Oversized spring garden tulip crate flowerbed.
This post contains a book review as well as affiliate links in which I earn a small percentage from qualifying purchases through these links, at no extra cost to you. Thank-you for helping to support my blog!
GIVEAWAY HAS NOW ENDED. Congrats to #21 Jan! You have been emailed. Thank you for your comments!
When my dear blogging friend Carole from Garden Up Green asked me to review her new gardening book coming out, the first words out of my mouth were, “It’s about time!”
Carole lives in the country on a hobby farm, and her #1 passion is gardening, so this was long time coming.
And if you’ve been following me for any length of time, you’ll know I could use a little enticement to keep up with things outdoors.
That’s quite the understatement.
I’m not gonna lie. My fire has been going out where gardening is concerned, because I have too much I don’t want to keep up with. It’s like a messy house… let it get out of hand, and the passion dies.
Do you remember my gorgeous fall porch with all the mums HERE? All dead. All of them. I chose to forget about them and they never did forgive me.
Tragic breakup that was.
A garden book that makes gardening doable!
So during our big snow storm, my beloved Startle Garden (Amazon affiliate link) delivery was delayed.
Thank goodness! Because once I finally got it, I couldn’t even finish it before I was heading outdoors hungry to make something cool! And snow would not do.
Gardening in February. WHO AM I?
I ought to read more often.
What is a Startle Garden?
A Startle Garden is a small garden feature that is easy to maintain. So the emphasis is on using raised garden beds, because they can be sized to suit, plunked most anywhere and are easy to maintain.d d
Carole’s Startle Garden philosophy (post no longer online) is that a garden can be beautiful, while being manageable AND affordable.
She was walking through her garden one day, when a burst of colour she didn’t expect startled her. Once she did the math, she realized she didn’t slave over those gorgeous blooms in order to produce them. It was one small feature area that popped when it was ready!
So in this book, the chatter is all about starting AND ending small. And you can do it for absolutely free if you so choose.
A peek inside the book
This garden book is a workhorse. It really does spell out how to do everything from scratch, from figuring out what you want where, how to create and maintain fertile soil, how to harvest seeds, and when and how to plant. And a LOT more.
Ever hear of manure tea? That was my first time too!
There are lots of handy areas to take notes as well.
Features projects made with Old Sign Stencils!
It also has a gorgeous garden sign section with (gasp)… ‘you know who’s’ stencils heavily featured. I did not expect that!
But one key thing really hit home, which I’ll share with you at the end of this post.
But first things first.
Being that a Startle Garden ought to be easy to maintain, an emphasis is on using raised beds, because they really can be sized to suit, and plunked most anywhere.
View Potting Shed sign tutorial HERE
A startle garden project
I planted THIS Startle Garden last summer with the new potting bench addition. Little did I know how wise that decision was. It IS easy to maintain, and looks pretty enough to startle me whenever I walk by. This book officially confirms my decision. I just didn’t know it was ‘a thing’ until now.
The original plan had been to create flower beds all around the shed, but I always held off, because I knew I wouldn’t want to maintain that. Proves that wasn’t necessary at all. Glad I held off!
So with that in mind, I walked outdoors and tried to picture where my garden could use a little boost.
A flower bed before. Let’s fix this!
I didn’t have to go far…
A tree died last summer, but the trunk protruded through the soil a little, and then I thought… RIGHT THERE! Underneath that big rusty thing.
And if you look really hard at the picture, you will be delighted to see rotten pumpkins, and the dead mums.
So… bundling up, I got to work and created an oversized spring garden tulip crate flowerbed! Literally.
What’s a tulip crate you ask?
If you do a google search, you will find them to resemble an antique soil sifter held together with 4 square posts on all 4 corners.
Joanna from Fixer Upper made them famous HERE, and most recently, my other dear blogger friend Susan from Homeroad created her version HERE. Aren’t they cool?
