Blog to Biz: Organized junk storage in the house. FINALLY!

Organized junk storage in the house with Ikea Gorm shelving

Gotta start off by saying, oh my gosh to the weekend parties lately. The linkups are so amazing and  ‘only’ 549 of you joined this past weekend!  Thank-you for making every weekend such a special event! Facebookers are are going WILD over your creations. 🙂

AND… thank-you for your kind comments on some of the blog changes you’ve already spotted. It’s a small trial to see where I’ll take things for when I do it for real.

Onto new business!

Remember this staging accessory nightmare?

Now it’s Heavenly dullsville. Dull is good. (for now)

But all that crazy business had to go somewhere. I’ve been attempting to scoop out time to hit Ikea for shelving but it never worked out. So I decided to scrap that idea and try to make do. And know what?

I already had the PERFECT amount. See the doorway to the right? Dead perfect fit. 1/4″ more and the door wouldn’t have closed.

And I just KNOW you didn’t notice the unfinished tile floor to the right. Thank-you.

Funky Junk's storage on Ikea Gorm shelving units

YES! Isn’t this insane?

So… wanna go window shopping? 🙂

Funky Junk's storage on Ikea Gorm shelving units

Funky Junk's storage on Ikea Gorm shelving units via

Funky Junk's storage on Ikea Gorm shelving units via

Funky Junk's storage on Ikea Gorm shelving units via

Funky Junk's storage on Ikea Gorm shelving units via

The wall is LOADED. And it fits perfectly. 

Know what I love even more?

Pallet farm table styled desk via

Pallet farm table styled desk via

The pallet farm table styled desk ( houses my day job. So I get to be encouraged all day long with my dream job right next to me. I do believe my passion has officially moved right on in….

Funky Junk's storage on Ikea Gorm shelving units via

“Let’s see… I need a basket for today’s shoot… isle 1 shelf 2… #5 it is!”

I may not be Walmart, but I’m feeling mighty big business today regardless. 🙂

Inspired to organize your own chaos yet?

Other ‘downstairs office’ posts to date are HERE.

All Blog to Biz posts to date are HERE.

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Categories: DIY, Full Rooms, Junk Drawer, Organizing, Staging / decorating
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59 thoughts on “Blog to Biz: Organized junk storage in the house. FINALLY!

  1. I just love that you have set all this up for yourself. Your journey here and your posts on the process have been so inspiring! I am working my way through the 31-Day posts now and applying what I can. Just love it, Donna. Here’s a huge “thank you” hug from me! Mwah!


  2. Donna, It looks sooo soothing to sit at your desk and have those great decor pieces displayed so nicely to your right. I wish the items I need to get organized looked that yummy. lol I refurbish the items I have lying around here, but your post has inspired me to get some shelving up to house it until I get that creative urge to finish each piece. lol

    Have a creative day!

  3. That wall unit is super fantastic doing double duty of storage and looking pretty at the same time. I am loving the space outside the office too~it looks chic in its beige way!! The family farm cow sign is great there. Looks like sign vinyl piled up next to it? Anyway I bought a few shelves at auction Saturday morning and they are inspiring me to reconfigure and redecorate MY office! Thx for the inspiration!

  4. I believe you are one of the very few people that can take garage style shelving and your storage items & make it look totally magazine spread amazing!!

  5. Fantastic! I bet this inspires you to create on a whole new level! Wow!

    I have a pool house (That is mostly storage right now) But , it has a living and kitchen area . I want to eventually stage it as a really girly shabby chic home and keep all of my decorative pretties there. It will eventually be an AMAZING space to stage photos in . …..eventually .

  6. Looking good Donna. Amazing how much space you realize when you organize. The room looks so much bigger. Thanks for letting us take a peek at your cool “junk”. I’ve always loved that desk. I spy some really neat pieces. You’ve given me a nudge once again. My studio looks great, my garage, not so much. Back to work.

  7. I love this room! I am in the process of painting and cleaning my laundry room/craft room and really get discouraged with SO MUCH stuff. This is such a great inspiration I better get off the computer and get back to it. Thank you for sharing! Room is fabulous!

  8. Looks incredible! I love your desk! You’re so lucky to have a huge room devoted to storing all your things… we live in a condo and piles of “junk” accumulate on any flat surface, I always feel overwhelmed by our chaos! Thank you for the motivation! We actually hit up Ikea for shelving yesterday but they were :::sold out!::: of the style we want. Oy! But, it gives me more time to sort through and organize what we already have!

  9. Wow what a change! Looks great. I working on my sewing/office space Sunday. I’m getting closer but I don’t think it will ever look as good as your spaces.

  10. All I can say is your ‘junk’ looks fabulous! It is not easy being you, but I think your stuff looks marvelous darling~

  11. Wow Donna, I’m impressed. A beautiful collection of props that you own, and now get to enjoy while you are working. I must say, only one thing worries me a bit…it’s on aisle #2, top shelf. I can see that you have ever so slightly bent the sharp points of that farm implement to resemble one of those “sun” pieces. Still, being at that height, I am worried that it might come tumbling down and injure you, your Son, or heaven forbid…your dog or your cat who just jumped up on one of the shelves to get a better perspective of the room. Leave it to me, huh?! Please think about changing it’s location so I can get some peaceful sleep tonight! Linda S. in NE

  12. Your hard work really paid off! The room looks great and that wall of stuff is better than any store I’ve been in lately!!
    Thanks for posting my JOY banner on FB this past weekend!!

  13. Donna you did a great job on that organizing.
    I like your new look too. I got my Folk magazine Christmas issue today. It is awesome.
    Love your article and your garland. Get to writing I can’t wait to see your next one.

  14. What I love most is that gorgeous window and the fact that kitty has chosen it too.

    Now that you have the basics of getting organized, when you are ready for a Peter Walsh size job I invite you here.

    I was watching some Feng Shui video online the other day when it hit me that I have BLOCKED the creative areas of my home. I have all the elements but have blocked access to the areas in which I would be creating.
    As I work my way through the 31 day posts I am also working on unblocking.

  15. I absolutely love it!! So when will you start taking orders because I think I just figured out what I want for Christmas, birthday, valentines’ day, easter, mother’s day, anniversary, consolation prize for the eldest graduating, sympathy because eldest is going off to college… I am sure I can think of some more “holidays” ha ha!

    All in all it is absolutely lovely and you should definitely be proud of all the work you have put in!!

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