As many of you know, I recently came back from a lovely hiatus in Maui. It was a long spell to heal up from some life changes.
Once I got home, I was surprised to find myself in a state of what I referred to as Builder Grade Beige. I was neither happy nor sad. Just… present.
I soon learned, that was a good place to start. However as time went on… something was missing.
There was no pressure to do anything. So I simply summed it up as, “Just do what you want and you’ll figure it out.” I had hoped anyway.
But as more time passed, I found less drive to get up in the AM. And more time spent on TV in the PM. My hours got super wonky (thanks Netflix binges!) and I soon rewarded myself an unreasonable time change that wasted mornings, but gave me more TV. Which really just resulted in… well, more TV! And little else.
Frustrated, I decided I was going to smarten up and focus on healthier food, sleeping well, and exercise.
Things started to change. I found I am now waking up like a ‘morning person’ (egads!) giving me more day. But now what to fill it with?!
The same week, I was scrolling on Instagram when I caught my friend Jane from Grit Antiques on her Insta Stories.
Jane use to collect and sell antiques and rusty junk at shows, a booth and in her barn at home. However, over time, she started staging vintage pieces, taking the most exquisite photos that capture ‘special moments’. I believe the term is visual storytelling.
Follow her feed HERE and you will see. It is STUNNING.
As Jane continued to morph her business from selling to photography, she also had a new dream that she is actively working on. She just finished emptying her barn and is turning it into a dream photography studio so she can also host workshops on her beautiful farmland!
Along with now selling her photography on cards HERE.
Jane is incredibly generous with her Insta Story shares, always showing how she’s working through her process, in hopes of inspiring those ready for their own next steps.
During one of her inspiring stories, I just felt this big tug to chat with her about my ‘meh’ little world. So I reached out to her and spilled.
She immediately offered some great suggestions, but one question caught me off guard.
“Do you journal?”
I mean, I have written about my day before. But I found it was like blogging with nothing to show for it, then I didn’t want to blog! Not so helpful in my line of work… plus, it didn’t really get me anywhere profound so I always quit.
A few days passed when Jane tagged me on Instagram to a special post. It appeared the extremely talented photographer and writer / coach Kim Klassen was hosting a free journal writing challenge… who happened to be an integral part of helping Jane achieve her dreams.
See it on Instagram HERE
“The 5 day journaling challenge will focus on writing ‘as if’ your dream is already true.
My full course WRITE | Your Heart’s Desire will begin in September.”
That got me thinking. I didn’t know anything about this technique so I messaged Jane one more time with, “What kind of journaling do you do?” Clearly what she was doing was working for her.
She proceeded to tell me she wrote as if something has already happened, which single handedly helped build her confidence to take major steps towards her own new dreams.
Well I’ll be…
I signed up for the course immediately.
Once the course started, each morning I received an email encouraging me to head to the classroom on Kim’s website.
Inside was a small intro, with a new short video with Kim’s encouraging new message and challenge for the day.
What a wonderful way to start a day! I would grab my first coffee, then head out on the patio with my notebooks, listen to the video, then begin.
And honestly, the challenges took between 5-10 minutes or however much time you desired to put into them.
But what spilled out of me next was crazy…
On day 2, we were to list all our dreams. No holds barred. No dream was too big nor too small. And I didn’t have to share them with anyone so I could go full-out and not feel ridiculous.
So I grabbed my notebook and started to list.
I was soon in this rhythm, and started sectioning the dreams so I could better reflect back on them in a way that made sense.
And the words came tumbling out.
A few months ago, I think I may have had a hard time doing this. It’s hard to dream when you are going through crisis or chaos.
However in the course, you will be gently encouraged to dream BIG anyway. NO MATTER WHAT! That is part of the magic that will ultimately get you in a better place.
When I was finished with my furry of words, I stopped like Forest Gump did at the end of his run. I knew I was done. Then glanced down.
Wanna know how long my dream list was?
8 pages long.
EIGHT. PAGES. Filled right up with no spaces in between.
I was absolutely stunned.
It is just so much more tangle-able once it’s down on paper.
But as I read down my list, a hundred times over I found myself saying, “I really could take care of that one now…” And a hundred times more, I wanted to jump out of my comfy chair and just get started. However I held off. Until…
Day 3 arrived. After the video session, and ramped up on that AM brew, I hit the ground running. And haven’t stopped since.
Basically what I did was I focused on one thing on the list, the one with a seasonal deadline (goodness, deadlines work) and decided to push it. HARD.
Turns out, I didn’t have to push hard at all. I just needed to start! I ended up working through the entire weekend barely stopping to eat.
