photo source: Jennylyn Pringle of Fusion Mineral Paint
You may remember my affiliation with Fusion Mineral Paint. Their merchants have the option to carry Old Sign Stencils from their stores.
(Locate a merchant near you HERE to save shipping costs!)
Well… the stencils have crossed a little movie star threshold… they’ve now been on TV!
photo credit / <— please pin from source
Grocery stencil can be found HERE.
photo credit / <— please pin from source
Michael Penney, a Canadian interior designer, makes frequent appearances on the Marilyn Dennis show in Canada. He has a colour paint line through Fusion. But this round, he wanted to spotlight MY STENCILS. Oh my…
After sending him a few of his favs, I waited with baited breath to see if he’d actually create with them. And know what? He DID! Right on the show.
You can WATCH THE CLIP HERE. Just a very proud Old Stencil mom moment… 🙂
Visit Michael’s beautiful post on the feature too HERE.
photo source: Jennylyn Pringle of Fusion Mineral Paint
Michael also has a few stencilled signs throughout his stores! What a beautiful showcase for them!
So fabulous!
And, as if that wasn’t enough, the stencils got a little magazine exposure too…
photo source: Jennylyn Pringle of Fusion Mineral Paint
Fusion Mineral Paint was going to be spotlighted in Somerset Magazine, and they asked me to submit a project I did with Fusion.
Well, you guessed it. My antiques paint cupboard (how to HERE) made it in. EEK!
No sign of stencils here… 😉
photo sources: Jennylyn Pringle of Fusion Mineral Paint
Buddy Tara from Suburble’s gorgeous buffet redo is keeping me company! I can’t wait to find a copy of this!
It’s rather exiting when your ‘babies’ get their 15 min of fame. 🙂 And I can’t wait to add to the collection once I return home!
But… let’s chat about that for a moment.
While a lot of what I do involves old signs, I don’t always want to appear to be selling them. So I’ll be working out a way to have the stencils featured in their own space on the blog.
The stencil collection is young, but will ultimately grow and just need a space of its own. So thanks for bearing with me as we transition this in the near future. This has all been a bit of a trial to see if they were a desired thing.
Thank YOU for showing me they are! And if you have suggestions on what you’d like to see created for fall or even the holidays and beyond, feel free to chime in comments. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
We are on the last week of our Maui adventure, and while I am trying not to feel blue about leaving, may I admit, I miss my workshop and getting my hands dirty with something other than sunblock and sand?
And cat hair… Ohhhh the cat hair! I vow to never complain about cat hair ever again… 🙂
I can’t believe you only have a week left in Maui. ENJOY! How neat to have your stencils featured and what a great idea to send them out. I saw your Farmer’s Market Stencil over at Dandelion house on her Farmgirl beach blog. Was neat because she used it in her farmers flower display. I shared your blog with my subscribers a couple weeks ago – I’ve been reading for 5 years and love everything. Hope to see more of your stencils pop up – thinking in my garden would be a great start.
Congrats & it is well deserved!
Donna that’s so amazing for you !! Your heart must be overflowing with joy!
WOW! So happy for YOU!
These moments come…and must be savoured. Breathe it in.
Congratulations! Looks as if things continue to soar! You must have so much pent up creativity that you’ll have no problem coming up with some wonderful fall and holiday projects. Looking forward to them.
Congrats! It’s always so exciting to see your creations in print! You make lots of fun stuff.
Congratulations Donna! I thoroughly enjoyed watching the video and seeing your stencils come to life on TV! You know I LOVE them. Hope you’re enjoying these last few days of paradise.
I loved watching him stencil those signs. I especially loved painting something black and then shifting the stencil and painting another color. I never thought of that. You know I never mind you writing about your stencils. I knew you were a sign maker when I signed up for your blog. I just “unsubscribed” from a blog because this person starting selling things and EVERY blog entry it seemed showcased her things. If it is once in awhile I don’t mind but when it seems every time I do mind. Same thing with these essential oils, I know you sell them them, don’t shove them down my throat. I am so happy you had a wonderful time in Hawaii but even though I don’t get the cat hair, I miss them. I also loved the Marilyn Denis Show, too bad we don’t get it here. Thanks for sharing.
How cool to have your stencils on Marilyn, congratulations! Too bad they didn’t mention your name or the Funky Junk name.
I would love to see stencils with the word river. I live in Texas and have property on the Frio river. I see signs and artwork for lakes and beaches and that’s it! I realize you don’t chase either of these, but it would be awesome to see some river stencils from you. Texas the land of 1100 springs. Cabin river floating, etc…
Wonderful news!!
So happy for you, Donna!
Your talents are spreading far & wide-and you deserve all the attention & accolades!!
So happy for you Sweet Donna! I loved the segment and seeing your line so aptly demonstrated! You go girl! God Bless You!
MANY HAPPY CONGRATULATIONS, DONNA!!! You must be absolutely over-the-moon right about now! That was exhilarating to watch, too! I love Marilyn…wish I had the opportunity to watch more of her….love her even more now that your stencils have been featured on the show! 🙂
I don’t mind you plugging the stencils, either…they’re a fantastic product and I enjoy knowing about them…plus, a bloggin’ girl has to eat, too, right? I’m wondering if at some point, you might consider creating a skating-related stencil for closer to the holidays…maybe for a skate sharpening sign or something similar?
Enjoy the blessed time you have left in Maui! And know that there are many who are celebrating your successes right along with you!
Lots of smiles here this morning as I read your exciting news. SO happy for you…my “twin Pin” as Pinterest told me since we share 12 pins. Hmmmm, could it be because I “Pin” ALL your great ideas!
Congrats to you! You must be ‘over the moon ‘ with excitement. Well done!
Proud mama! And you should be. Can’t feel too sorry for your SIX WEEKS (!) of vacation finally coming to an end. Okay, just a little. But your kitties and your workshop miss you…
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! ???? I am so happy for you! You REALLY deserve the recognition!! ?
Congrats! You must be so excited!
I do have a couple suggestions for stencils …. I would love to see WELCOME, BELIEVE and NOEL. I would also love to see some mix and match add ons. Like a star, pineapple, heart, etc etc
Congratulations!! I love my stencils & can’t wait to see what kind of designs you come up with for Fall.
Wow, congrats on all your success with the stencil line. It’s such a cool idea with so many creative ways to use them. How about a sports theme line of stencils? Hockey, baseball, football…etc.(old style logo type style), old license plate look? Just some ideas for ya. Looking forward to what you come up with next.
Exciting and well deserved – Congratulations Donna! I’ll check out the video clip from the Marilyn Denis show next. Enjoy your last week in Hawaii.
So awesome, Donna! Congratulations on all your successes!
Donna you are an original and your sucess is well deserved!