What would you do with these salvaged finds?

vintage green bar stool and funky red hooks / What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

 There’s this New and Used place just down the road from me. It’s a little shop that offers everything under the sun. 

New and Used Store / What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

(The New and Used Store, 43241 Vedder Mt Road / 604 823-6554, tell them the junk loving blogger sent you)

I love to peek in there every now and then, just in case I find that special something. And being that the bathroom reno is in high gear, I was hoping for a little rusty bling of some sort to dress it up down.

I went in there today, and when the owner spotted me, he knew exactly what I had come in for. He excitedly showed me the ‘new antique isle he made.

“Boy, you sure have MY number, don’t you?!”

“I knew you’d like this!”

New and Used Store / What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

He created a rusty old antique isle and gave me the personal tour! I was touched.

I hope you don’t mind a few cloudy iPhone pictures. Guess I should start carrying the big gun camera on the road a little more often. You NEVER know when you’ll hit a rusty antique isle. 🙂

Care to play a “What would you do with these salvaged finds” game just for fun? Ok, I’ll go first! (like you have a choice)

rust and white wheelbarrow / What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

1. Wheelbarrow / since it’s too big for the bathroom, I’d love to hang this on an interior wall or fill it with flowers in the summer. I LOVED the rust with the white and black. It was magnificent. Dang! Now I want it more.

Rusty claw foot tub /  What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

2. Rusty tub / I’d LOVE to make an outdoor pond with a babbling little water fountain! But should there ever be a next house? I want one of these for a tub. Imagine.

Redneck Chainsaw /  What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/
That would read ‘redneck chainsaw.’ It’s already got an important task so we’ll leave this one alone.

Antique insulators /  What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/
3. Insulators / I’d love to illuminate a row of these somehow for patio lanterns.

Rusty old tub /  What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/
4. Old rusty tub / it would be fabulous to punch out the bottom and just use it as a different level in a flower bed. Now I want it!

Wood carved glass door /  What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/
5. Wood framed glass door / it’s gorgeous! I’d layer it in front of a window that could use a little privacy. Or just allow the sunlight to stream in. Hmmm…. might have to go back and check the price.

Vintage cream and black clock /  What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/
6. Old clock / it’s kind of got a diner feel to it to me. It would come in mighty handy by my blog desk though with those red numbers! I need to figure out how to set my blog without that setup so I can quit counting my fingers.

Anyway, I think this clock would look awesome in a warm white vintage filled farm kitchen.

Red and rusty gas tanks /  What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

7. Gas tanks / I always love these but never know what to do with them. If weighted down, they’d make neat lamp bases if you were handy with a welder. I don’t know. Any ideas?

Funky hooks and green vintage stool /  What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

8. Funky hooks / I loved it but it was so curved you couldn’t even hang it right. Still thinking because I really loved how quirky it was.

9. Green bar stool / plant stand?

Rusty wheel hubs /  What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

 10. These rusty hubs were cool! They would have made the perfect hanging mood lights in some corner. But boy were they heavy.

Wood stove cast iron door /  What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

11. Wood burning stove door / I’d just lean this somewhere because I like the look of it. I mean, it was REALLY heavy.

Then again, everything rusty metal is heavy. If I buy this stuff, I’d actually have to learn how to mount stuff properly.

Rusty metal funnel and handle /  What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/
Until then, I can handle the lightweight rusty metal category just fine. The funnel and handle came home with me.

12. Rusty funnel / I could see a whole collection of all different sizes of these guys and hang them as lights floating group above my blog office desk. I want more!

13. Metal handle / maybe on a cabinet… hmmm… in the bathroom perhaps?

Rusty mattress spring /  What would you do with these salvaged finds? via https://www.funkyjunkinteriors.net/

14. Rusty mattress spring / please be proud of me. This was on the curb on the way home and I was a good girl and left it there!

Don’t you dare give me ideas for this.. you know how weak I am. And it isn’t old, right? I’m sure it’s new… RIGHT? Ugh. Pictures you take home with you are dangerous.

