4 – Kitchen Christmas winter branch valance


Kitchen Christmas winter branch valance on FunkyJunkInteriors.net  
Being that we had kinda sorda planned to go away for Christmas, I’m always on the hopeful lookout for ideas where fresh greens won’t die on me. And that’s when I head outside to do some outdoor shopping, and figured out branches would sweeten this deal.

Presenting… a kitchen Christmas winter branch valance that will truly not die. And can stay up well past Christmas.  12DaysGiveaway And you’ve also found the Giveaway blog too! That’s farther down below. But first…

kitchen toolbox-1918
Here’s what my windows generally look like. Clean and unobstructed. Let that light shine in! I didn’t want to take away from that feeling. I love sunlight to the extreme.

Kitchen Christmas winter branch valance on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
With the simple addition of branches, lights and two free standing shutters from my generous neighbours, this was done.

Kitchen Christmas winter branch valance on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
Removing the sawhorse pipe lamps for a lighter look, shutters where shoved into their place, hiding the wall outlets and plugs. The lightness keeps things bright and winter like. And still feeling like the windows are wearing treatments. How’s that for a true unique window treatment cheat?

Kitchen Christmas winter branch valance on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
Don’t you love a great ice storm? There is nothing prettier!  I still remember attempting to dash on top of a massive drift on the farm back in the day, coated out with thick, crusted over ice. I got as high as I could, ready to walk onto the barn roof.. when suddenly both my legs disappeared.

Oops… Took me awhile to get outta that pinch! But most of the troubles were due to laughter! So fun to get stuck… when you’re a kid that is. 🙂

That is what this valance reminds me of. Icy snowdrifts that make you smile.

Kitchen Christmas winter branch valance on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
To further fuel the feel of ice, clear jars of all types were lined up on the window sill with battery operated votives. Real candles could work too. I just like to not have to remember to blow them out. A little faux snow and ornaments sealed the deal. Very light on the eyes.

Kitchen Christmas winter branch valance on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
The jars disappear from a distance in fact! How’s that for less clutter? 🙂 I am digging this no colour winter kitchen this year!

Kitchen Christmas winter branch valance on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
My kinda “Frozen.” 🙂

A winter collection
I’ve made an ebay collection of all things winter that ties in awesome with this post HERE.

Realistic snow secrets!
And also my trade secret realistic snow secrets HERE.

Disclosure / I have partnered with ebay to write the two above posts. But I don’t make commission off any collections.

And now onto the giveaway!

Fusion mineral paint
I’d love to introduce you to Fusion Mineral Paint!

I met Jennylyn of Fusion while on my travels to Toronto. (we toured the city together HERE!)

Fusion Mineral Paint is unlike anything out there. It doesn’t require a primer, but also doesn’t require a top coat! The paint has acrylic in the mix, so your needs are even simpler than ever. (primers and topcoats are optional)

I’ve used the paint, and found it to go on as smooth as butter… the cover is amazing and the colours clean and beautiful! The full product line also carries beeswax, brush soap, crackle finishes, and SO much more!

But there’s one thing that shall always stand out, and that’s the abundant brushes. Oh my word. The brushes!

Old paint masters only used round brushes back in the day. These high end brushes are old school, all handmade with handles designed to reduce fatigue.

When I used the brush, I felt like the paint could carry forever. You will love them! 

So I asked Jennylyn if she could help the winner get started off right. And of course she said yes, because “The winner NEEDS one of our round brushes!” 🙂

So get your entries in! We a ready to give you the gift of Fusion…


Fusion Mineral Paint How to enter to win $100 worth of Fusion Mineral Paint products giveaway star 1 1. Visit Fusion Paint inspiration HERE, and tell me in comments: *What colour you’d like *What you’d paint and you’re in!

For more optional chances…

giveaway star 2 2. Subscribe (and verify) to Funky Junk’s daily posts via email, and comment again that you have done so or already do. (sign up on the right side bar) giveaway star 3 3. Subscribe (and verify) to Funky Junk’s weekly newsletter via email HERE, and comment again that you have done so or already do. (if link doesn’t work, please sign up on the right side bar) giveaway star 4 4. Follow Funky Junk on Instagram HERE, and comment again that you have done so or already do. Please leave your Instagram handle with your comment. Thank-you and good luck!

This giveaway is valid in USA and Canada. You must be over the age of 18 to enter. Void where prohibited. Draw will take place Sun, Dec 14th midnight EST. Winner will be announced on this post the following day and emailed. Winner must have a valid email, and provide full address within 1 week of announcement.

