They have so much more life and character…
You have all that beauty within 15 minutes and you want to move to Hawaii????
Wow, absolutely gorgeous!!! I need a getaway! And that driftwood frame is really cool!
Looks like an incredible place – your pictures are gorgeous. How lucky are you to be surrounded by such beauty and only 15 minutes away.
hey donna! love your photos, and especially the waterski fence. I just got my act together to create a drift wood framed mirror in my powder room. i’ll keep you posted. -denise
WOW! What a beautiful place captured by beautiful pictures.
I used to run away but now I run at it head on, get it done, out of the way and off my mind.
I hope you have a wonderful day 🙂
I grew up on a lake and miss it so much. Thanks for the beautiful pictures. It brought back memories. We live near lots of lakes, but not on one. I keep checking out the ‘for sale’ signs along one particular lake, even though we could never afford it, at least not now.
I tend to work like a plow horse on project after project, so my cleaning suffers. Then when I know someone is coming over, I clean like a maniac! I need to escape sometimes just to keep my sanity!!
Those are amazing photos Donna! I was counting them as I read through your post, and I kept thinking that THAT was going to be the giveaway – ten of your photos. Something to think about. You know we’d all like to have one!
I told hubby about all of your lake trips and told him we should try to find some lakes close to home to visit. Know what he said? “You mean one of the 7 within an hour of us, or the 2 in our own city?!” Shows you how much I come up for air, huh? 🙂 Hmmm, gotta check in to those.
I think resorts should hire you to photograph their properties and set up blogs for them. They’d triple their business. You capture all the best scenes!
Oh yeah – love Shaklee products. All of them. I have tons of chemical allergies and those are about the only thing I can use other than Target’s Method line that don’t aggravate me senses.
Run away! Run away!
Well, first I ignore it, then I “run away” into something that I want to do, read a book or do a project. Then finally, I buckle down and just deal with it. Eventually that has to be done.
The back porch pic, is awesome! I want something like that! Thanks for sharing!
lol people who clean when the going gets tough are just freaks of nature! I would be SO happy right now if God would send me a new bff that is one of those freaks. hehe
When I’m overwhelmed with life I seem to just shut down and come hide online. I really enjoy surfing inspiring sites like your’s then I find myself adding to the list of “what I WANNA do” . lol
Gorgeous pictures… what a breath of fresh air.
I really need to get the laundry started now though…..
Thanks for the mini-vacation. Loved the photos!
When things get hectic, I tend to just get away for a little while and then regroup to address the situation or situations. LOL
I love Cultus Lake and spent many hrs. there as a kid. Thanks for bringing back the memories. Great idea with the skis.
I LOVE that driftwood frame.
My getaways usually consist of water, too. Since moving to Parksville, I’ve found myself drawn to walks on the beach. There’s something both emptying and filling about the wind, the waves and my bare feet on the sand. I come home quite refreshed, ready to tackle whatever awaits.
I’ve visited you many times before, and I finally had the sense to sign up as a Follower. I just love this post! Thank you for sharing those beautiful, peaceful photos.
And I agree–wasn’t it nice of everything to wait patiently for you back at home?
Wonderful photos once again!! I love that bench!
That looks so peaceful! Wish I could take a vacay =(
I have been inspired by your blog all summer! In an effort to grow, I would be honored if you considered becoming a follower of my blog : )
Pull away….watch tv or sleep, usually overeat too. OOof! Then I deal with it as quickly as possible, I have a bit of a temper so it is always better for me to chill before dealing with the intense…clean…..sometimes not often though. So glad you won a photo award!! Great shots.
Oh wow! You are so fortunate to live near such a beautifully mesmerizing place. It’s so serene and perfectly beautiful!
Like the music too!
hmmm…if an escape to a lake or tropical paradise is beyond the pocketbook or time is an issue…well…then i sit with my laptop perusing blogs like yours! taking in beautiful photos of God’s creation or gleaning ideas for my next diy project. yes ma’am …that’s how i escape!
(honestly…your photos made me smile and relax…isn’t that what lakes & oceans do for you?!)
judi 😉
Sometimes I run away for a bit first, but I always end up coming back to it eventually.
Love your photos of beautiful BC. Were you affected by any of the forest fire smoke?
I am alway three weeks to several months behind. Because I have ADD, etc. I always try to be nice when I am driving and I have time, like letting people go ahead of me, etc. because when I am stressed I don’t pay attention. I also try to be really nice and thoughtful when I can because sometimes I am so depressed and unorganized that nothing works right.
So breathe, relax, and make a few lists. Put them up in your kitchen or your garage. Ask someone to help you, and give them something in your garage in return, or let them use your camper. Your most important tasks are to get the kid to school, feed the kid, and take your medications. You notice that I didn’t say laundry. You can buy him a few extra things. You can skip a blog for a few days, or run a repeat. You’ll have more time as the weather changes. I am a big proponent of the wet paper towel floor clean-up, also. Hold on. Ann
Good thoughts #26 Ann! It does make a difference when we give ourselves enough time for things. Ever notice the kiddos act up when we’re running late for something? LOL!!
Being around water just seems to melt the issues away. I don’t know why but it works.
Donna, What gorgeous scenery and your photos are wonderful. When things get too intense for me I eat…chocolate of course! xo, Sherry
Beautiful photo jog…loved it! The driftwood frame…”fabulous”! Yes we could do that.
Ever wonder why people live in such “huge” lakeside homes when the smallest cottage seems to hug you and say “come…stay awhile”. Maybe it’s just my season in life; I want to downsize and get cozy 🙂
You are a very talented photographer…I agree with Polly…you should market you skills.
unfortunately i plop on the couch with some reality t.v. with a dr. pepper and chocolate!
glad you had a relaxing vacay. sometimes those are the best rather than trying to run around someplace and see everything possible!
Gorgeous photos!
when things get too intense i do whatever sounds good @ *that* moment — i clean, take a drive, buy a can of paint, grab my laptop and head for my bed…
I agree with Polly @ Make Mine Beautiful…
Beautiful pics Donna! You need a water feature @ your house to have mini escapes when you can’t get away. I love to read to “escape” or just sit and listen to nature, sometimes putting on the mp3 player and just listening to music helps me to tune out and rebalance. Sometimes making a lampshade is the only thing that helps:)
Hi Donna!
What GREAT photos…while the giveaway is cool, I secretly hoped it would be a set of those shots! Or at least one! Great ones! Fun trip!