Best upcycled projects of 2020 by Funky Junk!

rustic fall shed with crate windowbox and directional signs

  Best upcycled projects of 2020 by Funky Junk! Happy New Year everyone! I’m finally back after a week of downtime between Christmas and New Year’s which was so greatly needed. And what a YEAR it’s been. It’s been a VERY long time since I’ve stayed home all summer, never mind a full year! Did […]

Funky Junk’s favorite posts and junk projects of 2019

easy paint shelf with shipping crate stamp stencils-012

Can you even believe it? 2019 is a done deal! And that generally means it’s time to share Funky Junk’s favorite posts and junk projects of 2019. Looking back this past year, lots transpired. My heath took a turn downward but then improved, I took another long Hawaiian adventure (I’ve yet to share!), transformed the […]

Funky Junk’s best projects and posts of 2017


Hello dear friends! I’ve missed tapping keys and talking with you! With Christmas officially a wrap, I gave myself permission to not feel a need to post between Christmas and New Years. Yet here I am. I’ve actually been pretty productive! I made my son a gift for Christmas which I’ve yet to show, then […]

Christmas Junk Favorite Projects Blog Hop!


With only one more week to go before Christmas (egads…), I am still busy fluffing the joint up! So when the idea of showcasing our favorite Christmas Junk projects past and present came up, let’s just say I NEEEEEDED this. This little deadline gave me the perfect opportunity to make something new to pretty up yet another corner […]

Best 2016 junk projects, and feedback request


2016 ended up being a year where I thought my personal life drew me away from the blog more than usual. So I didn’t think I created all that much. Until I pulled it together all in one blog post! Well, this just made me happy. I think it really helps to reflect back on the […]