An oversized tulip crate flowerbed!
So here’s my garden sized version! And it was super easy to make.
What you’ll need:
treated wood for outdoor durability – I used 2x4s and 2×2’s.
a saw
cordless drill and screws
decorative stencil if desired – I used Garden and Potting Shed from HERE
Paint of choice – I used Fusion Mineral Paint HERE
Building the crate
1. Cut the outer frame to the desired size, as well as four square chunks of wood for the corners.
2. Pre-drill holes into the 2 shorter end frame pieces.
3. Attach with screws.
4. Raise all 4 corners of the frame, by slipping wood under them. While raised, attach the 4 square posts to the corners.
You should end up with something like this. The legs will help keep your raised tulip crate in place.
Preparing the crate for the garden
5. Using a level, dig post holes into the soil until everything is positioned where desired.
6. Steal soil from elsewhere because you are too cheap to go buy new stuff, then top it up.
Now, I realize the wood may rot in time. But I don’t really care if it does. I’ll just build another one. I used scrap, warped, treated wood to make this, so it would have been thrown out anyway.
Now that is a true good Startle! heh.
After the crate was in place, I decided it didn’t have enough impact. It’s Feb and there isn’t much blooming yet except for a few snowdrops.
Find Welcome to my Garden stencil HERE
View Potting Shed stencil HERE
Adding signs to the crate
So I stencilled a few white fence planks with two stencils from THIS GARDEN COLLECTION HERE.
You can learn how to stencil HERE
Find Fusion Mineral Paint HERE
Planting the flowerbed
The white planks were then screwed into place, and then the crate was filled up!
With snowdrops moved from another area…
… and big rusty springs. Spring garden. Get it? 🙂
Composting kitchen scraps
So… one MASSIVE AHA moment in the book is when Carole talks about Direct Compost.
If you cut up your kitchen scraps, then slip them into a live, growing garden bed, it’ll fuel your plants continually. You can start adding to your empty flower bed before you plant to get things going too.
So! No more throwing scraps into my BIG compost. It’s too much work to move over. I haven’t taken from mine in YEARS. This is so much more efficient!
So that is what I am going to do!
I located a neat little crate I can hide the compost container inside until I bring it outdoors. Perfect. I’ll let you know how it goes later in the year.
The finished flower bed!
I love my new little February Startle garden! Spring tulip crate style and all.
And I’m going to keep this little feature the main focus, and very possibly mulch the rest to stop the weeding frenzy once and for all.
Carole… whatever have you done to the real me?
You can purchase this beautiful book on Amazon HERE (affiliate link). You’ll be thankful you did!
GIVEAWAY HAS NOW ENDED. Congrats to #21 Jan! You have been emailed. Thank you for your comments!
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Giveaway is good in Canada and the USA. You must be over 18 to win. Void where prohibited. A random name will be drawn on Thursday, March 2 and the winner will be emailed and named in this post March 3rd, 2017.
Disclosure: I was given this book to review but was not compensated for this post. All opinions and project ideas are my own. I really enjoyed this book, and I know you will learn a ton just as I did!
As a New Year’s resolution, I have designated 2017 “Year of the Yard.” I intend to finally put in perennial gardens around my deck and porch, and basically get some curb appeal going on. This book sounds like it would be tremendous help in motivating me, inspiring me, and helping me stay on target. Thank you for offering this give-away!
As an “aging” gardener, am changing my focus from massive to manageable and am always inspired by what others are doing. I peruse the magazines and am always on the look out for new inspiration……….this book sounds like it fits the bill!
It is my type of gardening! I love using old containers and such to decorate my outside. I would love some new/ old ideas!
Wow! Great post! I’ve been on your email list for over a year now and love everything you do! This gardening post however, is the first one that compelled me to respond. It seems as if that book was written for me! I garden VERY cheaply….my containers are not purchased from garden centers, but from flea markets, local shops, and the random garage sale. My plants especially the fillers are pulled from the prolific succulents and sedums that have made their home in my landscaping-as well as anyone else’s who loves to share! 😉 Thank you for this inspiration….I’d love to win the book!
