Summer 2011 garden, yard and junk photos – REVEAL

garden shed 2014-3133

 Well, the pool is now folded up and tucked away… 

(it’s really still sprawled all over the lawn trying to dry)

The lawn is cut for the last time this season…

(it’s really a foot long due to our rain)

And it’s time to embrace fall!

(yes please… I’m so tired of taking care of this yard!)

Old rusty kettle in the garden / part of summer garden reveal on

We did lots of work in the yard this year. All new soil came in, beds cut up, the works.

So here’s a happy send off to all things summer 2011!

Welcome to my summer 2011 garden, yard and junk photos – reveal

Pallet wood walkway / part of summer garden reveal on

The building of the garden pallet walkway

Pallet wood walkway / part of summer garden reveal on

Trimmed flowerbed edges / part of summer garden reveal on

How to edge flowerbeds like a pro – visit HERE

Trimmed flowerbed edges / part of summer garden reveal on

Birdhouse in garden / part of summer garden reveal on

Jenna my husky / part of summer garden reveal on

trimmed flowerbed edges / part of summer garden reveal on

trimmed flowerbed edges / part of summer garden reveal on

trimmed flowerbed edges / part of summer garden reveal on

trimmed flowerbed edges / part of summer garden reveal on

Wheelbarrow flower planter / part of summer garden reveal on

Wheelbarrow flower planter / part of summer garden reveal on

Wheelbarrow flower planter / part of summer garden reveal on

Wheelbarrow flower planter / part of summer garden reveal on

Flowers in bloom / part of summer garden reveal on

Rustic shed with grapevines / part of summer garden reveal on

Rustic shed with grapevines / part of summer garden reveal on

Rustic shed with grapevines / part of summer garden reveal on


garden shed 2014-3115-2

Reclaimed wood garden shed updates HERE

Rustic shed with grapevines / part of summer garden reveal on

Vintage hoe / part of summer garden reveal on

Garden junk / part of summer garden reveal on

Garden junk / part of summer garden reveal on

Aqua vintage wheel barrow / part of summer garden reveal on

reclaimed wood door on rustic shed / part of summer garden reveal on

vintage glass door knob  on rustic shed / part of summer garden reveal on

rusty canning jar lid wreath on shed / part of summer garden reveal on

Canning jar lid wreath HERE

barn birdhouse / part of summer garden reveal on

barn birdhouse / part of summer garden reveal on

picket fence toolbox / part of summer garden reveal on

Picket fence toolbox tutorial

pallet wood outdoor sofa / part of summer garden reveal on

The change my mind bistro table

pallet double wide chair, via Funky Junk Interiors

The outdoor pallet sofas – reveal

flowers in bloom / part of summer garden reveal on

The yard is officially documented for another year.

Visit all my junk styled gardening posts HERE.

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69 thoughts on “Summer 2011 garden, yard and junk photos – REVEAL

  1. donna – seriously!? this is like something out of a magazine!!

    you’re landscaping is maticulous and beautiful! seriously. wow. and not a weed or dead flower in sight. and everything is so green and fresh. an inspiration for sure!

  2. Donna ~ You amaze me with ALL that you do there and you have your business to run too. Your gardens full of flowers, junk and whimsy are fantastic. Everything looks so lush and content.

    Have a great Friday and weekend.


  3. Holy cow! Your yard is gorgeous…and the shed. How do you do it? My husband is the gardener in the family. I have a brown thumb but I get to enjoy. And all the pretty trees that are just beyond your fence Jealous

  4. Just found your blog. Love, love, love your yard, especially your outbuilding. I look forward to coming back soon.

    Diane in North Carolina

  5. Your yard is gorgeous! Is the bright red bushy plant a coleus? It really pops with color against all of the green. I’m going to have to remember that when I plant next year.

  6. Such a cute yard and do you even have any bugs or plant disease there? Your plants look so perfect! Mine are usually eaten or dying in a matter of hours (& that’s no lie) with some sort of disease or pest. We live in the woods, so many things effect my plants.

  7. Hi Donna,
    I have two comments:

    WOW, GORGEOUS, and

    Woman, do you ever sleep? You are amazing!