Fushion paint has graciously offered this giveaway in exchange for promotion. I am not being compensated for this post.

12 Days of Christmas More blogs below

Songbird – Outdoor table decorations


Inspired by Charm – Homemade eggnog


Shanty 2 Chic – DIY Ornament Christmas trees


Remodelaholic – How to build a doll bed


Thistlewood Farms – Brownie banana split pizza

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Categories: 12 Days of Christmas 2014, Christmas, DIY, Junk Drawer, Seasonal, Window treatments
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441 thoughts on “4 – Kitchen Christmas winter branch valance

  1. Renfrew blue is the perfect color for my entry table! I have been looking for the right color! Now I have found it!

  2. Love the colors but… Champness is screaming pick me..( :
    I have an old gossip bench that would great in that color

  3. Love your creative mind. I really look forward to reading and seeing your new projects! Love the Christmas decorations over your kitchen window.

  4. Love the kitchen valance! Thanks for the introduction to the paint, love all the colors. I would pick Laurentien and paint my old vanity to hand down to my granddaughter.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. I just love all of the colors, but my first choice would probably be Ash. It’s not quite black and still shows gray—love it! Thanks for the chance to win this prize. Happy Holidays!

  6. I’ve been a long time subscriber to your newsletter. I just love it. Your ideas are so creative and inspiring.

  7. Oh, love all the beautiful paint colors. I am really drawn to Bedford. I have a couple of small wood stands that would look lovely in this shade.

  8. I get your daily posts via email (even though I follow you on Bloglovin) because I want to be sure I don’t miss one.

  9. I already subscribe to your daily and weekly posts and have for a long time! I follow you on Facebook and love the group interaction! I have a booth called Rusty Lace Designs and my husband thinks I paint everything, nothing is safe at our house. My daughter is getting married in April and we are DIYing the whole wedding. One of her colors is very close to Laurentien, so I would love the Fusion Paint in that color so I can paint some of the vintage items we will be using for the wedding. Thanks for all of the inspiration and the giveaway.

  10. I have a vintage rocking chair waiting patiently to be painted it would look fantastic in Champlain or one of blues! Thanks

  11. I really love Cathedral Taupe from the Fusion collection. I have a big old desk and a bookshelf that are in need of something for my home office. They would look beautiful with a new coat of paint!

  12. Fusion Paint, wow. I think I’d like to marry it! I have six dark brown slightly beat up wooden dining room chairs from West Elm that I’d paint three different colors (two each): Sterling, Liimestone and Algonquin. If I had to pick one to start? Limestone.

  13. I’m following you on Instagram. My handle: beyondwhite.

    Confession: I’ve been meaning to register for Instagram for about 100 years. Dumb, right? You pushed me to finally do it, and you’re the first person I’m following.

  14. Champlain is a beautiful color to paint an old waterfall nightstand that I found this summer. Hope I win so I can see the finished product!!

  15. Hey Donna, I love all of those colours don’t you? I would love ny one of the whites or off whites, but I have a new/old secretary that I would love to paint in the “Ash” with a little distressing……

  16. I would use sterling to finish some shelves formy daughters bathroom. I also love the neutral whites and the taupe. These are very nice!

  17. I already subscribe to your daily posts AND your newsletter. Thanks for making th so much fun and informative to read!

  18. Donna, this is the first time I have really noticed Fusion. There are several colors that I like and will look into. Since you want me to choose,it would have to be the blue they have had for 20 years. It looks perfect. I follow your regular post and weekly post also. Thanks for offering. I like the window treatment. Will you leave it up all winter?

  19. I really, really like the Fusion Paint color Ft. York Red. I would paint an old entertainment center with it. That would be awesome!

  20. I subscribe to your daily post via email and your newsletter. Fusion paint sounds perfect for an impatient girl like me! I really like the colour ash. Thank you for sharing your creativity!

  21. I subscribed to your daily email over a year ago when I was looking for ideas on how to use a brace and bit as a handle for a tool box I was making. I love those tool boxes.

  22. Wow…I like all of the colors–but I guess to pick one, I would like Ash and would probably paint a chest of drawers that is waiting in the wings for me to redo.

  23. I upcycle tables and I have three sitting in my basement (my husband is soooo tolerant!) waiting for paint. I say “waiting” because I have no idea on what colors to use. There are three Fusion Paints that would be just perfect! Either Homestead Blue, Laurentien, or Aubusson. What magnificent colors!

