Make big things happen with this Dream BIG Journal list

Learn how to bust WAY beyond a simple to-do list and make BIG things happen with this Dream BIG Journal list! Much more profound results. Based off Kim Klassen's journaling classes. Click for printable and get busy making things happen!

If you’ve followed my story over the past while, you’ll already know I took a couple of writing courses through Kim Klassen.

These writing courses weren’t to become a novelist though… they were built to teach one how to journal in a way that would help us find our NEW, IMPROVED way.

Learn how to bust WAY beyond a simple to-do list and make BIG things happen with this Dream BIG Journal list! Much more profound results. Based off Kim Klassen's journaling classes. Click for printable and get busy making things happen!

I’ve never been a journal type. I didn’t even know what a journaling course was, but I went for it anyway because it came highly recommended by my friend Jayne Margaret Photography.

At the time, my life was at a standstill after a bunch of changes took place. I didn’t know who I was or what I was suppose to do anymore. I just lost my way.

And boy, did this type of journaling jump start things in a BIG way, which you can read about in THIS post.

Kim Klassen Write Now Journaling Challenge

About Kim Klassen’s Classes / Podcast


One course was a free, 5 day Write | Now, learning how to write as-if something had already transpired. It dramatically jump started me.

Then I took Kim’s 8 week Write | Your Heart’s Desire course that was like a write as-if on steroids. SO many exercises to get you through any dilemma! Well worth the price.

Kim’s courses run frequently, so be sure to subscribe to her blog posts if you wish to take part in one. 

Back to my story…

But the #1 thing that is a MUST?

To start each day ‘on the page.’

p.s. kitty picture next, because… two cats helped make this post.

Black and white long haired tuxedo cat helping me with with blog photo shoots.

Why start a day ‘on-the-page’?


When I use to wake up, I’d grab my phone, scroll through the feeds and email, then suddenly I’d be hooked into doing this and that and everything else. I’d go off-course so badly, I’d literally forget to get dressed for the day. I’d be stuck in some zone I didn’t even plan, and spend my day doing something else I hadn’t intended. Fine if I needed it done, but what about the needed stuff?!

It didn’t get done.

And yes, a to-do list would help for sure. BUT….

JUST a to-do list wasn’t enough. To-dos help you stay on track for your daily stuff, but what about your dream stuff you’ve yet to accomplish?

Oh yes…. you get to dream. In fact, it’s MANDATORY.

On-the-page means you start your thoughts and desires by writing them down with pen and paper. It’s different than using something electronic. The process helps you work out stuff without distractions so you have a sound plan in place.

It does not matter if you write beautifully or in chicken scratch (like me).

The process of ink hitting paper is the key.

But it isn’t just a to-do list you’re making.

It’s much, MUCH more. 

Learn how to get way beyond a simple to-do list and make BIG things happen with this Dream BIG Journal list! Much more profound results. Based off Kim Klassen's journaling classes. Click for printable and get busy making things happen!

What is the Dream BIG Journal list?


After the courses, I had so much info, it was tricky to decide which exercise to implement. I wanted a quick reference to get my daily thoughts down quickly.

So I created my own list called the Dream BIG Journal list which is loosely based on Kim’s lessons, which helps me get my day and beyond all sorted out. (print out below)

And with Kim’s blessing, I’m sharing my list with you today so I can help encourage and inspire you.

I’ve tested the list out now for a few months and my life is changing. It works!

I’m moving forward with much more effective intention and getting some big dreams realized as well.

This is not your average to-do list. (I didn’t find that was enough for me)

This is not a write about your day thing either. (which I don’t find helps)

The Dream BIG Journal list will help you get your daily stuff done with intentional steps, PLUS make bigger, scary brave stuff happen too!

Wanna change your life?

Try this.

You just wait…

Learn how to bust WAY beyond a simple to-do list and make BIG things happen with this Dream BIG Journal list! Much more profound results. Based off Kim Klassen's journaling classes. Click for printable and get busy making things happen!

How to make your own Dream BIG Journal List


You’ll need:

(This list contains affiliate links)

My journal list (printed from this post below)

A pretty journal or plain spiral notebook.

Sized at 8.5″ long x 6.5″ wide / 80 lined pages.

A pretty, quality pen or standard ball point pen.

Tip: Nice stuff can enhance your creative writing experience!

Learn how to bust WAY beyond a simple to-do list and make BIG things happen with this Dream BIG Journal list! Much more profound results. Based off Kim Klassen's journaling classes. Click for printable and get busy making things happen!

