How to arrange hydrangeas in baskets for a fall mantel!

Learn how to arrange hydrangeas in baskets for a fall mantel! Includes how to dry hydrangeas wilt-free as well!

How to arrange hydrangeas in baskets for a fall mantel!

And a happy fall to you! Is it fall yet? I’m not entirely sure. It’s still super muggy out here and coats aren’t needed quite yet. But that hasn’t stopped me from playing around with hydrangea filled baskets for a fall mantel.

Oh hello there Skye! Thank you for sitting still for a quick moment!

Harvesting hydrangeas off a bush via

When to dry hydrangeas


The very best time to dry cut hydrangeas is in fall once the petals have turned slightly crispy! This allows for the petals to dry wilt-free!

I’ve written about how to dry hydrangeas wilt-free HERE if you’d like a few more tips.

Fall hydrangeas are the colours of the rainbow! via

Plus, fall hydrangeas are gorgeous! They turn into a rainbow of colours. This bush was completely blue just a short month ago.

So here’s how to arrange hydrangeas in baskets for a fall mantel! Wilt-free too!

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How to arrange hydrangeas in baskets

for a fall mantel!


Learn how to arrange hydrangeas in baskets for a fall mantel! Includes how to dry hydrangeas wilt-free as well!

Gather your container of choice


1. Gather plenty of wicker baskets, galvanized buckets or crates.

I couldn’t resist putting all those amazing rustic baskets to work from my junker brother’s garage sale!

However any like minded container that will hold cut hydrangeas will work. Even consider mixing it up!

Learn how to arrange hydrangeas in baskets for a fall mantel! Includes how to dry hydrangeas wilt-free as well!

Arrange baskets as desired


2. Position baskets on the mantel where desired.

The baskets were positioned in a tumbled-over effect. The light plays really neat off the woven textures!

Learn how to arrange hydrangeas in baskets for a fall mantel! Includes how to dry hydrangeas wilt-free as well!

Fill up each basket


3. Place buckets of water inside the baskets where possible.

4. Arrange large hydrangea stems into the buckets of water.

5. Fill in gaps with drier hydrangeas that can’t reach water. If the hydrangea flower petals are slightly crispy, they will dry wilt-free!

Tuxedo cat Lake, so handsome and ready to bring in fall! - via Funky Junk Interiors

Hey Lake! Can you hold still while a get a few good kitty cat shots? (it’s a rare moment then they aren’t running in blur motion) Ohhhh… isn’t that boy so very handsome?! Mooches! Smile…

Decorating tuxedo cats mayhem - via Funky Junk Interiors

Cat moment


Oh good grief.  Would you two leave the props alone? I’m not done with the shoot yet! No no no, that is NOT a tree…

“AHEM… we are TWEAKING.”

OHHHH sorry. Carry on then…

Learn how to arrange hydrangeas in baskets for a fall mantel! Includes how to dry hydrangeas wilt-free as well!

While they wrestle with… everything, we can just enjoy a quiet moment here.

Learn how to arrange hydrangeas in baskets for a fall mantel! Includes how to dry hydrangeas wilt-free as well!

Along the sides of the baskets, the hydrangeas were cascaded down to create a waterfall effect. 

As long as the crispier hydrangeas are used in these, they will dry like this perfectly without the petals wilting!

Learn how to arrange hydrangeas in baskets for a fall mantel! Includes how to dry hydrangeas wilt-free as well!

And hopefully no kitties can get to these hydrangeas quietly nestled way up high on top of this mantel.

Learn how to arrange hydrangeas in baskets for a fall mantel! Includes how to dry hydrangeas wilt-free as well!

We can hope…

It’s quite a look isn’t it? Think you’ll fill up your mantel with hydrangeas this season?

Other hydrangea posts:

Dried fall hydrangea wreath

How to make a hydrangea wreath in 5 minutes

Outrageous dried hydrangea filled dresser

How to harvest and dry hydrangeas

How to prune hydrangeas to achieve the most blooms

View many other hydrangea projects and tips HERE

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Categories: All Cool Projects, DIY, Fall, Fireplace mantels, Junk Drawer, Seasonal, Staging / decorating
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28 thoughts on “How to arrange hydrangeas in baskets for a fall mantel!

  1. Gorgeous!!! LOVE the baskets/tumbling effect and LOVE the hydrangeas…. and especially LOVE the inclusion of Skye and Lake!! (Don’t count on them not getting to the hydrangeas on the mantel).

    I need to read your ‘how to dry hydrangeas’ instructions. If I cut mine and put them out for display/decoration, they seem to just turn brown. Tho’ they’re really pretty as they do the turning, once brown they are, of course, too dull.

    Thanks for the beautiful photos and incentive to start fall decorating.

  2. Thanks, Donna! Terrific idea for using and displaying baskets! I went back to your older posts on hydrangeas and definitely learned a few new things! Your little “tuxedo kitties” are too cute!

    • Donna, I love the first picture. The basket and hydrangeas look fabulous on your stone fireplace – really love the fireplace. Keep blogging – it is my daily go-to place. You are a wonderful writer with great photos. Mardy

  3. Okay – those are gorgeous! And the flowers aren’t bad either!
    I think my mother has a whole hedge of hydrangea at her house. . . I may have to go over and get some for a mantel decoration. . . i don’t have a whole bunch of baskets. . . hmmm. . . i’ll think of something!

  4. Hydrangeas are my favorite flowers in the world, and what you have done with your mantel is outstanding. Just Beautiful, love them with the baskets. And your two cats are pretty sweet too!!

  5. Just LOVE the kitties, mantel, baskets and the Hydrangeas (my favorite flower….along with daisies!!)…..just beautiful! I have two varieties….the pink ones that then go green and a dark mauve (unless I remember to do the acid and then it’s blues and purples) and the white ones that go a soft green to a light brown when drying. They’re wonderful to decorate with! My cats LOVE them and always find a way to get where they are….

  6. Beautiful hydrangeas, the colors are gorgeous!, in wonderful baskets on your beautiful fireplace mantel with a lovely view of the “Lake” and the “Skye”, how could it get any better? Does your brother want those baskets back now seeing how beautiful they look on your mantel? Those are great pictures for your book 🙂

  7. Oh Donna, your mantel is beautiful! I love the way the hydrangea colors look with the texture of the baskets! I am glad you saved all those great baskets from the garage sale, too.

    Love your blog, always so inspiring and interesting…..


  8. Hydrangeas are my absolute favorite, think I’ve done like three hydrangea posts this summer already!Great idea putting the baskets on their sides, love the look!

  9. Dear inspiration , Please ,Pretty ,please, will you let your brother adopt me. I love old baskets, you fell into a Great look. I cut my neighbors flowers today and can’t stop thinking of yours into those baskets.I’ll have to hit the thrift shops. Thanks for making others drool…Please send me your brothers answer soon! Have a wonderful day.

  10. I love the hydrangeas and the simplicity of your mantle. It’s funny though, that as I write this, I’m actually taking a break from REMOVING two hydrangeas that have got out of control in my yard.

    Happy Fall!

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