4 tips on making the right decisions

4 tips on making the right decisions - inspirational advice on funkyjunkinteriors.net
If you are anything like me, you struggle daily with unanswered questions.

To make matters even more interesting, I’m an over thinker type. If I get overwhelmed with a tricky situation or worse, if given OPTIONS (oh, the death of me!), I tend to walk away from it, rather than make a snap decision.

Good thing I KNOW how I love my coffee, or I’d be hitting caffeine withdrawl on an hourly basis!

In a nutshell, getting overwhelmed with indecision because you might ‘make a mistake’ can ultimately pull you down hard, causing all kinds of added stress.

But over time, I’ve come to realize, it isn’t quite as hard as I tend to make it, if I remember four key points.

Here’s how I go about making the right decisions.

bike riding for some quiet time, across a wooden trail bridge | funkyjunkinteriors.net

bike riding adventures

1 / Get quiet

When I’m at home in the middle of chaos, I can’t write, I can’t DIY, I can’t function. So how can I think? I can’t.

My personal fix is hopping on my bike to the river. And honestly, it never fails. No one’s talking, nor is the homestead workload pulling me in all sorts of directions. I can just ‘be there’.

Bonus: my bike rides are now a nightly addiction, even when stress is not a factor. Which helps keep stress at bay!

Just pick a quiet spot where the daily demands aren’t pulling you away. I personally find it works better outside the home, so you can’t see the stuff that needs your attention.

scenic train bridge over a river during a trail bike ride | funkyjunkinteriors.net
2 / Sort it out loud, with questions and answers.

Once given a little time for my head to clear, the hard work comes.

I ask myself a question, then offer an answer.

Which generally leads to another question. Demanding a new answer.

I keep working it until I’ve come to the final answer that feels right at the time.

But… what if my new answer ends up being the wrong decision?

pallet wood patio chair build via Funky Junk Interiors
Easy to build pallet wood chair with burlap cushions | funkyjunkinteriors.net
The making of the pallet chair

3 / Allow mistakes to guide you.

When I first set out to make the above pallet chair, I had a LOT of trouble driving the screws into the 4x4s. They were so solid, and screw after screw broke with every attempt, alongside crooked joins. But the more I took things apart and redid them, trying different screws, the better I got. My last attempt had no broken screws, with joins super square and sturdy. I was so impressed with me! 🙂

It’s no different for life situations. If you’re struggling with a decision, you may choose a few wrong turns. But try seeing them as road signs that simply say, “Don’t turn there next time. Turn here instead…”

Mistakes happen when you need redirection. They are invaluable in guiding you the right way.

sawhorse and ladder framework for a blogging desk | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Pallet wood and sawhorse rustic office desk for blogging with junk storage shelving | funkyjunkinteriors.net
First, easy frame for blogging desk.

reclaimed pallet wood farm table office desk frame | funkyjunkinteriors.net
reclaimed pallet wood farm table office desk frame | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Rustic reclaimed pallet wood farm table office desk in an office | funkyjunkinteriors.net
Challenging frame for pallet wood farm table styled desk
4 / Let new experiences and knowledge guide you to new directions

When I first handled tools, I was a mess. Everything felt wrong, and the results were rather disastrous. For that reason, many of my early builds were prebuilt things plunked together, with very little building needed. I call them cheater builds. (still my fav way of ‘building! MY SHED is still my fav)

But as my experience grew, things changed. My 2nd desk was a complete real build, created from scratch. The key was pushing myself into a new zone, which allowed me to get more technical and fancy with a custom build.

Life situations are the same way. Say you have to investigate resources for a difficulty you are going through. Once you know what your options are, you’re just flat out better informed on how to handle your crisis, with possibly even more options flying open.

So next time you come to a difficult decision:

Get quiet.

Ask questions.

Figure out answers.



Try something new.

Then try, try yet again until you reach success.

Isn’t it great to know that every second of every day brings you a fresh new chance to try again?

Daily Junk Mail : Messages That Matter : Funky Junk Interiors

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22 thoughts on “4 tips on making the right decisions

  1. I love your website and your writings. I follow you all the time. I love your tips, because this world is so pressured and filled with stress and wanting fast answers. It doesn’t always allow you to take that time to search your heart and soul. I agree get in a quiet place and ask those questions and then answer. When we are quiet we can dig deep and hear that inner voice, which for me is the Lord speaking.
    I love your writings and look forward to always reading when I see your post come through.