It seems That I have been working on my garden-composite-worm….pile for the 9 years we have
Lived in this home…..I guess I have just been flying by the seat of my pants…trying to take different advice from this blogger and rhat…..unfortunately with no shown success…..Every spring has prepare and read and even plant lovely healthy veggies and flowers…I seem to spend to much money especially since my hodgepodge garden does not seem to make it to summer….alive and healhy. I am a dedicated (to the point of silliness from my family…..due to my lack of having a green thumb…ok….and my garden just seeming to get ill with no RX to help) composter…and want to be gardener .to the point of saving restaurant left overs….LOL …if this book would help me …..It would certainly be a best seller). Every year I begin optimistic and excited and end feeling as droopy and diseased as my poorrrrr garden)
I have to confess, I do not have a green thumb. Every year I stare out at my dirt hopeful I can make something beautiful happen out there. I move things around, I plant a few new things. But the undertaking is so huge, I have no real vision. I need help.
I have been thinking of working on a few larger gardening projects this year. The book would be wonderful. Thanks for having the giveaway.
This made me smile!! Your raised bed is Excellent and I love the SPRING! Thank you so much for the awesome review. You discovered the gift of Startle Garden and that makes me smile. The intention really is to get you out there and want to garden. Those mums – cut them back to the base and plant them somewhere in your yard. They’re incredibly hardy plants and they may not be a loss just yet.
Hugs and Thank you!!
You are officially my new garden guru. I will try that with the mums!
You sure know how to get me out there… again, don’t you? 🙂
LOVE! So good to see a garden project!
Bahaha! I’ll never be an Organized Clutter gardener, but I’ll fake it as long as I can! 🙂
Hi Donna, love your tulip crate and your website. I just moved into a new home and will be tackling a new garden once the snow leaves Edmonton. This book would be a huge help to m planning process. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
A “STARTLE” is exactly what I need. My lawn has changed since last year. The lot which has been full of trees which provided me shade and privacy has been purchase, cleared and a new home is being built. Now I have to totally change my landscaping plan and have absolutely no idea as to what or how to plant that area. Startle is just what I need and would love a copy. Thanks for sharing!!!
Love your little garden. I was literally looking at my back window this morning, I live in NC so it gets warmer earlier, thinking which herbs and veggies do I want to plant. We just moved in this winter so it’s a whole new landscape to design! We also have snakes here YIKES so I need my garden close to where I can keep an eye on who might be visiting it, wanted and unwanted ! Carols book looks amazing ad. Since I enjoy an occasional pallet paint project, I will be ordering your stencils and copy you..he he he … love it.
Thank you for all your inspiration.
Angel blessings ,
Christine Barone
OMG I do NEED this book! I live in a townhouse so I have limited space to garden. I would love to be able to incorporate some of the small ideas! Thanks for the giveaway!
Ohhhhh..Startle Garden looks delicious!!!! I’m 67, single, and live on one acre. I know I would have soooo much fun with that book.
I so enjoyed urban blog posts! My husband and I just purchased a new home in the country?The yard is a blank slate to do what ever we choose…yippee! I would love a copy of the new book sounds like it will provide some wonderful ideas for some “startle gardens” at my new home.
Carole truly is a talented sweet soul. How fantastic to be so inspired by her new book. We all should create startle gardens. I have several uninspired blanks beds that could use a boost.
I would love to have this book in my life! So often, I feel overwhelmed by all that needs doing in my yard – and it really isn’t that big. It would be great to have some fresh inspiration!
We have a 4 acre parcel and are just starting to design our yard according to permaculture principles. This summer, we are going to be starting a food forest with swales and continue our raised veggie beds. We are in Alberta, so it is a short season, and any advice is very welcome!