Well now wasn’t that fun? Would you like to play too? Cut and paste the text below in comments and go ahead and see if you can find uses for all these things. Can’t wait to hear what you’d do. 🙂

1. Wheelbarrow /
2. Rusty tub / 
3. Insulators / 
4. Round rusted out tub / 
5. Wood framed glass door / 
6. Vintage clock /
7. Gas tanks / 
8. Funky hooks / 
9. Green bar stool / 
10. Rusty wheel hubs /
11. Wood stove door / 
12. Rusty funnel / 
13. Rusty handle / 
14. Rusty bedspring /

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45 thoughts on “What would you do with these salvaged finds?

  1. 1. Wheelbarrow / I’d sew a nice cozy cushion and use it as a cat bed
    2. Rusty tub / LOVE the tub and your pond idea
    3. Insulators / Tea candle holders
    4. Round rusted out tub / 2. Cat bed 🙂
    5. Wood framed glass door / I would put feet underneath and use as a room divider
    6. Vintage clock / ?
    7. Gas tanks / Even after been cleaned, they’ll probably still smell ugly and therefore I wouldn’t do anything with them
    8. Funky hooks / Hang with rusty chains from kitchen ceiling and use for pots and pans
    9. Green bar stool / hmm, doesn’t really talk to me
    10. Rusty wheel hubs / They’re great. Bases for lamps maybe?
    11. Wood stove door / I’d use it as a decor piece as well
    12. Rusty funnel / I love funnels as decoration but also as flower pots
    13. Rusty handle / Maybe put on a piece of furniture on wheels to drag it
    14. Rusty bedspring / no idea other than very large cat bed, lol

    That was fun, Donna :)!
    Have a wonderful and junky weekend!

  2. I wish I could say I am as creative as you but I can’t but I thought I would share what I came up with for a few of the items.
    Could the insulators be put on a board to hang your coats on instead of hooks.
    Rusty funnel put in a planter with a plant that hangs down and put the funnel in with a different plant in it.
    Old Rusty tub put something colorful behind rusty bottom and hang as wall art.

  3. I would use the two rusty hubs to create a bench, them being the base, and use a chalk-painted and distressed board as the seat.
    The funnel would make a charming lamp shade.
    The insulators would look nice lined up with a Christmas light under each one and at the edge of the patio or deck where you want some soft lighting.

  4. Ok, I could probably come up with something for many of those things but the first one that jumped out at me was the bed spring! It looks like a great “sheet wood holder” for the garage! I have something similar (in smaller, non rusty size) in my kitchen that holds my sheet pans. You could also use it as a garden tool holder if you put hooks on either side on the cross arms… And those hubs would look great as water fountains in that rusty tub!

  5. Wheelbarrow /lay on side and have plants..flowers spilling out in a flowerbed…
    Insulators /place battery operated lights under them on the patio
    Round rusted out tub / leave laying on their side and place a potted plant inside..I do this all the time…looks great…
    Wood framed glass door / place a great poster scene behind it and place on a great wall…
    Vintage clock /I have one hanging in my laundry room..with other vintage items..but then my laundry room is 14×16…

    Funky hooks / add a rope behind it as a hanger and hang up…leave it as is…hang something interesting on those hooks..
    Rusty Handle / see if that rusty handle will hang on that rusty hook board..will look amazing there…

  6. 1. Wheelbarrow /definitely full of trailing flowers in the yard somewhere
    2. Rusty tub / more flowers or ok maybe that little fishpond under the oak
    trees out back
    3. Insulators / stick varying lengths of rebar in the ground and put the insulators on top…also put in the old heavy duty rusty springs upside down with a solar light hot glued to the top ….they look awesome this way
    4. Round rusted out tub / another great flower pot
    5. Wood framed glass door / mount it on the wall as a vocal point in a room
    6. Vintage clock / in my kitchen or possibly my bath love the look of it
    7. Gas tanks / just set them around my shed to look cool
    8. Funky hooks / hang garden tool from them in my shed
    9. Green bar stool / use it st my potting shed
    10. Rusty wheel hubs /I have this really cool slab of stone that would make a great seat with these as the legs
    11. Wood stove door / or maybe have Hubs weld it to one of the wheel hubs for a small patio table
    12. Rusty funnel / definitely a planter
    13. Rusty handle / door handle on my potting shed
    14. Rusty bedspring /climbing trellis in my garden

  7. That rusty bed spring bed is going to haunt you because you left it there!! A freebie, I see two bulletin boards, Just remember, You can always throw it out again. Loved the tour!

