14 – A drastic old signs coat hanger front entry redo

Happy New Year! There will be no link party this weekend. Please save up your awesomeness for next weekend! See you then!

~ Donna

old ladder storage for a front entry / funkyjunkinteriors.net
You know when you take a before picture, and it’s so bad you cringe because you don’t want to show the world ‘that photo?’

Because they may all run from the room screaming while scaring small children, and maybe even unfriend you because they can’t possibly know someone with a home like THAT?

Please cover your mouths and escort your small children to another room for a moment. And promise to remain my friend, deal?

Great! You may proceed.

Just watch yer step…

entry before
I really think you should click the pic to get it larger. There’s so much to appreciate…

So here’s how this mess went down.

Once upon a time, I had this fabulous junk wall entryway. It was on a complete whim that I put up all my surplus junk on the wall, added hooks, and called it a front entry day.

I wasn’t even going to blog about it because it was… strange.

But when I finally had the nerve, I got scolded, “How could you not show us that? So cool!” Yada yada.

As the years progressed, I ‘needed’ that junk for various projects. So piece by piece, I started yanking it off the wall.

Soon I was left with… not much. The hooks were basically gone, and the coats ended upstairs on the sofa.

Top that off with getting two new bikes, with NO ROOM in the garage for them, they had to share this front entry.


I will say this…

You will never have to envy ‘all the space I have’. Never. Not for even a split second.

So when Christmas hit, I was busy doing Crap to Clean posts. But how dare me for painting upstairs with an entry like THIS!

Well, a couple of days before Christmas, I tripped over a pumpkin bike for the last time, gutted the room and started painting.

It was crazy. You were wrapping presents, while I was happily painting my walls white.

I did most at night so the ‘during’ pictures are terrible. Sorry about that.

So trust me on this when I say…

Old signs front entryway for hanging coats, on a boarded white wall / funkyjunkinteriors.net
I’m so elated to officially have a front entry that looks like this now!

2015 front entry-2053

bike stored in a front entry with bike gear hanging on a white boarded wall and coffee sign / funkyjunkinteriors.net
Egads… with room for my bike!

I’m still figuring out something for my son’s bike. To be continued.

Old signs for coat hooks in an entry way, on a white boarded wall with ladder storage / funkyjunkinteriors.net
Here’s how it went down…

1. The walls were stripped down, and this wall and the bike wall were painted pure white.

(I like using Cloverdale Paint – straight out of the can, with 2 shots of white added, in interior eggshell finish)

2. I then purchased pre-primed boards in staggering widths so they were all different. They got a coat of the same wall paint. The boards were cut to desired length on a miter saw.

3. The boards were then air nailed into the wall. No caulking.

I added one nail to the middle, tilted them using a level, then attached them from top to bottom. No measuring at all. The boards are also staggered in distance from each other.

And being that I have this thing for symmetry, (if I see a repeat of something in close proximity, it’s like it’s talking too much. Does that even make sense?!) I need random. I just find it easier on the eyes. 

Don’t. Even. Ask.

Another reason I didn’t use caulking is because I want the boards easily removed down the road. I still don’t know what will happen to the ceilings. Everything that goes on the walls has to be easy to replace until I figure it out.

But in all honesty, even if the ceiling was done, this turned out gorgeous! And the walls are left virtually untouched should I change my decorator’s mind.

Old signs for coat hooks in an entry way, on a white boarded wall with ladder storage / funkyjunkinteriors.net
4. To create ‘coat hook bases’, I hung various chippy boards and a couple of old signs for good measure, which were screwed to the boards on the wall.

Remember THIS ENTRY IDEA I did in my photo studio? I wanted to somewhat mimic that look, but being that this room was much larger, and more hooks were needed, the boards were mounted horizontally instead.

The You Cut Tree Farm and Hot Cocoa Bar are both made from Old Sign Stencils you can find HERE.

5. I also wanted to mimic THIS OLD LADDER LOOK for seasonal storage.

Old ladder, crate and basket storage in a front entry / funkyjunkinteriors.net
Old ladder, crate and basket storage in a front entry / funkyjunkinteriors.net
I really love it! Stuff is easy to find now.

The top basket holds toques, the 2nd crate mittens, and the 3rd, caps.

We use to have this stuff in a barrel under the entry table we never used. Behind the bike. That just collected junk.

No more entry table either!

So liberating…

Old signs front entry and key storage with a rustic Christmas wreath / funkyjunkinteriors.net
And because I’m seemingly STILL decorating for Christmas even though it’s Dec 29th, here you go.

I prefer to think of it a year ahead…

Key storage on an old board with brass numbered name tags / funkyjunkinteriors.net
I lost temporarily misplaced a whole bag of fancy dancy hooks, so until I find them, screws do just fine.

gone cycling old sign hanging from an antler / funkyjunkinteriors.net
There’s one more outlandish thing I want to show you, because if I didn’t make your eyebrows raise at least twice, I have not done my job!

I had this big ‘ol chunk of tree I found on the road after the last wind storm, and put it to work.

bike in an entry with a Christmas tree in a crate / funkyjunkinteriors.net
How to best explain this… the story is I was biking one day and ended up dancing with a tree? 

Seriously, it’s really cute in real life! The tree sort of camouflages the bike in a super quirky, festive, yet natural way.

And may I say, it looks pretty outstanding against that gorgeous, white boarded wall.

Christmas tree in a crate with Merry & Bright Christmas Lights stencil / funkyjunkinteriors.net
The branch was tucked into an old crate I had painted with the Christmas Lights stencil. (find it HERE)

Coffee sign storing bike gear / Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils / funkyjunkinteriors.net
The coffee sign serves as a place to hang bike gear, such as my helmut and lock.