I would love this book. My whole yard is filled with perennials and ground cover. I had one good sized bed behind my patio that was filled with ground cover and nothing else. Last year I decided to rip it all out and plant flowers and herbs. It took me all summer and into the fall to get rid of it. Now a plan is needed to keep the weeding away!
Congrats Jan, you are the winner of Startle Garden! I am emailing you now for your shipping details. 🙂
A “Startle Garden”…what an idea! My gardening was spotty, at best, last year. Being disabled is taking a lot of getting used to. I’m finding it simply can’t achieve my lofty goals. This book sounds perfect, for guiding me and keeping me on track.
As for your tulip crate…love it! I need a couple of these…with the addition of handles, to make them easier to move. Thank you for another inspired project!
Thanks for sharing, and offering up the give-away. We live in an established neighborhood, with just about an acre of property, which borders a wetland area/railroad tracks, which is one of the main reasons we moved here 18 years ago. But with so much property, it becomes overwhelming to maintain the “perfect” yard/garden. I think this book would be beneficial for me and offer up the hope, and encouragement, I so desperately need. I like the idea of incorporating the ideas shown, into little garden vignettes, all around our property. Thank you for considering me in this give-away, and thank you ALWAYS for your inspiration.
I just moved to the country in Ohio from Maryland last year! My yard is pretty, but I am still thinking of ways to add my own gardening touches! My first project is go big or go home–I’m going to plant an acre of wildflowers!! And I’m so excited!! Wish me luck!!
Thanks for the inspiration 🙂
I love the after pics of your mini raised garden. As an avid gardner, I am always looking to others for ideas and I love this one. I’ll be implementing this when the three feet of snow in the yard melts, But for now I’m off to the basement to build. TY
Here in Manitoba, we seem to starting spring very early! We have been having an usually warm spell and our mountains of snow are quickly fading and that brings dreams of planting! We live beside a neighbor who loves to creative garden and has so many interesting things in his shade garden that borders our shared chainlink fence. Our side sadly needs some creativity! Would love to find some inspiration in this new book!
Good Morning, Donna
Like you I was neglecting my gardens; mostly due to laziness. But, I have to really kick that habit. I have already got a list at Amazon with Carole’s book on it, but I’ll wait until next, (just in case). Thank you
Love your blog (have from the beginning) Have a super day. It’s a lovely day in the Valley today. Hugs Carol
OMG I think this was wrote for me! I love the tulip box, I am so into pot’s & crates in my garden for interest, My sister said ( while visiting from Scotland) their is something hidden in every corner,
We have Beautiful spring weather here In SW,Ontario But I know that is going to change,
We are redesigning the second half of Our stream & lower pond Keeping the depth but also making it safe so we came up with building a crate out of Plastic pallets, The top when finished will be a rock & Plant oasis, I am sure I will get Many Ideas for this with this Book.
I AM SO DOING THE COMPOST THING, Trekking down the hill in 2to3feet of snow is not fun.
Have a good one Ann.
Your blog post has inspired me to “dig in” and give gardening another chance! I am drawn to the raised bed concept… (I admit playing with your stencils is an incentive!) I only hope that a Startle garden is “black thumb” resistant!
I desperately need help with the curb appeal of our house. I’ve been working for over a year to get the inside of the house exactly the way our family wants it. It looks great and functions so well. Currently though, I have to close my eyes to get in the house to see the beauty. The outside definitely isn’t indicative of the inside. My beds look horrible, my garden boxes aren’t working. I don’t have a clue where or how to start outside. I need guidance and incentive! I NEED this book!
