Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard shades

Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
Today’s post is rather special. Or should I say, it was a special gift, which eventually morphed into junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard shades!

Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
Yes. TWO of them!


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Welcome to those of you from Jen’s house! I’m #2 so here we go!

Jen Rizzo is the mastermind behind this fun event, where 21 bloggers swapped a thrift store find to create with. But it could be ANYTHING.

Sawhorse brackets / part of Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

Sawhorse brackets / part of Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
So… Jen sent me… these. You know what these are, right? They are saw horse brackets in pretty rough shape.

What to make! Hmmm… let’s see….

Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

Well, the above would have already been done then with no DIY in sight. Not desiring to cheat, here’s what I did instead…

Mini saw horses / Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
I decided to make tiny sawhorses for a start, not knowing exactly what they’d yet do. How’s that for running on faith?

And then I took them for a walk throughout the house. And ended up in the kitchen. Right in front of lamps I never did like. I love lamps in a kitchen for nighttime glow and improved daytime task lighting, but wanted junk styled ones instead. Perfect!

Sawhorse lamp base / Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

While I love me some beat up metal, these needed a little help. I desired more black definition, so I hit the metal with black acrylic craft paint, then dragged some sandpaper just along the edges. 

Pipes for lamp / Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
Next up, pipe shopping. Ignore the shade bracket shown. That version didn’t work. My first shades were a fail. I returned to the hardware store and picked up real shades instead.

In the piping world, there are different sizes measured by inches. Just make sure all the pieces are the same size. Mine are ¾” for extra stability.

Pipes for lamp / Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
Start building your lamp base, but place your wire inside the pipes before you go further. You will be building from the ground up.

Don’t you love that T join so the plug as an escape route? Genius. Thank-you.

How to wire a lamp / part of Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

I then did (a terrible job) at grinding a small opening into the wood to allow for the pipe to fit in. I used a spade drill and it made quite a hack fest mess. So… maybe find a different way?

Fit pipe through the (hack fest) hole, feed the wire through, screw together and you’re left with this. 


Here’s where I went wrong dozens of times. You need to take that light bulb holder kit all apart. And build backwards BEFORE you wire up the works. 

Stop at this point, then wire up the lamp.

How to wire a lamp / part of Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

How to wire a lamp


Disclaimer: I am not a professional electrician. Please proceed with these instructions at your own risk. If in doubt, please seek professional advice or hire a trained electrician.

1. Pull wire out longer so you can work.

2. Separate the two wires by snipping them apart in the middle, then pull.

How to wire a lamp / part of Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
3. DO treat yourself to brand new wire strippers. They will save you big time.

4. “Bite” down on the plastic casing a ways up, but don’t go too far.

Trial and error here. Too much and you’ll cut the wires and have to redo it.

How to wire a lamp / part of Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

5. Move the ‘cut’ down further to a larger hole, then clamp down and pull to expose the bare wires.

I found this method worked best for me. When I attempted to cut the casing AND pull, half the wires came along for the ride.

How to wire a lamp / part of Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net



6. Run your hand along each side of the plastic casing to feel for a ridge on one of them. There is one. This is the ‘neutral’ or white wire.

7. Tightly twist the exposed wires, then run them around the WHITE screw in the direction the screw will tighten.

Tighten the screw.

How to wire a lamp / part of Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
8. Do the same to the hot side.

Here is a shot of the positive / gold / hot / no ridge side. The wire still needs trimming.

How to wire a lamp / part of Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
Snipped. The wire does wind right around the screw and then some, but apparently you only need up to a 3 / 4 winding around the screw connection for the lamp to work. I overdo everything because of high failure rate here.

How to wire a lamp / part of Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
9. Replace insulator layer…

How to wire a lamp / part of Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
10. Replace metal cover…

How to wire a lamp / part of Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
11. Replace metal cover and clip to the bottom cap, then screw tight.

If you miss even ONE of these steps, you will be forced to rewire your lamp endless times. As me how I know.

How to wire an oil funnel junk lamp via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
You can see another junk styled lamp AND wiring post HERE.

Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
Little mini chains were screwed onto the wooden legs. Truth be told, I did it for an industrial look first, but the idea was a win anyway, adding more stability.

Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
The shades are held in place via the bulb. Place shade, then screw bulb through shade bracket. 

This will change up, depending what kind of bracket your shade has.

Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
While these are fabric covered shades, they spoke to me, telling me they wanted to be faux chalkboards instead. That was easy!

Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
How cute is that?!

While the lamp could have worked without the sawhorse legs, I felt they added visual weight and a little more stability. Plus.. all my favourite elements are present, reclaimed wood, metal and black accents. 

Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
They ended up in my kitchen, where I love the extra glow they offer at night, as well as by day.

Trust me when I say, if you ever try lamps by your sink, you will NEVER be without again! So don’t try this if you don’t like the idea. It will ruin you.

Topiaries in kitchen window / Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
The topiaries made their way into the kitchen, along with a couple of wheels. (remember the Christmas wheel wreaths and Christmas window valance?)

Clean, spring like, and best of all, they can’t die. That’s necessary here.

Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
‘Click’… Proof they work!

Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net

Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
My little junky kitchen with the toolbox charging station, toolbox toaster organizer and Farmer’s Market sign is getting funkier by the minute!

Thanks for the beat up crappy old saw horse brackets, Jen! Not only did I land a couple of cool lamps, my kitchen even got cleaned up! Well, this angle did anyway.

And because no photo shoot on my blog is complete without a cat photobomb… 

Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard lampshades via FunkyJunkInteriors.net
Introducing… the sawhorse pipe CAT lamp. 

What would you put as a shade message now?

Next up? Visit…

My Sweet Savannah

#3 My Sweet Savannah

to see what I sent Melanie! I hope she’s forgiven me… 🙂

– – – – – – – – –

And here’s everyone!

1. Jennifer Rizzo

2. Funky Junk Interiors

3. My Sweet Savannah

4. My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

5. Four Generations One Roof

6. Home Stories A to Z

7. Today’s Creative Blog

8. Jeanne Oliver Designs

9. French County Cottage

10. Finding Home

11. The Inspired Room

12. The Handmade Home

13. Eclectically Vintage

14. Makely School For Girls

15. East Coast Creative 

16. Infarrantly Creative

17. At Home by the Bay

18. Thistlewood Farms

19. Serendipity Redefined

20. At the Picket Fence

21. Not just a housewife

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80 thoughts on “Junky sawhorse pipe lamps with chalkboard shades

  1. First of all… great series! I want to play! Secondly you’re duck faces are adorable. And thirdly… That was flipping genius!!!! Great idea for lamps and you know I love their junky metal, woody appeal! Great job… you win! (oh wait, is it a contest? I better go check the others) 🙂

  2. Hi! I found your blog last week and have been catching up on all your past posts. I’m a total fan! Your work is amazing and you are so inspiring. These lamps are incredible. You should definitely open a store of some sort to sell your creations. These lamps would be in high demand! I look forward to reading more from you and getting to know your community!

  3. Uh oh….I didn’t know there was a Neutral side and a Hot side when it came to rewiring a lamp! I did it for the first time about two months ago. Hasn’t burnt the house down yet. Does that mean I need to take it apart and check it? I do absolutely love your lamps. The visions you get when you see a piece of anything are amazing. Something I have a hard time with. Looking thru all your projects here really do inspire me. Thank you!

    • I agree with THIS comment. I would buy those lamps! It’s because I can’t MAKE those lamps (what with my spiritual gift being more of a Starbucks thing, rather than a building thing), so I would give real, American dollars to have them in my house!

      • Me too Donna! Just let us all know when you’re going to be offering these and other goodies online to buy 😉 LOVE them!

  4. Those have got to be the coolest lamps I have ever seen!! Wow, and they are so ‘Donna’!! They look perfect in your kitchen with the toolboxes and sign. Awesome idea…love your upcycle.
    Debbie 🙂

  5. Oh, my lands! Those lamps are STINKING CUTE! It’s a good thing that I’m not in this “She Sent Me What?” challenge, because I would have looked at those sawhorse clamps… and then sat down on the floor and bawled that I had no idea what to do with them! My spiritual gift is drinking copious amounts of chai tea from Starbucks; it has never been upcycling anything, but MAN! I love this little project that you pulled off… and I’m so glad that I accidentally stumbled onto this little contest this morning. Because I can either surf blogs and look at what decorators did with junk pieces… or I can fold the laundry and unload the dishwasher. Yeah… I think I’ll click on the next website! Have a great Tuesday.