  8. The rusty bed…if there was a way to get rid of the rust or seal it. I would use this for all my flat work and media. Would be easy to go through. Sort of like an open file cabinet. Of course I already have storage for this, but am so darn addicted to rustic.

    The door is a keeper, definitely find a use for it. If all the glass is there my use would be a pretend storm door on the house. If not all glass, absolutely a screen door from my kitchen.

  9. Wheelbarrow~
    I’d make a lovely tiny water garden!

    Rusty tub~
    It would make a wonderful water garden!

    I’d spray with glow in the dark paint and use them on a garden path!

    Rusty wheel hubs~
    Add some weathered barn wood and they would make great side table’s in a Man Cave! especially is he’s a car enthusiast!

    Gas tanks~
    Displayed in my Hubby’s Man-Cave Garage!

    Rusty bedspring~
    Wouldn’t it look fantastic draped with your favorite handmade quits…
    In a craft room I’d use it to showcase different fabric remnants I have!

    Green bar stool~
    Recovered in cowhide and used in my rustic Kitchen!

  10. I loved the bedframe – slats would bend great for pumpkins and spings would make a great primative garland.I have learned my lesson I always take it from the curb can always put back but seems like I always get a brain storm later and then it is gone!!:)

  11. 1. Wheelbarrow /
    2. Rusty tub /
    4. Round rusted out tub / Lucky you! You won’t have to punch holes in it!
    5. Wood framed glass door / This I can see in front of a towel cupboard
    6. Vintage clock /
    7. Gas tanks /
    8. Funky hooks / I’d hang this upside down from chains, and hang pots & pans from it.
    9. Green bar stool / Set it on a base, recover, and have a swivel vanity seat!
    10. Rusty wheel hubs /
    11. Wood stove door /
    12. Rusty funnel /
    13. Rusty handle /
    14. Rusty bedspring /

  12. Not sure if my first list went through, but I forgot one, so I’m resending! Lucky you!!

    The large clock I’d mount on tray legs/base and make a mini table.
    The large round tub already has a huge hole – planter, definitely.
    Go for the pond with the bathtub!!
    The lovely window I saw in front of your towels in the new bathroom.
    The funky hooks, I’d hang upside down from chains, then hang pots & pans from them.
    The bar stool I’d mount onto a sturdier base, recover, and use as my swivel vanity seat!
    There ya go!!

  13. Donna – here are some of my ideas! Keep in mind that I have a garage full of stuff that I have yet to act upon. It’s soooo much easier to tell someone else what they could do – LOL.

    7. Gas tanks – when you think of what to do with these, let me know. I have several in my stash!
    8. Funky hooks – just hang it from a chain attached to each end with rusty eye hooks. That one is too good to pass up!
    9. Green bar stool – oooh, I need this in my craft room, mounted on a wooded base with casters and just recover the seat.
    10. Rusty wheel hubs – Those are your floor lamp bases! Mount them on butcher block with casters so you can move them around. Or cut a hole so that the bottom narrow part just sits in the hole, since it would be kinda hard to attach them to something.
    14. Rusty bedspring – I would’ve loaded it up, taken it apart, used the casters on the above floor lamp base, used one of the sides (as it is folded up) as a magazine/newspaper rack or maybe even a towel holder on the wall. If you took the metal strips/springs out of the other side, could you have a mirror cut to fit so that the metal frame is the mirror frame? And my husband would have been rolling his eyes while I said STOP! we have to get that! 🙂

    Have a great day!

  14. OK, I am a gardening geek, so most of this stuff would go in my yard – lol.
    Wheelbarrow and tub – definitely put plants in them (I have two wheelbarrows that I grow tomatoes and lettuce in)

    Insulators – I have mine on the screened in porch rail and on a metal shelf over the window on the porch.

    Rusted out tub – my husband made a fan out of one these and a motor for something else. He mounted it on wheels so we can pull it around the yard to wherever we are working – we live in Florida, so it gets a lot of uses. (If anyone wants a pic of it, let me know)

    Gas Cans – I have an assortment of these sitting in the flower bed next to my husband’s workshop, along with an old hammer head and an old sledge-hammer head.