Reading your post was like walking thru the garden of my own thoughts. I have the desire but not the motivation. I like step by step instructions, which is one of the reasons I love your posts, and I absolutely, ABSOLUTELY, need this book. I’m motivated just thinking about it. I’m from Texas and it’s 74 with the high fir today 81. No excuse for me not to create a raised tulip bed…well maybe except the fact I need this wonderful “Startle Garden” book by Carole West. Wink Wink
Oh how beautiful Donna, both the book and your raised bed. Nature always surprises me. Plants that I’d thought had died and become compost suddenly pop up all over the garden without any intervention from our side. Enjoy your new raised bed and all the stunning natural surprises that come your way. I’m off to see if Carole’s book ships to South Africa 😉
LOVE,LOVE,LOVE this idea!! Genius!! I have some pretty boring places to use these ideas and the compost idea?…I need to read MORE! Thanks for a chance to win a copy!!
My yard needs help in a major way is why I need that book. I love what you did to your little area. Now, I’m gonna get poison ivy by heading out to the woods to look for some moss covered logs.
Looks like a fantastic book and you can never have enough inspiration where your yard is concerned.
Great review.
Haha! I’ve had that chunk of moss covered branch for years. LOVE the thing! Highly endorse. You get the green without the weeds. LOL
I hate mowing my backyard so I’ve been slowly putting in garden / flower beds. I love re-purposing “junk” and would love this book for ideas! I pinned the Tulip box idea as I have a lot of scrap lumber and this was soooo cool.
Thanks Sonya! It was a fun build with just enough quirk to be a little different!
Hi Donna!
Have thrown my vege scraps/egg shells into my garden for years….all winter long too. Come spring I rototill everything under and let nature do the rest. I do struggle with a shady garden ( sun doesn’t get round to it till noon) so I’m hoping Carole’s book could give me some insites….!
Thanks Donna…enjoy your blog all the time!
Great tips in the Startle Garden book! I’ve ignored my garden and now I have no interest in reclaiming it…until now, at least! Can’t wait to check out the book and be INSPIRED! Thanks for sharing!
I am so curious, what are those green things growing on wood pieces or is it a rock? Love the startle garden!
Hey Wanda! I should have mentioned it in the post. It’s a chunk of branch that has just gathered moss over the years. It’s like an air plant! haha It tends to dry up in the summer, but in fall, winter, and spring, it comes alive. Really cool when nothing else is in bloom!
I should write about some gardening cheater tips and include it… I’ll give that some thought!
Thanks for your reply! Here in Colorado we are becoming a much dryer area than before, so I’m not sure moss will grow here. However, I think I’m going to try planting succulents in wood pieces, don’t know till you try! Love your site!
My garden was once featured in Gardens West, I bought it (with my townhouse) 4 years ago, and am struggling to both maintain and improve it. With a small budget and aging body (74) I love to get outdoors and always look for frugal ideas to keep it looking good. My lot is 6000 sq. feet, so its not a small job!! I’d love to read this book and find help in gardening. Thanks for this draw … Ann Lee S.
Wow Ann, I can really relate. A few short years ago, my yard was perfect. But to keep maintaining that was over the top. I really need to cut back on some beds, because it just became a full time job.
Here’s to both of us finding a happy medium so we don’t lose the passion completely!
We just moved into our house and have front and back yards that need lots of help! Would love checking out the ideas in this book, and putting them to good use! ?
I love ?, need all the help I can get. Have lots, but just seems blah, bet this would help me!!!!
I was an avid gardener in my 30s and 40s. Then multiple bed rests and babies, Fibromyalgia, a new house and 50 happened. I still want to get out there but am very limited. I feel overwhelmed by the amount of work needed. A startle garden sounds tailored made for my current circumstances. Thank you for the wonderful idea!!
We just made part of our cow pasture a garden. Moved the fence posts over! Ordered a bunch of plants and seeds to start flower beds and a garden. Needing some gardening inspiration! This book looks like it’s right up my lane. Junk gardening with a wow factor.
I need to put some kind of veg garden in my new backyard and having trouble deciding what to do…..HUGS
A move from the big city to a farm has me scrambling for ideas to build new beds. Need a lot of help!!
