Do you ever get the feeling that you’re about to embark on something spectacular, but can’t put your finger on it?
Let me rephrase that a little… I feel changes in the air, but I don’t know yet what they are. But my optimism, gifted to me by my mom, ensures that I have the capability to turn this into a wonderful thing.
For years, my first priority was overseeing my young son’s every move. He’s now a teen… so things were bound to change a little. I still oversee, and will always do that of course. That’s just what parents do.
But this season is different. I’m finding myself alone in my home more.
Well, not quite. My two, happy, ever loving on me cats are always within arm’s reach. Who knew that their importance to exist would become even more so in the coming years?
Actually, I did know that. When I picked them up, I carefully calculated the years in which they’d probably survive, possibly even out survive me.
“You guys will always be with me, long after my son moves out. I will become ‘that crazy cat lady’ that spoils you rotten in the very best of ways!”
As I made today’s breakfast, and sat alone at the large kitchen island, my fork clanking against the plate felt a little louder. I felt space in more ways than one. I was alone in my thoughts.
I was forewarned that this season would fast approach. And it’s a good and natural one. But so very different from even just a short year ago. Honestly? I don’t quite know what to do with myself.
Circumstances have always dictated what I do. If there was an appointment to rush to, that’s what I would do. A meeting? Time to quickly fill a travel mug with piping hot brew for the road.
But lately, more of those deciding moments have been gifted back to me, as if to say, “Here’s a taste test of what it’ll be like when your time is truly yours. But for now, what would you like to do with x amount of hours ahead?”
Time limits are still in effect, but those gifted moments are coming up more frequently now. Which has me thinking of different ways to prep for them. If I even do.
More often than not, when I’m faced with yet another unfamiliar, quiet moment, rather than jump online (which I frequently have in the past), I’m more inclined to head for the bike, waiting for me in the entryway.
The helmut hangs on a coffee sign on the wall right behind the bike. Bike baskets waiting to be filled with fresh water, and possibly a travel mug filled with coffee in order to catch the sunset in my own special way in front of the river.
Now can you see why I tend to gravitate towards the bike? The bike always seems to win. Maybe it’s a sign of something new in the air. What else am I destined to do? The bike rides take me away from the online, noisy world, and give me a little more space to think, dream, and plot.
What I do know is, I’m more hungry to read words from others rather than just look at pretty pictures. I’ve developed a fever of digging deep within someone’s soul through words. What can I learn from them? Where will they transport me today?
I’ve been positively dying to get some of this in words myself, so today’s the day. Today I’m going to start a weekly journal that will take you along with me for those that desire to dig a little deeper beneath the surface of life as we know it.
What’s really going on? That’s what you will hear.
So for those just looking for junk, you may wish to bypass anything titled ‘journal’.
But for those that want a little more fuel to add to their day in a new way, welcome aboard to my crazy little unpredictable life as I know it.
Funny… for the past week, I haven’t been able to pick up a plank of wood at all, because my thoughts have been on these other life things. Feeling completely guilt ridden, I’ve been thinking, I should be DIYing. I should do this. I should do that. Should should should.
See this old signs coat hook area HERE
But I just couldn’t. So I cleaned my house instead. It needed it. I think we should all take a week off of life as we know it, to just CLEAN!
Which actually did lead to a few new revamps. Who knew? I’ll show you some soon!
But more importantly, my life was overtaken by events that just became louder, or more important than a simple DIY. Because things ARE different.
Yet this entry took a mere few minutes to belt out.
I guess we should start listening to our hearts a little more…
So… here’s why I feel it’s important to share this.
I believe we are ALL starting something new. Maybe it’s the promise of a new family member. Or one moving on. Some may view some changes as a loss. But no matter where you are? I encourage you to flip your change into a GAIN.
I believe changes occur when your story is simply due for a new chapter. And if you don’t follow your heart, you’re holding yourself back.
Run towards the whispers! Allow them to take you where you need to go and be!
I just feel a bigger, newer, much braver story coming on with myself. And it’s my hope that by telling mine as it unfolds, it’ll give you more courage to move forward with yours.
Welcome to my journal!
* What changing story do you feel coming on? *
I love your first journal entry! I’ve been blessed with never-ending optimism, and I always know I’ll get through things. I call it faith, and whether you take that in a spiritual way or not, it’s what keeps me going. I’ll definitely be checking out your journal entries!
