Tools for women – why I love this FeatherLite WeedEater weed trimmer!

Is your weed trimmer to heavy or jittery? Check out this review for this teen or women-friendly lightweight weed trimmer that’s a FeatherLite WeedEater. It’s so easy to use!

Is your weed trimmer to heavy or jittery? Check out this review for this teen or women-friendly lightweight weed trimmer that's a FeatherLite WeedEater. It's so easy to use!

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I have a weed trimmer that I think you’ll love, that makes using it a snap… especially if you’re a woman!

Why I love this FeatherLite WeedEater weed trimmer!


  • it’s lighter in weight than most
  • the shake is less than a heavy duty weed trimmer
  • it’s shorter so it’s easier to trim with
  • it’s gas run, suitable for medium-larger scale trimming

This Weedeater Featherlite weed trimmer from Canadian Tire is a quality item I am so, SO thrilled I found after having been told they were discontinued. So if you can still find this model, don’t hesitate. Get it!

Here’s the deal…

I do all my own yard work, except for the odd mow my son takes care of. This means one thing… my tools have to work for me. From a good lawnmower that self propels, right down to a string trimmer I can handle myself for all the grass trimming and landscape edging.

So many tools are too heavy, bulky, and just require more muscle than I have. How many times do you wish you could do something yourself, knowing what you have is too heavy or hard to operate?

Well, I’m going to change the way you think about gas trimmers as of today.

The important advantage to this timmer is that it’s perfect for those who desire a lightweight option, yet still has the power to do the job right for a mid-sized, well kept up yard.

Tools for women - learn why I love this Featherlite WeedEater weed trimmer! It's so lightweight and easy to use! Click for full review and other tool tips for women. #weedtrimmer #tools #gardening #trimming

The story


I had been using a FeatherLite WeedEater like this for a very long time. Previously, we owned a very big and heavy bulkier one that I couldn’t manage myself. Since I wanted to do edging, I wanted one of my own! So when I found this model, I was in LOVE. It was much lighter to hold with less shake, and with all the power of a gas trimmer, so I was sold!

But like with everything, there’s a time expiry, so I decided to replace it.

Update: If you don’t find this particular model on Amazon, find all their weed eaters HERE

When I went hunting for another, the story was they were discontinued. I wasn’t a happy camper so I bought something else. But it was hard to start and too jittery to hold. Not a good experience!

It was then returned and I bought yeter another model late in the season. Used it once (was a pretty rocky first) and put it away. Next time I needed it I couldn’t even start it and it was too late to return. What a waste of money.

So all last year I’d been trimming weeds with hand clippers or just hand-pulling, refusing to spend one more dime on yet another weed trimmer that wouldn’t work for me.

Then this model returned!


Then while randomly shopping one day, I came across a FeatherLite WeedEater weed trimmer in Canadian Tire yet again all by itself on a store shelf. No way!! I couldn’t put it in my shopping cart fast enough! And had there been two, I would have purchased another for an early replacement!

I went home, put it together in minutes (it was a VERY easy installation, just follow the manual), added the oil/ fresh gas mix, primed it (by pushing the primer bulb), and it started in a few short pulls. The lawn was edged in about 10 minutes. 

This FeatherLite WeedEater weed trimmer was MADE for women or even beginner lawn mowers or teens. It is lightweight, smaller scale, makes very clean path cuts, ease of use is perfect for a woman or teen or youth mower, and is perfect for a regular sized lawn that is generally well maintained.

Here’s a little more about it and why I love it…

Update: I have since changed out to a battery run model if you don’t need the power of a gas trimmer! Read about it HERE



mixing oil and gas for a FeatherLite WeedEater

Oil and gas mix


This trimmer requires a mixture of oil and gas mix. A small amount of oil comes with the unit to start with so you can just get to work.

Although the weed trimmer also comes with a small amount of weed trimmer line, I recommend buying another pack before you leave the store.

Tools for women - learn why I love this Featherlite WeedEater weed trimmer! It's so lightweight and easy to use! Click for full review and other tool tips for women. #weedtrimmer #tools #gardening #trimming

How I mix and store the gas and oil


I have a special 1 gallon gas tank that is filled with straight gasoline and oil mixed. Then simply follow the instructions for the recommended oil ratio:

  1. pour the correct ratio of fresh fuel and oil into a 1 gallon gas tank
  2. shake the tank
  3. pour the mixed gas and oil into the weed trimmer fuel tank until full
  4. top up every time you use the weed trimmer

Since gas can go bad in time, I suggest to drain the weed trimmer tank before it’s put away for the summer by using all the gas up in the tank. Then mix a fresh batch of gas and oil next spring. Your yard equipment will start easier (with first pull if you maintain it well) and will stay working longer.

