With our muggy, summery days of late, it’s been nice to escape to the patio to take in the summer breeze.
But I was missing one thing. While I made a handy little crate side table with a tray top, it wasn’t really perfect for say… a laptop. Being that I had two pallet sofas, another table wouldn’t hurt!
Being a tad cramped for space, I took the pallet wood coffee table apart first, and gained some new wood in exchange.
I just LOVE change-my-mind furniture.
This little metal framed table topped with plywood was the perfect candidate. I either landed this thing on the curb or by a dumpster, I don’t remember. But it’s been in storage for some time. It’s just too stinkin’ heavy to lug around so I never used it in the yard.
But it’s perfect for up here.
So you see those 2x4s from the coffee table? I cut them down to size…
… and attached them to the top, by flipping the table upside down on them, then screwing in from the bottom.
The world’s easiest real wood topped side table revamp ever.
I don’t make it a habit of treating the tops of anything reclaimed because it darkens the tone, so instead, I gathered up some firewood, and cut wood rounds for the perfect, rustic coasters.
Thank you junker brother Les! Your firewood has yet again created something cool! (Here’s the log candle centrepiece I made for Christmas)
One day I may even have a fire with it! (Who am I kidding…)
Now, I’m uncertain if it was because of the type of wood or maybe my miter saw blade is dull, but the finish the cut left on the coasters was like I had varnished them. Shiny and everything. Anyone know why I was blessed with this fluke?!
Some fresh cut purple hydrangeas from the back yard earned centre stage for colour. Aren’t they amazing?
And in case you were wondering. the black metal frame will not get repainted. It’s rusty in some areas, colourful in others, but most of it’s chippy black. I couldn’t achieve that finish if I tried, so why ruin a good thing I say.
Such a wonderfully cool little side table that works so well with the pallet chair!
I also needed to make a cute toolbox to hold them too. Visit this tutorial HERE.
Now… let’s see how it performs with the laptop…
Seriously!!!! This instant, chunky 2×4 tabletop with firewood coasters for the patio is perfect! Adding tiny casters to the feet would be helpful too, so I’ll be on the lookout.
As for that coffee? It was my son’s Vanilla Biscotti. I just poured it for the photoshoot… but man it smelled great…
But… right.. I’m working on something else too, so I really should just… that coffee… I…
Looks so inviting! Loving those coasters, too. Wish I could join you!!
I wish too Sharon! One day we shall meet…
Love it Donna! I was thinking awhile ago how I want to cover our coffee table with 2 x 4s… see how you’re rubbing off on others?
Oh, and you deserve the break – that looks like heaven!
In a couple of weeks (for the Where Blogger’s Create party) I will be revealing something you have definitely inspired me to do. But I will give you a shout (and a shout out) when it’s posted. 😉
Happy Canada Day on Tuesday!
The 2x4s don’t make a perfectly smooth top unless all of them are sanded to perfection… I may pick up a belt sander yet, as soon as I BUY one. 🙂 But I love the chunky solid wood look, so in my book it works!
So glad I was able to inspire you with something… can’t wait to see!
Oh that table is excellent… great find with the metal base! I love the coasters…too, wish I lived closer I’d pull up the other chair and share a cup of coffee!
Wouldn’t that be great?!?!
Barefoot is the best way to be after making that great table. I have marks on my feet from my flip flops and mowing my yard….. what is with that? I think I need to bleach my feet…… and no it is not suntan… lol.
Donna, I wish I could get all that wood you have to work with.
Sheryll, I know exactly what you mean!! Mine do the same thing! Yes….what’s up with THAT!?!? 🙂
Haha! Well, I wear runners (with no socks) when I build. So I’m always barefoot when I take them off. Trust me, my feet are not always that clean! haha
Love it! And your pallet sofa is awesome…
I really like how you used an old rusty table to make a perfect chunky, with rusty goodness side/coffee table! It’s perfect! And love your wood coasters too! Great use of a log for this time of year. 🙂 maybe your saw blade is dull….whatever the case, you got the perfect finish on them!
Love your style…thanks for letting me live in your world~~
Donna, your post are SOoooo great!! I look forward to computer time, just so I can see what you’ve posted next!! Love you!! 🙂
Your hydrangeas ! Spectacular! Gorgeous color!!