Seasons in our lives are only blurs unless we mark them with milestones, corner stones or memories. Somehow memories fade unless you find an old photo, read a journal, visit with friends. History is important and unless we take the time to read about it, walk among it, discover it or listen to it it is lost. Perhaps your new adventure will encourage us to slow down, listen, read, discover, hike, bike, walk our lives toward the finish line, not always running towards the next season, but cherishing the one we are in.
Loved your post Donna! It seems my life is always changing dramatically in small ways, if that makes any sense. I’m a military spouse, and my life seems to rotate alot around my husband’s ever changing schedule. But he finally retires next year, in which we all will have a different life, hopefully more steady. But soon, my youngest will be starting school and oldest in junior high and I will have alot more time as well!! So, can’t wait to see where your time takes you.
Thanks for sharing Donna
Still dark out I sat down at my desk with my coffee and your first journal entry. I congratulate you on being able to share yourself with all of us.
I wonder…have you ever dreamed of writing a book or teaching?
Courage was my word for 2016… I believe we all need a little!
Looking forward to your posts titled ‘journal’
Hey Jane, yes, a book-book is on my bucket list. I have a pending offer that will remain open until I’m ready. How generous is that?!
Wow! What a timely blog. My adult son just bought his own house and moved out this weekend. We are now “official empty nesters”, so I am feeling a little bitter – sweet. But I am really excited about decorating his empty room!!
Oh Peggy, I’m afraid to look that far ahead… cleaning my son’s room would be very bitter sweet indeed… it’s a great room, double the space of a normal one, so there’s a little excitement in the thought as well.
Think positive, think positive.. haha
What a great way to start my day. Thank you for that. I, too, feel a newer, braver story coming on.
The house is so quiet. No pitter patters on the floor, no “MOM”! shouting down the stairs and no more coming home to cereal bowls in the sink and crumbs on the counter from rushing out the door for school or practice.
It’s too quiet but I am looking forward to how I am going to learn to appreciate it. I’m looking forward to unveiling more of me. I love the journey and the unfolding of a deeper and more meaningful life.
DIY can wait…another day.
Hi Donna,
Great post. I’m quitting my day job in 2 1/2 weeks! Been working for 40 years – seems unbelievable. Plan to start a blog, researching becoming a private label seller on Amazon. Exciting adventures are ahead. Can’t wait to see where this new journey takes me.
I LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE….it even made me cry today well a lot of your blogs do..(in a good way). I will love to follow your journal..!!
I write in my journal everyday or get caught up on it after the weekend if we get
My life at this point isn’t very interesting, fulfilling as I may like, course it’s my fault. I am a PROCRASTINATOR to the end.. no motivation what so ever.
I remember those days when my daughter was slowly disappearing from the nest, she’s now 36,it is lonely but atleast you are a blogger and fill your time that way. I have been trying to get a job recently but to avail maybe coz’ it’s really not what I want to do..!!Hence I’m not quit sure what I really want to do. I should really have a career by this age (54) yikes that’s even hard to say…lol I’ll be able to claim my senior discount at restaurants in October…lol
Sorry for all the jib jab, I guess I just needed to vent..
I will follow your journal maybe it’ll get me motivated..!! Thanks
Good for you! I’ll follow along.
Donna, love your post today and congrats for finding yourself on a “growing edge”! Growing edges can sometimes be tough but they are always worth it! Keep looking for the good in all your experiences and you’ll find yourself growing in amazing ways!! xxxx
It’s serendipity that you wrote this. Just last night my husband and I were discussing the changes which lie ahead as I grow closer to retirement (he’s younger). A house to sell? One to buy? How to downsize while I ramp up my flea market business?
Our goal is to own a home outright, and we’re close to that. But how will our lives, day-to-day, actually play out? We’re planning a conversation with our CPA and financial planner in the next month, so that the critical financial decisions of the next 2-3 years are thoughtfully made. This new life has been off in the distance, but now it’s right in front of us. I hope we can find joy, a sense of adventure and continued creativity in this new phase.