  24. I’m all about me some Upper Canada Green! I have an old box that I bought at a junk shop that is screaming for it and will look ah mazing in my living room when done. Thanks for the tip and the site.

  25. I love getting your tips and tricks for making old things stay useful. I hate for anything to go to waste and love seeing your ideas and thoughts come to life! 🙂 I subscribed a few months ago and always look forward to seeing what you have done next.

  26. I fell in love with Ash. Last year I painted my refrigerator. It was working just fine but the white trim had yellowed and it looked awful. I painted it with black chalkboard paint and the color is fine but once I saw Ash I realized it would change the look from schoolroom to a bit of sophistication and tie in so well with my steel backsplash…oh wow…anticipation!!

  27. I’m getting more and more inspired to paint things round here. Last summer, like other summers, I walked into the Annie Sloan flagship store in Oxford and had a big sigh. Painted furniture is just so lovely. I think I’d chose the bedford grey colour and begin with something easy…like that lovely tray on their blog. Maybe a little of that lovely creamy yellow prairie sunset in places. That would be fantastic.

  28. The Fusion Mineral paint sounds great. I would love to paint my dining room chairs in Ash. I have a soapstone topped island and the color Ash looks like a good choice.
    Carol b

  29. Donna, thank you for this great giveaway! I’d choose ASH because I am loving the look of other pieces of furniture that I’ve seen painted in this shade. I’d probably choose one of the many little tables that I have stashed in the spare room.

  30. Oh my goodness I love ALL the colors – and could think of many uses for them. But for now I’ll choose Algonquin to paint my kitchen cabinets, they are currently ugly orange oak. Thanks for the opportunity!

  31. I’m subscribed to your blog. I think you were one of the very first blogs I subscribed to a year or so ago!

  32. I’ve been contemplating painting our side tables in our living room…the winning color is Champlain. Simply lovely!

  33. I would choose buttermilk cream or ceramic. I am into painting mason jars right now so that is what I would paint first.

  34. Your kitchen window looks great. I love the bottles. I have some in my window too. I bet this would look good on front porch windows as well. Leave them up year round.Then you could have some soft lighting on those cool spring and summer nights. Filling this idea away for spring.

  35. I would LOVE Cathedral Taupe…..I would paint my dining room table…an old oak pedestal that has seen better days and needs to be updated!

  36. I get your daily emails. Love the homestead blue and the bench on my front porch is just waiting to be painted that color !

  37. Thank you for your imagination! I receive your daily emails too.
    Would love that paint in black. Shabby Black is my favorite.
    We are using your ideas right now to make tool boxes from old
    barn wood that we found at a estate sale. Free wood is the best.

    What is the metal trim that you have on the ceiling in the kitchen?
    Do the lights work? Love that look!

  38. what a really hard decision!!! but, i’m thinking CASEMENT, just got an old vanity/desk for $20 that said she is craving CASEMENT….

  39. I follow on Instagram, I get your newsletters, I love your photos – thanks for always sharing your great ideas!

  40. The paint colors are beautiful! I would choose the Ash, charcoal grey to paint a Deacon’s Bench that my dad made for me when I was young. I think the bench would look beautiful in my entryway. I subscribe to your newsletter, daily e-mails, follow you on instagram.

  41. I would have to say Algonquin although I would take all of them! They are all beautiful! I have a small chest with basket drawers. My theme is neutrals and I think this color would go with anything in my room.

  42. I love the look of Fusion paints! I’m excited to try them. As I look over the terrific colors on the fusion website, I am amazed at how many of them are exactly what I have been looking for when I have a dresser, chair or armoire to paint.I love the Coal Black for my dresser, the Champness Blue for a cabinet in my quilting studio, the Fort York Red for a small table and the Champlain White for tons of other things around the house. I adore painted furniture!

  43. I love this paint already. The colors are amazing but I really like Upper Canada Green and Algonquin. I have my grandmothers dresser that needs a beautiful color. I am a subscriber already!

  44. I love the color Algonquin and would love to paint my vanity in my tiny bathroom. I would match my new floor perfectly!!!

  45. I am following you on Instagram. My handle is kmkare. I hope I win. I really want to try this paint but I don’t think there are any stockists in my area.

  46. All the colors are wonderful, however I would choose Jet Black and paint my “kitchen island” I made from an old dresser. Jet Black would go well with my country primitive recycled decorating style.

