Today I worked on my first 2014 Christmas project. It was rather cute!
And sorry for the mere peek… I need to make 11 more before December 1st, so I promise if I come up with a surplus, I will start sharing early. 🙂
Anyway, the one project inspired me to do more. So I started messin’ around. But without pictures.
One thing I learned last year was, when you try something brand new, the failure rate is REALLY high. So pictures could be in vain.
Do you remember my Christmas 2013 failure post HERE? Lovely befores. And no afters that worked out in sight. Meh..
Failure isn’t a bad thing. It’s part of learning. We as adults know this of course.
But then the inevitable happened. Three more projects took a nosedive into dumpster land. One resembled a tree straight out of a forest fire (don’t ask), with the 2nd and 3rd… let’s just say they will make mighty fine kindling!
Maybe I’ll just make kindling as my next project. Low failure rate, right? 😀
Silliness aside, I kinda felt in a slump right about then. So I decided there was only one thing left to do.
I very simply cleaned up my shop, leaving it all nice and pretty for next time, then flicked off the lights.
Did I actually QUIT on myself? No try, try again mentality today?
Nope. I quit. 🙂
I know that heavy feeling when something just isn’t right. I did that for years. And by golly, I won’t make the same mistake with the job that I adore. I knew I’d had my fill, but I was pushing it. And that’s when things generally go South.
So I went up stairs, checked the net, and fired up dinner.
And then I wrote my little heart out about some of the projects that did turn out last year. That I’m still pretty proud of!
Make your own! 5 Twig Garlands – visit here
These 5 twig garlands are near and dear to my heart. They just really represent having this fearless ‘think outside of the box’ thing going on. And THAT is usually when a project works out.
But the best part of all?
I took progress pictures. 🙂
Dream Box Building Challenge #29
Temporary breathers are ok.
Permanent stops aren’t.
What will you (along with I) fix today?
I totally agree! Keeping on just for the sake of keeping on usually ends in more fatigue and frustration. A new start tomorrow will give time for ideas to percolate, reform and re-emerge. I also do this when I’m writing music – if it’s not working, just walk away for awhile and let it come out by itself. It usually does – or some other idea appears! Inspiration can’t be forced.
Best blessings, EAP
I know the flop feeling well! I have more furniture makeover flops than I would care to admit. Usually after a good nights sleep and some good food or a nice strong cup of coffee, its time to get back in the saddle and try again. By the way, I love those old door knob backplates. I use them on furniture doors and put the knobs through the door knob holes. Its an eclectic look. I need some Christmas wreath inspiration for outdoors. Maybe, if you have some time, you could post your ideas for some of those????
Thanks for giving us a glimpse of what happens behind the scenes, Donna. Everyone gets discouraged but you get back in the saddle! I’m still trying to catch the horse! Can’t wait to see what these pictures are going to be.
Today, I will start my crochet project-again. I am a beginner, and the project I am working on is simple, I just miscounted somewhere and had to pull it out, twice. Which would be no big deal, but I want them to be beautiful because they (assuming I can get more than one finished, lol) are being donated for a breast cancer research fund raiser. Today is a new day! 😉
Oh that’s the life of a creative person…
Looking forward to seeing what tomorrows will bring!!
I so look forward to your emails each day – your site is my favorite!
I absolutely love your garden shed and want to make one. How did you do the sides/walls? I’m stuck. My next step is to gather materials and get my self some tools!
I know exactly what you mean…sometimes it’s best to just walk away. Tomorrow’s a whole new day! I love your Twig Garlands and can’t wait to see your upcoming xmas projects. Have a great week!
Donna, I’m so glad you reposted the twig garland. You used it in a previous post but I didn’t know what it was. I know now that it has a name. I’m totally in love with it!
I recently saw a Christmas tree made in the same way you make your twig garland. It was so cute and I immediately thought of you. Would love to see you make one of those, would love to see how you decorate it!
I’m not quite sure what I’m seeing in the photo, but I sure like the components. Those are really cool!
I’ve been having some flops lately myself, but it’s been in the kitchen cooking area and we had to eat them anyway. But you are right, either way we learn more from our failures!