Living (close to) a Cabin Life with bathroom storage ideas

Towel storage on a gate / Bathroom storage ideas in Cabin Life! on

 Yesterday I spent a day at the beach. It was so nice to sit on a chair, with a mocha frappucino in hand, facing the gorgeous water and mountains, with the sound of the waves lapping along the shore. I even did a little junk’in at Rusty’s again… (more on my day soon!)

And that’s when I started dreaming again about having my own cabin one day. If only… 

It would be so nice to pack up the clothes, then take off to the cabin for the weekend. And naturally my cabin would be very close to junk shops, so I could putz around in my also lake front workshop and make things…

Nevermind… I’ll just MOVE. 🙂

Bathroom storage ideas in Cabin Life! on

Well, lately I got to do the next best thing to my little dream… Cabin Life Magazine called on me to do a feature for bathroom storage ideas that would be suitable for a cabin. 


So I got to work…

Toolbox turned towel holder / Bathroom storage ideas in Cabin Life! on

An old toolbox got turned to it’s side, mounted to an old door, and became an instant towel holder. And now I want to take it off that door and put it in my own downstairs bathroom. Maybe I’ll just leave it on the door. I really love it!

It’s a good sign when you sell yourself on your own idea, don’t you think?!

Ladder towel shelf / Bathroom storage ideas in Cabin Life! on
And then I morphed my ladder side table into a towel storage unit. Yes… I think if I had a cabin this would be perfect!

Doesn’t hurt to plan now, does it?! 🙂

Ladder towel holder / Bathroom storage ideas in Cabin Life! on
You’ll recognize this bathroom… it’s the way I have it now. But I reshot the room to show the ladder as the most prominent feature.

Pallet wood towel hanging wall / Bathroom storage ideas in Cabin Life! on
By this time, I was on a ROLL. My pallet wall in my master bathroom became a pretty funky cabin wall idea, with a sauna touch, don’t you think?

It was so fun to morph areas in my home to do something else. And I must have sold Cabin Life on the ideas because…

Bathroom storage ideas in Cabin Life! on

They all made it into the magazine! WHOOOOP!

Bathroom storage ideas in Cabin Life! on

Let’s see… it says right there IN PRINT… “Donna Williams (<—— that would be ME!) loves creating unique decor from salvaged finds…”

Why yes I sure do! And it was so fun to pretend I lived in a cabin for a short while… even if it was in my own home.

Bathroom storage ideas in Cabin Life! on

Oh Cabin Life, you make my heart pull so… because you KNOW I had to browse through more than just my own feature, right?

Bathroom storage ideas in Cabin Life! on
Sigh… one day. 🙂

Thank-you so much, Cabin Life, for accepting my crazy ideas, loving my photos, and allowing me to be living (close to) a Cabin Life with bathroom storage ideas. Even if they were from my own home.

Maybe one day I can write for you shooting from my real cabin. 🙂

A girl can dream, can she not?

You can see my other Cabin Life feature of my stairs HERE. 

Disclosure / I partnered with Cabin Life for the magazine feature, however the blog post was my idea. I love to show my appreciation to those that feature my work! 🙂

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Categories: Junk Drawer, Press, Staging / decorating

25 thoughts on “Living (close to) a Cabin Life with bathroom storage ideas

  1. This is great, I will have to keep a look out for that magazine next time I’m at the store. Love the wood – in the natural is my favorite.
    Carole @ Garden Up green

  2. What great ideas! I dream of having a mountain cabin. And a beach cottage. And a lake house. I already have ideas for decorating all of them. Lol Congrats on the article! I dream of being asked to be featured somewhere someday too! You’re hard work made your dreams come true.

  3. Hooray Donna! Way to go! I love the thought of a cabin too. I was just googling “tiny houses” yesterday. You know those little bitty houses they build now (about 200 sq ft)? I thought it would be a more economical option for a cabin. Buy or rent some land and then plop a tiny house there. Oh to dream……

  4. I can SO relate to your desire for a little cabin….somewhere! I always wanted a log cabin by a lake (think “On Golden Pond”)! As I have gotten older, I too have turned portions of our home into “The Cabin”!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Donna,

    Love your idea for the toolbox as a towel holder. You did it again. When I hit the lottery, I’m buying you that cabin! How else can I repay you for all your blog means to me.

  6. And just think…We knew you when… Congratulations! Everything you make and do is just so darn fun. I don’t like many decor ideas that take themselves so seriously! I love reading your blog and seeing what you come up with. Enjoy.

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