6 survival tips for those that HATE exercising

6 survival tips for those that HATE exercising. Friends, you are not alone. {group hug}. Now... get going! funkyjunkinteriors.net

6 survival tips for those that HATE exercising

1. Want to be younger?
Oh, go take a walk!

Literally. DAILY. You’ll feel 10 years younger in a week or so. 

* It’s true. Movement will make you much more limber. I actually feel a difference the first time out.

2. So you don’t like working out?

You aren’t suppose to LIKE it. You’re just suppose to DO it.

* The more fit you get, the more you will start to crave it. It can actually become very contagious!

3. Don’t know where to ‘join? Too expensive to join?’

1. Walk outside your front door. 2. For free!

* Start with baby steps. Try walking or biking first. You’ll know when it’s time to up the ante.

4. Find working out boring?

Oh, it is. Very much so. 

But maybe swap out a boring treadmill for a not as boring outdoor bike on occasion, so you see MORE rotating boring things. It’s a little less boring that way.

* Finding something you actually like doing really helps. Try rotating what you do too.

5. Hate water? Up your boring water intake with a pinch of boring fresh lemon or lime.

Just pretend you forgot the sugar in the lemonade. It’ll grow on ya…  

* Lemon and lime alkalizes your system, removing toxins. It also beats the taste of just water!

6. You already know what to do. You just have to HATE how you feel enough to do it!

* For some, they have to dip into that final black hole to truly get serious enough to do this.

Now read this whine-fest infused journal entry below next, so you know without a shadow of a doubt, you are NOT suffering alone in this.

And be sure to read…

My 6 ridiculously easy, free, life changing habits HERE.

It’s actually incredibly helpful. 🙂

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Cat on a windowsill with sun streaming in / part of Just call me the night rider - on working out. Or lack thereof... / funkyjunkinteriors.net

Dear weekend journal…

Not that I have a real journal.

It’s actually called a BLOG. But journal sounds more.. journal-ly.

So… this weekend I didn’t want to be an adult. I took the weekend off. You don’t mind, do you?

My son certainly didn’t seem to. I had all these prepared foods in the house, and he gladly threw them in the oven and fended for himself… while even feeding me.

That was a nice switch!

My departure from adulthood started with a sleep in. I woke up to this magnificent beam streaming through my window!

At noon.


Maybe it was really screaming… to get up?

Let’s just go with stream…

The sleep in felt sooooo good!

But something else has been transpiring that hasn’t felt so good. Or kid-ish in the least.

sunset on the train tracks / part of Just call me the night rider - on working out. Or lack thereof... / funkyjunkinteriors.net
I’ve been feeling really old and crappy again. As in, I don’t wanna get outta bed old and crappy.

That may or may not have something to do with sleeping in till noon.

In a nutshell, there’s been no working out or bike riding in sight lately.

My mom had a saying… if she didn’t move enough, her joints wouldn’t oil up.

Mom, I get it now.

How do youngin’s get away with these lazy shenanigans?

Right. They never sit still.

I get that too.

lamp post illuminated trees at night / part of Just call me the night rider - on working out. Or lack thereof... / funkyjunkinteriors.net
So… I did the only thing I could do. Yesterday I decided I should force myself to go oil up for a walk.

Soooo not into it! Did you hear me, joints?! (shaking fists in air…)

I proceeded to make plans early in the day. I will do that. For sure.



Much later.

But by the time  I looked up really meaning it this time, it was dark. 

Oh well. Guess I’ll just try tomorrow. How convenient for me.

Oh wait….

lamp post illuminated trees at night / part of Just call me the night rider - on working out. Or lack thereof... / funkyjunkinteriors.net
Kinda sounds like excuse territory to me.

A true adult really can’t be a kid after all I guess.

The knowledge of knowing better seeps in.

Darn it.

lamp post illuminated road during a night walk / part of Just call me the night rider - on working out. Or lack thereof... / funkyjunkinteriors.net
So I did the only thing I could do. I went for a walk in the dark.

Oh I did. I slapped on those shoes while I fussed and moaned, got bundled up REALLY warm, and creaked pushed myself out that front door.

It wasn’t fun. Not even for a blue, freezing cold second.

But I kept going anyway.

But then, while teeth chattering, I started looking around. It was actually very pretty out!

And being the true journalist that I apparently now am, I took a few pics to prove I really did this document my findings.

Now, I know from experience I won’t feel amazing after one short walk. It’ll probably take a week.

But, I walked until I felt ‘it.’ Felt that something felt different. Like the walk actually DID something.

( No sweat was harmed in the making of this walk. )

So today yet again, it got dark before I knew it.


bike with LED light for night riding / part of Just call me the night rider - on working out. Or lack thereof... / funkyjunkinteriors.net
But, no excuses right? This round I hopped on the bike, flicked on my little LED light, bundled up, and went for it.

Boy was it ccccccold! So tomorrow I’ll search for a face tube thing.