  8. Hey Donna if you find that answer to Revi’s question let us all know. Girl you have more energy than anyone I have ever seen. Your yard has the most beautiful view out the back. I love your shed and all of your garden. I have an iron teapot just like that in my garden too.
    Hope you and Cody have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Your garden looks beautiful!
    And I have just written a post on how I can not link up to your party tomorrow because I didn’t do a thing in my garden. (but I linked to you about a milion times :-)) LOL

  10. Oh how lovely was my evening when I saw your photos of that fabulous yard. Your hard work has paid off in a great way. It’s a garden worthy of a two page spread in any magazine featuring gardening and funky junk. I love it!

  11. Your yard looks great. I love the top soil and crisp edging and all the elements you have added among the flowers. It’s a lot of work and the results show it!

  12. Can’t figure out which bit I love the best… I love the door handle and the pallet path, I also LOVE the fence and THAT View! Wow.

  13. Love all your pics! It’s just beautiful! I recycle everything I can get my hands on as well! Being one of the costumers for our local community play theater, I even recycle bed sheets. The goat used for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was even made out of recycled plastic juice jugs as shoulders, plastic bags, used pvc pipe, you name it. LOL! Being a master gardener and belonging to two other garden clubs Has made me quite competitive. We all make a point to compete in our state fair each year for the “Trash to Treasure” event they have in the fairs floriculture building. It’s so much fun and very interesting to see and share what imaginations and talent these gardeners can come up with! The men are getting just as serious about it as the ladies are! Thanks for sharing! It’s just amazingly beautiful!

  14. Your yard is amazing! Thanks for sharing to give inspiration. We are trying to overhaul our back yard one tiny step at a time. We live in the city and want to bring beauty and nature to our yard for our 7 kiddos. Thanks again for the inspiration!

  15. Just found your post through Hometalk! Love it! You are a girl after my own heart. Thanks for the edging tip. I will surely be using it.

  16. Your yard is so beautiful! Thanks for the edging tip, I just want to run out and edge my ugly yard and magically transform it! Haha, that would be wonderful if I could do just that, but I see all of the hard work and love you put in to your yard. Someday…
    Thanks so much for sharing and all of the lovely ideas.

  17. I adore your yard. I wish you’d come and do my yard. I use old stuff in the yard, too, but have miles to go before it looks as good as yours. Great job.

  18. Awesome yard…I could imagine myself there! You make cut edges the same way I have always done! I like to wait for a day after rain, when the grass is dry but the soil is still moist. I have arthritis, so I do my edging sitting on the ground, scooting along as I go. When I need to maintain the edge during the hottest months, I also stake a golf umbrella in the soil to shade me as I go. This is NOT a chore, it’s a meditation on the scents of cut grass, damp soil, warm vegetation. I LOVE edging …and weeding and clipping and staking… everything about gardening!

    Thanks for sharing your yard with us: I’m inspired!

    Lorraine Borntogarden

  19. Hi there Funky Junk Donna, Just came across your website/blog and LOVE LOVE LOVE your ideas. They are practical and fun and just exactly the kind of thing I like. So glad to have found your Pins and look forward to getting to check more of it out as I am able. Wish we had the nice soil you appear to have. Here in Missouri, we raise rocks. And they multiply so fast!! I hope the cutting in will work here; it just looks great with that nice dark soil (and I will try watering the soil before I take pics for sure!!)

    Appreciate all the work that goes into putting the info out there for all of us to read, enjoy and use for inspiration. You are a many talented person!!!!

      • Hi Donna, Sorry to hear about your loss. Our furbabies are family members too.
        LOVE your beds featured here and I have a similar layout with a blank canvas.
        My question is… Could you name some of the plants on both sides of the gate you used so I could duplicate this some???
        Is that Honey Suckle on the left and Grape vines on the right as the backgrounds?
        Thank you sooo much for inspiration and the EDGING Secret!!!

  20. Your edging post inspired me to do the same to my flowerbeds. Mine are not as nice as yours though. I loved the pictures you took of your yard. I am trying to find yard art to put in my beds. Slowly but surely I will continue to fill it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  21. Just love your blog and your rustic shed. I am working on my own shed, started a couple weeks ago. I saw your blog and fell in love with yours.
    Just perfect for storing all my junkin projects in.. LOL instead of the garage where my husband cant sit anymore its full of my junk LOL….

  22. Hi, Donna. Yours is the funkiest garden I’ve seen that even with a bit of pop culture doesn’t look kitsch. You have an eye for restraint. Very lovely.

  23. Hi Donna!
    I wish I’d found your site years ago! Fabulous! I also appreciated the “letter to self”. Can you tell me what flowers you used? Great combo!

    Thank you!

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