What type of surface do you have on your patio/deck? I grew up on the hot, dry prairies but now live in the hot, humid southern Ontario. My deck on my last house (I moved last Oct.) always started to grow green stuff and would never dry out in the summer., especially if we had some days of rain. It only got the morning sun and then was in shadow. It was built with treated wood.
I just noticed you sitting there with bare feet on an immaculately clean looking deck. I do believe you live in rainy and damp BC. What’s the trick this prairie girl is missing?
Btw, I love, love, love your home! It is so my style!
I never realized my bare feet would get so much attention! haha
My deck is covered in vinyl so it is nothing fancy. But I do pressure wash it at the beginning of every summer. That is the key! It doesn’t really get green, but it does get dirty. The vinyl washes up beautifully.
Funny you should admire the floor, it’s the one thing I wish I could change to wood, but I can’t since there is a room underneath that requires the floor to act as a waterproof roof.
OMG!! That is so cute!! AND your hydrangeas are breathtaking!! Here in Austin, Texas we can’t grow’em like that. Too hot. You are amazing! Happy 4th of July!
That hydrangea bush does so well! We get LOTS of rain in our region, so we pay a high price to have that beauty! haha Enjoy your SUN. 🙂
Donna, you are just amazing. Ever since I started viewing your site I have been collecting wood, I have been a junk collector for yrs., but anyway when I saw your pallet furniture I said to myself I can do that and you have given me so many good ideas. I don’t know what it is maybe the fear of failing but I haven’t done anything yet. Today I’m once again inspired and decided so what if it’s not perfect and I guess the only way to learn is just do it. Thanks so much for all the inspiration, although my husband not so much, all he see’s is wood and junk piling up. Thank goodness for basements and garages. Gotta go time to start a pallet chair. Thanks again.
Oh Patty, if there’s one thing I cannot do, that would be build to perfection. My cuts aren’t square and the joins have gaps. But I can see progress the more I do it for sure! I take lots of things apart only to redo them again much better the 2nd or 3rd or 4th time around.
A wise friend once told me the only way to get proficient at something is to fill a dumpster first. I do believe he was right! Go build. Reclaimed wood is free even if it fails, so what have you got to lose?
Looks beautiful!
Thank-you CL! Those coasters are right up a cabin lifer’s alley! 🙂
…looks wonderful! we are in for a few days of sun so you will get tons of use out of that space!
YES!! And you can bet you know where I’ll be living over the next few… happy sun day back atcha, neighbour!
Your hydrangeas are absolutely gorgeous!!!
What a great little table! I LOVE the metal base just the way it is, also. I’ll bet you’ll be re-purposing those coasters one day, too! 🙂
I love your home; it is so inviting. You are so inspirational. I would love to sit on the porch with you and drink a good cup-of-joe. We would have so much to talk about we would be there for hours.
Your patio looks sooooo inviting! I’d love to come over and join you sitting out there!! and your purple hydrangeas are gorgeous.
I love your “new” table, and those coasters are adorable!
I have followed your blog for awhile and I LOVE it! This table is awesome and the coasters are so cool.
Oh, I LOVE this cute little table Donna! And the coasters are awesome! I think I could live on your front porch and just enjoy those pretty purple flowers too!
So envious of your special little space! Would love to know what kind of wood you used for the coasters because the natural rings are just amazing!
Kimberly, I wish I knew! It was pretty hard to cut so it’s gotta be a hardwood of some kind. The grain AND the finish it was left with after the cut was amazing!
Hi Donna.
I love that table. Thanks for the inspiration. Off to go through the rest of your beautiful junk!
Love this! Those coasters are darling!
Hi Donna! Just rereading these posts on coasters and wondered why you cut the firewood coasters with a miter saw. Also wondered if you or anyone else has made a new wooden yardstick look old (I don’t have any old yardsticks).
My husband just brought home the wood crate pieces that came to his work-it was used to protect a retail frig. WOW! Now to go through all your projects to figure out what to do with it all.
Love your blog!
Hey Kathy, I cut the wood with a miter saw (a chop saw that just goes down) because that’s the easiest saw to use. The saw is stabilized on the table so you don’t have to hold the weight of a blade, and the cuts are the straightest. Do you have another suggestion?
To make a new yardstick look old, I’d beat it up with a hammer and stain it. Pretty sure that could work! 🙂