I said tomorrow. That must mean…

Egads. Say it ain’t so.

Thing is, when it’s warm and sunny out, I WANT to go bike riding! I even have a whole storyline of BIKE RIDING ADVENTURES HERE!

But bitter cold or wet, not in the least bit. At all.

But I know I have to. This isn’t to lose 1 million lbs. This is to gain strength and feel light on my feet again. Baby steps.

So, I will go out, either walking or biking every day night as long as it doesn’t monsoon or white out on me. And I hereby will report how I am doing in a week or so… to try and stay honest.

Just cold out? There is no excuse really.

Says the mom trying to be a kid. Sigh…


Night Rider Exercise Hater it is.

– – – – –

Are you avoiding all this rah rah too?

My 6 ridiculously easy, free, life changing habits. Do these, and you WILL be a different person. funkyjunkinteriors.net

Read my 6 ridiculously easy, free, life changing habits HERE.

Read more bike adventures HERE.

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Disclaimer / This post is truly done in jest. I’ve lost 25 lb in a past life, and have been fit for most of my life, by doing nothing other than moving more and eating right. Nothing fancy. I just get out of the habit each January, and we are overdue for that yearly gripe fest.

But… first things first. Try getting into a habit of feeling better first. Chances are, you will have the stamina to do more after that hurdle.

It’s all about baby steps, and most anyone can walk. Just walk at your own pace and work up from there.

And please check with your doctor, before trying any program.

Now… let’s do it!


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21 thoughts on “6 survival tips for those that HATE exercising

  1. I did, I just did it Donna. I am also of a certain age and I was feeling really tired and it was hard to get up when I got down. I joined the local YMCA with my family on September 1 and we have all gone 4 times a week ever since. I lost 15 lbs and have made that exercising that I hate a part of my life. I just have to go, like I have to go to work. I watch my favorite shows on the treadmill and I walk for 3 miles. Nothing fancy, nothing hard, just walk… and it works! I plan to get up and down easily for a long time now.

  2. What a fab post Donna, and great photos! I’m not big on exercise and hate gyms so I am making this year the year for more dog walking and gardening. I have a sitting down job, so making sure I take some breaks from the desk to take a jog to the postbox or do some stretches. This is a very motiviational post – thank you! I don’t think I’ve wished you happy new year yet, so that too! x

  3. I just made a cup of hot Green Tea with half a lemon. I set up a meditation area where I can do some very sad and unrecognizable Yoga. Maybe, I will brave the cold walk tomorrow or in the Spring. Baby steps.

  4. 7 months ago I felt the same way as you described, didn’t want to get out of bed feeling crappy and well, old. I started with baby steps, walking and then I got a workout dvd, the x factor. Thought the first week I was going to die. By week 4 I realized I was getting stronger, discovering curves, happier, and well excited about life again. I decided that exercise needed to be apart of my life for good. So I referred to it as living healthier, a lifestyle change. I exercise every other day, 30 minutes. What keeps me going, the joy of living healthier. I tell people all the time that exercise is not the enemy, it’s a way to improve your life. Or as the instructor on the video says, “Pain is weakness leaving the body.” Congrats keep moving – just do it!

  5. I belong to a small Whats App group of mostly younger girls of which I am not and we post daily what we do for exercise. Big or small it keeps us acountable and a cheering squad.
    I run more outside in better weather but our winter up until now has been above average so if I couldn’t run I at least walked. It is for my sanity and everyone elses safety ? Now I try and fit in my runs at an indoor track in colder weather. Find a buddy! It really keeps you more accountable because uou don’t like to let others down as quickly as yourself. All the best ladies!

  6. Hi Donna ~ A year ago I was sitting on the couch and snacking in front of the TV. A commercial for a local gym came on. Only $10 a month. I thought I could afford that. I called a friend who’s been wanting to lose weight. We joined together. We keep each other accountable. Well, it’s been a whole year and we’re still going three days a week! Never in a million years did I think I would stick it out this long. So, grab a friend with the same goal. Makes it more enjoyable!

  7. Oh Donna, I know exactly how you feel. A friend of mine invited me to try out Zumba with her last Saturday. Now I do not have a coordinated bone in my body, but I went with her to a local church where they have drop-in classes for $5. I knew enough not to take up the instructor with the offer to use the hand weights – didn’t want to knock anyone out with them! I actually really enjoyed it. The instructor kept saying “make it your own” and boy did I do that. I was doing my own thing in the back corner, but I was wiping sweat and feeling better as I did it. I kind of miss the good feeling that comes the day after working out. We’re below Zero here with lots of ice outside so maybe I hear the voice of my treadmill in the basement calling me?????

