I thought I was going to get the opportunity to go to a massive bucket list destination through work this fall.
I’ve always dreamed of visiting New York. When I went to Toronto last year, I was ‘this close!’ But chose to stay there instead as it’s a destination in itself!
But when my most recent chance had me ‘this close’ once again, I thought this was thee year.
And as soon as I booked the trip, my heart felt strange. I knew I was a little afraid to do this one on my own, but I wasn’t entirely sure fear was the root issue.
Turned out, I had to turn down the trip for a variety of reasons. But the main one, if I can be completely honest is, I had to drop the trip because I’m a parent first. And I was just needed at home more.
It didn’t materialize that way though. Some of use are a little stubborn. 🙂
Another hurdle stopped me from going, which was hard to accept at the time.
I am now grateful I didn’t make the leap. It worked out the way it should have. It’s just not my time yet.
Now before you remind me I was ‘just in Maui for 6 weeks this summer’, ohhh I know.
Or other fabulous trips to Vegas, Lucketts, World’s Longest Yard Sale… I get it. I get it good.
You can see ALL my travels in one long scroll HERE.
Ever since my son was born, we have not travelled. We couldn’t afford to. Plus I ran a business I couldn’t leave unattended for more than 2 weeks at a time, for 22 long years.
Once I broke free last summer, that all changed of course. I could now officially work anywhere! So away we sprinted for an entire summer.
It was truly the best thing we could have ever done. We will NEVER forget it, and we reminise with smiles on our faces countless times.
You know how it goes, right? Once you get it in your blood, it’s pretty hard to stay put? It’s very true.
Your life thirsts for those new adventures.
And mine has become somewhat insatiable.
Struggling to stay put at home after we got home from Maui, I bought a bike. I thought it would be neat to coast here and there at a higher speed so I could cover more ground vs. ‘boring walks’.
Love a good walk, but let’s face it.. the scenery is always the same. I just wasn’t inspired to give it my all.
But little did I know how much the bike would come to mean to me. This past weekend was the perfect example.
It was a beautiful day, and I couldn’t handle one more moment looking at an unpainted wall, along with indoor chaos, while working on the blog office, among other noisy things on the go.
I just needed O U T .
So I hopped on my bike and took off.
I yet again went over the train bridge and through my favourite heron reserve.
The crunch of gravel under the bike tires, through sun filtered forest trails not only soothed what ailed me, I was ‘travelling’ again.
Every corner felt like a brand new adventure unfolding. Even the roads I didn’t take, promised a fresh new adventure for next time.
I smiled nearly the entire way!
The trial ride helped make me feel whole again. It fed my little wanderfust lacking heart with all sorts of goodness.
Have you ever been so frustrated that all you could do was… nag? I was sick of hearing myself, mentally and physically. So this little release was JUST what the doctor bike ordered.
It wasn’t until I sat on my park bench, that I marvelled at what this bike was beginning to do to my life. And how all the pieces of the bigger puzzle were fitting in snuggly and perfectly.
I was suppose to stay put. But rather than suffer through it, the new bike allowed me to do something within my own means for the time that I did have.
What a gift!
Now you may be thinking, “You say that like you mean it, but seriously… you’re comparing a bike ride to a fabulous TRIP?”
How to fuel a wanderlust heart when you can’t travel?
It ain’t no Maui, or New York by a long shot.
But I’m pretty certain, there are a few roads near you that aren’t well travelled yet.
I think you should go find out where they lead you.
And when my own trails run a little too familiar for this wanderlust achin’ heart, I can certainly see a bike rack in my future…
Thanks for letting us join to enjoy these beautiful views!
Greetings, Sofie
Having a wanderlust heart myself, I have been very fortunate to have lived overseas and across the US. But there’s just something about being on the roads less traveled close to home. My husband and I go for drives very often … rain, sunshine or snow. Many new discoveries are made so close to us on those drives. A
Oh, how I empathize! Why do I have a traveling bug when I can’t fuel it? Same thing as you…lack of funds but more- I’m helping to raise my grandson. I also canceled a trip this summer because of that little voice inside said to stay home with him. So, I go on little drives (very short as I have a car on it’s last legs) and walks. I need to get my bike out more. I think that all these are traveling; getting out of the house and seeing something different.
There will be time when these cherished gifts from God are no longer living at home. Then I’ll complain and wish he was home.
Thanks for your post.
“There is no higher calling in life than raising the children God has entrusted to our care.” -James Dobson
I’m curious as to how you are able to do all of your traveling. You quit your job, now you have the time. But, without talking about an income, how do you do it? It’s wonderful to travel near and far. It sure beats the monotony of the walls that need paint, or the dishes being done. Have fun!
Hi Fonda!
If you mean how can I afford it, I save the funds first. My expenses for blogging are very low as I’m a junker type, not a buyer of regular retail. Unless it’s computers or cameras of course. 🙂
And as long as I have my laptop with me, I can work anywhere. I actually purchased some cheap tools in Maui and left them at the condo so I could create while there.
Did I understand your question?
It’s kinda like the message in “The Wizard of Oz”…we don’t always appreciate what we have right under our noses…I think that’s something most of us are guilty of…I know I am. I’m glad that your bike has given you a new and exciting way of seeing your own “backyard” and doubly glad that you chose to share your beautiful photos with us…holy my goodness you have a enviably gorgeous “backyard”! That is surely something to smile about!
I am sure you will get to New York all in good time…you are smart to wait to do it on your terms so you can truly enjoy the experience! In the meantime, keep riding, keep smiling, keep appreciating…and please keep sharing! 🙂
I would like to suggest that you find a used RV and create the travel machine that will add much more. Two years ago we decided now or never..and found our BLUE! Many experiences later… I’m thankful we took action…. My spouse is with the Lord now…. Blue and I still travel…. We..you and I have land all over these United States.. Some entitled State Parks..some National Parks…some Corp of Engineer Parks.. Go check them out…. Its our tax dollars … And take your bike.
I enjoy tagging along on your close to home journeys!
This was a great post! You’ve inspired me to ride my bike this fall. Haven’t taken it out in 2 years and it’s a great bike. I don’t have any scenery like you to visit but there are some nice parks around. I’d be getting some exercise too. I have a bit of wanderlust going on so I think it’s time for some fall drives in the nearby countryside to do some travelling the back roads of Michigan.
Donna, I’m glad you are finding “peace” on your bike rides. I do, too. Just a reminder, buy a bike pump that attaches in your car’s plug in and check the pressure in your tires. They loose air faster than you think and it becomes harder to pedal. Enjoy yourself and I love the photos.