  47. Hi…I LOVE the colors of Fusion Mineral Paint! I have a small shelf that holds keys and mail by the front door that is painted a dark brown but I have been wanting to repaint it a chocolate color! Fusion chocolate color would be perfect!! But looking at the other colors, it’s hard not to want to go with one of the other colors!

  48. Its a toss up between Champlain and Casement in the Fusion paint. I would paint the cabinets in laundry room. I love all the colors!!!

    Just signed up for daily emails and your newsletter!


  49. Thx for the information…paint looks gorgeous!! I love them all but for my new find, a primitive jelly cabinet restored to “usable” I would choose Aubusson – thanks for all your great ideas….let me know when I win!! LOL thx, Gary

  50. I want to paint an old corner hutch (currently in my kitchen), Upper Canada Green, then paint the backs of the shelves Ash to highlight my collection of Eva Zeisel Town and Country dinnerware. Beautiful colors!

  51. Just signed up to receive your daily emails! Have followed you for several years and love your ideas…even just looking at your pictures makes me happy! Thank you! 🙂

  52. Love this paint!! Looks so awesome. I would love to paint some plant stands, chairs or benches I have waiting in the (pile) wings. I would choose homestead blue for two chairs. It would match the fabric I have picked out for the seats.

  53. I would like to paint my grandmother’s hutch that she bought in 1970 (the year I was born) in Fort York Red. I also love Algonquin because it’s neutral and safe, but would love to step outside the box with the red. 🙂

  54. Ohh, how fun! I would lve the Renfrew Blue for a bench I am going to make from an old headboard and footboard.

  55. I subscribe to your daily posts and weekly e-mails already. I get lots of inspiration from them and enjoy reading!

  56. I’d love to try “ASH” on the night stands in my bedroom. Thanks for the chance to win… the colors are gorgeous!

  57. I would love to try the Casement and Homestead Blue. I have a crib and dresser to paint for first grandbaby. I’m already subscribed to your daily posts and newsletter.

  58. Champlain and Inglenook and I would paint all of the furniture and accessories in my guest bedroom!!!!! LOVE!!!

  59. Love the Champlain color in the paints….perfect for some projects of mine. I’m already receiving your posts in my email. Love your kitchen window treatment!

  60. I would paint my dinning room table and chairs and hutch. We recently moved and the dinning room is used for other things. The table and chairs are in the kitchen and the hutch is in the living room. I want a more casual feel. I would like to paint the table and chairs 2 colors which are subtle and the hutch a taupe color. The colors from the Fusion Mineral paint I think would look the best would be lamp white and Algonquin. Then I want to paint my bar stools a really nice bright accent color. I have a lot of painting to do.

    I subscribe to your daily post and your newsletter and just started following you on instagram.

    I love the way you take just ordinary stuff and make it look so great, elegant, and just like it happened. Love your style.

  61. Wow, I can’t pick just one! They have some of the best colors I have ever seen. I love the Limestone, Algonquin, Damask, Taupe, really I like them all. I sell a lot of pieces so I can see using these colors on a variety of things.

  62. WOW! This Fusion paint looks awesome! I would use Casement on some old window frames and Ash on an even older bench! The two together in my mudroom would look fabulous! Keeping my fingers crossed……Thank you!

    Also, I subscribe to your blog via email. Now to sign up for your newsletter…..

  63. Love all those colors…..WOW

    I have two favorites – Aubusson and Prairie Sunset.

    I’m kind of a yellow loving gal 🙂 Please, pick me. I would so love to use any of these beautiful paints.

    • opps…..forgot to say I would paint my bathroom vanity. I have been holding off because I could decide what color to use.

    • opps…..forgot to say I would paint my bathroom vanity. I have been holding off because I couldn’t decide what color to use.

  64. I read your blog daily and enjoy your ideas. After checking the paint color options I’d choose red and paint a small red table I found.

  65. “Sterling”. After the holidays, I am going to work on the computer room and paint a sideboard a soft grey. “Sterling” will do wonderfully.

    • oops- hit the wrong key {good grief-again}…and I would use that lovely color on my ratty old piano…{squeal}

  66. ….and I subscribe to your weekly newsletter…love your ideas and your heart! Merry Christmas to you and your son 🙂

  67. Oh my goodness there are so many really great colors. Inglenook, Champlain, Bedford, Casement… I think Casement will go with everthing I have, so it is my winning color. I’ve got an old player piano and player piano rolls cabinet I’ve been wanting to paint, so this is just the right time! Thanks so much for this chance.