The result?
An entire Fall stencil line. 7 new stencils. (coming soon)
My main point is… do you even know how LONG I’ve waited for something… ANYTHING to trigger such a response and move?
Which encouraged me even more.
Quite obviously, my new morning ritual was working well for me. I looked forward to every single morning. The new challenge each AM truly gives you a reason to get up!
So due to my apparent journaling success, I wanted in on Kim’s 6 week writing course that promises to blow this 5-day one out of the water. It will cover even more techniques and steps that will ultimately help me dig deeper, truly setting the stage to help make things happen.
I mean, if the appetizer can produce a whole line of stencils, imagine what the meal could do!
Unfortunately, I was so busy with the busy course results, I didn’t manage to share as much as I desired about the course. I like to involve the blog when something is BIG. And now the course is over.
So… I reached out to Kim on how best to share this with you after the fact.
Know what she did? She gave me a link to give you access to take the closed course if you wish!
Oh my…
While you won’t receive a new email each day alerting you to the next lesson, you can simply visit one module each day.
Over the years, I’ve shared many convos with you about my own struggles with what’s next or getting through chaotic times.
All I can really say is, this proved to be the perfect needed jump start. So much of what we do is derived from our thinking. If you tell yourself negative stuff, you’ll only get more. This positive speak, there’s something pretty profound about it. You will think others and circumstances are changing around you, when it’s really YOU that is changing and making it happen.
So do I think this could help you too?
Said without a doubt in my mind, YES.
Below are the details of the courses…
WRITE | Now – A 5 day FREE journaling challenge
Click HERE to join.
Visit once a day over 5 consecutive days and do the easy challenges.
Course closes Sept 8 – so don’t wait!
However it will reopen again sometime before the 6 week course begins.
Absolutely no writing experience necessary.
Built for those who desire to fill their lives with their BIG dreams.
If you are new to journaling or writing in this way, you may not be ready for this next part. However I’m going to share it here anyway so it’s easy for you to find if desired. Absolutely DO the above first! Then you will know.
After Kim found out I was going to write about her courses, she graciously offered me an affiliate link as a thank-you for sharing her writing courses! This was SOOO not planned. I would have done this anyway.
So if you desire to sign up through the below link, I sincerely thank-you!
WRITE | Your Heart’s Desire
Learn more / sign up HERE (affiliate link)
6 week writing course
Starts Sept 24th, 2018.
I suggest to read the page, as it spells out the course really well.
5 day course-goers will also have an opportunity to watch a Q&A video that chats about how this process of journaling works and touches on what the new course will add to your dream arsenal.
The thing is, you won’t feel like you’re alone in this journey. The comments in the course teamed up with a Facebook group AND Kim’s support will continue to add fuel to your process. It’s been pretty amazing.
From time to time, I find myself venturing towards a weird place. I feel as if I’m walking in slow motion, about to potentially get stuck again. That’s when I know to grab my journal, head out to the patio and write for 5 minutes. It works every. single. time.
So, if you are awkwardly stumbling over your next moves like I was, I sincerely hope you give this a try.
Just be careful what you dream for…
This round, you’ll likely succeed!
Think you’ll give it a whirl?
And may I ask something of you? I am getting private messaged like crazy on Instagram Stories through your TEARS. I know where you’re at. TRUST ME. You’re drowning.
I’d love for you to share your excitement, hopes, anything in comments, then I hope you will comment back on occasion and let me know how you’re making out. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW. xo
YAY You!!!
Thank-you! Movement was long overdue. I’m just glad it worked!
Yes! Thank you. I just signed up. Been needing to do some journaling!
Beautiful! I’m doing it again too. I miss my AM Kim fix!
Oh, Donna, you have no idea the ripples you’ve created! Based on your Instastory about your 8 page dream list, I signed up for the Write Now challenge. I was a skeptic and, yes, I did think it might be a little “woo-woo”. But I’ve so admired your gumption following you through all your blogging years, and I totally trust your judgment, so I went for it. Donna, honestly, I am tearing up trying to write this comment, because such a seemingly happenstance moment has made an immediate impact on my life and way of thinking. I apologize-this comment is turning into it’s own blog post (hmmm)! I signed up last week for the Write Your Heart’s Desire course, but I encourage everyone here to check out the 5 day Write Now challenge. You will look at your dreams differently, I promise.
Oh Cathy… I barely have the words.. you message just brought me SO much joy!
How can a little free writing class even have the power to do this?!
I still don’t know. But I’m not going to question it… just DO IT!