Oh Donna, how timely and thanks so much for sharing your innermost thoughts and soul. I have been feeling and dealing with change for a couple of years now and I think it’s important to do as you say and look upon the changes as a gain and not a loss. But at this point, I do feel the loss. You know the typical losses. Loss of endurance physically and mentally. Really a lot of loss in these two areas. Problems with a son who does well for a while and then doesn’t. My heart breaks, but I’m getting a little better at letting go of the worry. Some things I just can’t do anything about. At least he is in this world and finding his way in his way! Oh my, I am so worn out by HIS WAY! But I keep on trying. It helps that our family is close and support each other. And I have God. I’ve been looking upon my life as being in a new chapter. An older, wiser one. I know I’m not old. Got a ways to go but I am 57 and feel it. And I’m athinking, what am I going to do with what is ahead. Not view it as what is left, but what is ahead. And it’s kinda neat to be here. And I know what you mean about should, should, should! Oh good grief, there is always should! But I can turn that around and think I should try that. I should take care of myself. I should be a little more patient with myself. I’m on a journey. Change doesn’t come easy for me, but I can do it. And a part of me is looking forward to the changes. Always a trade off in life, but I can be flexible and thankful and go forward. So much to learn and enjoy and participate in and so many to love and help. I love people and bringing hope, healing and love to them. Oh well, I went on and thank you for your time. This is great therapy! Makes me think of Barbara Streisand and her singing that people who need people are the luckiest people in the world. Thanks to you for being one of the people in my world and the same for your readers. Their comments are really helpful!
This is a small message of encouragement for Joanne Taggart. Life is busy and very consuming of mom’s time. A quick story that I have an older sister and brother I’m the youngest at 49. We lost my mom two years ago and my father is living in a residence within our community to make it easier. We put alot of pressure on ourselves to be there for everyone. My sister, brother and I have kept this pace up for two years and is physically and mentally taking a toll on us. My sister and I have a day during the week that we reserve for us to talk about everything else not about my dads health. You need to steal time for you even if you don’t feel up to it. Go for a walk, listen to inspiring music, talk to a friend and try to laugh even if you don’t feel it, it will come eventually. You need to fake it until you make it. Remember all of us mom’s or not women in general are more or less going through the same things. Don’t hold your breath and wait to clear stuff because it won’t happen. Reserve time for yourself! Best Wishes Carol
Thank you Carol for your uplifting words. I am getting better at reserving time for myself. And I particularly appreciated the idea of you and your sister taking one day a week and talking about anything except your Dad’s health. It’s like you give yourself permission to take a break and that is so important. Thank you very much for thinking of me.
Write on, my friend. I will be reading every word.
Great read!!! Your right something new is in the air. A new beginning. I finally feel it after moving across country with hubby’s work and then being fortunate to help out with grandchildren due to military service that will soon end for daughter. New house, new people, new ideas (which you get me started on). What fun we are going to have.
Oh, how I love the journeys my bike riding has taken me on as they often been journeys that have restored and revived my heart as well. So I can relate t:). Last year, we had to move. It’s been beyond hard and I haven’t allowed the change to be my gain. This fall, our 4th child of five will be off to college. It will be another time of new beginnings as it will be 24 years since I had just one child in the house…. Thank you for the challenge, the inspiration, to let go of what was and embrace new beginnings.
I have found out the older I get the quicker the new seasons come! Your words touched me just where I needed it today!
Thank you for sharing your heart, you are an inspiration.
All I can say is …….WOW. I am in much the same place (frame of mind!) these days and wonder what the future could hold. My husband of 33 years and I have two grown (except that I still hear “Mom, how do you……. or Mom, where do I look …….even Mom, what aisle do I find this on in the store?) children, he won’t retire for a few years yet, and I have a very boring part-time job along with a resale DIY business/hobby. Do I continue with the boring part-time job with good benefits and a flexible schedule that allows me to DIY? Do I go back to a full time job that pays really well for the next few years to “up” my retirement, but allows no time for DIYing? Or just go along and see what’s around the corner? I will definitely be a reader of your journals, maybe your reflections will lead me to some of my own. Thanks Donna!
Oh Donna, a journal, what a great idea! I am so happy you have decided to invite us along. I have thought of doing a journal myself. Perhaps this is the nudge I need. I am so very ready for some new and happy changes in my life. I had hoped they were coming, but I am afraid perhaps I was wrong.
My daughter has been dealing with infertility problems, which is heartbreaking, but I refuse to give up hope. Yesterday, we received the news that my husband has been diagnosed with a returning cancer. I don’t think I have let it sink in yet. And finally my son is applying to the police academy, to realize his dream of becoming a police officer. I am so proud of him and I want very much for him to succeed. However, I feel my worrying has just begun! I think perhaps a journal is exactly what my heart needs right now! Thank you for sharing!
