Well, as you already know from the greenhouse touring post, I buckled down and bought some new flowers for summer.
With a freshly pressure washed shed, this thing was ready for blooms!
I really did love last summer’s Potting Shed rake sign with the potted flowers, however I wanted to do something slightly different this year.
So there was only one thing to do.
The Potting Shed sign and other things hung all over the walls came down, to basically start with a fresh palette once again.
What to do… what to do… I thought of shelves and hanging pots with twine and plants inside each window pane… play play play.
I even hauled in the She Shed sign, placing it in a few positions here and there, but… I dunno. I had a standard hung sign last year… I wanted a more unique twist.
Until I leaned the old white Potting Shed sign against the wall, and thought… hey, that could be a shutter!
Happy mistakes make me happy.
Remember the fabulous barn wood haul and how I treated it? A small chunk of that was cut then screwed to the shed, then rusty junk hinges were added for a little authentic shutter jewelry.
And with the old Potting Shed sign cut and attached to the other side, it was time to plant!
I kinda fussed with the pots for a bit. Staggering a short against a tall, flowers against leaves until things just felt right.
And now you’re going to get flooded with pretty pictures because it was hard to stop shooting!
I can’t think of anything much prettier than flowers against rustic junk.
I immediately fell in love with the shutter idea. It gave the window a whole new look, and ya gotta admit, this shutter has style!
Potting Shed is a stencil you can get HERE
Learn how I made this sign HERE
The old rake that was on the Potting Shed sign was moved onto the shed wall to hang other antique gardening tools.
I love how the rusty tool patina blends in with the shed siding. They add some interesting detail, but not in a blatant way.
The plants and shutters still steal the show.
The potted plants have a little growing room. I think they are going to look amazing once filled out a little more!
The bright sunshine broke out for a spell, and I really though it would wash out the photo, but I think it added a little bling!
It was the perfect day to play in the backyard garden. I was really needing a day to putter around with no real structure in sight. No phones to answer. No meetings to dash to.
The homemade potato soup for dinner was waiting in the fridge, so no big plans were even needed for that.
Today just did my heart a whole lotta good!
Oh! And yesterday, I went out to dinner with my sis and her hubby, then I hit the movie Maudie.
Goodness… Maudie is a MUST see! Go treat yourself.
Sigh… Welcome back, summer Potting Shed!
You have been missed.
You can find the Potting Shed stencil HERE
And see last year’s Potting Shed rake setup HERE
And visit all Garden 2017 thus far HERE
Well, I gotta tell ya Donna! I love, love, love shutters in all forms — rustic, big, small, you name it. Your shutters are absolutely lovely! They blend so well with the wood on the shed and the roof above it. Maybe it was the sun shining, but your roof looked particularly shiny. Good grief Girl, keep those stencil ideas on all kinds of things coming. They inspire me! Thank you so much.
Love love love the shutters. Actually, I simply love the shed. It is so rustic. And the hanging tools from the rake is so sweet. It seems that shed just gets better and better. So enjoy your creativity.
Perfect! I love shutters; I love your shed. So glad you got a day to refresh both the shed and you.
I never thought about stenciled shutters but I will now. The whole shed is so rustically awesome!
Carlene, I think our personal missions have become, “What is NOT yet stencilled?!” haha I knew you’d get this one! 🙂 I love it!
All I can say is Wow, Wow, Wow – just gorgeous! The shutters are awesome and everything looks so beautiful and peaceful. Don’t you just love it when the “idea” light bulb goes off and everything comes together! Now all you need is a comfy chair or hammock and a glass of wine to enjoy the view!
I love the shutters, and especially that you repurposed something to get them! I’ve been thinking about whether we should put shutters on our house after we get new siding … and I have to make a disclaimer. We don’t even have the windows replaced yet, and that has to be done before the siding! I’m totally getting ahead of myself here! Anyway, I’m not sure my husband will go for rustic shutters on a new-looking house — but I’m sure dreaming about it. Thanks for the ongoing inspiration!
It looks gorgeous, Donna! I love it and I think no wood has ever had a more beautiful home than your shed. 🙂