I absolutely LOVE to garden but I absolutely STINK at it. My hubby is from Baltimore so truly doesn’t know about anything outside. I need the book so our house won’t be the worse one on the street.
im just like you – I WANT a beautiful garden but after watering, weeding, etc, I just……..run…..out….of…….steam. Ugh. Maybe this book can get me over this hump!
I need this book in my life because we need help with a small gardening boost. Our front and back yards are huge, and we want to get it all planted to the point where we don’t have to mow. We need to start out small and be able to expand from there. I’m almost to the point where I want/need to hire out a big job to start working on the front yard. We need curb appeal, but I’m not sure we can afford it! Help! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
We just bought our forever home. We have over 10 acres that are in dire need of some landscaping and a garden. We are totally new to this so we need tons of ideas and all the help we can get!
I don’t have a green thumb or a brown one, maybe a slightly yellow one, somethings grow for me while others don’t. I need this book to show me what I’m doing wrong. I’m tired of murdering plants, LOL!!!
I would love to read this book because my yard and gardens need the help. We have a big slope to the east side of the house and my husband decided they are to steep to mow so they should be gardens. HELP!
Thanks for the opportunity to win this book. It looks intriguing. Please count me in the draw! I think I may be doing “startle gardens” already, without knowing it. I’d love to see this book.
I need this book to gift to my daughter, she has finished the inside of her new house and is ready to tackle the outside. she is a seasonal gardener for a city near Toronto, and like the shoemaker’s children, HER garden needs some attention.
I love the sounds of this book. It would be so neat to have a little pretty surprise here and there for my guests to be startled by!
My yard and soul need to get back to gardening. <3
I need something to “startle” me off the couch and into the garden. This book looks like it just might do that. Great review!
I think I could handle this size garden!
Why do I think I need this book in my life? — I need inspiration. I need motivation. I need ORGANIZATION. I would love to have Carole’s book.
Thank you!
Oh my I would love the inspiration the book offers! My garden is so out of hand…I’d love to find some ways to encourage me to try again.
I’m just learning garding and would love to have this book. I do like planting in anything old and vintage. Thank you for a great give a away.
I need new fresh ideas for my garden. I’m having garden fog in ideas. Yes, please send to me.
Love your post…..I love to add old “junk” to my gardens too. The green moss is awesome. The “spring” in your little bed looked like a snake…ha ha Guess I have too many real ones here on the edge of the woods and everything looks like a snake. ha ha. ANYWAY, Thanks for telling us where the book name came from. I was wondering why Carole called it “startle” gardening, now I know. I am heading over to Amazon to order Carole’s book. Happy digging and planting. mickie
I have so many empty flower beds that need help. I could really use this book!
I need this book in my life because I love to be creative when it comes to my garden.
I’ve been heading in this direction for years but would like some more ideas and solutions. So far, I’ve been flying by the seat of my pants. LOL I love the name “startle garden” and now know what to tell people when they ask about my gardens.
I always think I am going to spruce up my very large back yard but never move beyond a few established areas. I think this book would help provide the inspiration to add some new areas.
I’m a junkee when it comes to gardening and old stuff that everybody passes by. I have pallets, old doors, and windows galore just waiting for projects to be done. We had to move because I was trying to garden an entire acre and it was exhausting and expensive. Now I have a small yard that I want to do right and on a shoestring budget! I have been putting my food scraps in the freezer for years and then burying it when I can. This book sounds so perfect for an easier cheaper way for me to do what I love the most…gardening AND “junking”.
Well i love gardening. I have just move back from Portugal. Where i started growing my own forcthe last 8 years .it was fun learning how and want you can grow .i would like to try growing back in england
I have so much more to learn.