Oh Jennifer… that’s really heavy and scary stuff. I’m so sorry!
I have a few of my own worries, so no story is perfect by any means. But I aim to focus hard on the good stuff. I think life is about how we choose to handle living it.
I do encourage you to write your thoughts down, even if just for you. If frustrated, I often crack open a new document and type until I can type no more. Then end up erasing it a few hours later. It’s incredibly therapeutic!
I loved your journal entry. I just lost my job of 20 years and my thoughts have been on my next journey in life, I feel like I’ve been unleashed and not sure whats next. My son will be going off to college soon which will be hard, but will give me a lot of time to start my new adventure. Changes came unexpected but I’m ready! Thanks you just inspired me!!!
Wow Linda, talk about a wide open door! Now that’s exciting! You must feel incredibly free!
I encourage you to just go do something you love to do… see where that spark takes you!
This round? Make sure you LOVE it!
This is good Donna – I can really relate my son left for bootcamp in February and My husband isn’t always home due to work so I’ve had those silent meals at the table. Then the silent moments with every step as I walk through a home where we finished raising our family.
I said to my husband just the other day it really is time to sell this farm, I’m ready for the next chapter. So we’re taking that plunge and hope to have a sign in the yard by the end of May.
Those bike rides and keeping a journal fantastic ideas. I wish others would do this more. I’ve found joy in my exercise, here at home with a simple video in the big screen and then finding the farm to really speak to my heart for what the future holds. It’s going to be amazing because now I can finally visualize it.
I really enjoyed this post, you’re in a neat place – take it as an exciting time, I believe God is working in you – faith is such a wonderful thing.
A chapter is coming to close and a new one is waiting to open. Don’t rush it…. because it normally happens all at once and sometimes it can become overwhelming. Excited to hear more!
Hey Donna
I have to admit I had to smile a little reading your entry. The too quiet house – I always have music on in the background, usually Celtic or female folk singers, that soothes and draws attention away from the “house noises”- and maybe the feeling of change that you are preparing for, but with perhaps with a sense of loss as well. Hold onto your bootstraps! I have 2 grown children, ages 29 and 25. My son is getting married in June to a gal with 2 children, ages 3 and 6. The wedding will be here on the farm and guess what? Two months ago, they all moved into my place and my house of 1 suddenly became a house of 5! And then guess what? My daughter and her boyfriend needed a temporary place to live (ha :0) and so last week they moved in as well and we are now a house of 7! The things we do for our children….:) I do still find my quiet times, which I enjoy, or should I say cherish? Everyone is working really hard to get the farm ready for the wedding and there is a real sense of community. Sometimes I think I am crazy for agreeing to all this, but we are family and that’s what matters most.
Susan, your post made me laugh. And get a little scared! hahaha
I suppose they would be my live in babysitters for the cats so I could travel worry free then?
Positive… positive…. workin’ it hard here! 🙂
I was so scared to retire cause money was a smaller amount but my body needed me to,i didn’t want to wait until i was completely broke down. Well it has been a very busy journey and no i never know what tomorrow brings,but i am ready to experience it.The only things on my schedule is exercise 4-times a week and church on Sunday.I think we all have times we have to stop and see what is around the corner for us and i know you will find out.
Have you ever thought about writing a book? How you got where you are sprinkled with DIY tips and projects {some using your own products, of course}…and journal entries. Your thoughts. I think it would be very successful.
Thank you Fonda! I have been offered 3. The last one would be the one for sure but I held off because I wasn’t ready for it at the time. The offer still stands anytime I feel I can though.
They wanted my story and projects… just like you said.
And I also thought of that when I fired up this post, thinking it should be put towards a greater good somehow.
Maybe in the fall… maybe! Thanks for your gentle persuasion!
Looking forward to your journals! I’m just starting to get back into church and have been church shopping. I think I’ve found the one. Only time will tell. New beginnings 🙂
The spring season is about to burst in Michigan..we have had some cold, wet, snowy spells; but the buds are coming. I love digging in the dirt. Looking forward to it, reshaping my gardens. Quiet time for me in the garden, weeding, planting or just admiring is great for the soul.
I have a few journals..don’t always keep up with them on a regular basis, but I do like recording “stuff” for some day.
I like your first journal entry too…new beginnings; I just started an art class also. Liking the challenges.
I always enjoy your heart stories…you tell them well, you should write a book! Put that on your list!