Tools for women - learn why I love this Featherlite WeedEater weed trimmer! It's so lightweight and easy to use! Click for full review and other tool tips for women. #weedtrimmer #tools #gardening #trimming

Curved shaft


The only thing that makes using the FeatherLite WeedEater a little tricky is the angle of the bent shaft, or ergonomic design. If you are trimming something that needs to dip down in front of you, you will need to exaggerate your hold further forward due to the bend.

Creating a DIY shoulder strap helps


I’ve also rigged up a shoulder strap out of rope to take the weight off my arms. But on every other account, this thing is WORTH it.

The trimmer head


It has a single trimmer head so it’s easy to install and use. There’s no need to bump feed or tap the head on the ground as it’s automatic.

Lighter weight and light duty


While the unit is very lightweight to use vs. most others on the market, know it’s also a lighter duty weed trimmer.

If you commonly have areas that are well maintained, this quality trimmer is the right choice for lawn enthusiasts.

This light duty trimmer won’t last you forever. It’s around $100 bucks but even if it only lasts for one season, I’d buy it.

Suitable for:


  • women or teens to use
  • smaller – medium sized well maintained yard

NOT suitable for:


  • very long, unkempt grass
  • very large yards
  • professional use by a very experienced cutter

Other maintenance


I honestly don’t remember anything about a fuel filter, spark plug or making other adjustments. So if you do get one, look into those missing things. Perhaps that’s why mine didn’t run as long as it could have.

Anything gas run does obviously require more upkeep than something battery powered, so it pays to look into it.

Pros vs. Cons




  • super lightweight
  • perfect weed trimmer for women or teens
  • dimensions are smaller than most
  • easy to assemble
  • very easy to start
  • easy to operate
  • economical purchase for a small budget
  • not much shake when using
  • comes with line and oil mix
  • no need to ‘bump’ for more line, it’s automatic
  • excellent for a small to medium-sized yard
  • gas run so no need for a power cord



  • no shoulder strap
  • bent shaft can be tricky, but most times, doesn’t matter
  • may be a little short for someone taller than 5’5″
  • not enough power for unkempt trimming
  • noise level is medium

Protective equipment needed:


  • You will definitely need eye protection
  • should wear hearing protection
  • wear long pants when operating

Overall impression


I don’t generally pump particular brands unless there is something I absolutely LOVE. And this is one of them.

If you wish to do your own yard work in a regular sized lot and heavy tools bog you down, this weed trimmer offers better handling, is an inexpensive device, and is an excellent choice that will meet the needs of the average customer. And it runs like magic.

No excuses gals, you can have your OWN FeatherLite WeedEater lawn trimmer. If there had been two on that shelf, there’s a small chance I would have purchased them BOTH!

This weed trimmer is a good shopping choice if you want the convenience of a gas powered  trimmer that is easy to use.

That is, if you can still find one. Scour the internet for a dealer near you.

What are your favourite tools for weeding and edging?

WeedEater is currently listed at Canadian Tire in Canada HERE

Other weed trimmers I recommend


Learn how this Black and Decker weed trimmer works and why I love it so much! Click for full review.

Battery powered weed trimmer


If you don’t wish to maintain a gas motor, here are some other options I’ve since moved onto which I love even more. These weed trimmers are suitable if:

  • Your yard is generally kept up each week.
  • The trimming is for a small-medium yard.

I have a new battery-operated weed trimmer LST-201 that that I have since purchased that am now using! Click HERE to visit!

Similar to this Black and Decker 20v LCC222 combo HERE

Because my current lawn is well kept and only small – medium in size, I’ve found a battery run weed trimmer has been more than adequate and there’s no motor to upkeep.

This is a light duty trimmer that does work well when the battery is fully charged. However I do recommend having more than one battery on hand. I can luckily do my small yard on one charge.

Further upgrades:


I have also tried and like the following two Black and Decker weed trimmers even more than the previously mentioned LST-201.

Black and Decker battery run weed trimmer LST522 (now outdated)(similar to THIS LST140C HERE)

I find it’s heavier duty than the previous model. It has more strength and the body feels a little higher quality with a better handle.

Black and Decker plug-in weed trimmer BESTA510 – HERE

This is a plug-in model that I have found to be exceptionally powerful for nearby trimming where an electrical cord is possible. I find the strength of the trimming significantly stronger than the LST522, plus it doesn’t rely on a battery slowly running low, which often reduces the overall strength. 

We actually found one of these trimmers on the curb of all things, and we’ve managed to keep up a large yard on acreage.

Learn which are my own personal basic must-have DIY tools - a checklist and work surface suggestions for the DIYer! Click for full reviews leading to links and tutorials! #tools

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35 thoughts on “Tools for women – why I love this FeatherLite WeedEater weed trimmer!

  1. Like you, I do almost all my own yard work. I have an 18v black and decker trimmer and love it!
    No gas or oil to mix and always starts and it’s light weight. I have bought additional batteries to use, but it has been cheaper to buy a new tool than individual batteries. Now I have a chain saw (that I’m not scared to use) and a drill.

