8 – Let’s MeetUp at Lucketts!

 Let's Meetup at Lucketts!

Part 7 is HERE

Ohhhh boy. It’s been awhile since I continued the big Lucketts story. Let’s continue! 

Let's Meetup at Lucketts! The booth.

We are now on thee Lucketts day. And this is what greeted us…

The Hometalk booth was decked out sooooo awesome! 

Let's Meetup at Lucketts! The booth.

 We didn’t have to do a THING. Heather and team at Lucketts organized and decorated with everything we needed, funky junk style! I was oogling EVERYTHING. And that’s when the adrenaline kicked in. I was gonna be sawing and banging and creating with everyone and anyone that wanted in…

Let's Meetup at Lucketts! The booth.

 Wow… hey, that’s ME! 🙂

Let's Meetup at Lucketts! Donna of Funky Junk Interiors

Post by Breida with a B (no longer online)

And then the real fun started. The gates blew open and the Meetup began! Wanna build something? Come on over to our booth and let’s do it!

Our booth was the designated area for Hometalkers to meet up. With no set time, our booth became the place to meet up and hang out!

There really was no plan for the day. I figured if I just did demos, the odd person may stop and enjoy trying a few things out. Then maybe a group could go shopping together… maybe do a photography session… none of us really had any idea what to expect. 


Let's Meetup at Lucketts! Donna of Funky Junk Interiors

Housepitality Designs post (no longer online)

And then the building began. But once a build was done, more would gather around. So junk artifact after junk artifact was worked on. Lunch? What’s that? I’m too busy having a blast building here! 🙂

Let's Meetup at Lucketts! Donna and Breida

Photo by JB via Building Moxie

Do you like my table saw with a claw? Thanks for the foot, Breida!

But I wasn’t the one doing all the work by a long shot. When something got rolling, I’d hand the drill or paintbrush to another and let them continue. One by one, creations were being built and taken home. Coolest thing ever.

Building at Hometalk Meetup Lucketts

Post by Karen via The Graphics Fairy (no longer online)

But what was even cooler was watching someone drill for the first time. 

Building at Hometalk Meetup Lucketts

 Post by Diane via In My Own Style

Or paint a sign.

Bloggers unite at Hometalk Meetup Lucketts

Marian/Miss Mustard Seed, Donna/Funky Junk Interiors, Breida with a B, Karen/The Graphics Fairy, Candace/The Love Tag Shoppe

Or meeting readers and longtime online buddies for the first time…

Bloggers unite - JB Building Moxie and Funky Junk

JB via Building Moxie (taken by Breida)

… and get some long, overdue hugs!

Bloggers unite - JB Building Moxie and Funky Junk

 “And let’s review this Canadian, eh? So… do you really wear flannel shirts?”

“Miriam, make him stoppppp! (because I miss my flannel shiiirts!)

Poor JB. I coaxed him into coming. Like, alot. And he never got the interview I promised. Oh well! Glad you made it out anyway! Admit it… the junk was worth it. 🙂

So much was going on around me as well. Hometalk Meetup members were meeting and greeting on the sidelines constantly. So many learned about Hometalk and how they can share their passions and questions online without needing a blog from Hometalk’s own Miriam. Karen / The Graphics Fairy was on hand to meet and greet and keep up with the social media. It was a very busy, awesome day!

This is why I was here. THIS WAS IT. All of it! 

Hometalk Meetup Lucketts burlap tote bags

Heather from Lucketts and Funky Junk

Heather via Lucketts

It just wasn’t enough time. I was there all day and it wasn’t enough. I had wished I had spare time for more idle chit chat. Or to shop with a group. Or show a few newbie photography tips. But the day totally whipped by in minutes.

Bloggers unite at Hometalk Meetup Lucketts

Miriam / Hometalk     Breida with a B     Diane / In My Own Style

“What IS that she is making anyway…” (I never really knew… we created on the fly!)

