Flower filled Baycrest antique wagon by the front door

Flower filled Baycrest antique wagon by the front door / funkyjunkinteriors.net
When I went to the farmer’s market this past weekend, there was one booth that had this adorable antique wagon. 

As soon as I spotted it, I deemed it mine… if they would sell it. Crossing my fingers… SOLD!

So today, being so gorgeous out, I was in the mood to do a quick DIY outdoors.

Nothing came to mind, until I tripped over my new wagon that stood in the middle of the workshop.

This is where mess comes in a little handy…

Flower filled Baycrest antique wagon by the front door / funkyjunkinteriors.net
Flower filled Baycrest antique wagon by the front door / funkyjunkinteriors.net
Awww… so cute! Thanks for giving up your wagon, Shawn!

I did a light sanding, but… meh. It wasn’t speaking to me as is, yet I didn’t want to paint it.

Hmm… maybe if I lined the bottom with something so it would pop more…

Market signs made with Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils / funkyjunkinteriors.net
Ya know, I really loved the market signs idea! Off centre signs that I’d further scuff up and stuff.

I would have went for it if I wished to use it for a coffee table perhaps. But I didn’t need that.

But… I could use a little help by the new blue front door!

Antique Baycrest wagon lined with reclaimed wood / funkyjunkinteriors.net
I cut a couple of plain boards to size, and sanded them well. This even looks nice, doesn’t it? 

But, I wanted to work with that gorgeous red metal hardware…

Antique Baycrest wagon lined with reclaimed wood, painted with Fusion Mineral Paint Fort York Red / funkyjunkinteriors.net
… so the boards got painted out in my fav red paint.

Antique Baycrest wagon lined with reclaimed wood, painted with Fusion Mineral Paint Fort York Red / funkyjunkinteriors.net
Paint used – Fort York Red by Fusion Mineral Paint <—I LOOOOOVE this red!

Antique Baycrest wagon lined with reclaimed wood, painted with Fusion Mineral Paint Fort York Red / funkyjunkinteriors.net
I really love this liner idea. It helps clean up the piece, while saving the integrity of the antique. And I can change it out if I wish to something else, just by undoing 4 screws.

A light sanding was done on the boards afterwards, but that paint really stayed put! I nearly antiqued the red with a glaze instead, but after loading up the wagon, I felt it was pretty just the way it was.

Flower filled antique Baycrest wagon by the front door / funkyjunkinteriors.net
sunlit hostas by the front door
Flower filled antique Baycrest wagon by the front door, decked out with market signs from Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils / funkyjunkinteriors.net
Flower filled antique Baycrest wagon by the front door, decked out with market signs from Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils / funkyjunkinteriors.net
A flower filled antique wagon, that’s a cute alternative to the barrel planter I’ve had here for years.

(that finally bit the dust and became THIS)

I’ll eventually plant some flowers, but this freshly cut version worked fine for the short term.

Flower filled antique Baycrest wagon by the front door, decked out with market signs from Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils / funkyjunkinteriors.net
My funky blue front door is looking happier with each passing day… 

Source list – contains some affiliate links

Signs made by Funky Junk’s Old Sign Stencils

Fusion Mineral Paint – find a retailer here

Palm sander

Miter saw

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Categories: All Cool Projects, DIY, Gardening, Old Sign Stencils, Seasonal, Signs, Spring, Summer
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13 thoughts on “Flower filled Baycrest antique wagon by the front door

  1. I love wagons. I have a huge wagon that is just like the old covered wagons, not covered though. I have roses and heather in it. I will try and put it on your FB page.

  2. Perfect!!! I agree…..the red adds the “pop” and putting it on the boards allows for a change down the road! The ‘blue’ door’s mood is definitely on an uptick!!!!

  3. Wow, that looks great. You have such a great eye and the red adds so much. I want one by my front door!

  4. I LOVE the wagon (so glad you didn’t paint it, but the red bottom looks perfect!) and I especially love what you’ve done with the front door and entry. I never would have thought of using black paint that way, but it looks fabulous! I’m pinning things like crazy! 🙂

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