  68. Champlain is just what my little old cupboard needs. When I bought it, it was painted blue and white but I love neutrals on my furniture. Thank you for sharing about Fusion which I’ve not heard of before.

  69. I really like the Upper Canada Green. Green has always been my favorite color. I have a rocking chair that belonged to my Great Grandmother. I have had this rocker since she passed away in 1982. I used it often when my son was a baby but never refinished it. I can’t wait to get started.

  70. wow all of the colors are awesome but damask is what i would use to paint my wicker headboard and matching chair in my bedroom love it xx

  71. i subscribe by email can’t miss my donna stories or junk projects love this valance i love your large window and glad you don’t cover it up xx

  72. and i love that you started the newsletter the week in review and all of your shopping hints love it xx

    i can’t do instgram i have a dumb phone and can’t get it xx

  73. My fave color was Champlain. I would paint my lower kitchen cabinets and my window trim too this color. I love the look of your Christmas kitchen! thank you for offering this giveaway! Happy Holidays!

  74. Thank you for the chance to win this new product. Champlain please!
    ps I have signed up for your newsletter and daily posts and to follow on instagram…love your style!


  75. I love the “Fort York Red.”

    Red has been my color this year. I would like to color my wood ironing board.

    Enter me please.

  76. I love the Laurentein & the Renfrew Blue, but I think the Ash is my favorite – very chalkboard-esque! I’ve been wanting to make a quick pallet wood sign & this would be a great backdrop!

  77. I would like ash. I love grey and that is just the right color for the furniture I have piled up in my garage. I also like sterling, that would be just the right color for my kitchen cabinets.

  78. What a wonderful surprise for a prize, girls! I love the coal black and casement colours! I think they would give my living room furniture the facelift that I’m looking for. Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous prize! Have a safe, happy and healthy, holiday season. 🙂

  79. Oh – a second chance! I love this! Thanks! I’ve been getting your daily posts for a while now and enjoy them immensely. Thank you. 🙂

  80. Oh – a third chance! I love this! Thanks! I’ve been getting your weekly newsletters for a while now and enjoy it immensely. Thank you. 🙂

  81. I’m now signed up to follow you on Instagram with my user name heatherannes_haven. Thank you for the forth chance to win this awesome prize. 🙂

  82. Boy did you make it hard. Fort York Red – Prarie Sunset – Champness and Renfew Blue are my favorites but if I had to choose just one I would take Renfew Blue. I have a very old oak bureau that I would paint. I already subscribe to your Blog and I love it. Thanks for doing this offer.

  83. Ooooh, I love these colors. It would be hard to choose, but I would probably either go with Fort York Red… or maybe Inglenook…. or maybe Cathedral Taupe! Or maybe all of them!

    Thank you!

  84. I love Jet Black for my dining table. Already subscribe to your blog and the newsletter and I love your kitchen branches. Personally, I like the shutters much better than the lamps which are lovely but seemed a little heavy on your counter. Thanks for the great inspirations.

  85. I’m in love with Laurentien, I would love to paint the base of my 10 foot kitchen table this color. I also love the Buttermilk cream. I am a long time subscriber to your daily posts and just signed up for the weekly news letter. I also follow you on instagram as lauralimanieri. Love me some Funky Junk!!!

  86. Champlain, Buttermilk Cream, and Prairie Sunset, in that order, for my kitchen makeover would be delicious! My maple cabinets care still strong and I love the profile but the wear is really showing after almost 20 years. And the deep wine walls are past peak, too.

  87. I have to say I don’t think I have ever seen such luscious colours!

    While I could almost eat Buttermilk cream Fort York Red is the exact shade I have been looking for to redo a gate leg table top.

    I have many project pieces and these fabulous coulors will be the ones I keep in the back of my mind as each piece is ready to be redone.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing the Fusion Mineral Paint information.

  88. What a great giveaway! The Fusion Paint that caught my eye was Champness. I have a thrift store side table that needs some TLC and that would really do it.

  89. Oh my, I love them all but my fave is the Champlain and I would paint a little antique stool I have in that color. It is so wonderful not to have to have a primer or two coats. How easy is that!!!!
    Thank you,

  90. I would like to win the lamp white and paint a wooden rocking chair on my front porch. I already subscribe to your post and love all your ideas for decorating. Your style is exactly what I love!