    Bar Stool – plant stand for sure

    Rusty wheel hubs – a base for an outside table or a metal bowl for a bird bath. Could be a plant stand too.

    Wood stove door – would love to have it for the flower bed with the gas cans

    bedsprings – plant trellis

  15. I think that wheelbarrow would make a really funky coffee-type table that you could also use for storage. Some sweet old barn or pallet wood for the top. And then you could put a bookshelf type area recessed in where the handles are. Hmmm… now I want a wheelbarrow. Thanks a bunch! lol

  16. Aww, I came to the party too late! In life, that is. I have begun my “decluttering” campaign in my home now that I’m moving in on 66 yrs of age… having all this stuff around is just too much any more. Your “aisles” of funky junk look like a lot of fun to roam through. I don’t know of a place near here (north of Boston, MA) like that. Enjoy it all while you are still young. Time has a way of flying right by when you are least expecting it!

  17. I’d hang the glass insulators wrapped in wire upside down and put tiny plants in them – herbs and small flowers. I think along a fence all in a row would be cute.

  18. That door! I can see it on a pantry. Or as a divider in a bath to semi hide a toilet. Or as the back of a hall tree with hooks for coats. Find something to attach to the front bottom for sitting or storing umbrellas… or something. It’s just too pretty to leave there!

    And the wheelbarrow would be my ice bucket this summer filled with bottles of whatever. 😉

    • Go back and get that bedspring thingy and make a rolling bookshelf out of it. Like the Restoration Hardware salvaged bookshelves that look all Frenchy with reclaimed wood shelves. It’s already on rollers! Hurry!

  19. Love all the junky stuff Donna. My creative juices don’t seem to be flowing today. Will think on it and get back to you on project ideas. I always love the rusty metal stuff and have the same problem you do….too heavy to hang. Sometimes I find places for them to lean…like the mantel….beside the front door….etc.,blah,blah,blah

    • Speaking of the cot bed springs…I have taken one and upended it as a trellis! Then planted some colorful vines and let it rip!,,,

  20. I love playing this game Donna!
    1. ice bucket, blanket storage, table base
    2. ice bucket, table base, kid’s reading spot
    3. wood tree toppers, bookends
    4. remove rusted bottom and use as mirror frame, add wood top for table
    5. remove glass, add a linen wrapped bulletin board or sheet metal
    6. art piece/ as is, add flat round glass and handles for a tray
    7. could hold a couple umbrellas, canes, screw bottom to board to hang on wall and use handles as towel holders
    8. hang from ceiling and still use for towels?? torture device?? prop and add a large rusted nail horizontally next to each hook for a wine holder
    9. glass top on stool for side table
    10. decorative branch holder, lamp bases, umbrella stand
    11. on a wood base for a side table
    12. planter, string holder, coupon holder
    13. towel holder, recipe holder with clothespin
    14. magazine rack, towel holder

  21. Insulators / I’d love to illuminate a row of these somehow for patio lanterns.

    I have a bunch and would be really interested in seeing these done!

  22. So, you found an isle of delight in an aisle at the junk store. Looks like a great place. If you could get the hide-a-bed that you left along the road apart, you might be able to use some of the pieces for towel holders once they were sealed.

  23. GirlinAir.com shows how to make insulators into pendant lighting. Love the variety of colors and styles at the shop you visited. Variety in color would make it even more interesting if they were hung over a bar area.

  24. I think that the one you left (Bed) I would use on the patio and as a lawn chair. The bucket under the green stool, I would use that as a waste basket in the bathroom. (I know you didn’t mention it but just a thought.) The rusty handle definitely in the bathroom.

