The perfect little trunk on wheels for your next coffee fix

The perfect little trunk on wheels / black, white and rusty trunk sidetable /
One of the very best things about going shopping to stock up for a market is, the fact that you’ll land some new stuff. 

When my local thrift stores started cooling down with vintage finds, I just stopped shopping, and started gathering old wood instead, so I could make my own ‘old’ stuff.

Do your local thrift stores still carry much vintage?

Trunk and ammo crate / The perfect little trunk on wheels  /
But am I ever glad this little trunk came home with me during one of those flea market shopping trips!

(you can see what I did with that ammo crate HERE)

I knew right when I purchased the trunk that it would stay with me. The size was too unique to just give it up for a few dollars.

Plus… the colours were PERFECTION. Black, white, wood with plenty of rust. 

Nearly as good as coffee! (nearly)

Adding castors to the perfect little black, white and rust trunk sidetable  /
My living room was needing a little help, so that’s when I waltzed on down to my junk heap neatly arranged storage area, and started dreaming up ways to use said ‘merchandise.’

The perfect little trunk got snatched up quick. After a good scrubbing with soap and water, swivel coasters were attached to the wood strips underneath.

Adding castors to the perfect little black, white and rust trunk sidetable  /
Not all trunks are framed this nicely. My last trunk turned ottoman didn’t do so well… a teen or three thought it was a chair, and the castors punched right through the bottom. 

Guess the same thing could happen here, but hopefully he / they learned that my precious junk is a ‘delicate matter of utmost importance.’

The perfect little black, white and rust trunk sidetable on wheels  /
Well just look at that… my coffee is in LOVE.

Everything gets a coffee test. In case you’re just learning the ropes here.

The perfect little black, white and rust trunk sidetable on wheels  /
The trunk looked so chic with the twig garland and all those other junky relics.

Rusty lantern in front of white shutters  /
This old lantern was another amazing find I couldn’t part with. The glass is super thick, and wavy. It has a crack, but someone did a great job gluing it together.

Plus, it matched the trunk…

Trunk sidetable on wheels, in front of rock firelplace  /
I love the fact that while this perfect little trunk is in front of the summerized fireplace at the moment, it can roll wherever I have my next coffee fix we desire it to go.

I love easy fixes… that help fuel my own fix.

You can see my other trunk ottoman on wheels here.

Are you also a trunk collector? What have you done with yours?

(this post was scheduled while I’m still in Maui… read about all that HERE)

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15 thoughts on “The perfect little trunk on wheels for your next coffee fix

  1. Aloha! Love this trunk on wheels-great idea to make it mobile. I have a beautiful old steamer trunk I bought for $10 at a yard sale. I used it for a coffee table until my grandson started racing cars on it. I also have a hard time with vintage/antique things with the smell. My family suffer with allergies so right now it’s in the garage but I can’t part with it.

  2. I love this trunk. I have one that is similar and I just put those little ball feet on the bottom. I love the idea of the casters. I think I might have to add those to mine. Thanks for sharing.

  3. You can take the girl out of the coffee, but you can’t take the coffee out of the girl, or something like that. I would soooooooo LOVE to have this sweet, little trunk in my own livingroom…you are a lucky gal! It looks just perfect sitting there below your mantel like it was meant to be! And the addition of castors was inspired…have coffee, will travel! 🙂

  4. Love the cute little trunk. If you can have a piece of glass cut for the top, it makes it much more stable for beverages and tabletop decor. I have two and really like the idea of adding the casters.

  5. I’m glad you said “twig garland” I was looking at it and wondering why you put nails and pinecones in a garland. You still enjoying Maui?

  6. Hi Donna, I too love it all especially the “summerized mantal ” Is that a “funkyjunkinteriors inspired” deer antlers tucked in amongst all the goodies on the mantal ? What ever it is, i love it. I especially love the size of your trunk too, you don’t usually find them that size. Many years ago i had a beautiful old trunk (but bigger than yours ) i think my ex – husband got custody of it ! Come to think of it, he wound up with custody of alot of good things that i had rescued from many a thrift store, goodwill, garage sales or flea markets. Oh well, i knew there was a reason i divorced him ! lol ! Waiting for the next piece of inspiration from you. Sincerely, Diena

  7. Love it! I just bought one nearly identical at a rummage sale; problem was it stunk! I let it sit outside in the sun and poured kitty litter in it (a remedy to get rid of the smell I found on pinteret). Then it rained and some water leaked through and wet kitty litter! YUCK! Not fun to clean out. Love the white; i was thinking about whitewashing mine and I think I may go for it!

  8. What a score! It does seem that the more vintage pieces are there and gone before you know it at the shops these days, or priced too high for my budget. Love that you added casters and it couldn’t look more perfect in from of that gorgeous stone fireplace.

  9. I have an old trunk that was passed down from my great grandfather that looks nearly identical to yours. We use it as a small coffee table but now Ill definitely be adding wheels to it! Such a great idea 🙂


  10. The trunk is absolutely wonderful!! Clearly I need to do some junking (a new thing for me)! That twig garland really caught my eye, too. Will definitely have to recommend this blog to my mom and sister!!

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