How to use the Dream BIG Journal list


Each day, grab a notebook and this list and answer the questions.

You can do this any time of day, however I like to start my day this way so I get the ultimate task list going first thing along with my first coffee.

It works best uninterrupted. This is your special time.

So let’s go over each question to better explain the concept…

1. How am I feeling today?

This question is devised to allow you to truly express where you’re at, (and where it’ll ultimately lead) positive or negative.

If it’s positive, great!

If it’s negative, this isn’t something you need to reference later, so ditching it after writing it is perfectly fine. I choose to just write illegibly so no one else can read it as well as myself. The key is to dump, then forget about it so we aren’t holding all that in.


That conversation yesterday was hard. I feel really heavy about it.

Wow, I’m really feeling that last bike ride. I may have overdone it yesterday.

I’m so stoked today! It’s sunny, and I’m really feeling inspired to do something BIG. (gets your wheels turning)

2. How can I feel better today?

Kim’s mantra is that negative self talks brings us down even lower. The key is to crank up the positive thoughts so we train our brains ‘we are happy’, which moves us in more positive directions. Positive attracts positive.


I’m going to apologize for coming on strong because I think I overstepped my boundaries. I want to make things right.

I just really want to hit the trails again tonight. I’ll go but just take it easy. I’ll even walk part way if needed. I just really love and want my outdoor forest fix! 

3. What do I want to achieve today?

Here’s where you start to formulate your to-do list for the day. Sometimes I bullet list, sometimes I ramble first, but most days I do both. I find rambling really works to get the details out there.

Tip: While I’m writing #1 and #2, I also often list to-dos along the side for easy reference.



I really want to hit the trails tonight. Before or after dinner?

To Do:

Plan dinner before my ride.

Trail ride by 4. Pack nuts.

Dinner after.

4. My current dreams (big or small):

Getting to our daily to-dos is necessary, however what about your bigger dreams?

We ALL have them. Think small to really big and get very descriptive. Kim’s courses teach that when you get your dreams on paper rather than just wish, things start happening.

While my very first dream list covered 15 pages (good grief!) I like to write a mini dream list daily because my desires keep changing as I accomplish things.

Warning: once you start listing, you’ll want to jump out of your seat and start some. You just wait…


A big trip. (not deep enough)

A trip to Ireland for 1 month in late summer. (much better!)

5. One dream step I’ll work on today:

Scan your dream list and pick one. Put a dream task on your today’s to-do list. Not something you’ll need TODAY but it plans the seed for big stuff AHEAD.


Search and list the top sights to see in Ireland.

6. Write one positive as-if.

As-if means writing as if something has already happened.

Look at your dream list, your to-do list, a relationship with another, a move or new house, a new trip, etc, then write as if that dream has already happened. You’ll be more likely to make it happen once you get your headspace in the right place. I generally pick something I’m stalling on to be encouraged forward.

Bring up details such as sights, sounds and feel. The sound of the birds, the fragrance of flowers, the deep blue sky with the puffy white clouds slowly drifting by, your hand running against brickwork, the click your shoes make on the cobblestones… LIVE IT.


Wow… this trip to Ireland is magical! The fragrant wildflowers simply take over these spectacular rolling hills. The sheep grazing in the distance looks like a painted picture. The lushness of this area totally frames that beautiful castle. I’m stepping inside now… wow… it got cool quickly! The ancient brick work is spectacular. It feels rough and cool to the touch. Goodness, I love a great Irish accent…

7. Gratitude:

Write down something or a few things you currently feel grateful for.

Being grateful over simple things turns into even more gratefulness. You’ll just become happier! And if you’re happy, your day will bring you more success. Try choosing different things each day.


I’m so happy for my beautiful home that is my total sanctuary and takes such good care of me.

I enjoy my cats so much… they bring me such peace and companionship!

8. Affirmation:

I like to end my day with a mantra of sorts. It helps establish and confirm my intent for the day.


Today is the day I’m going to stay on task with my list. I will get all the important things done before I go on a bike ride tonight! If I don’t get it done, no ride. I’d better get busy because I am not missing my ride!

9. Pray.

There’s one more thing I do with my journalling that is not on the list, and that is to pray. I add prayer before, after or sometimes both.

I’m a pretty firm believer that the gifts we have been given are intentional, and I always ask for guidance on how I can use them to inspire others and benefit my business most. Among many other things.