I am like you, I know it is coming, I am just not sure what it is. I will follow your story and maybe be inspired to figure out my own.
I, too, have started journaling again after many years away from it. My writing had gotten to be very negative, and that bothered me. It was no longer “healthy”.
My life changed last August with a divorce (at my request). I now share my big 1913 home with my cat. I am happy, yet mildly worried about what my future holds. There are a lot of “What if…”s.
Shortly after my divorce I was shopping at Goodwill. I had just repainted my dining room and was looking for new décor. I ran across an abstract painted canvas – the colors were perfect. Except that there was the number 52 in one corner, painted in an unrelated color. I put it back. I continued shopping. A few minutes later, I walked back to the painting. Nope. I didn’t understand why the 52 was there. Quite awhile later, on the other side of the store, while looking at purses, it hit me!! “52!” “52 is how old I am as I begin this new journey, new chapter of my life!” I practically ran across the store and with happy revelation, placed it in my cart.
As always, thank you for sharing all that makes you you. Know that there are many of us beginning new chapters, on journeys, with no known destination.
I love this–I remember very well when my girls reached their teens and the house became very quiet at times. It was weird, and sometimes hard, but also nice. It didn’t last long-I started caring for mom just before my youngest graduated. Now Mom is gone and I am re-experiencing that quiet. Its definitely an adjustment. A new season and we need to make the most of it!
I look at each year as an adventure! I have been a teacher for 35 years and am an avid repurposer! I love to cook, sew, take photos, and thrift. 3 years ago my husband and I were vendors at the world’s longest yard sale, we live on Lookout Mtn. in Chattanooga. This was my first experience as a “dealer” of vintage items. I learned a lot and now have 2 booths at the fabulous Knitting Mill antique mall. I have gone from being afraid to “dicker” with someone to being a mighty fine negotiator!!! I have met so many great people and have learned to paint furniture, signs, and making something out of nothing. Life is great and I can’t wait to see what happens next! Thanks for sharing your life and thoughts with us, I think that is why I enjoy reading your blog so much- you are a real person!!!
Hi Donna,
I like this! Change can be a good thing, sometimes scary, but good.
Wow! Just Wow. You have said exactly what I’m feeling. Change is around the corner for us too. I am a military wife and am used to change…and truly love it! But this feels different…both my boys (26 and 28) are on their own, my husband is a few years short of retirement, we moved to Quebec 3 years ago and I couldn’t work because of the language difference and it forced me to pause…and finally take a deep breathe without having to run somewhere or do something. I had sweet, sweet time…to do anything…or nothing! For the first time in my life I saw a sunrise! I will never forget seeing that first sunrise and asking myself what it was that I truly wanted. And the word “peace” floated through my mind.
And now we are moving back to Alberta. Changes again! I’m excited to open the door and see what’s around the corner. We have some big decisions about our future coming up. Is our “forever home” in the east (where my heart wants to be)? Or stay in the west (where my head says is right….my kids are there)? Do I really want to go back to the workforce? Or can I make it doing what I love?
And I too have started journaling again but I don’t have the words to say what I’m feeling so I have started art journaling instead. I can speak through colour and art and I’m good with that!
I look forward to following your journey and your journal. You really are an inspiration and have a gift of putting things into perspective with your words and I thank you for sharing yourself with the world.
I want to thank you for this post. It is exactly what I needed tonight. I too have had changes happening in my life as of late. Last summer I had to take a medical retirement from my job as a postal carrier. The end result was expected but the timing came sooner than expected. My son is an autistic adult who will be with me for a while yet but since he is high functioning, he can do most things young men his age can do. I have been trying so hard to fill my time and try to be productive that I get frustrated and down when my medical issues slow me down. I have been feeling like I am running against a wall and going nowhere. I have been trying to relax and just take things as they come. This post has helped greatly. Thank you for sharing it.
Funny – changes are in definitely in the air for us!! Grandchild number two is on the way. Son number two will be getting married this year and we are trying to decide where we want to live/retire to. Things are getting cloudy not clear and yet, I feel that sometimes the best thing to do is wait to see how life unfolds and hopefully all these decisions will be easier! Love reading you!! Hope all works out for you too!!!
Love your post, and after reading the post it sounds like we are going through some what the same life dance. looking forward to reading as much as I can.
Have a Blessed Day.
HI Donna,
I wanted to give you a Man’s opinion.