  91. i am so happy i found your blog!!! i love everything right down to the Fusion Mineral Paint! over the next week i hope to go thru past posts to catch up!! love, love, love it coming right to my e-mail thank you for your inspiration

  92. I love Casement, I would paint my kitchen cabinets, but I also really love the blues & greens, so many choices. Thank you for this giveaway!!!

  93. Wow, I spent a lot of time thinking about this. I want to ‘grow up’ my daughters old pine bonnet bed and I think I’d go with the Bedford with some Ash and Renfrew Blue in the panels. Thanks for this exciting give-away!

  94. I’m so excited about your blog and this new paint. I just moved into a little home and I am lookng forward to transforming into this simple eclectic primitive style. I used to paint murals and furniture and I have some pieces that I want to refurbish from brand new to distressed and funky. The Fusion color choice I would love is the HOMESTEAD BLUE

    Thank you for the chance!!

  95. I have a really old secretary that needs to be refinished and I think that “Casement” would be the perfect color!

    Thanks so much for the opportunity – my fingers are crossed!

  96. I’m torn between the Casement and Champlain colors. Both are clean looking but warm without being too bright. Then I also like the Ash as it lends an older look. I have a wooden plant stand and table that I thrifted and they desperately need a makeover.

  97. I subscribed to your newsletter. Your blog is one of the firsts that I go to whenever I need a little junky inspiration!

  98. I love the Ash paint, I love mostly all of them. I redo pieces of furniture and these colours would look great!

  99. I love the Cathedral Taupe and the Inglenook. I would use the Inglenook to paint a desk in my living room and I would use the cathedral taupe for a small chest in my bathroom. Love your blog.

  100. Hi!
    Love the champlain..Would paint a dresser i have had in the garage since the spring! I get your emails and newsletter.
    Thanks for the opportunity! Happy Holidays!

  101. Oh man — all the colors would be awesome to have and the brush OH my goodness that would be such a help to have such a brush! — and I am drawn to the color Homestead Blue..
    Thanks so much..


  102. I have a few pieces of furniture for my screened porch I need to paint, some are metal & some are wood. I’d love to try it out! Upper Canada Green, Champness or Inglenook would look great!

  103. I follow you through feedly instead of daily emails – I still read every day & never miss a post – I hope that will count!

  104. Fission color would be Renfrew Blue. I have also signed up for your daily and weekly posts. Thanks for your inspiration.

  105. I like the Cathedral Taupe color. I have a child’s table and chair that was made for me 50 years ago. I painted it blue with the alphabet stenciled in red for my son 30 years ago. Now it is time to give it an update for my 2 year old grandson. Great giveaway – hope I win!

  106. I love all the colors but I think that Laurentien is my favorite! I have a metal bed that was my Dad’s when he was a kid that sure could use a coat of that beautiful color!

  107. What a great giveaway! I recently took a milk paint workshop taught by Jennylyn and it was so much fun. If I won I would choose some combination of Limestone, Champlain, Laurentien and Ceramic Green. I need to paint the bench and pie safe in my front hall and a sidetable in my family room.

  108. I have been following your blog for 2 or 3 years and enjoy your creativity enormously. I have always followed you daily by email.

  109. Buttermilk Cream would be the choice and I would paint my daughter-in-laws table and half her dining chairs. The other chairs would be Fort York Red. Who knows after that I might work on something for myself….

  110. This paint sounds too cool! I love the Fort York Red. I bought an old antique waterfall cedar chest that this color would be perfect for. Most of he other reds I have seen are too ‘new’ red looking. This, I believe would fit the bill nicely!

    Thank you for turning me on to this paint! And, for always giving me inspiration through your wonderful creations!

  111. Renfrew Blue is my favorite. Not sure exactly what is paint but is find something as I love this color and want a furniture piece slathered in it

  112. Oh my goodness! What fabulous paint! And I can’t wait to try the brushes….
    I would choose Laurentien and paint the new (old) side table I just found yesterday….. 🙂

  113. Love different color combos in the pictures. But I think my built-in floor to ceiling dining room shelving unit may be begging for the buttermilk cream.

  114. Already subscribe to the Weekly Newsletters. It’s nice to receive just in case I didn’t get a chance to catch up on some posts during the week.

  115. Hi Donna, I have been a quiet follower for some time now. I admire your talents and the strength you possess within that for sure is unstoppable. I’m a subscriber of your weekly newsletters, I have a media center that I grabbed out of the neighbors garbage I’d like to paint in the casement color.

    Thank you,