Funky Junk’s best projects and posts of 2017

Faux barn door headboard made from barn wood | #barnwood #farmhouse

Hello dear friends! I’ve missed tapping keys and talking with you!

With Christmas officially a wrap, I gave myself permission to not feel a need to post between Christmas and New Years. Yet here I am.

I’ve actually been pretty productive! I made my son a gift for Christmas which I’ve yet to show, then before I had a chance to clean up the mess afterwards, belted out a new stencil coming soon. Whoop!

With all that going on in such short order, my workshop was tornado alley! So I  gave it the stink eye yesterday and cleaned it up. And even brought out the paint.

Good grief. Give me permission for time off and I get more productive in a few days vs what I have appeared to do all year! Must have something to do with that no-schedule artist lifestyle thing…

Anyway, I felt this would be a fab time to roll back the clock one last time before 2017 ends and share what I deem my own favorite posts of the year and why. Some of the reasons may surprise you.

Blogging is sorda like an online journal. Stories and projects come all day long, however the ones that have the most meaning always hit the blog in hopes that they will encourage creativity in your own homes!

All that said, let’s do this… I’m sharing approx 2 favs from each month…


Visit all of January HERE

How to make a stencil trolley from an old crate |

Easy stencil trolley from a crate

I love this post because this little contraption has successfully my bacon every. single. day. of the year. It doesn’t take much space, it’s easy to cart around, and my goodness… I mean, how handy is it? VERY.

What also thrilled me to no end was seeing others make them too! Oh my heart…
All you need to know about stenciling - what to get, how to store, should you clean, what to make and more! |

All You Need To Know About Stenciling

This post has proved to without fail, answer everyone’s questions about the world of stenciling. It’s power packed with my fav gear (and how to find it), how to clean, how to store, and what to make.

I dare you to have one question left after this read… 😉


Visit all of February HERE

How to make a reclaimed wood heart and use it three different ways: here is a picture hanging idea |

How to make a reclaimed wood heart and use it three different ways: here is a mug hanging idea using Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils |

Reclaimed wood heart showcased 3 ways

After seeing so many reclaimed hearts popping up this time of year, I just had to try my own take. But when I couldn’t make up my mind what it should do, I had it do 3 things.

I love this post because I got a chance to showcase my love for my family AND my fav brew. 🙂 And I mean… reclaimed wood. Need we say more?

How to sell stuff and know if selling is right for you |

How to know if selling something is right for you

I blogged for years, asking myself ‘what am I or should be doing?’ I didn’t sell anything other than create free blog posts inviting you in. The income from the ads changed my life, allowing me to leave a job I no longer loved. How did that even happen?!

Yet all while blogging, I still questioned what else should / could I be doing. I didn’t have that answer, until a problem transpired. After creating a solution, BAM. I was selling. 

No big pie in the sky plan here. It was organic and married what I love doing perfectly.

So if you are on the fence about something you can offer the world, this read is most definitely for you.


Visit all of March HERE

Instant shelving storage made easy with 2 ladders and wood planks for a front entry |

2 ladder front entry shelving

I really needed more space in my front entry. Two ladders later, this.

I love this post because rather than run to a store, I ran to my workshop instead and cranked up the creativity to make something happen.

Which is a true testimony for those that can’t splurge… dream up what you desire to have, then roll up your sleeves and ‘make’ it happen.

How to make a reclaimed and junk inspired farmhouse clock complete with sign made with Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils |

Salvaged farmhouse junk clock

Just like the heart project, and then there were clocks! Only problem is, I didn’t have a clock kit on hand.

I made it anyway. But this one’s even better because you can NEVER be late for one single thing…


Visit all of April HERE

Faux barndoor barnwood headboard for a master bedroom |

Faux barn door headboard

The day I got the call to go scavenge wood from a barn about to go down proved to be a goldmine!

Not only did my fav DIY headboard of all become of the wood, I learned how to salvage the patina of old chippy wood safely, and I got my barn door finally.

Even if it is faux…


Visit all of May HERE

Stenciling subway sign styled fabric for the pallet wood outdoor furniture with Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils |

Stenciled pallet furniture fabric for the patio

Desiring a new look for the pallet wood patio furniture, I ripped a painter’s drop cloth in half and gathered up all the stencils I had to create a unique subway sign styled fabric print.

p.s. It washes up beautifully!

p.s.s. Goodness how I miss that weather… says the girl with an ice storm currently outside her home.