Your idea of the Journal is a very therapeutic Endeavor For you and your reader’s!
In my case, I’m soon to be 63 (in June) and I spent 24 years in the Navy (retired in 1995), But the whole time I was dreaming of a Homestead and all the things I wanted to do with it!
I was going thru a Divorce at that time and I knew that my pension from the Navy was not going to be enough to pay the bills.
Sense that time, I have held several different job’s (most of them in Security) and remarried and divorced again.
I finally got the Homestead I have always wanted in 2007.
I lost my last job in February (Correction’s Officer at a Federal Prison) and I though, “What am I going to do now?
I have come to realize that this is a good thing. The off the Homestead job, I worked night’s and slept all day. Not able to get any thing done at Home.
I now have the time to build a workshop (Using recycled wood and Pallets) and I have had a HOBBY, raising Chickens and selling Egg’s.
I now have the time to enlarge my Chicken Flock and make this “HOBBY” into a business! I will now live off of my Pension, Social Security and what I can make from Egg sales.
I also have been working with “WEEBLY” to set up a web page and Blog. So Be on the look out for that!
One last thing… I have been a Fan of your’s and I all so have a soft spot in my hard for “JUNK”!! I recently was able to salvage lots of wood from a 100 + year old barn that was being torn down and was being BURNED! So keep up the great work you do with “Junk” and like I said, The Journal is a great idea!
Donna, my son is grown and has been living out of state for the last 5 years. That was an adjustment for sure, but I had plenty of time to myself. We’ve recently moved just minutes from both of my sisters and two of my nieces. I’ve always wanted to live close to family, yet the challenge now is to give up my me time, lol. I made my first move this past Friday and asked my niece and her daughters to meet for dinner at a restaurant just around the corner. I know I’m going to be so grateful for having family close, but, with it comes realizing what it takes for what’s important to me.
Thanks for the thoughtful post.
My world changes every day so I have to go with the flow, or at least appear to go with it, but the one constant is my morning coffee!
Love this! I have paired down to just a few blogs and yours is one I truly enjoy. The honesty of being a junker and not just perfectly staged homes is nice.
Your new journaling is perfect timing as I find myself on a similar journey. Do I craft full time? How big can I make it? Is fair to the family to leave a safe career? I will be listening….
I am a new follower to your blog but I love the idea of digging deeper and sharing more of your story. The way you view and experience life, it’s a fascinating thing for us to share with one another. Of course, it’s also right up my INFJ personality alley! Look forward to getting to know you better 🙂
My Hubsy and I are embarking on a new joint business venture, so that is the exciting change to our story that is just beginning!
After downsizing due to my husbsnd’s disability two years ago, I feel like many changes have taken place.
He still doesn’t know how to ‘define’ himself and that is a problem. He paces, spends too much time online, is grumpy and has taken up daily grocery shopping and daily wood gathering as hobbies.
We moved from a growing, fast paced city to a small town. I had been fired from a job that I thought suited me and spent the first winter here grieving and rebuilding my defenses. I also had a redefining knee injury that ended 18 years of hockey playing ( along with almost all knee related activities)
Now, I have a perfect job, I went out yesterday and skated about a mile and a half and spend free time rejuvenating curbside treasures and auction buys.
I know exactly what you are saying about seasons, changes and spending time wisely.
It’s a challenge to go to the garage and paint when I could be playing scrabble online.
My word for this year is ‘grateful’.
I am grateful we found a house we could afford.
I am grateful for my job.
I am grateful for wonderful neighbors friends and Co- workers.
I am grateful we made it through the disability maze without filing bankruptcy
I am grateful we found a church to thrive in.
I can’t wait to hear about your journey!!
I have learned to embrace change in my life. In fact, I thrive on it. Without change we become stagnant and never move forward or grow. I believe we are meant to just flow with what is put before us. Maybe it’s a test to gauge how we deal with what happens in life. Or maybe the change is meant to put us in the path of someone else that needs something we are meant to provide in their lives. Whatever the reason for change just embrace it and make the best of it.
I feel it too! Can’t wait to follow your journal entries, because it took the words right out of my head. I’ve found a love for re-purposing and creating to a point I’m signed up for my first craft show ever! Just recently, there have been many job lay-offs at my current job. I know changes are coming and it’s scary! That uncertain feeling, but knowing the Lord works in mysterious ways, these changes are going to be awesome!