Happy New Life… with a Christmas decor recap

Christmas fireplace mantel with old windows and garland / funkyjunkinteriors.net
Old windows Christmas fireplace mantel

With every Christmas season approaching, I always have this vision.

The Christmas spirit will one day just explode! Our days will be filled with Christmas music, fluffy hot beverages, and our houses will get decked out into magical wonderlands without a hitch.

We’ll have plenty of cookies in the freezer, our houses will be clean and company ready, and all our DIYs will be done for the year.


Maybe even by early fall…

shed in the snow /  funkyjunkinteriors.net
The snowy shed out back

Yup. All new stuff, months in advance!

So I can basically sit all of December out and watch the snow drift softly to the ground (we’ll get the perfect snowfall too!), and sip coffee in front of my crackling fireplace, while everyone madly dashes around with all their stress induced ways.

Silly people… ( me <— )

Maui sunset /  funkyjunkinteriors.net
Our 2014 Maui vacation

Oh, and go on a vacation during the holidays too, because there will be NOTHING ELSE LEFT TO DO.

Toronto's Graffiti Alley / FunkyJunkInteriors.net

A trip to Graffiti Alley in Toronto

( Insert insane laughter here… ) 

tuxedo cat in evergreens / outdoor shopping for Christmas / Funky Junk Interiors
How I Christmas shop outdoors

December is coming way too quickly. In a rush quest to get all my DIYs done, I’ve made more dumpster approved projects in the last week than I have all year.

Tunes? What’s that? 

And the only fluffy thing we have going on here are cat hair dust bunnies.

Christmas wheel wreath on FunkyJunkInteriors.net
Christmas Wheel Wreath

There’s nothing in the freezer but freezer burnt bread. The house is in dive mode due to projects flying through the air (as I hurl them out the door into the dumpster). Oh, there’s a few projects ready to roll. But not nearly enough.

Who has time to light the fireplace?

Who can find a lighter to light the fireplace?!

Who can WALK to the fireplace?

What fireplace? 🙂

Fire kindling Christmas stars on a stairway / Funky Junk Interiors
Firewood kindling stars on a stairway

I’m pretty sure your own season starts out all dreamily like, but then you run into this stuff too. I can nearly guarantee, you’ll say yes to too many things, take too much on, do stuff you don’t wanna do out of obligation or money, and get yourself in a spot where you wonder WHY WHY WHY do I do this to myself every year?!

Are you there yet? 🙂

So… what’s the answer? What gives? Why do this each and every year? Why can’t we make that magical Christmas happen just the way we envision it?

Christmas wreath from faux garland / Funky Junk Interiors
A Christmas wreath made from faux garland

There’s this thing some may call ‘old’. As we age, we can’t deal with nonsense as well. We can’t multi task like we use to, and quite honestly, we just kinda don’t care about little things like we use to.

That may have to do with forgetting stuff… but I forget. 🙂

But I indeed have some learning to do still. With the day job now history, I kinda thought I’d have more time for… more. But… not really. I’ll admit, things have certainly improved.

But Christmas is just one example. All the live long day, we’re forced to make choices. And it’s not always easiest to listen to your gut, is it?

It sure isn’t for me. I deny myself what I need to do all the time. And then get frustrated.

Off to find the perfect Christmas tree / Funky Junk Interiors
Landing the perfect 2013 Christmas tree

I think it takes guts to listen to your gut. 

To plot out what you wish to do.

Then take the steps to get there.

And bypass all the stuff that could be holding you back. From joy.

Off to find the perfect Christmas tree / FunkyJunkInteriors.net
So as we all yet again get flustered over the upcoming season, I have something I’d like you to think about.

Forget New Year’s Resolutions. There’s a brand new LIFE ahead of you. But no need to wait until Jan 1st. Your brand new starts 1 second from now.

What do YOU want to do differently right this minute?