Old red barn from my childhood farm - a heartfelt story |

Red barn wood from my childhood farm with a message in the sky

I hadn’t intended to drive home this particular route. However something powerful turned the steering wheel for me. I ended up driving past my childhood farm, finding they were taking down one of my beloved barns.

Although I hesitated, I knocked on the door… not only did I land a bunch of amazing red barnwood I grew up with, wait till you see what the sky delivered…

Warning: tear jerker

Buffalo Check your gear with this stencil |

Buffalo Check your world with this stencil

Oh dear Buffalo Check, you have indeed made your mark this past Christmas! And now beyond.

Thanks to my blogging buddy Organized Clutter Carlene’s suggestion for this pattern, I put down what I was designing because THIS idea WAS better!


Visit all of June HERE

Reclaimed wood framed mirror with Antiques sign from Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils |

How to frame up any old mirror with scrap wood

I’ve had this tall, skinny boring mirror in my home all my life. But it wasn’t until some barn wood came into play did I actually fall in LOVE with it.

Potting shed with shutters garden feature |

Potting shed shutters revamp

My little potting shed is currently the star of my backyard. However when it was time to plant once again, it got slightly revamped.

This post resonates with me, because I’ve been failing on my yard with not keeping up. This little shed proves you don’t have to have this HUGE big landscaped lot to have a pretty spot in your yard. Do what you can, and work it!


Visit all of July HERE

River front sitting area at Eco Retreat in Hope, British Columbia Canada. Take the tour at |

My Unexpected Othello Cabin Getaway – Part 1

Gosh I remember this well. I had severe cabin fever from staying home all summer and when I found out my fav local cabin getaway had a vacancy, I nearly sprinted out the door. 45 min later, I was here.

But… it wasn’t enough time. I barely had time to recoup never mind do anything special…

The spectacular Alexandria Bridge walking trail near Hope, British Columbia Canada. Take the tour at |

The Bucket list bridge visit and junkin’ – Part 2

 So when a last minute cancellation transpired, I knew what I had to do. I prolonged my stay and pulled off a scary bucket list thing!

When I look back on the moments that mean the most to me, they were things I have never done before. And this was absolutely one of them.

Try the 20 Second Rule in order to get stuff done. Learn how at: |

The 20 second rule

At one of my classes, we had talked about what motivates us to do things. As a pure afterthought, the mention of The 20 Second Rule came up. And then it suddenly all made sense.

If you are a procrastinator, I suggest you read this one. IMO this theory indeed works!

Two buffalo checked cabin-inspired sitting areas for the backyard - take the tour at: |

Two new cabin-inspired sitting areas for the outdoors

After my little cabin getaway I found VERY hard to leave, one thing stood out, and that was the wonderful outdoor living space I got to enjoy.

Once I got home, I promptly made not one, but TWO of my own to enjoy right in my own back yard!

This post showcases how easy it was to change out plain red cushions into buffalo check wonders!


Visit all of August HERE

Creating a subway sign styled TV media stand dresser in black and white with Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils |

Subway sign styled TV stand dresser

Working hard lately to morph my home into a personal sanctuary (and not a storage unit…) I decided to ramp that up a notch by tricking out a plain dresser I already had in my bedroom.

What a treat it is now to drown in those Netflix series…


Visit all of September HERE

A beautiful forest bike ride down the Vedder River Rotary Trail through what I deem British Columbia's Kauai |

BC’s own personal Kauai right on the bike trail

As frequent readers will already know, I adore my nature filled bike rides along our river trails. However there’s one particular strip that I have long deemed as Kauai. The growth is crazy gorgeous! What a cheap vacay…

The unintended travel trailer sale story |

The unintended travel trailer sale

Looking at this picture just made me smile! I haven’t missed this thing ever since the moment it’s left!

For YEARS I felt burden and guilt for not camping. I tried to make it work, but nothing ever worked. So there the trailer sat. Slowly deteriorating… 

Then my pruner Walter asked if I wanted to sell it… no! Wait… my baby book on wheels?!

However at the end of this story, you too will know why it WAS the right thing to do. I still get the shivers over it.

Removing all the flower beds in the back yard and going back to lawn |

The gutting of the yard. Literally.

I flat out was no longer keeping up with my yard. So that’s when I called in Walter my pruner for some expert help remove ALL the flower beds. All.

This story actually made a few readers sad. However, just know… sometimes you just have to start over to do it right… or move on… time will tell.