You can find the National Brewers Coffee stencil HERE.

entry before / funkyjunkinteriors.net
Before – good riddance!

Old Signs coat hooks entryway with ladder and crate storage for mittens / Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils / funkyjunkinteriors.net

Old Signs coat hooks entryway with ladder and crate storage for mittens / Funky Junk's Old Sign Stencils / funkyjunkinteriors.net

… and all season!

Sooo in love… now… what’s next?! 🙂

From Crap to Clean before Christmas!
I’m including this in my Crap to Clean before Christmas, because by golly, my tree is still up! 🙂

And good news… Crap to Clean will continue into the new year!

So don’t give up on those untidy spaces… you’ll see more from me and perhaps even a few others very soon!

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Categories: All Cool Projects, Christmas, DIY, From Crap to Clean, Full Rooms, Junk Drawer, Old Sign Stencils, Seasonal, Signs
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26 thoughts on “14 – A drastic old signs coat hanger front entry redo

  1. You have a true artist’s eye. I love lack of symmetry and doing it my way too and it drives my husband’s need for exact line bats. (he is an engineer) I so enjoy you share what it is really like in a creative persons home. It goes from picture perfect to a disaster while involved in projects but we always come back and give it new life.
    The old ladder for catching little stuff is wonderful. If I can’t find one I guess I will have to build it. Poor me. Said no tool lovin’ gal ever!

  2. Hi Donna – I have a very similar ladder and zero ideas of what to do with it… your post really inspired me and I can’t wait to put together a little vignette with it this weekend. Happy New Years to you! Hugs, Holly

  3. The signs, the ladder, the walls….the tree!!!! Oh my goodness! Love it all! Great job! My projects pick up again on Monday. A little more excited about that now that I have seen your room!!! Do you just stand no stare at it, coffee in hand? Lol, enjoy!!

  4. Looks great. I just love all your stencils. I have the Maui Coffee one, but right now it’s packed away in a bunch of boxes after our move & we are moving again, so it will have to stay put. Would love to see more Hawaii inspired ones, maybe a surfing one? I am sure you can dream up so many after your nice long visit there. The inspirations must be unlimited from the ocean to the flowers. I was drooling after each post. lol!!!

  5. I plan to redo my laundry/mud room this year – no major reconstruction just paint, scrape a popcorn ceiling & reorganize things. It’s our family entry & holds laundry, garden stuff, tools/paint supplies, recycling, coats, shoes, a freezer & all the dog stuff. ALOT for such a small room. It has two doors, one on each end, & one window.

    I’m hoping to find a big cupboard for cheap that I can paint & put in there to replace the small shelves I have now. I’m browsing your ideas & pinning lots of stuff on Pinterest. I usually have to think things through for a while when I’m planning something this big.

  6. Wow, fabulous. The before picture, thank you. Sometimes I look at all these wonderful blogs and think I’m the only one with a messy anything (I know, not true). Kudos to you. It is very inviting and inspiring. I love the tree! Did you string those beads or buy them? I just bought my first Christmas tree for next year and would love something like that on it.

    Happy New Year!

  7. Donna, the entryway looks awesome!!! I like how you staggered the trim, and the tags above the keys are so cool!! I’m sure you’ll find the hooks but the screws do the job and look neat. I also like how you staggered your coat racks!! Everything looks so great!!! Wonderful job!!

  8. I had to laugh when I saw the keys. I was once married to a policy officer and when I labeled my keys and hung them in my entryway, he just shook his head and said..”how nice of you to make it so easy for a burglar! You not only gave him your keys, you even told him what they’re for the second he walks in the door”. And yes, they’re still there… LOL

  9. Donna…..EVERYTHING you do is drool-worthy. If I lived close to you I would love to fabricate slipcovers for your furniture…. it would be sooo cool.

  10. Donna – Wow – just wow! What an awesome job you did. I am a bit envious because you have a lot of room in your front entry. I have a somewhat smallish coat closet that I removed the two bifold doors and tried to make a smallish “mudroom”. I’m going to have to rethink it this year. I love your stencils! I’ve purchased quite a few and they are very easy to work with – could you add the word “Lemonade” or “Sweet Tea” to your list of possible future stencils?
    Happy New Year to your and your son!

    • Thanks Sharon! It is a nice sized entry for sure! Very grateful for that. I’ve had very small ones in the past!

      Glad you are enjoying the stencils! I can’t imagine my life before them now. haha

      And I LOVE your stencil suggestions! They are on my list for summer! Thanks for your suggestions!

  11. Love the way you “talk” to us! Your humor is so right on for me…Boy do I get it! LOL!
    Wonderful “clean up”. You Rock! Now I need to get into a few spaces in my own place up in Washington State when we return there this Spring from Arizona where we winter with some family and wonderful friends!

    • Hi Lori, ladders are a true hit and miss for me. I’ve found most at flea markets, but they can be found at salvage yards and even thrift stores if you’re lucky. Garage sales are great too. The good news is, they are actually really easy to make! 2 2x4s and a closet dowel rod, screw together. I’ll make one soon and show you!

  12. I love it all and your ideas never cease to amaze me and you always make it look like any of us could do it 🙂
    I have a couple of sets of sheds I want to put on the wall but don’t know how to hang them any hints?? drill holes, screws, hooks etc??

    Thank you for another post that is always a feast for my eyes…

    • Hi Wanda… was that a typo? Sheds or ?

      Honestly, I do things the easy and lazy way… so I’m probably not the right one to ask! I generally screw right through something to mount it to a wall. I just figure if I stock enough drywall filler, all will be well. LOL

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