Maybe “we” should seriously slow down a moment, and write down our goals… then chip away in the right direction. For even just Christmas.

Remember my mantra post? It’ll help guide you if you don’t really know what to do.

So anyway, I’m ready to start. Again. Right now. But I hope you will too.

7 garland twigged out Christmas tree / FunkyJunkInteriors.net
7 garland twigged out Christmas tree

I’d like to challenge you to do something different this season… that brings you JOY.

And then beyond.

It’s a Happy New Life after all…

Are you coming too? 

p.s. I can’t believe my house was ever this clean.

p.s.s. New! All inspiring kinda posts are now HERE.

p.s.s. I thought it would be nice to have a 2013 Christmas recap before the new stuff comes out. I’m ready now! 🙂

So… what are you going to do differently? Now?

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19 thoughts on “Happy New Life… with a Christmas decor recap

  1. I hear you, and I feel your frustration too. A big part of my interior design job involves decorating a home decor shop here for their Christmas grand opening. I’m doing Christmas in September!
    After the show on the 1st of November I start getting bookings to decorate clients homes, and make fancy deco mesh wreaths, bows and garlands, for the Holidays, and I TRY not to do any after the first week of December.
    I told myself that I had enough bookings, and that I wouldn’t be taking on any more new projects – but of course I did.
    For me, it’s about the JOB ( keeping my name out there) & The Money, as I can make more decorating homes in a shorter period of time, than I do working for months in retail.
    I got another call on my machine last night, referred to by the shop I decorate, – I really don’t want to take any more on, so I might be able to enjoy a bit of the Season with my kids and family – and after reading this, I’m not going to.
    Sometimes the stress we put ourselves under is just not worth it.

    • Oh Jenny, I sure don’t wish to diminish the income fact… for many, Christmas is the main time to earn for sure! So there’s that.

      But I so agree with the ‘there’s only one of me’ mentality too. It’s ok to take care of yourself somewhere in there. Your comment alone made this post worthwhile!

  2. Donna this was such a cute post. I’ve spent the last few days writing out my goals and redoing my schedule. To have time for the most important things in my life. What a great time to read your blog (on scheduled time..woo woo… Thanks for the read and a recap of your Christmas junk! I just love your style!

  3. You have inspired me. I love the fire place, it’s so inviting warm and fresh. I really needed this to get me thinking about the holidays. Warm thoughts are always good. We received the Canada cold front down south and I think it has paralyzed my creativity a little.
    Have a great Tuesday love stopping by here.
    Carole @ Garden Up green

    • Yeah, sorry about the cold thing. At least it’s been sunny… which hugely inspires me! It’s the clouds where I wish to run for cover… and warmth.

      My secret to decking out the fireplace is to always add lights if possible. It gives off a glow that nothing else can.

      Hmm…. maybe I’ll write a post about my Christmas decorating secrets… thanks for inspiring ME! 🙂

  4. Oh yes the Hallmark vision – oh how I would stress to create it. Now that I’m older I just don’t have the energy or desire for perfection. Like you suggest, a few years ago I STOPPED took a deep breath and asked myself what part of the holidays is most cherished for me and I proceeded in that direction. Carving time for that hot chocolate (coffee and Baileys) by the fire while listening to my Dad’s (he passed in 2005) favorite Christmas music, and enjoying the sparkle from the lights on the tree is a Must. Going for a sleigh ride is another Must. Enjoying time with those I love is another. But my favorite Christmas was last year when we got out of Dodge and headed for the slopes of Silver Star Ski Resort in Vernon, BC with our kids, their significant others, and my sister and her husband.

    • That sounds wonderful, Marie! We’ve never gone away during Christmas Day before, so I’m debating on doing something similar.

      I’ve also really downscaled how much of the house I deck out. Tree and mantel are musts. The rest is just icing on the cake (and more to take down haha).

      It’s such an individual thing… isn’t it nice we can tailor make it to be what we wish it to be?