I love this series because there were actual moments in my day where I could finally glance over the yard without grimacing, see it all nice and tidy , and hop on that bike instead! Now that’s living…

Reclaimed wood and crates shelving storage in a white kitchen |

White-white walls with reclaimed wood shelving and crates in the kitchen refresh

I couldn’t for the life of me decide on a wall colour. I was driving me insane! So I popped open a white-white can of paint and called it a day.

I ended up loving it! And here’s what else I did after painting…


Visit all of October HERE

A gorgeous tropical forest walking trail in Maui Hawaii |

A new-to-me river trail in Maui

How can I NOT include my most fav place on earth in this lineup? Impossible!

However for the amount of times I’ve already been to Maui, you’d think I’d seen it all.

Not so. By complete fluke of a closure to where I was going (again)… this new amazing trail was found instead…


Visit all of November HERE

A trip down the Road to Hana and beyond, featuring the gorgeous black sand beach. Take the full tour at: |

Road trip to Hana with my sis – Day 1

For years I’ve wanted to make it out to Hana, however hearing all the stories about the crazy train road had me staying put. Until I met up with my sister in Maui, approaching me with, “I want to go to Hana with you!”

2 days later, we hit the road on one of the most wonderful adventures EVER.

Winter directional signs of Sleigh Rides, Hot Cocoa and Ski Lodge, created with Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils and Fusion Mineral Paint |

Directional winter signs

I’ve always loved the idea of making a directional sign. So I decided to make one using winter themed stencils. Includes tips on how to 2-tone letters.

This easy tutorial has become my 2nd most popular Christmas project for this year! My Christmas tree comes in first. (below)


Visit all of December HERE

The Road to Hana adventure including the Pipiwai trail and 7 Sacred Pools |

Road to Hana Day 3 – Pipiwai Trail and 7 Sacred Pools

I never in a million years thought my sis would go for the strenuous hike through the world famous Pipiwai Trail, taking you through a deep dark bamboo jungle!

How wrong I was… this post is pretty photo spectacular.

Christmas tree in an Antiques crate made with Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils |

Antiques crate Christmas Tree

I really enjoy the challenge of doing something new with my Christmas tree each year. This year, my eyes landed on a plain crate. A picture frame and stencil later… this has become my most popular Christmas post for 2017.

Reclaimed wood Christmas tree and star, part of Christmas Junk Favs Past and Present Blog Hop including 50 projects! |

Christmas Junk Favs Past and Present Blog Hop

This post takes you right back to when I first started blogging! It’s loaded with the most popular Christmas junk posts all the way to my present favs. Lots of easy ideas in this one with most made for free.

This post is also linked to 4 other junk blogger buddies’ favs too! 50 projects in all!

p.s. this reclaimed wood Christmas tree goes semi viral each year I share it. Crazy little movie star… hope it doesn’t go to her head…

Rustic hot cocoa station with cutting board coaster, part of Christmas Junk Home tour at |

Christmas Junk Home Tour

This post leads to all my Christmas projects for this year and includes lots of new shots, such as this year’s rustic hot cocoa station in a crate. Come on over for the full tour!

And now I want hot cocoa…

Special Thanks
Shop for Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils HERE

And finally, I have to give a big shout out to my dear friends Joanne and Frank (and Molly B) from Muddaritaville Studios for holding down the sign stencil fort.

No matter where  I am, they are diligently producing and sending the stencils you order. I’m so proud my stencils are made and sold in North America and are the best quality I’ve ever held in my own hands.

And to so SO many bloggers that showcased beautiful and creative projects made with said stencils. You can find many of their projects HERE.

Where to buy Fusion Mineral Paint

And a special thank-you to Fusion Mineral Paint for also carrying my stencils through their merchants, and offering such wonderful products that I get to use on my projects!

What would you like more of?

Is there anything in particular you’d like to hear more about in the new year? I’d love for you to share your wish list in comments below!

Thank-you to YOU!

I really feel so blessed that you share an interest in all this stuff and come by to check out what’s new.Thank YOU for being a part of this funky little journey we call life.

See you soon with all kinds of new crazy off-the-wall projects, new sign stencils, brave new travels (I hope!) and gut-felt stories coming your way again soon..

And may your own 2018 dreams be realized through hard work and belief in yourself.

Let’s do it well together! Happy New Year!.


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Categories: All Cool Projects, Best projects of the year, DIY, Junk Drawer

3 thoughts on “Funky Junk’s best projects and posts of 2017

  1. One of the best blogs I have come across in a long time! Love your projects, photos, and comments. Keep up the great adventures. Will keep watching for new things in 2018. Thanks!

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