  2. Nice! I’m going to be on the lookout for one of these. We have a big yard, but the majority the grass gets cut by the zero turn lawn mower, so it’s really just some edging that needs attention. We’re in the marketing for a new weed eater…

    • I agree 100%! This trimmer is perfect for a regularly maintained lawn. It isn’t heavy duty enough to constantly cut ‘new ground’ or crazy overgrown areas never having been trimmed before.

  3. Would love to have one of these. It would be absolutely perfect as I am 5’2″. I used to do all the trimming (love to do it) until hubby bought one too big. It lasted a whole whopping 8 hours of trimming, and of course is too late to return it.

  4. Thanks for the heads-up. One thing that caught my eye was your mention of the height. I’m a shortie, 5’2″, so it may definitely be what I’m looking for. I’ll be putting this in my “house book” I keep in my purse.

  5. This Featherlite looks similar to my weedeater. I, too, was looking for something easy and lightweight. I ended up buying a Worx GT weed eater after seeing an infomercial. It’s one of the few infomercial gadgets that really lives up to its name. Lightweight, easy to use, has a strap and I’ve had it 2 years already–still works great (fingers crossed!). 🙂

    • Hey Marilyn! I don’t really have a name brand to offer, however features can make or break your choice. Make sure it’s self propelled. One that mulches is very nice too so you don’t have to catch/carry the clippings. (we never bag it with the mulcher). And if you can land one that changes wheel heights on all four wheels with one lever, oh my goodness… yes! I was never happy with my $200 one and after moving up to a $400, I am in LOVE.

  6. I have an itty bitty yard: 18′ x 18′, so I just mow the whole thing every week with a weed trimmer!
    Only problem is, the one I have is a real back-breaker! Thanks so much Donna for pointing me in the right direction.

  7. My weed eater died last night. After making several failed attempts to buy another that I can actually use (I’m short)I remembered seeing this post. Today I looked for this posting again, to get the name of a weed eater! Thanks!!! Hopefully I can find on in my area. Thanks!

  8. I do our yardwork and I’m tired of waiting for my husband to come home to start the weed wacker!!! I don’t like having to rely on him for something that should be simple! I searched the featherlite site. Are you talking about the Weed Eater W25CFK or a different model. Our weed wacker is relatively new but so complicated and hard to start. I’m ready to toss it to the back of the shed and get the one you talked about.


    • Hi Mary Ellen! I’m not home to look at the serial number or ? right now, but as long as it says Featherlite, you know you are on the right track. I think there are only 2 models that do. If you can find one with a straight shaft vs curved, I’d go for that. The curved shaft makes it a little difficult to do some edging.

      Best of luck. You’ll love it! And just know, all new weed eaters work best. As they age, they ALL get fussy. I’ve nearly tossed mine into a dumpster myself… but then it works again. 🙂

  9. When you store your one gallon gas they have a fuel stabilizer called STABIL it stabilizes the fuel for up to a year. And also if you will drain the fuel out of the tank then start it back up running it until it dies. This will prevent the gas from gelling up up in the carberator. I do it ever time I use my weedeater and I have the same exact one as you have except I bought it so many years I can’t even Remember how long I’ve had it. But it’s over 10 years old..if you use it once a week I wouldn’t drain the tank but if you aren’t going to use it for like a couple weeks or through the winter then definitely don’t leave gas in the tank. But use that STABIL anyway because it even if a small amount get left in that carb it will gel up causing costly repair. Also if you remove the spark plug and pull the rope several times for long storage this will blow any unused gas from the cylinder preventing possible piston seizure. Just some tips to help you be able to keep your favorite weed whacker a whole lot longer.

    • Purchasing a push mower that a (lawn-tool-ignorant) woman could use, I first did a little research, learning that it’s ETHANOL gasoline (made from corn) that will eventually turn to gel, clog up and destroy gasoline powered engines. Whether a lawn tool is drained for winterizing or not (which is a good idea), NEVER EVER fill the tank with ETHANOL gas, consistently using ETHANOL-FREE gasoline instead. I tried to warn my husband, sons and brothers regarding this, all to no avail (what can a woman know about engines?), each of them learning the hard way and to their dismay that the information was correct. Studying the details of our new car warranty, I learned that ANY use of ETHANOL gas would immediately void our 10-year warranty, making this a serious issue. Hope this info helps somebody out there. Love your website and thank you!

  10. Why did you change how the string spool was loaded? It was so easy, I’ve used one for years. The new ones are difficult to load, mine is still sitting in the garage, can’t figure what “tab” to put string in. Don’t like it!!!!

    • That’s amazing! I’ve since gone to a battery operated unit which is so easy to start, but not as powerful as this little guy was! I think my issue was not caring properly for a motor.

  11. I was ready to buy the featherlite! BUT clicked link, and Amazon does not have it, and says no idea when available. You might want to change your link if you have another source. LOVE that women are doing their own yards… I have always worked mine, but at 64, slowing down a bit, and need lighter weight tools. Thank you

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