When I first started blogging, well before the art of repurposing became ‘a thing’, the ideas that popped into my head were… unique.
Maybe even forbidden in the ‘real world of decorating’.
I didn’t even know how to swing a power tool back then.
Yet, because I desired to decorate my newly renovated home without a surplus penny in sight, my furniture store became the curb.
Once in a while, I felt lucky finding something usable as is. But in more cases than not, it was some heap of junk that had seen far better days. So creativity was needed to ramp it up to speed.
You know the drill now. However back then, it was a foreign concept. Who shops the curb?
I remember one sleepless night WAY back I threw a new idea up on the blog, and scheduled it to post in the evening. Then I went to bed.
However after scheduling, I felt super unsettled. As in, if the world knew what I just made, I may be laughed or criticized off the net.
I tried to drift off, but it wouldn’t work. Worry kept my mind wide awake as if on its own caffeine high.
Enough was enough! I got up, stumbling my way through the outdoor lamp post lit dark room towards the computer, flicked it back on to unschedule my post. That project was just too different.
However, it was too late. I lost count of the time it was to post and it was already up.
Oh no…
I reluctantly scrolled down and winced as I approached the comment area, bracing for the worst…
But the wincing was never needed. I couldn’t believe it… a nice comment was made! At this late of night! What on earth…
With a huge smile and heart rate racing for much better reasons now, I decided to leave the post up and see what transpired the next day.
HERE is that project.
If you scroll down to comment #23, you’ll see what I said…
I ran my ‘unique style’ against a long time friend, Dan. We chatted about the strange stuff I was making from junk and this was his own take…
“Being different doesn’t make something right or wrong. Good nor bad. Being different is in a category all on its own. Unique drives interest and gives you a special edge. No matter what.”
That right there taught me a valuable lesson.
Even if something was different, if I liked it, someone else will probably as well. No matter what.
From thereon, I led a relatively fearless blogging life, allowing my crazy hair brained schemed ideas to take over, and bravely post them.
Fast forward to recently, I saw everyone making farmhouse clocks, however I didn’t have a clock kit. Yet I loved the look.
So I made a clock HERE that didn’t care what time it was… because all the clock parts were just pieces of junk, without a battery in sight.
At the time, while I at first laughed at my non-working clock idea, I didn’t really care.
It’s a very freeing feeling when you can just post whatever comes to mind and not really be bothered by the outcome.
It’s just a fun project.
However, my little non working clocked seemed to work for others.
Hometalk emailed me asking to post it on their site, then Somerset Home Magazine requested to feature it in their magazine! It’s currently in their Spring 2018 edition and it is one big and beautiful 6 page spread!
Oh my goodness. It’s a beautiful feature that I’m so honoured to have been gifted.
Clock post is HERE / Farmhouse stencil is HERE
So the next time you get a crazy hair-brained scheme and hesitate to share it with the world…
It’s ‘time’ to reconsider…
Here’s my own press page as working proof.
What do you want to do that’s a little out of the norm?
Other fake-it projects:
From greenhouse to backyard shed
Thank you so much for this post. My husband and I will soon have our house unto ourselves again. And I’ve been wondering how to redecorate after the “”grandkids in-residence decor style”. I’m glad to know there is no decor formula for a successful blog as I thought I would blog this late date journey into home decor and gardening this time around. Thx you.
Hi Diane, your new plans sound wonderful! You are right in there is no exact recipe out there for anything. Your creativity is the key!
I so love your work. My favs still stand as the shed and lamp. And I love how you do not feel a need to add color, but are comfortable with the things that you use, as they are. The grays, blacks and whites are lovely.
Thanks Brenda! And so funny you mention lack of colour! I’m so drawn to natural elements as is these days… so clean, easy on the eyes and timeless. I love colour however it can also weigh me down, making me tire of it quickly. If that even makes sense! 😀
I feel the same way.
Color and patterns seem to weigh on me for some reason.
Oh Donna, I just fell in love with your clock. And who cares what the real time is?! When an idea hits time doesn’t matter. I believe people strive for unique items and the only way to have unique items is to unlock the creativity. We all have flops that we’d rather not speak of, but isn’t that just the way life goes? Your creations and ability to share them with others is a gift of it’s own. You help inspire so many people and in a good way! Congrats on the beautiful article celebrating unique you!!!!
Thanks Sharon! I sure didn’t expect 6 pages! Side note: Even flopped projects can succeed… this clock was suppose to be a cover for a table (hence all the back bracing) but it didn’t look good that way! haha
The best part of being different? When I see a pin on pinterest or elsewhere, I immediately know it is one of yours! You have a signature style – something that everyone wants! You are a trendsetter! <3
Oh goodness Laura… thank-you! It may also have to do with using the same reclaimed wood stash I have tons of! 😀
So true! The Funky Junk aesthetic is immediately recognizable and in a beautiful lane of it’s own!