I can’t wait to dig into the big kahuna one now… going all out here! 😀
Thanks so much for sharing this! I signed for for the free trail. I’m excited to try it tomorrow morning!!
xo Michael
M, I am so so SO glad you’re giving it a go! If you aren’t sure where to head next, after day 3 will have your head spinning… 😀
Total game changer for me.
to think for a moment that something I suggested sparked something in you…amazing!
it is hard to find the right words to express how much you inspire and mean to me
I look forward to taking this writing journey with you and I have set an intention thanks to you
one day I hope I will be able to say thank you in person,
Oh girl… 2018 is certainly your year. You are going ALL OUT and a complete joy to watch!
Thank you for pushing through what so many fear and showing us how it’s done.
And for my jump start.
“Do you journal?”
Who new 3 simple words could change things so dramatically…
Thank you Donna for sharing! I am excited to try the five day course. Hugs to you my friend!
Oh awesome Becky! I know you’re going to love it! It is a very different mindset but whatever works I say!
Thank you so much Donna for all that you shared today. I did sign up for the free course Write|Now and I am starting day 1 tomorrow.
Looking forward to your new stencils. Just did a table top in Buffalo Check.
So glad you’re taking the plunge Joy! I’ll be seeing ya in class if you leave comments as I’m doing it again too!
Wanted to do it with my buds… 😀
And I can’t wait to see your table!
p.s. all the designs are posted as of Thursday evening. 7! Plus 1 earlier. Whew…
That’s one wicked writing course… haha
I am sooo signing up for the 5 day course. confession time, I have never kept a journal in my life so it’s going to be interesting. And the timing couldn’t be better since we’ll be on holiday for two weeks with no work deadlines to get in the way either. Thanks for the links Donna and hope you have a very lekker weekend 🙂
Good for you Michelle! I never really did know ‘how’ to journal effectively, so I’m super amazed how this as-if style works! The practice keeps planting you back in such a positive way, reminding you where you want to be over and over again. Can’t really help but to get on with it because you can’t sit still any longer! 🙂
Powerful stuff.
I also did the first round of Kim’s Write|now and with my new website started, this may be what I need to get some clarity of where I’m going with it all of it.
SAME! I cannot wait to see how to effectively tackle my very long although exciting 8 page dream list!
Thank you Donna for this opportunity! I’m in too! Although we are on vacation in Ontario, we have 4,000 km to drive home to BC, and I can journal all the way. I have followed you for ages..I’m so proud of you, I can feel your excitement in your writing and I want that too. Hugs to you.
Sandy! If you are traveling and doing this, you mean business! 😀 What a productive drive you will be having…
Oh my! This sounds… just like something I need. I hope I can figure out a way to get it done in the next few days (before it closes and while I head out to go camping!) Thanks for mentioning it. I’ve been struggling lately myself.
Ohhhh, have fun camping!
The course will open again later in September so you’ll have an opportunity there too!
You may even prefer that one, as one will get emailed with daily prompts. I found that very helpful for the (raising hand…) somewhat forgetful… 😀
Ah, the later one might actually be better as I’m not sure what our internet situation will be at the campsite. Thanks for the recommendation and the encouragement 🙂
Thank you for sharing! This is perfect timing… I was caught up in my busyness and stuck in complacency. I was letting my dream slowly slip away. I literally decided a couple of days ago that enough was enough! It’s time to gte back on track and keep on keeping on! This 5 day journaling program will be a great way to clearly identify my goals and will help me gain momentum!
PS Can’t want to see the new fall stencil line! ??
I was excited to try the free 5 Day Challenge but when I click on the link it says the page no longer exists or has been deleted.
Hi Carla. The link now works! So sorry for the glitches!
I am firm believer that everything happens for a reason, including that I read read your message above last night.
I’m battling the “hate my day job but can’t figure out how to make full time money with my side-gig” frame of mind right now, that has me feeling stalled.
Your description of this 5 day journalling challenge and the emotions that came up for you are so inspiring that I have also have signed up to give it a try. Thank you for writing such an honest and open post. Fingers crossed that I can get some clarity on where to go as well!
That’s amazing Astrid! It certainly triggered a response in me! The course closes Sept 8 but will run again, so I’d watch those videos quickly unless you don’t mind taking it later on. 🙂
I tried to access the site but it says the course is no longer available and encourages me to sign up for the 6 week course.
Hi Colette!
The 5 day course is open until Sept 8. I just tried the link and I was able to access the dashboard so I’m uncertain on the issue from your end…
Regardless, it will be run again before the 6 week course so if you watch over Kim’s website or mine, I’ll be sure to announce it when it runs again.