It’s most definitely hydrangea harvesting season!
Let the over abundant decorating games begin. 🙂
Most folks have pruned their hydrangeas by now. I leave them intact until I use them.
Frost is just around the corner, and that’s when they turn brown. So it’s now or never.
But… they need one more thing.
With the addition of the ‘dried to a golden crisp’ hydrangeas from the ladder…
#13 Dare to be over abundant in whatever you do.
And let imperfection go. We’ll pretend the pan on the right didn’t drop, and I shot all these amazing closeups, because it didn’t get dark so soon.
Oh. Well. 🙂
See my over abundant 2014 hydrangea ladder here.
And my over abundant 2013 hydrangea mantel here.
And then there’s my over abundant 2012 hydrangea dresser here.
How to dry hydrangeas is here.
Visit all dream box building updates HERE
I just cut some of my hydrangeas yesterday to dry in water. Mine are lime green and pink. I have gardened for 30 years and have only had luck with hydrangeas the last 5-6 years. Love, Love them. I now have three bushes that produce lots of blossoms and one that is all pink and less likely to produce more than one or two large blossoms. I go crazy too, drying bundles for family and also put them in my winter pots with pine boughs and holly (Michigan has a long winter); great to look at under the snow on my porch.
Thanks for sharing.
Oh that sounds so lovely Eloise! My blue bush changed to lime green, then pink, then purple. I could barely keep up! Next will be brown if I leave them long enough… which I usually do. LOL
Good morning. I wanted to write to you about your Newsletter this week. Thank you. You don’t know how many times I may have been in a bad mood or just having the blah’s and I open up my emails and see what is going on in the blog world and it cheers me up. Thank you for the encouragement and the reminder to be thankful EVERYDAY. With the busy world we all live in, it is sometimes hard to remember all your blessings. But the sweet reminder you give me is wonderful. I love every post you make. You bring sunshine into the world. Love your ideas and creations. Your cats are so cute too. Happy Thanksgiving right back at you. Take care, Tracy
Tracy, you just made my day! Thank YOU for brightening mine up! And thanks so much for sharing your opinion! I truly value it!
personally i do not think you can be over abundant with hydrangeas i can’t wait for my baby plants to grow up and become big bushy flowerful loves btw loved the newsletter xx
I happen to agree with you Chris!
And thanks for the kind words on the newsletter! I need to make a proper way for feedback on it. Will do that next round! Somehow… 😀
Very pretty! It’s hard to tell if the cat is looking at the fire or is mesmerized by all the hydrangeas.
This round it was the fire thank goodness! It’s a tactic to keep them away from even spotting the hydrangeas… they like to play in them.
Even on a mantel… 🙂
I have two hydrangea bushes and I did not get one bloom this year. Your hydrangea are beautiful and I am hoping that next year I will have an over abundance of blooms. Incidentally I personally think we need to see more pictures of your kitties. One tonight was not enough.
Haha Patty! They are hard to catch, being indoors and always moving. My house is a cave this time of year and I need the shutter WIDE open.
Tune in for Tuesday’s (tomorrow’s) post.. I have another cat photo bomber at your service. 🙂
One of my favorite flowers is hydrangea and I’ve only had them at a vacation home … and now we’re moving to Arizona so don’t think I can grow them there, oh well.
Donna, I can’t believe how many blooms you get from your hydrangeas! My plants are hug but I don’t get nearly as many flowers. The mantle looks great! Perfect fall colors and I love the cat sauntering through the shot.
Absolutely gorgeous! Love Hydrangeas!
That picture looks so warm and cozy. I love it!
I’m not sure there’s any other way to use Hydrangeas other than OVERABUNDANTLY! So gorgeous Donna!
Donna … Your fireplace is absolutely GORGEOUS!! Please bring some hydrangeas to my house!! I told my husband were planting some next year … Much cheaper than continuing to buy some bouquets from the store!!
This is so gorgeous! I only wish I had a hydrangea bush that large! Love your mantel by the way!
Just GORGEOUS! I just for the very first time dried my hydrangeas and have a new love & respect for them. Now one of my favorites! Love everything you are doing with yours!!
Oh my goodness!!! SO beautiful!
Your hydrangeas are beautiful. Love that you were able to capture some really green ones. Mine are usually a little more faded. I also like the way you styled the mantel. Overflowing with the bounty.
Donna, your mantel is just breath taking! I love the over abundant look! I planted 1 hydrangea plant this year and next year I am planting more!
Okay, this space is SO inviting! I love everything about it, especially the bundles of colorful flowers. It’s picture perfect!!