Your weird, wacky, wonderful, odd ball decorating style changed the world for me Donna. I think the first thing I ever saw that you made was the license plate storage and I was completely hooked. You’re off the wall creative
Who knew the simplest project in the world taking 10 seconds to make could become a thing?! Grateful it caught your eye and helped you seek out your own creativity! Thank-you Michelle!
Donna, congrats on the magazine spread! Not that I’m surprised. You have wonderful ideas and execute them fantastically. You are a true artist and continue to inspire me.
Thanks for the great post. It was a timely reminder to keep putting myself out there and share my crazy-hair-brained-ideas. <3 🙂
Yes please! Never stop! Our own gifts become gifts to others when we share them.
Donna, I copied Dan’s quote about being unique. You summarized in this article how I feel about posting anything to social media. Basically, I’ve been judging myself against others who seem to have decorating down pat, without thinking there might be someone out there who shares my views. Your very inspiring. Love how your mind “sees” things. Thank you.
Dan mentored me while I worked for him over a couple of years. I’m just grateful I continue to remember what’s most important so I can share them! Glad this one struck a note with you, it’s a good one!
congratulations on a well deserved 6 page spread & a reason for me to buy another magazine!
love your unique style…just wished you lived closer so I could give you some junk!
Oh my goodness Jane… having access to your junk stash daily would be my own home version of Hawaii….
Hi Donna, I love your style. That’s what makes the world go by. Everyone has their own style. I have a mix style. A little of this and that. My granddaughters come over and tell me that of my house even in Sydney. So I guess I am doing something right. Love your posts and look forward to them.
You were one of my first and favorite blogs because of your creativity and willingness to share . Keep up the good work.
Good morning, Donna
I am a fan of all your homemade “junk” things. Everytime I see a piece of junk laying around, I think of you and how I can make something exciting with it. I redid a studio recently to make stained glass creations and needed a small shelf. Hubby and I cleaned out a 77 year old family home and you can imagine what we found. An old skateboard made by hubby’s dad. Could not part with it and now it is the small shelf I needed. Awesome that you are featured in a magazine. I will be buying it soon. Thank you for your post. Keep up the good work!
“Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care…about time? If so I can’t imagine why….”
Congrats. On all your successes.
I am an old weird( love that adjective now… when young hated it) .. dumpster diving diva. I started bringing home junk when I was a kid. We didn’t have any power tools, so used hammer and saws the old fashioned way… and I have the scars to prove it:-).
Now, all my strange ways and “ concoctions” are no longer an unacceptable style but seem to be in the mainstream of design. Gals like you have made me cool and admired for my creations. I say I was born re-purposed! Even though I am a writer, I do not blog. I have sales twice a year at my art barn, Hawk’s Creek. This outlet gives me an opportunity to share and pay it forward. Thanks again for keeping the junk torch burning.
Thank YOU for help paving the way, even though you didn’t intend to! One thing is for certain… our homes will always be unique! 😀
Everyone who felt as I did,take a collective sigh of Relief(SIGH)for I can’t be the only one noticing,Your leaning toward other pursuits,(Which is just Perfectly fine)as long as we can still get our Junk ideas from the Queen!
Best Wishes
How insightful! I’ve been dreaming up other things to add to my recipe for sure. However one thing will never change… my biggest passion still falls over the love of junk projects. Creating something from nothing will always remain #1. I just need to now figure out a way to make limitless junk so my house doesn’t explode… haha I am working out ideas to help make that happen so I don’t hesitate when a brainstorm hits.
Thank-you for your actually very inspiring kind comment!
Thank You for taking my comment in the exact light it was intended.
You have just that certain knack of putting wonderful treasures together in the most wonderful way!!
I adore your out of the box ideas and love that you share them with us.
I love your clock and all your junky projects!
I have so many ideas in my head, but keep forgetting to buy a little journal to jot them down. 🙂
I’m sure it was fate, that couldn’t delete your post…and I am so glad!
Congratulations, Donna! That is so exciting! You’ve always been the Queen of Junk! You’ve grown this whole industry by getting our crazy ideas on the internet, not hidden away in our shops. Kudos for having the tech expertise to bring curbside junk to the forefront and making it fashionable! Great post!
Congrats! I so love your design aesthetics. Both your junk design abilities and your personal stories are so very inspiring. Continued success and blessings.
I love this project, it turned out perfectly. Tank you for sharing it. Ww!
Wow, fabulous job. I love the rustic looks. You nailed these projects. Thank you so much for sharing.