Rustic shed update 1 – removing the damaged

Rustic shed update 1 - on wood protection and what would you do? / several part series on
I often get asked how to protect reclaimed wood.

How to protect or refinish wood / a comparison of wood wax and oil with Miss Mustard Seed and Fusion Mineral Paint /
I have protected or refinished it, which you can read in THIS post.

Why pressure washing is the best way to clean reclaimed wood /
And here is how I clean reclaimed wood prior to protecting. Which I still do with every strip I find!

But truth be told, I generally don’t protect it at all on most of my outdoor projects. 

Most of the wood I find is just that… the found variety that isn’t worth very much. So if it rots outdoors, I really don’t mind. It makes me change things when that happens, which challenges me to make new things. 

pallet wood walkway /
Much like this pallet wood walkway. Going on 4 years now!

pallet wood patio chair build via Funky Junk Interiors
Or this pallet wood chair. Still like brand new, but the patio roof is helping big time.

2 pallet wood walkway in a garden /
But not all outdoor reclaimed wood projects have made it. THIS pallet wood path bit the dust, which had to be removed and was made into THIS flowerbed instead. It happens.

But see? It created a pretty nice change!

In my line of work, changing stuff out is a good thing anyway, especially if it doesn’t really cost you anything.

Until it catches up on you… and rots before you are managing things… or it’s something you wish to keep around long term of course.

rustic garden shed in the backyard with old signs and red geraniums /
rustic garden shed in the backyard with old signs and red geraniums /
Here is my shed in its prime.

Here’s where things get a little rough. Ready?

the rustic shed in need of a new look
Here it is today. I call this look Helpess and Abandoned. I could start a new trend!

Truth be told, I’ve been putting all my time trying to keep up with the front yard. Which has me failing the back yard. Which has me questioning why I even HAVE a yard most days!

I know I’m slowing down on this yard thing. Thing is, digging and lifting and moving this and that is getting a little harder on me. Not sure if that means I should hire a great handyman / carpenter for some things. I already have a pruner. Wouldn’t that be magical? Come up with ideas and have someone else implement?

Yeah well… dream on, me. I realize if I (ahem) just cut the lawn, plant flowers, and trimmed that out of control grapevine, the shed could look cute again. 

Time to think of this little bit of work as a fun, new challenge!

broken firetruck crate that held flowers - before
The firetruck flower box crate finally bit the dust. I just checked… it’s 7 years old.

I sat on the edge the other day and it CRUSHED. The structure resembled powder. It’s done.

But I was honestly getting bored with this whole setup. I haven’t even planted flowers in it for 2 years and this year wasn’t looking promising either. See what happens when I get bored? I ignore it! It just needed a fresh, new take.

Not long ago, a lovely reader asked if they could stop by, and tour my ‘beautiful garden‘.

Heh… I guess I’d better get to work!

I mean, a great, crappy ‘ol before makes an even outstanding after anyway, don’t you think?!

working on a rustic shed update
Always the optimist…

So anyway, once the crate came down…

rustic shed update... sawhorse legs for the beginnings of a potting bench /
These went up. Pretty sure you can see where this is going…

rustic shed update... sawhorse legs for the beginnings of a potting bench /
rustic shed update... sawhorse legs for the beginnings of a potting bench /
Annnnnd right on target, it started to rain.

Let’s hope it stops long enough to finish launching this idea…

Any fun suggestions?

Read the whole series HERE or:

Part 1 – removing the damaged – you are here

Part 2 – building a sawhorse potting bench

Part 3 – shed reveal with potting bench and new sign

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Categories: DIY, Gardening, Junk Drawer, Outdoors, Reclaimed wood projects
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8 thoughts on “Rustic shed update 1 – removing the damaged

  1. Hi Donna, I can’t wait to see what your plan is for the sawhorses! I am truly stumped as to the idea you may have with them, but I have no doubts that it’s going to be good!

  2. got a little teary when I saw the BC license plate…and then I laughed! I’m so happy I’m not alone in the weed department…previous owners planted mondo grass & it has taken over! I’ve always loved your shed…you’ve got your very own “she-shed” 🙂

  3. I like leaving the sawhorses and putting a table. You can work on it and also put flowers and whatever you wish on top to look pretty. That leaves you some room underneath to store some stuff you don’t have room for. Hang some things on the sides of the table too. Would look pretty with ivy hanging down the sides.

  4. Could it be an old wooden extension ladder laid across those sawhorses so really tall flowers (such as phlox) can grow up between the ladder openings? That’s probably not what you had in mind, but I thought I’d take a shot at it! LOL

  5. I’m with Gail on this one but I’m positive you will come up with something gorgeous and we’ll love it! Have a great weekend Donna!

  6. Hi Donna! I’m with Gail and Sharon on this one. A table top with flowers on it and storage underneath and ivy growing down is cool, but tall flowers coming up through the slats of a ladder is wonderful too. You are so handy and comfortable working with wood and tools you could come up with building something out of pallet wood to resemble a ladder. I am really looking forward to seeing what you do. I hope it stops raining soon so I don’t have to wait too long! Ha!Ha!

  7. I’ve got a neglected shed as well. And of course it’s right in view of the patio and windows in the back of the house. I do have some old signs I’m not using, may as well put them on that right for some visual interest?

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