WOW, This is exactly the idea I need for my 4ft x 24ft veggie garden bed (the only place left in the back yard for veggies.) The idea of composting directly into the soil between plants is Genius! I would love to win this book for more ideas along with your FAB ideas to expand on my next Startle Garden. I have leftover 4×4 and 2×4 from previous projects of Gazebo and Pergola that would be perfect. Hope you have a thaw soon and can get back out there. Don’t you just love creating the rustic woodsy goodies and displaying them in the yard. BTW, the giant spring looks like a giant snake. Love It!
We just moved to our dream house & yard. 4 lots & 4 acres. I am 58 & he is 62 & we are on our honeymoon since November 26,2016. Would love to have the knowledge and inspiration in the book to help us turn our green space into the retreat we are working on! Thank you for the opportunity!
I need this book in my life becaue it’s almost the end of February in Thunder Bay, Ontario and I need some spring inspiration to get me through until I can actually get into my garden!
Hi Donna:
I have gardened for years but I am a firm believer in life long learning and I am certain I could learn new and exciting tips to make my gardening experience more enjoyable, exciting and productive.
In addition, due to medical issues and on-going aches and pains I experience I need to consider how I can continue to garden in a more pain-free manner. I believe raised garden bins might be the answer and hopefully this book will provide many ideas I can easily adopt.
I also would like to personally grow more veggies so I know exactly the conditions they were grown in – to ensure I am eating healthier food.
That’s all for now, Nancy
Because I love to garden and I love rusty, old things and I love your website!! So cute. Thx for the opportunity???
I have NO imagination when it comes to creating something cute and unique in my yard and this book seems like it just may have some unique projects.
I do like your cute little ‘Spring’ garden and I do have some old springs that came off of an old jeep but didn’t know what I could do with them and they are taking up room in my garden shed.
Thank you for this giveaway opportunity
I understood when you mentioned the “fire going out” for gardening. I used to have a huge garden, but moved and have a much smaller one now. Two years ago I hurt my neck, in addition to an old lower back injury. Gardening has become difficult, and I wish I had a waist high raised bed lol. So even though my garden is small keeping up with it is now difficult. Chickweed moved in with a nursery plant and has made itself happy. I hesitate to lay down the old cardboard or newspaper under mulch because I love when surprise seedlings come up each year. At any rate I am looking for new inspiration. I love gardening. I just need to be reinvigorated!
We moved here a few months ago, and I will need to garden in a small space. Hopefully this book will be very handy! Thanks for the chance to win it.
I am moving this summer so my normal gardening at my current house has come to a halt. I am excited to get into my new place and tackle the garden…this book would be amazing to use as my source for starting new and fresh!
I want to amp up my gardening skills this year. I can’t wait to get some dirt under my nails!
Pick me!
After a little over a year in my new home I am SO ready to have a wonderful accent garden to spend time in.
I’m always looking for ways to make my garden more manageable but still beautiful. This book would surely help in that process.
Well we’ve been in this house for nearly 30 years, and I am in need of some new ideas and inspiration! Not to mention the fact that we’ve lost so many trees during the winter storms that my once partly sunny areas are now full sun and I need to replant those bare areas! Thank you for the opportunity to enter and your inspiration too!
I think I need this book in my life because I have a back yard that needs my assistance; but, I need some assistance, too! And I think this book could give me just that! Please choose me! Thank you for such an opportunity to enter to win it!
My husband grew up on a farm so as we started our own family, we grew our own vegetables. Since we have retired, we now grow a few things like tomatos and peppers in containers. This book could kick up our gardening projects.
This giveaway has now ended. #21 Jan won! Congrats Jan, you have been emailed.
Thanks for your comments, everyone!
I just read this post for the first time even though it was written two years ago. This book seems like it would be helpful to me in my gardening, so I just ordered a copy and I look forward to reading it, and hopefully I will be successful in my gardening endeavors. Spring has arrived here in Northwest Tennessee.
Awesome Anita! I really enjoyed it! It really encouraged me to stop thinking about stuff and just do it! Happy gardening!