  2. Hi Donna and thanks for the post! Good outline for trying to figure things out. Sometimes I get an answer I don’t like and procrastinate. To be more proactive is desirable. I love having quiet to figure things out. I crave it. And a little different direction. I laughed out loud at your description of builder cheat! OMG – that’s me to a “T”. And I am learning the right tools make all the difference( I know, I know, I’m sometimes a little slow at processing). In reading decorating and building blogs it’s become apparent that my husband’s heavy, bulky tools just don’t cut it. Would that be why everytime I try to screw a screw into a stud (or no stud) it won’t go through. The tip seems to get stripped. Is it because it’s too heavy for me to work it? My husband said that maybe I’m using the wrong bit. He has a point. Are different points better for certain screws? He showed me a much smaller version of a drill he has at school(he’s a teacher) and it was cordless and fit my hand well. Please excuse me for rambling. Many thoughts going through my head. I enjoyed your post and the photos and descriptions of your first attempt at building and the other photos depicting your progress. Thanks a bunch!

    • Hi Joanne!

      I know exactly what you mean about stripping the screws. It’s a combination of not enough pressure, and possibly the wrong bit tip. The kind of drill makes a difference too. Some have different speeds, so you can adjust it to a lower setting, which helps a screw penetrate a really solid piece of wood better than a drill going crazy at one speed. But try a different bit first. Yes, there are certain bits that work better with certain screws. But I’d never go by a list.. I’d go by trial and error. For that reason, I like bit kits that come with an arrangement of bits to choose from.

      If you read this post, I’ve highlighted my fav bit kit AND my fav tools and where to find them:


      I totally need to do a ‘how to work with tools’ segment and go over each one and the variables. I’m putting this on my ‘must do’ list. Thanks for the nudge!

  3. So true, so true! Inspiring words to start my day as I sit here with my first cup of coffee. I’m navigating my way through some serious decisions right now, and I know I’ll have lots of changes, things to figure out, and loads of questions along the way. One more cup of coffee before I make any decisions for today.

  4. Wise advice that can be applied to many situations. Love your website, am craving some new projects.
    Have a wonderful day!

    • Thanks Brenda, and so am I. I have things in the works, but nothing completed quite yet for a blog post. I think it’s time to take on some 5 minute projects again to avoid these larger DIY delays! 🙂

  5. Sounds like good advice to me.. I too used to worry and go over things way too much. It is nice to be able to tell yourself to take a breath and chill.

  6. Donna,

    Thank you for your post. Now I have guidance to move on.

    I bought a set of smaller tools years ago and not afraid to use them. Hubby’s tools yes! Way to big and heavy.

    I love your site and your inspiration to keep me going. Thank you.

    • Good going on the tools, Nancy! So crucial you love what you use. I keep picking up a drill I don’t like by accident, only to put it down again. I’d rather hunt for an hour finding the tool I prefer to use than use that big lug! 😀

    • Hi Nancy, What small tools have you found that you feel comfortable using? I’m also too hesitant to tackle the big-looking heavy tools, but would love to start making things! Any advice? 🙂

      • Rebecca,

        You asked what tools I use. I bought the Craftsman combo set years ago. It has a 5 1/2″ trim saw, reciprocating saw with blades, drill, battery and charger. Maybe a flashlight. I am doing this for memory as I am not where my tool are at the moment. Good luck!

        • Thanks so much, Nancy!!! Good advice! I’m going to research those Craftsman tools now!! I’m excited about my future project-making!! 🙂

  7. How do you do this? It’s like you somehow know what I need to hear and then you say it in the best way possible. Thanks.

  8. There is a stupid commercial running right now that describes “FOBO”: Fear Of a Better Option. The commercial is stupid, and I don’t even know what they’re advertising, but this is what I thought about when I read your entry. The commercial shows a woman going practically crazy trying to pick out a large appliance. I want to say it was a washer, but it could have been a stove. She lunges at one, then another, then yet another. Any way…with so many choices, we tend to think we make a good choice when there are actually many good choices. I told my wife that I really hate the idea of having to choose a large appliance. Depending on the store, and how many brands they carry, how can I choose the correct one for us??? The answer is probably I wish choose the one that fits our needs, and the one we bring home will be the best choice. Since there are many good choices, the one we bring home will be right for us. And, the trick is to not look at any more large appliances, because it will take away from the right choice we made when we brought ours home!

  9. I really needed this today as I’m struggling with some major decisions and feeling stuck. You’ve provided some good steps to getting out of that rut. Thanks, Donna!

  10. Thank you for your thoughts and advice, Donna!! I certainly needed to hear that, EXACTLY for today!!!! Loving wishes sent to you! 🙂

    • Rebecca,

      You asked what smaller tools I used. I bought the Craftsman combo set that has a 5 1/2″ trim saw, reciprocating saw and blades, drill, charger and maybe a flashlight. Doing this for memory because I am not where my tools are at the moment. Good luck!

  11. Very good advice and timely! (for me at least).
    Although I wish I could ride my bike to a quiet river. I live in Los Angeles which = no river and I’d most likely get hit by a car.
    BUT! the point is perfect. I sometimes feel like the hardest thing is to just step away for a short while cause I get so caught up in the “must-do” agenda.

    And I love the idea that “mistakes happen when you need redirection.” That’s perfect.

    Thanks much

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