SNS 101 – non traditional window treatments

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And onto why you’re here today….

Non traditional window treatments


Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #101, the multi themed link party! 

* Home Decor

 * Crafts, / Sewing / Recipes

* Theme of the week

Every Fri 7pm  to Sunday 11 pm Pacific.

~ non traditional window treatments ~

Country Living

light and airy… so delicate!

Country Living

love how the sunlight streams through

The Little Apartment

unique window AND wall treatment with a ton of character

See Inspiration

paper! clever.


These old gate screens were one of my first builds.


a drop cloth plus vintage hanger = 1 min no sew curtains


see through junk. perfect. 🙂

And then Nester went and wrote an entire blog on this very topic!

Go see what’s in the current spot right now. 🙂

What non traditional window treatments are your windows wearing?
Link’er up in this weekend’s 3rd themed linkup!

Want more windows? Check it out!

Next up:
Summer’s End Yard Party 2011

Remember when I challenged you to pretty up those yards and do something creative? Let’s see whatcha got next weekend so we can say hello to fall!

upcoming themes – may not be in this order

Click HERE for the master themed linkups list. Add yours anytime!


~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

 1. DIY home projects only pretty please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog.

2. Please link back to the party (text or button) within your post. See BUTTONS under main blog header.

3. Only projects new to SNS please. The themed linkup is an exception.

4. By linking up here, you’re cool with me featuring you with no additional permission required. Cuz I wanna make you a star. 🙂

Join us on Facebook this weekend for party highlights!

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36 thoughts on “SNS 101 – non traditional window treatments

  1. Love the window treatment ideas. I’m out in the country now and I don’t really need window treatments for privacy. I’m looking to do something different and you’ve given me some good ideas.

  2. Hi Donna! I’m taking a break from cooking and cleaning for my husband’s surprise 50th this coming Sunday… I’ve been sitting here for the past hour engrossed in all these links! 🙂 I will be burning the midnight oil tonight!
    One of these days I’m going to have to see ALL your neat house projects in person (I’m inviting myself) lol….and I will reciprocate the jester and invite you to see mine!
    Have a great weekend!!

  3. I am in awe at how you can make everything look so great! This is why I love your site. by far the best examples you posted on “non-traditional” window treatments, were your own, of course! When I grow up, I’m gonna be more like you!! 😉

  4. Hi Donna. I love your non-traditional curtains. They are so unique and I love how light and airy they are. Sometimes curtains can be so heavy looking in a room. I do love your outside the box approach…it looks like they were meant to be there. Thank you for hosting. Hope you are having a fabulous weekend.

  5. Hi Donna! Thanks for hositng:) It’s my first time linking up to your link party. I am loving the barn door window treatment idea!!! Those are so on my wish list for our next home we redo! I will be back to check out the 31 Days Blog to Biz series (perfect for a newbie.) Hope you’ll visit The Corson Cottage somtime:) Carrie

  6. Donna love your post. Love to think outside the box. I have a stain glass fireplace screen in my bathroom window. I love it. I did have a small picket fence that my dad made in my spare room window but I needed it outside so I used it out there last Spring. I love the thermos in the window, I have one on my kitchen table with flowers in it. A red checked vintage one.
    I also want you to know I finally got my Folk magazine and I love it. I just received it Friday. Thanks so much for sharing. Good luck with your writing, I will be watching for your articles.

  7. LOVE this party theme…I don’t have any “traditional” window treatments at my house 🙂 And I have to say…that hanger window treatment of yours is one of my all time favorites…so very clever!!! Thanks for hosting, Laurel

  8. Awesome theme this week. Wish I had something to share within the theme… instead I shared a project for each of the other categories. Have a great weekend.

  9. Donna, Thanks for hosting, I wouldn’t miss SNS for the world!
    But…am I the only one who sees the moldy ceiling over the claw foot tub in the Country Living photo?! Yikes! Never would I set tushy down in that bathroom!!
    Sorry for the negative, couldn’t help myself. 🙁

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