  6. Only YOU have the vision to do this! I would have stopped at the duck face and completely missed out on these ROCKIN lamps! You’re so cool….I’m just sitting here…wising that I had some crusty saw horse leg holders….sigh.

  7. DONNA!!!! They are perfect. You have such great vision. I think it is safe to safe no one else on the planet would have thought to make two lamps that way out of those. I LOVE it 🙂

  8. You are absolutely BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the lamps….but I think happy duck was my favorite. 🙂

    Thanks for making me smile friend. 🙂

  9. Wow……this is one of the best projects I’ve seen yet! And I even have the cat to go with it (could be a twin to this one). That lamp – kitchen island, hubby’s desk, table next to his chair in the livingroom, a man cave (what we ‘older’ gen call a den), the summer room! Guess I’ll start by claiming a pr of old sawhorse hinges from hubby’s shed. I’m so excited about this project!

  10. Marvelous creation Donna. Would love to see a picture of how the shade is sitting on the bulb. Off to check the other sites. Thanks for sharing.

    • Hey Joani! The shade’s frame sits lower, so I just slipped it onto the bulb socket thing before screwing in the bulb. That’s it! These shades were found at Home Depot and were meant to work with their line of lamps, but they were perfect for this!

  11. Omigosh…. I think you just became a lamp designer and are about to be contacted by Pottery Barn or Restoration Hardware and offered a sweet little deal!

    I love these lamps….

  12. My duck loving daughter was pretty impressed you could make duck bills out of saw horse brackets, and I was pretty impressed you could make lamps out of them. There is something wrong (or right depending on what side of junk you’re on) with the mind of someone who looks at those old brackets and ends up with cool lamps.

  13. I have really had fun visiting and seeing how everyone re-invented the item they received. Everyone did a great job, but I must say you take the grand prize! Wonderfully inventive, totally awesome – you really outdid yourself. I LOVE the lamps!

  14. You guys… just wow.

    I’d like to thank and hug each one of you for your thoughtful and oh so very complimentary replies! I thought the lamps may get the odd nod but didn’t expect this! At all.

    You sure know how to encourage a junker. 🙂


  15. I can never get enough of your creativity and how you follow it through to the last detail. I love your lamps. You are truly a junk genius! Oh, and you have the talent to boot! <3

  16. Brilliant idea! Love your creativity. This flea market find swap is such a great idea. I love flea marketing! That’s all I’ve been doing lately, is finding treasures in the rough and transforming them into beauties.

  17. How very clever of you. When I first saw them I thought that they came with the legs but you put them on. I think the lamps are adorable — they really could sell. There might a run on the sawhorse brackets, thanks to you. Perhaps you should copyright this. Clear genius!!

  18. Love, love, love these lamps girl !!! I wouldn’t have known what to do with that you started out with let alone make it look so good and be practical too. Great job !!!

  19. Found this through pinterest. LOVE LOVE LOVE what you did! Have pinned this to my board and will totally be checking out your other posts!

  20. Okay, FABBB!!! So one question regarding the lampshades. Did you do anything to them to make them chalk usable? Or are you just writing on fabric? Again, FABBB!!

  21. After seeing your previous posts about the lamps in your kitchen, I tried it myself and I love it. I have been switching around different styles and playing around with one I got 1/2 price at a hobby store, but I have to junk it up. As my husband says, “Nothing off the rack for you.” Great post and the addition of your funny pics was my favorite part. Great to see your face. God bless!

  22. Okay I checked out all the entries and these lamps are by far my fav! Very original and industrial looking… Now if I can get my hubby to make one for me… Wonder if he’d be willing to rip apart one of his saw horses… I know just the place for it too! Thanks for the inspiration!

  23. How do I love these…let me count the ways:
    Chalkboard – check
    metal – check
    rustic wood – check
    industrial vibe – check, check, check!

    Love them!! You are a junk genious.

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