Toolbox paint storage paper roll caddy – by complete fluke

Toolbox paint storage paper roll caddy - by complete fluke. And THIS is why repurposing rocks! via

Nothing excites me more than finding super easy fixes for things I need.

Since I’m still putzing around in the workshop, this toolbox paint storage paper roll caddy is exactly what I needed! LOVE it when stuff like this just happens. By fluke.

You caught that this was a toolbox, right?

HILARIOUS how my little reclaimed wood toolboxes are doing so many things other than holding tools. I’m very proud of how far they’ve come. It’s like they’ve just finished toolbox university and are now doing great things. 🙂

Workshop / Toolbox paint storage paper roll caddy - by complete fluke. And THIS is why repurposing rocks! via

I had this big ‘ol roll of paper from who knows where.. I think the thrift store? No idea what it is, but I’ve been using it to line the tables for when I paint.

But a loose roll is awkward. I was all prepared to build some giant kinda paper dispenser for it. I gathered up the wood, cut it to size…

… and then sighed.

That just wasn’t exciting.

What’s WRONG with me?! I have this incessant need to repurpose stuff. I feel like building from scratch is cheating. <—issues much?

Pallet wood toolbox / Toolbox paint storage paper roll caddy - by complete fluke. And THIS is why repurposing rocks! via
I made this super basic pallet wood tool tote (how to is HERE)  quite awhile ago. It was meant to tote around screws. It worked great… but I always found it too heavy to carry.

I used it to store screws for while, but with my enhanced pallet shelf in the works, no comparison. I retired this guy for wood parts.


Paper roll for painting / Toolbox paint storage paper roll caddy - by complete fluke. And THIS is why repurposing rocks! via
Oh my gosh… does this roll actually fit?!

Paper roll for painting / Toolbox paint storage paper roll caddy - by complete fluke. And THIS is why repurposing rocks! via FunkyJunkInteriors.net6

Before / Toolbox paint storage paper roll caddy - by complete fluke. And THIS is why repurposing rocks! via
It was the PERFECT fit! And it could even hold my collection of Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint! Whoop!

But… it was too… blonde. I love woodsy pallet wood, but this just looked too bland with bland paper.

After / Toolbox paint storage paper roll caddy - by complete fluke. And THIS is why repurposing rocks! via
So I used…

Tall ends – MMSMP Typewriter

Front and back – MMSMP watered down wash of Curio, finished off with MMSMP Hemp Oil.

And it turned into an old crate looking thing. Love it!

You know how Miss Mustard Seed talks about being the furniture whisperer and just ‘knows’ what it needs?

That’s me’n my toolboxes. We whisper… boy do we. 😀

Ok, so I NOW have to point out this funny spoof I did on MMS and myself comparing… photoshoots. You need to see ( Milk Paint Line vs. Junk So Fine)


Toolbox paint storage paper roll caddy - by complete fluke. And THIS is why repurposing rocks! via
Next up in the workshop revamp, I’ll be working in the paint storage area, so I got a little head start!

After / Toolbox paint storage paper roll caddy - by complete fluke. And THIS is why repurposing rocks! via

I could have lied and told you I built a toolbox paint roll caddy, but it really isn’t true. I actually wouldn’t have thought to create a paper caddy in a way that also holds paint! 

And THAT is why I love repurposing so much. A unique blend of personality and functionality… by complete fluke. 🙂

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Categories: 31 Days Dream Box Building, All Cool Projects, Junk Drawer, Reclaimed wood projects, Tool boxes
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15 thoughts on “Toolbox paint storage paper roll caddy – by complete fluke

  1. Perfection! I believe a little more “Fate” is involved than mere “Flukes” 😉 I Love reading about & seeing your dream workshop along with your new career serendipitously coming together. All signs showing you that you are on the right path, enjoy!

  2. Donna: I love how you re-purposed the toolbox. It is so awesome, a cool idea with form and function!!! Your personality and passion really show through on everything you do. I agree with Diane, you are certainly on the right path.

    • I’m about 10 years too late too Patty! Haha… well, I guess that just means it’s finally time to turn a little attention on myself. Yes, craft rooms can most certainly use this guy… it’s pretty fabulous!

  3. I love, love, love it, too! But …… what happens when you use up all the paper? Will you have to take the screws out and reload?

    Great idea for a wrapping paper version with holes in the lower long side for ribbons, twine etc. – scissors, tape, etc. hanging on the side……one project always leads to another! 😉

  4. This line:

    “…I have this incessant need to repurpose stuff. I feel like building from scratch is cheating. <—issues much?"

    Made me smile. I have the exact same issue! I can't BUY wood when there's loads sitting around!

    So it's warped… Only slightly.
    So it'll take hours to pull all the nails out of and sand it smooth enough to touch without getting loaded with splinters… Time is what I've got.

    Good to know I'm not the only one that feels guilty for using "new" wood. 😉

  5. I love these toolboxes. Hope that one of these days I find one of those old drills. In the meantime I’ve been finding these type of totes at thrift stores. They look like they may have been made in High-school shop class. I even have several different size. One is too heavy for me to carry around. Think I’ll convert it w/ a paper roll , like you did. Thx

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