  8. Great tips! It’s all in the way you think about it. And you always feel GREAT….afterward, like you say. Sometimes you believe that exercise allows you to splurge on meals or snacks so don’t be tempted to overdo. For me, gardening is light exercise…then when I come in pooped, I drink lots of water to ‘recover!’ ~~ Sue

  9. I hate to exercise & I especially hate to exercise alone. I think being in the emtpy nest has made it easier though. My husband & I set a goal to walk 1000 miles this year. I’ve walked 43.5 since Jan. 1st. The distance hasn’t really been that hard but it’s been so very cold here. The wind makes it so hard to stick with it. I’m trying to walk 3 to 4 miles a day.

    I feel so much better when I do it though. My joints don’t hurt in the mornings. I don’t wake up in the night with shoulder pain or leg cramps. I even have more energy & get more work done when I’m faithful. So, as much as I hate it, I guess it’s worth it!

    For me, walking alone doesn’t help get rid of my pain. I do a lot of stretching & a little weight lifting a few days a week as well.

  10. Great post. I also hate exercise but bid on a 6 month membership to the local gym last April. In Oct I finally started. I have noticed it helps me feel better. Over the holidays I didn’t make it in but have gotten back to it. I like the idea of making a goal of miles to walk for the year. I am making this my year to finally hit my goal in Weight Watchers. I think 3 years is long enough. I am not getting any younger so I need to get it done, need to be healthier as in less weight and more active.

  11. Hi Donna: thank you for this amazing, inspiring post! I love your “you’re not supposed to love it” speech! I used to be a 3-mile/night walker for 12 years then after a move, just never got back in it, hurt my back and started on a downward spiral. Gradually, I added on about 5 lbs. a year but felt it was no big deal as I’d never had a weight problem before. Back problems never left me, weight crept up more and then a year ago, I lost my husband. During his illness and after his death, I did a lot of comfort eating and am now fat. I feel terrible, nothing fits, am out of breathe just walking one block, have had one knee replaced, having another done this fall and now have plantar faciitis in both feet. The challenges are huge, but I’m going to lace up and try just a few minutes today and as I’m walking just a block, I’m going to silently repeat your pep talk to myself. As I look at it, I’m in pain anyways and if the pain doesn’t escalate more after a tiny walk, then at least, I’m out there in the world and not staying cooped up wishing my life were different but doing nothing about it! Sorry this was a long post but wanted to say you “touched a nerve” today and thank you for doing so!!

    • Elaine! You truly just inspired me and just made my day!

      I haven’t been out there for the last two days because of rain, so yesterday I just walked up and down my stairs for a few minutes, before things started to hurt. LOL

      I think any little movement is encouraging and builds you up for the next day.

      Keep going, and I will too!

      “…wishing my life were different but doing nothing about it!” – this quote. Brilliance.

  12. So very, very true. Just do it. I need to, too. Why don’t we do it when it really does make us feel better? Thanks for the push!
    I’m trying your ginger tea too. That sounded so yummy and cozy.

  13. A neighbor has been leading a yoga/meditation gathering once a week for a few months now. At the last session, we were in child’s pose, and I could hardly breathe, all folded up like that. My back hurt from all the tension while stretching. I found myself trapped between wanting to cry and berating myself for the state I’ve let my body get into over the last 15 years. Then the ray of light came through that I was doing “something” to help myself get back into a better state. I’m trying to stretch every day now. The neighbor read to us that tightness behind our knees is an indication of stress, so stretching out our legs is a good start. Here’s to feeling more limber this year and less stressed. : ) Best wishes to us all!

    • Thank you so much for your VERY kind reply, Donna. You’ve just made my day too!!

      Donna – i hope you don’t mind if I add another long one but I identified with Kathy (19)! Kathy: pain (especially unrelenting back pain) is an awful thing! It can control your whole life. I speak from 23 years’ experience. It’s very hard to do anything physical when it hurts to sit, stand, walk & the FEAR of creating more pain stops you from trying anything. Fear is awful but when I read Donna’s post and saw her obvious much-younger age than mine – and she’s complaining of joint pain – it was a real wakeup call! I just said to myself “try and do just something – even if it’s 5 or 10 minutes – it’s better than nothing!”

      I was of the “no pain/no gain” era, high impact aerobics, etc – concentrating on burning calories but I wish someone had told me how important stretching is for the joints! I’m also a neat freak so I spent more time on decorating & cleaning the house when I should have been tending to my OWN house …. my body! Even now, I have the tendency to make the place look good before thinking of myself. However, I made a resolution that I will try to stretch those hamstrings every day (so helpful for back pain … but also feet!). Who knew??! Flexibility is SO important as you age! So Kathy (and anyone else in pain) go online, research stretching, ask your doctor first and give it a try – hamstrings, quads, upper arms, and so on. Good luck!

      • You are so kind to offer this info for us! I felt like you were talking directly to me, because I need to do this. I’ve been wanting to look into an easy yoga class for a long time. Stretching is hard work in itself, never mind all the jumping up and down stuff we think we need to do!

        I’m putting yoga on my list. Thank you!

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