  5. Reading your post this morning while I was in my pj’s, drinking my coffee….I answered your question: What do YOU want to do differently right this minute? I knew I wanted to MAKE something. Seeing your rustic star inspired me and so I got out some old, chippy white gardening stakes and made my version of a rustic star! Wow…the day feels better already! Thanks! Toni

  6. Donna – I am going to enjoy what I have and not buy new ‘stuff’! Like new Christmas ornaments or new outdoor decorations. I had this discussion with my husband and we agree we have beautiful ‘stuff’ and are blessed to have it. So this year I am decorating my home with all my beautiful ‘stuff’ from years past.

    • Julia, I love the way you think! I’m the same way… except I may collect a little more new junk here and there for added inspiration. 🙂 I no longer have boxes upon boxes of decor I only bring out once a year. Decorate with the stuff you have out… now! 🙂

  7. Morning Donna,

    What a most wonderful post!!!! Today, this second, that is what really counts and thanks for putting it so eloquently 🙂 Make a happy, joy filled attitude now! Blessings and smiles, a long time follower!! (You are the first blog I have ever followed and stayed with). Emilou

  8. I just love your blog… Thank you for taking the time to write and document your life, it’s so inspiring! I love me some junk!

  9. This year I think we’ll not only get a tree up, we’ll get it decorated 😉 The last few years we dove into some charity projects that took over our life and brought the Christmas Spirit into our home. But I missed having a decorated tree! Last year we got a tree up AND light on… this year we’re going for tree, lights, AND decorations!

  10. A great post Donna. I usually host Thanksgiving for my husband’s family. He has to work on Thanksgiving this year, so I decided not to host. I will still make a small turkey and some trimmings for a very late supper when my husband comes home from work, but my son and I are making reservations!!! My son is 19 and we are going to a wonderful restaurant down the road for a holiday buffet. Then maybe watch a movie at home. The in-laws will be coming over the Saturday after Thanksgiving and I will make a turkey pot pie so we can visit. It feels devilishly wonderful to not have to do all that cooking!!! For Christmas my favorite thing to do is work at a soup kitchen with my church. I get so much enjoyment doing that. I love to make special Christmas stockings with little goodies to hand out to the children. I think this year I will focus on those hearty souls even more.

  11. Love your post! So on target for this time of the year. I find so many things spinning in my head…I do need to get them written down so I can focus. I am a note taker and a list maker, and need to get to it before I explode into toooooo many directions.
    I am older and retired now and also find all the details tasking; but I have a 29 year old granddaughter that still loves to help me decorate my house (even though she has her own now). She has told me it would not be Christmas if she could not spend the day with me and get the house ready; I let her do her thing, she is so creative (comes by it naturally of course!) The family spends Christmas Eve with us and it is a tradition the younger ones still expect. No rest for us wiser ones yet! Love your style and creativity with all the junk. Makes me smile and wish I could do more of it myself. I just did one thing for me today; ordered Nutcracker Ballet tickets for all the granddaughers and daughter and me. It will be that one special event for us all.
    We also have been hit with 14″ of snow here in Michigan…wow, it is early. Enjoy the holidays no matter what your direction ends up being.

  12. Hi, Donna! I keep seeing that pic of your fireplace and I’m so in love with everything about it, especially with the Moravian star. Did you make that star yourself or get it somewhere? I keep trying to find one but have had no luck whatsoever.

    What am I going to do different? I’m going to take it easier in December. For the most part, my business is quiet in December so I’m going to ease off on producing graphics with only a few additions to keep my blog alive and otherwise use the time to refurbish my website. Time to learn a little bit about web editors and do something a bit fancier.

    • Hi Teri! I can’t remember where I found the star, but it was long ago. It’s metal and I indeed bought it. I’ve seen them made from cardboard though! I’d suggest to search Pinterest for a tutorial, they’re definitely out there!

      I love your December plans, they sound peaceful. 🙂

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