  25. 1. Wheelbarrow /Plant a fairy garden in it and put it next to front or rear porch so you can sit and enjoy
    2. Rusty tub / Planter for garden interest
    3. Insulators / Pretty just as they are for placement in windows so light can sparkle through
    4. Round rusted out tub /

    11. Wood stove door / Trivet in kitchen
    12. Rusty funnel / That is someone’s head in a garden sculpture. Will need more rusty parts to complete the sculpture.
    13. Rusty handle /
    14. Rusty bedspring /Stand upright in shop and use S-hooks to hang tools

  26. Hi Donna, wow what really cool stuff and right down the road from you how good could it get? Your love for Rusty stuff has worn off on me , not only am I scanning for vintage but now I love that rusty stuff lol. Does this place have mail order? Just by looking at this photo of the contents I see many things that I would buy. Thank you for sharing… I would make that old gas can into a H20 fountain surrounded by hundreds of pennies. Lisa @ Sweet Tea N’ Salty Air

  27. Rusty mattress springs – great for a trellis in the garden, don’t you think?

    Old bar stool – I would DEFINITELY cover it with zebra material and paint the stand black – I’m into zebra material for some reason lately.

  28. 1. Wheelbarrow /3 choices, place glass on top for table, line with plastic table clothe and place ice in with a bunch of beverages for a party, or flowers tipped out or straight up.
    2. Rusty tub /Seal the rust. bring inside and make a fish tank with glass table top. quite a coffee table.
    3. Insulators /rusted bed spring with candle in springs, or I also thought of the small battery candles inside.
    4. Round rusted out tub / Garden Art. Keep it tipped on its side plant a variety or solid blue plants like water spilling out from bottom and side
    5. Wood framed glass door /Bathroom Door,take the glass out and frost it, then cut whole in solid door and frame. Let’s light in and still have privacy
    6. Vintage clock /I have spent some time in the ER lately, that is a hospital clock. Cool but I do not want to think of the ER.
    7. Gas tanks /Although they are cool I would only use the one I could use as a plant stand or glass top side table out side. These are hard to fine and selling for $$$$ with boaters.
    8. Funky hooks /In the shed with tools hanging on them?
    9. Green bar stool / Fun fabric in the kitchen near breakfast bar
    10. Rusty wheel hubs /Those are awesome yard art flowers spilling out of all the nooks and crannies
    11. Wood stove door /in the fireplace in the summer for interest with some c candles.
    12. Rusty funnel /turn the funnel upside down and put one of the pump
    soaps in it so it squirts out the bottom.
    13. Rusty handle /Hold the funnel to the wall as a bracket
    14. Rusty bed spring /seal and hang towels to dry outside after swimming,
    added bonus you can wheel it in the garage if it rains and your towels are still dry.

  29. 1. Wheelbarrow / I would use this for a wheelbarrow, ours always has a flat tire
    2. Rusty tub / I’d leave this there
    3. Insulators / I’d copy you, go back and get those
    4. Round rusted out tub / I would use it as a tree base outside for a potted tree
    5. Wood framed glass door / I don’t know about this
    6. Vintage clock /This I want-would have husband build me a clock cabinet to go around it
    7. Gas tanks / I have some of these and don’t know what to do with the ones I’ve got
    8. Funky hooks /Go back & buy this. It doesn’t have to hang flat bolt it down in the middle
    9. Green bar stool / Garage shop stool with manly fabric on seat
    10. Rusty wheel hubs /Fresh flower vases inside with what else-flowers
    11. Wood stove door / Find Dr. Spock and give that back to him for his starship.
    12. Rusty funnel / I’d gift this to Carlene at Organized Clutter
    13. Rusty handle /Nothing, I don’t like that handle unless there were a couple more of ’em.
    14. Rusty bedspring /Take it apart and use the springs for something.

  30. Rusty tub / I would add it to my garden, it would give it height and rust. And of course plant veggies in it

    Insulators / Drill a hole in the top and install wiring for lighting. Hang several from rusty vintage egg basket (sealed) for repurposed chandelier. Would look great hanging from my patio canopy above our outdoor dining table.

    Round rusted out tub / Cut out bottom like you suggested and incorporate into my front yard bed and plant colorful annuals inside

    Wood framed glass door / I’d have to paint it, distress it. I would mount to the top side of my potting station made out of vintage chippy door.

    Vintage clock / I would add this to my “wall of clocks” with the other vintage shop and school house clocks I have.

    Funky hooks / Stencil “hooked on junk” in red (vertical) and distress lettering half off and mount.

    Wood stove door / I would remove the handle and use as one of my stepping pavers (stones) leading to the garden.