This is a very personal choice, hence, not on the list. I just wanted to share my total experience with you.

Other tips:

  • Once I figure out my to-do list on steroids, I transfer it to my DIY Dayplanner (post HERE)
  • Write legible if you’d like to glance back at previous entries.
  • Write illegible if you don’t wish anyone to read it. I mostly do this because I don’t later reference. Getting it out on the page is effective in itself for me.
  • Have some journal notebooks for only certain topics so I can easily reference later.
  • A good idea is to have a ‘negative dumping journal’ so you can tear out the pages after you’re done.
  • Tweak my list to best suit your life and goals.

Honestly? You will find a method that works best for you.

Learn how to bust WAY beyond a simple to-do list and make BIG things happen with this Dream BIG Journal list! Much more profound results. Based off Kim Klassen's journaling classes. Click for printable and get busy making things happen!

The Dream BIG Journal List


Are you feeling encouraged to try this list out for yourself? Awesome!

  • You can either write out your own master list, or feel free to print mine for reference.
  • You can print the picture below, or click the link to the PDF which is higher quality. (recommended)

I’ve spaced out the questions in case you’d prefer to write on this page. I however require a notebook because I often go on tangents and use much more space.

Learn how to bust WAY beyond a simple to-do list and make BIG things happen with this Dream BIG Journal list! Much more profound results. Based off Kim Klassen's journaling classes. Click for printable and get busy making things happen!

Print Here


1. Click the picture above / right click / save to desktop to print. (it will print with shadow)

2. Click link below to download / print. (better quality and recommended)

FJ’s Dream BIG Journal Printable PDF – click HERE

Learn how to bust WAY beyond a simple to-do list and make BIG things happen with this Dream BIG Journal list! Much more profound results. Based off Kim Klassen's journaling classes. Click for printable and get busy making things happen!

So… think you’ll give the Dream BIG Journal list a whirl? If you do, please report back. I’d love to hear how you’re doing!

Thank-you Kim, for the invaluable lessons and blessing for sharing this post, so I could encourage others to give my twist a try!

Other journal-related posts:

My printable check list

My simple DIY planner that works better than anything I’ve ever used

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12 thoughts on “Make big things happen with this Dream BIG Journal list

  1. I’ve got to get back on track because I know it works and my daughters even commented I’m less agitated when I’m writing regularly. Wow!

    • High fivin’ ya Bonnie. The group was so effective when it was in session. It’s a little more challenging to keep on it on our own steam for sure. I find if I can at least focus on my journal page and just answer those questions and shut out all the other chatter, I can get back there. But some days are tricky!

  2. Thank you! I’m a writer at heart (music & word), but after losing my husband unexpectedly of a heart attack at the age of 53, the journey has been tough in many ways. Your post hit right on after I saw a post on FB that read “I have a good feeling about April”. I posted it to my page & wrote: “I have been saying this every month for 5 years. I guess it’s my move!”

    I’m a list person & I keep a clip board with a paper divided into 4 sections Home, Business, Shopping list & Community/Church. I started doing the many years ago but I need more! My struggle has dampened my desire to do things that bring me joy. My life is crazy with a small business business that literally requires 24/7 thought & projects.

    This April will be life changing! (how’s that for positive affirmation!)

    Thank You!

  3. feeling pretty lucky, thank you for your kindness and for being an inspiration to me!

    I love that you share your “truth” it helps all of us & I agree with you…writing works.

    Kim’s classes have also helped me a bunch…get out of my head b/c it can be noisy


  4. Jane keeps encouraging me to take Kim’s classes too. I love your approach Donna, and am so happy you are finding it so valuable. Way to go. 🙂
    Thanks for the list, I really, really want to give it a try 🙂

  5. Think I’m needing this right now. Think I’m on a carousel of projects right now, not ever getting to the bigger dreams, the things that make money, the things that make an impact. I’m listening to the podcast today. Will look up her stuff. And I’m loving #9…makes it all work;) Thanks!

    As I turn 50 this year, I feel like I am stuck. Stuck in a job for the benefits and pension and not really living.

  7. Love this Donna and a great way to start the new year! I’m guilty of going off course still clad in my pjs every morning in the vortex of emails, social media, etc., and losing sight of the big picture. I especially love 6,7, and 8 because I have personally experienced the transformative power of vision boards and the law of attraction, keeping a gratitude journal, and affirmations. Thank you for the download, printing it as I type this. Cheers to a great new year! xo

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