And then the event was over. In the blink of an eye, the whole reason for preparing and coming was a done deal.

Ohhhh…it was hard to see everyone leave. Like, really hard. ie: I had waited what seemed like an eternity to meet Miriam, and then she turned around and walked away. HEARTBREAK. Breida was so sweet… she had such a long 6 hour drive ahead of her, but she saw the long look growing on my face, and offered to hang out just a little longer. I’m so so glad she did. 🙂 We had a cool time putting some junky creations together. It was her birthday after all, and I wanted to leave her with something.

From here, sweet Karen drove me to my next stop… the hotel where I flew back home the next morning. I was zonked. She walked me right into the hotel with all my luggage because I was fiddling and forgetting and slurring my words and then missing my keys. Oh boy… I was overdue for a nap. Then I went out for dinner and had some quiet time to remember, reflect and appreciate all that had transpired during this magical weekend.

I feel so much gratitude for all that helped to make it happen, all that drove from far and wide to come, and that these amazing folks are my friends. This is my world, folks. This. Is. IT. Thank-you everyone! I truly had the time of my life.

BUT!!! We are not over with this series quite yet. There’s still the Lucketts Design House! And…

Next up… Part 9 – Taking in historic Leesburg

Hometalk gets Funky Junked at Lucketts

Keep up with the series at:

#htlucketts (on twitter)

All parts of this series to date on Funky Junk are HERE

Visit the series to date on Pinterest HERE

Have a Lucketts story of your own? Link it up or read them HERE.

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Categories: Events, Travel

12 thoughts on “8 – Let’s MeetUp at Lucketts!

  1. Goodness…junky goodness. I am in total awe of your creativity and what you can do with junk and some power tools! Love it and wish I could visit Lucketts this summer! Seemed like a fun day!

  2. I have got to get to Lucketts. It looks amazing. What fun to teach people to drill and create. Loved all the posts on your trip. I ‘m going to Antiques week in Round Top TX in the fall. I’ll be posting all those fun and funky booths. Cannot wait.

  3. What a fun post!! I so wish I could have been there to see those demos. That is my kind of fun! Love the pictures, you are too cute! Thanks for the share. -K

  4. Wow Donna that looks like it was sooo much fun. Wish I could go to something like that. Have you ever thought of doing something like that here on the West Coast in glorious B.C.? I could totally make it to that and I know there are lots of West Coast junkers dying for an opportunity to meet you too.

    • Hey Rose! I LOVE this idea! I’ve already done one on the west coast via Milner Village Garden Centre. It was well advertised on the blog just watch for deets! 🙂

      And yes, I am open to doing these in our area plus other areas that involve travel. At this current time I wait for invites as I don’t have the facility to create an entirely new event on my own. But maybe one day…

      Thanks for your interest! A big west coast shindig would be so fun!

      It’s an untapped market in this area.. we need more vintage shows!

      • Well, if you are going to do a West Coast show in glorious B.C., you will have to come a little south and do a West Coast show in glorious California too! San Francisco area .. PLEASE!

  5. My very first experience at the Lucketts Market was extraordinary as it was enhanced by the Hometalk Meetup…It was great to have finally been able to meet you Donna, along with Miriam and Karen…I look forward to next year when I can spend more time there…and thanks so much Donna for including my pic of you in action at the Hometalk Meetup booth….you have an abundance of energy and zest for life!!!

    • Thanks for the shot, Shirley! I couldn’t take any of my own that day so I needed to do a great deal of theft for this post! haha It was sooooo cool meeting you! I hope we can hang out again soon!

  6. I was happy to just be part of the gang … for me you know it’s about the People and the thought of flannel shirts never crossed my mind. ha! I do wish we had a little more quality time, but I’m just glad I got any – I mean, heck I think it is simply amazing that a place like HomeTalk can bring two folks, what like 2500 miles apart in RL, together. thanks for all you do and thanks for the coverage and love.~jb

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