    Rusty handle / I would attach this to my stable door that missing a worn handle

    This was fun. Thanks Donna for making me dream of Funky Junk tonight!

  31. 7. Gas tanks / I saw one of these made into a neat birdhouse. I think it was in Birds and Blooms.
    10. Rusty wheel hubs /these would make cool bases for bird baths. 3. 3.Insulators / I would put cork stoppers on these and use for
    lids on terrariums or canisters, etc
    the rusty claw foot tub would be resurfaced and go in my bathroom!!!

    I lost my house (old, full of vintage things)in Katrina. Am grateful to finally get a new home but it is a cookie cutter with the character of white bread! Most of my things were lost so I dream thru your site….someday.
    I do love your ideas.

  32. I love that shop! i would totally hang the rusted bedspread over my bed and use blankets and drapes of material to create a canopy!

  33. . Wheelbarrow /plant pot
    2. Rusty tub / flowerbed
    3. Insulators / too beautful collection before a light source
    4. Round rusted out tub / sculpture-mirror-picture frame….washin basin with thick glass base
    5. Wood framed glass door / wall panel decor
    6. Vintage clock /tray?
    7. Gas tanks / sorry, no idea
    8. Funky hooks / the very best. hang new holders from holders (chain pieces or cord knots -and cloth hangers from chain pieces or knotted stuff, and so on)
    9. Green bar stool /big candle holder /flower vase (wth waterproof base added)
    10. Rusty wheel hubs /garden umbrella settlers
    11. Wood stove door / built-in shower floor
    12. Rusty funnel / lamp “shade”; candelabrum; dry flower bunch vase
    13. Rusty handle / obvously, candelabra-upsidedown-with 2 rustygreen or white candles
    14. Rusty bedspring /shoe storage, with shelves inserted

    Post to Pinterest

  34. Mmmmm! Fun stuff!
    Lemme see..
    1. Wheelbarrow-
    2. Tub- get a welder friend to cut out one of the sides, make cushions with shower curtains, and have an outdoor couch (I know, we’ve seen this, but I like the idea)
    3. Insulators- use UV glue to construct a pyramid and add a table lamp kit.
    4. Washtub-
    5. Wood framed glass door-this looks cabinet sized. This one says tabletop to me, or maybe on a chest as a lid. Or just hang it as is.
    6. Clock-kinda like it as is.
    7. Gas cans-if you want to make them into stand lamps, maybe fill them partially with cement, and let it set with your upright in it. Seal it after if it smells.
    8. Board with hooks- take hooks off, and combine those with the rusty handle, and you have a set now. The board says seat to me: garden or small bench.
    9. Green stool: just reupholster it. Very cool
    10. Wheel hubs: because of the scale, I’d put them on a workbench/counter with a glass shelf on top, for extra storage. If you put wood on top, you can’t see them.
    11. Wood stove door-kinda stumped. I like the paving stone idea. Maybe take a rubbing of the lettering and frame that.
    12. Rusty funnel-
    13. Rusty handle- add to a piece of furniture with its three new friends from above.
    14. Rusty bed- I kind want to take the slats off of this and suspend them at different lengths from the bottomless washtub outside. (This sounds weird, but I have a space that this would work in.)

  35. Use one side of the fold up rusty bed springs for hanging on the wall, maybe in a mud room or by a door. Hang different baskets from it to hold stuff, mail, gloves, etc. Hooks for keys. What do you think?

  36. 1. Wheelbarrow – I have one leaned on a fence and a lovely clematis has bloomed on it several springs/summers…unintentional (but still lovely).

    3. Insulators – We had a small collection and finally took some Dollar Tree solar lights apart and managed to get the ‘guts’ to work inside the insulators and they now are in several potted plants along our driveway…they look really neat…and easy and cheap!

    10. Rusty wheel hubs – Now I want some of those rusty hubs…I can just visualize some of the insulators from Number 3. stuck into the rusty hub…would be a different height and feel to it…and I’m not usually a fan of rusty stuff…

    That’s all I can get a visual on right now…maybe I would have grabbed the old folding bed you left on a curb…another cool something to let a vine climb on…and then it would be a true ‘FLOWER BED’!

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